Anonymous ID: 34a49f Nov. 23, 2018, 5:54 p.m. No.4009161   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9169 >>9238 >>9290 >>9332 >>9480 >>9495 >>9582

Ami Horowitz shocks FOX interviewer with the truth about the caravans

Re-post for ongoing Caravan Digg


SEE ALSO ATTACHMENT: “The Truth Behind the Caravan” a film by Ami Horowitz.


On Lou Dobbs Tonight (11-21-18), substitute host Ashley Webster announced poll results that Americans now see immigration and illegal aliens as the top issues facing the USA. He hosted Ami Horowitz, maker of the film “The Truth Behind the Caravans.”

Horowitz’ main theme was to refute the fake MSM narrative that the caravans are organic in nature.


Said that the caravans are “highly organized,” and that the primary organizer is Pueblo Sin Fronteras (People without borders):


Horowitz: They don’t believe in borders. They want a free flow of people. And they want to try to undermine US sovereignty and border security and to stick it in the eye of Trump. That’s what their goals are. And there are hundreds of them working there, you can’t walk around among the migrants and not see these guys in their black t-shirts .


Webster: [So] this is a deliberate effort.


Horowitz: Completely, completely organized from—I don’t know how how before—but it didn’t come from the ground, it was not spontaneous. …they were highly suspicious [of me]; I was being followed. We kind of had to do some moves, to try to get away from them…so they couldn’t see what I was saying. By the way, they were very suspicious of anybody that could possibly be from Fox News. Get this, in an area of some of the greatest narco-violence around, [they said] ‘Fox News is creating an unsafe environment.’ That’s what they told me.


Webster: Are you serious?


Horowitz: I am deadly serious.


On the question of criminals within the caravan, Ami said that a lot of the people he met were good people, but there were definitely criminals. The people are being told how to speak to the press and authorities. “Highly, highly organized.”


'Webster: What’s incredible to me is [that] this narrative is never heard. I haven’t heard this from ONE reporter covering this story.


Horowitz: That’s why I’m here!


Webster: Why am I shocked? I just AM. I’m amazed. Absolutely amazed.


An anon’s take:


Strange reaction by the interviewer. How can someone at Fox be totally shocked to hear the caravan is organized? Don’t they ever talk about it in the lunchroom? (Maybe they don’t; is the topic taboo?)


Does Webster really not know `that Lou Dobbs—the guy he’s subbing for—did an interview with Chris Farrell from Judicial Watch on Oct. 25 after Farrell went to visit the caravan? Farrell told Dobbs not only that the caravan was organized but that Soros money was involved in the funding. This interview became infamous after FOX re-broadcast it two nights later—the night of the synagogue shooting. The MSM went crazy, pouncing on Fox for “anti-semitism,” and spreading conspiracy theories, with the result that a Fox executive stupidly threw Chris Farrell under the bus, banning him as a future guest.


Fox bans Lou Dobbs' guest over George Soros conspiracy theory >



>>3888783 pb Pueblo Sin Fronteras [PSF] Organizing Caravans using Soros Money

>>3894802 pb “We Don’t Know Who’s Funding the Caravans” Ami Horowitz on Tucker Carlson

>>3910097 pb Proof that Soros Donated to Caravan-Linked Groups: Glenn Beck has the Tax Data

>>3918182 pb Large crowds in Tijuana Protest Arrival of Caravan Buses [PSF organizer is there]

>>3918952 pb Migrant caravan reaches US-Mexico border to cold welcome

>>3922459 pb Rabbi Mission to US Border More Political Than Humanitarian? [Soros-affiliated?]

>>3933705 pb Tijuana Mayor Denounces ‘Horde’ Of Caravan Migrants, Calls For Swift Deportation

>>3947983 pb Caravan Dig pb: Are Our Tax Dollars Funding the Caravans? USAID, Hillary Clinton, CLINIC & Soros

>>3950998 Comprehensive post on caravan supporter digs [Caravan Organizers Face Stiff Legal Penalties]

>>3968120 pb, >>3968133 pb Anon: MSM Lies Wholesale About Caravan Support; Fox Backs Down, Too

>>4000084 pb Notes from a Judicial Watch video interview 11-21-18: UNHRC/UNICEF involved in caravan from Day 1; aim is to embarrass POTUS

Anonymous ID: 34a49f Nov. 23, 2018, 5:55 p.m. No.4009169   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9188 >>9238 >>9290 >>9495 >>9582


“The Truth Behind the Caravan” a film by Ami Horowitz


This is the seven-minute film made by Ami Horowitz when he traveled with the caravan earlier this month. It documents everything he has been saying in interviews with the media: that the caravan is highly organized, well-funded, supported by a large staff of organizers from Pueblo Sin Fronteras (PSF), and also attended by UN staffers offering medical support and other supplies.