A soccer ball, artfully positioned to look like a Panda Face
Underneath a chess piece
Could it be Seth Rich, underneath Julian Assange?
Seth released the DNC emails to Julian Assange
The Democrat National Committee ordered the murder of Seth
The DNC is the National Democrat Executive Committee (DEC)
I think that [D]ec 5 means that there are five people who were involved
One is clearly Debbie Wasserman-Schulz who was replaced by a patsy after the email scandal
Donna Brazile decided not to be a patsy and talked to the Trump admin, and wrote a book.
Who are the other four people of the National DEC involved?
Q said that WE DO NOT TELEGRAPH our moves
This means that [D]ec 5 cannot refer to December 5 because that would be telegraphing
Anything in the Q crumbs has to have enough disinfo
And enough ambiguity
To drive the enemy nuts arguing over what it means.