Anonymous ID: d5684d Nov. 27, 2018, 12:48 a.m. No.4046142   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6492

Caravan Funding Dig: What We Know & Where to Go Next


At this point, we know the following:


  1. The October 2018 migrant caravan is highly organized and at least two UN organizations—UNICEF & the UNHRC—are traveling with the caravan to provide medical support and water.

>>4000084 Notes from a Judicial Watch video interview 11-21-18: UNHRC/UNICEF involved in caravan from Day 1; aim is to embarrass POTUS


  1. The primary hands-on organizer is Pueblo Sin Fronteras, but it is closely affiliated with two sister organizations, La Familia Latina Unida and Centro Sin Fronteras and that these three form a tight trifecta that is a hardcore Communist organization centered in Chicago and linked to Obama (there’s a photo with him and the LFLU organizers). We also know that they are strong advocates of immigration and receive support from the Soros-based CARA coalition.

>>3888783 pb Pueblo Sin Fronteras [PSF] Organizing Caravans using Soros Money

>>3910097 pb Proof that Soros Donated to Caravan-Linked Groups: Glenn Beck has the Tax Data


  1. MSM reporters, even at Fox, are not encouraged to look too closely at caravan organization or funding, especially at Soros’ involvement.

>>3894802 pb “We Don’t Know Who’s Funding the Caravans” Ami Horowitz on Tucker Carlson

>>4009161 pb Ami Horowitz shocks FOX interviewer with the truth about the caravans


  1. Some of the funding for the caravan appears to come from our own government (USAID), which has given grants to the Soros-affiliated Catholic Legal Immigrant Network (CLINIC) to the tune of $4.2mil between 2009 – now. We also know that HRC was very much involved in USAID during her tenure as Sec’y of State—and also that USAID is very much focused on child welfare issues in developing countries, including child trafficking.

>>3947983 pb Caravan Dig pb: Are Our Tax Dollars Funding the Caravans? USAID, Hillary Clinton, CLINIC & Soros


  1. George Soros brokered a deal with MasterCard (“Humanity Ventures”) as a means of providing cash to caravan migrants. This was reported by anons in early November but I began digging later and so just now saw the digs and added the info to the funding chart.

>>3918182, >>3894802 pb, >>3888783 pb, >>3882683 pb, >>3918182 pb, 3950998 pb George Soros, Caravans, And Credit Cards


  1. There is also a Paypal Me on the Pueblo Sin Fronteras website. Since the public is told the caravan is grassroots, PSF may have amassed quite a bit through this source.



Anon Analysis:


The caravan is a multi-million dollar project, carefully planned and executed by interlocking higher-ups, not an organic movement of political refugees seeking asylum.


Because the MSM coverage is so deceptive, most Americans still has no idea about caravan details, although they are beginning to understand the dangers of the caravan movement, because of the violence in Tijuana and attacks on the border.


The attached chart identifies some of the major routes thru which support and money flow but not the vast amounts involved. What more can we find out? Where would we look?


Identifying the network of orgs that supports the caravan movement seems useful, because there are scores of them and we need to know who they are and what they do. My current list includes at least 30 organizations and there are probably more.

Anonymous ID: d5684d Nov. 27, 2018, 1:19 a.m. No.4046271   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6284



Welcome, fren. We are all brothers here. Glad to hear from you. What you are doing there is destroying the MSM narrative that the opposition to the caravan is about white supremacy. They don't want to report the Mexican opposition, but you have made it impossible for them to ignore! We salute you, fellow patriots!!

Anonymous ID: d5684d Nov. 27, 2018, 1:23 a.m. No.4046286   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6297

Earlier someone posted Loreena MKennitt and I've been listening to her all evening. Here's a song for anons.


PS Keep listening til the end. It speaks to what we do here.

Anonymous ID: d5684d Nov. 27, 2018, 1:26 a.m. No.4046303   🗄️.is 🔗kun



It was something when Jesse told Tucker "They'll come for you, too." He's said that twice now. He was talking to all of us, warning shot over the bow. After Praying Medic on YT, I could see where this is going. Time to get ready.

Anonymous ID: d5684d Nov. 27, 2018, 1:39 a.m. No.4046352   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I ran into Hogg endorsing a youth movement "WalkOutToVote", trying to get college & high school kids (even one too young to vote) to defiantly leave their classroom at 10 am and walk out to vote. Dems trying to turn out the youth vote.


He was among the first to endorse this movement, which suddenly appeared in early Oct out of nowhere. Funny, lots of anti-gun orgs in WOTV involved, how about that??

Anonymous ID: d5684d Nov. 27, 2018, 1:47 a.m. No.4046379   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anyone else order Trump's Enemies? I pre-ordered and now there it is on my phone. I guess it'll be a late night.

Anonymous ID: d5684d Nov. 27, 2018, 2:05 a.m. No.4046434   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Sometime people don't like hearing about things they can't change. I get stuff notablized that's so-so and other stuff that's better ignored. Like everyone.


BTW, did you hear Bongino's speech at Restoration Weekend on YT? Short but brilliant exposition of Mueller's intended role in cleaning up the DEM's mess after Trump won.