Anonymous ID: d9e060 Dec. 1, 2018, 7:44 p.m. No.4109400   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9434 >>9476 >>9485 >>9563 >>9564 >>9573 >>9615

Hi all I posted the question about An alternative moderated board in the last bread.

Got some great responses from anons for places to go for info. Shows there are plenty of patriots still on this board.

The solutions provided, as good as they were don’t come close to the power of this board.


Twatter, info sites on the web, voat, lack framework for flowing active multi topic discussion. Much of it controlled by them.


Looks like we do have a sister 8chan site which is neither popular nor maintained like this one.


A large percent of the pop is turned off by porn, not necessarily offended, but view it as trash, evil, etc…the porn industry in general lacks moral stature, for good reason. You can tell people to grow some thicker skin etc….but a large percent is going to look at that and say “disgusting, filth” etc… so you immediately lost them, and you lose repesct with them for even recommending they go look at this site.. it’s really not a viable option. Normies can’t come here.


So having said that, this is a gap. If optics is truly a concern of ours, then we need a cleaned up version endorsed by Q. Is this why Q asked to open a parallel voat? Did MI also recognize this as a gap?


For further risk of sliding the active discussion, asking people not to respond to this post, just wanted to point this out.


If optics is a priority we need to find a place where half the content isn’t evil shit, which has no investigational merit. Most will not make the extra effort to recognize the content is not from the “good guys”.

