>>4109615 (lb)
I'll out myself as a "normie" (Ok…well relatively speaking… :D) I saw something on twatter about Q…was curious and came here waaaaay back when. I lurked for months and never posted a thing. Here and there I post and here and there I manage to find something that makes notables before the rockstar diggers.
Through the yr plus I've been here - I've seen stupid shit, I've seen porn, I've seen gore, I've watched the board get thrown into hellish slides because of certain people… If I disagree with something or don't want to see it I know how to scroll. Nothing on this board has or will offend me to the point where I walk away. I'm way too worried about the state my country is in to give a rat's furry ass about some shill posting stupid crap.
I said all that just to say — those who are truly concerned about our country will ignore what they don't like or agree with.