Bye Bye Mueller
fucking saved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One of the Clintons
freddie taking an unexpected flight today?
I truly believe Mike Obamas book “becoming” was supposed to be releashed in a very different way with very much fan-fare and celebrating.
(they never thought she’d lose)
What a stupid fucking article!
Go ahead, read it.
What Bullshit……LOL
It’s engine was used
I gotta ask.
Where the fuck is freddie?
Is he gone or did he just change his dress?
Odd how an old movie of hers aired last night.
Lots of spoopy programs, documentaries and movies being aired right now.
The commercials, they have reached a fever pitch of masculine woman and wimpy men.
It’s all so fucking sickening.
I pray this battle of evil is won.
We ARE fucked if it’s lost.
Not worried about me but I am very afraid for my grandkids.
Then go find a fucking corner and sulk
these guys know