"ballot harvesting" the new law in California
human beings are of 3 minds
1) the monkey mind or personality program in the brain formed from the present incarnation's experiences by
2) Spirit mind, Secondary consciousness, Mirror mind, god (small g) mind that is the traveler in incarnations and
3) God mind (big G), Priary consciousness, Point Zero, the Observer (quantum physics)
Monkey mind is motivated by the pleasure principle and is predatory in nature and the source of humanity's "evil" when humans use it to define their existence.
Spirit mind is the of compassion, creativity and kindness
God mind is the power within each human being making them a crative principle and is motivated only by love and exploration
Paraphrase of Ramtha's teachings.. the author of Last Waltz of the Tyrants, Q's most used tripcode book indicator
also check out this website http://www.ramtha.com/