The Great Awakening = TGA
TGA Therapeutic Goods Administration (Australian regulatory body)
TGA Targa (filename extension)
TGA Therapeutic Goods Act
TGA Thermogravimetric Analysis
TGA The Guardian Angels (gaming)
TGA Therapeutic Goods Advertising (Australia)
TGA Transient Global Amnesia
TGA Travel Goods Association
TGA The Gaslight Anthem (band)
TGA Tohoku Geographical Association (est. 1947; Japan)
TGA Thermal Gas Analysis
TGA Air Togo (ICAO code)
TGA The Grand Arkanum (band)
TGA Tokyo General Agency (Japan)
TGA Texas Golf Association
TGA Trusted Global Advisor
TGA The Global Alliance
TGA Tournament Gifts of America (golf)
TGA The Green Album (Weezer)
TGA Tokyo Game Action (Winchendon, MA)
TGA The Gersh Agency
TGA Texas Glass Association
TGA Tennessee Governor's Academy (Knoxville, TN)
TGA Trace Gas Analysis
TGA Transposition of the Greater Arteries (medical)
TGA Targeted Growth Area (Los Angeles, CA)
TGA Trans Global Airlines
TGA Typographische Gesellschaft Austria (German: Typographic Company Austria)
TGA Triangle Gujarati Association (Raleigh, NC; also seen as NCTGA)
TGA Thantos Gaming Association
TGA The Glutamate Association (Washington, DC, USA)
TGA Third Go Around
TGA Texas Gelbvieh Association
TGA Thymine-Guanine-Adenine (stop codone)
TGA Traditional Gaussian Approximation
TGA The Grace Accord (band)