Never an official place to get the real number. We've been over the REAL amount time and time again. And we still have yet to verify the amount with a legit site. Every claim is based of an anon made spreadsheet and twitter user opinion sites.
Oy vey.
What if things were so bad, the only way you could now communicate in by hand on paper? How would you slip a note to someone out in the open?
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Hard to feel love toward a pervert. James Woods is an old creepy hypocrite with long-time ties to bad people in Hollywood.
He's dating a 20 year old and he's 67. If that were my daughter and he showed up on my doorstep, he'd get the shit kicked out of him.
That's a fair point.
I'm half his age. I just have respect for unspoken rules.
No. But 45 seems more appropriate.
Nice connection!
I said he was a pervert, not a pedophile. For self-claimed Autists you don't know how to read the words in front of you.