Report from French-American living near Lyon part 1 of 3
Several people requested that I post regarding what I know to be going on here in France. Admittedly, I don't know all that much that isn't available information already, though I will provide some anecdotes that will help to illustrate the situation here. In full disclusure I am a dual citizen… no, not a (((dual citizen))). French American, born state side, raised between the 2. I live in a small town pop 10k about an hour out of one of the big 5 cities in France, Lyon, which is in the south central part of the country. I work for a major infrastructure company that is in part state run. My current work location is an hour from Lyon in a direction perpendicular to where I live.
This is what I can tell you all about the protests. The movement started a little more than a month ago. Initially it was people talking online and IRL about how they were fed up and wanted to get out and start shaking things up. This was following an announcement that the state would be raising Diesel taxes. Know that for a very long time here in France, Diesel was the most affordable fuel solution for personal transportation, and as a result, probably 60% of all vehicles in France are diesel engine. Our family car is a diesel, so I was among those affected by the price increases. Between January '18 and September '18 diesel price per Liter of fuel went up about 30% to 40% in price erasing pretty much any advantage to using that type of fuel. People were already grumbling about this when it was announced that a further tax hike on the fuel would be put into effect in January '19. That was the straw that broke the camels back. As the discussions regarding having a national protest movement devellopped, it was suggested that people wear the Yellow Jackets we are all required to have in our cars as a uniform for the movement. That caught on real fast.
For several years now there has been growing dissatisfaction with the state of things here. Not everyone has the same gripes, but everyone has gripes. Big ones for a lot of them. Just 6 months ago, the train workers went on a rolling strike, that is to say that over the course of several weeks (about 2 months) they would be on strike 3 days a week, 2 work days and 1 weekend day, in response to privatization of the company and opening to international competition in addition to suppression of smaller regional commuter lines and "restructuration" which is basically downsizing.
I make a point to start with this issue as it denotes the irony of the situation as while the state is raising gasoline taxes as a way to pressure people to use public transportation for commutes and travel, they are at the same time removing portions of the mass transit currently available. I myself commute by train to work, and have seen trains removed from the line even though this line is heavily frequented and oftentimes the train is standing room only, even to the point of being crammed in the train like sardines. Their latest modification to the line is to remove 2 of the first 3 trains of the day. When the new schedule goes into effect, early morning commuters will no longer be able to make to their destinations on time as the first train will be 40 minutes later than it currently is. This forces people who currently use public transit to start to commute with their personal vehicle.
This should give you an idea of the insanity we are being forced to deal with on an increasing basis.
The reasons for the mounting protest movement were varied. In addition to the above, people have been angry about ever increasing cigarette taxes (we are at near 10 USD a pack now). There has been for the past 20 years or more, growing discontent from the medical community, particularly general practitioners as well as nursing staff, who are barred from striking and as a result have not had adequate salary increases since the forming of the EU and who also suffer from oppressive work conditions including long hours and extreme understaffing. Truckers have been complaining about having to compete for work with people from countries who most recently were borderline 3rd world and still have salaries comparable to what was standard prior to entry into the Eurozone. Hardly a work sector does not have major complaints about unfair competition from the poorer EU nations, and rightly so. They are being forced to compete in a situation where their competition costs only 1/3 or less due to differences in minimum wage, operational cost and social system differences resulting in great disparity of tax burdens. Retirees have to deal with living on a fixed income while inflation makes life more expensive each year, the official inflation rate is around 4% but prices have been increasing at a clip of about 10%.