Q, please, please, please don't let the watch Hannity be another fizzle/confirm, tease, future proves past thing. We need a boom, and it needs to be MOAB, if not thermonuclear earth shattering kaboom. Not an "OMG John Solomon reports that it is possible that the FISA warrant may have inadvertant;y captured some of Candidate Trump's communications, but all of the rank and file FBI is pure as the driven snow'' BS.
Perp walks. Or that McCain was executed for Treason. Or a drone strike on the unlawful enemy combatants that is the SSCI.
I get that it needs to be i's dotted and t's crossed…but it needs to be happening. Bigly. Obviously. Now.
And tell POTUS he needs to build the wall. All of it. Now. Even if it means taking all of Feinstein/Blum's treason money in the proscriptions to do it. And tell POTUS he needs to get the swamp drained, and he needs to do it now, or the swamp will find a way to kill him and his big beautiful family.