Anonymous ID: d23a2b Dec. 5, 2018, 12:23 p.m. No.4169407   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9456

Re: lb's notable:

>>4168485 Bezos and Gates backed biotechnology start up specializing in early cancer detection considers US IPO.



>4. It's all bullshit and the plan is to cull the herd on earth. Soon.

No shill, this was (((their))) plan, to be accomplished mainly via "health care." Q team is countering it. Very successfully. First by cutting the head(s) off the snake. Strategic, precision neutralization. Slow and steady wins the race.


>>4168955 pb (#5308)

Pharma's use of diagnostics as a growth industry is in the same category of "preventative care." They conceived of both decades ago, and have been pushing ever since, to switch the model for the medical business from a market share of at-need-only (after you get sick) to the whole population (healthy = “pre-sick”.) It required gov't funded healthcare to pull off, and a regulatory class (FDA, USDA etc.) that would look the other way as the citizens they were supposed to serve and protect were sold downriver with expensive harmful treatments, so the (((big money))) behind Pharma bribed and staffed all those positions to ensure the plan went through.


POTUS may appear to be playing along now, either not opposing Pharma's narrative or even going so far as to give it lip service, but these MI guys know the score. They will start reveals on it when the bigger political/FBI/C_A fish are fried and the FED bankers/(((Roths))) etc. defanged.



>boot camp for the mind

Excellence over feels.

All day every day.


Anonymous ID: d23a2b Dec. 5, 2018, 12:36 p.m. No.4169670   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They follow the pattern of Lucifer, their Lord, as being El Diablo, the Accuser. More accurately, the false accuser. (((Lawyers))) and MSM (and these astroturfed "citizen journo" blue checkmark accounts of today like to trap us in process crimes. Some minor point of failing to dot an i or cross a t or, in your case sir, letting them believe you're promising specific habbenings on specific dates, so they can expend ammo and out themselves as shrieking harpies by crying "failure to deliver!"

Your handling of these bozos is a thing of beauty, Q.

Thanks and Godspeed.