>>4176815 (pb)
>"There is no God because science proves it.”
The irony is that such a statement is both atheistic and anti-scientific for the same reason.
Open your mind and let me explain. Contrary to popular belief, science did not begin with the so called “Copernican scientific revolution.” In fact, the underlying metaphysics of science as a method of "knowing" originates from theology, specifically a branch of theology known as “negative theology” or "apophatic theology." Today, this metaphysical foundation of the scientific method is known as “testing the null hypothesis.” We can never "prove" our hypothesis. Instead, we can only accept or reject the "null hypothesis" based on empirical evidence. The more times we can reject the null hypothesis based on repeated testing and acquisition of experimental evidence (replication), the stronger our hypothesis is supported as a "model" for understanding whatever it is we seek to "know." In the words of Plotinus, “we can only say what is not, for what is, we can not say.”
Theologians of the first century criticized the worship of “idols” for the same metaphysical reason that scientists today should not worship their "theories". All theologians agreed that God was [object]ively unknowable, so to construct and worship an idol of one’s God was to restrict one’s perception of God to an “object.” In similar fashion, when we construct a model or "theory" of reality and come to accept it as reality itself, we restrict our perception of reality within the confines of dogma. Such mental blindness fosters hubris while denying science as a perceptual method if "knowing."