Q2205 10/1/18 (after Barlow's death):
>Coincidence Sen. Graham activated?
There's definitely fuckery going on with LG.
He was originally vocal against POTUS. Then he was 'activated', and he flipped and stood up to fight the good fight multiple times.
But he has spoken out against MBS more than once now, and he is (again) helping the wrong side put pressure on POTUS about MBS.
If the world is watching, then certainly he knows that MBS cleaned house just as POTUS is doing and is the real ally now, and that those SA's he's lamenting (that MBS cleaned) were allied with evil.
So what gives? Is he bad, but the good guys had something on him to use to activate him, and now he's back to bad? Or is this Sessions style trickery to keep the other side unsure of his allegiance? Certainly is working on us!