Take this with a grain of salt, but I’m 100% certain of what this person claimed:
On /Pol/ a while back some chick said she worked at the WH (mid level staffer) and was talking about some stuff. Obv, anons were like LARP until proof. She showed something that proved she worked at the White House Communicstions office, who knows if she was a newb or a pro. But someone asked her who Q was….
And she said I don’t know, nobody knows.
But the rumor around the White House that I’ve heard from several people is that it’s Assange and Trump Jr. And of course people were like, “bullshit you don’t kno” etc. She was like “yeah I just said that I didn’t, that was just the rumor I’d heard from a few people here (in the WH).
Inb4 we don’t DOX Q!!!!
Q never said that. Re-read drops then kys