Top Job, Baker
Not falling for that one. TechnoViking is foeva young. Immortal, kek
Happy to defer to the other baker, or bake, whatever.
Gotcha. Thank you. I'll take this one and see if the other baker wants to take over.
Great baking as always.
Handoff Confirmed
Excellent, thanks Baker, just give the shout. I'm good until any time, whatever you prefer.
Notes so far
Have we got all the decodes?
>>4188062 , >>4187902 QPost decodes
>>4188046 Breaking on twitter: French Army seen headed to the capital
>>4188015 Breaking: POTUS picks former State Dept Spokesperson as UN Ambassador
>>4187851 DJT Tweet: 53-47.
>>4187650 , >>4187678, >>4187727 21 plane flyover for Bush Sr. stalls on 17 planes.
>>4187748 Mourning son brings heat?
>>4187699 Anon gathers a few notes from the CF hill article linked by Q.
>>4187602 Huber has been investigating these possible crimes for five months, since November 13, 2017.
>>4187591 Pentagon aims to train up to 40,000 local stabilization troops in Syria.
>>4187569 CF Hearing website changes?
Got it anon, second note, different wording
>>4188062 , >>4187902 QPost decodes
>>4188046 Breaking on twitter: French Army seen headed to the capital
>>4188015 Breaking: POTUS picks former State Dept Spokesperson as UN Ambassador
New Baker ^^^^^^^
>>4187851 DJT Tweet: 53-47.
>>4187650 , >>4187678, >>4187727 21 plane flyover for Bush Sr. stalls on 17 planes.
>>4187748 Mourning son brings heat?
>>4187699 Anon gathers a few notes from the CF hill article linked by Q.
>>4187602 Huber has been investigating these possible crimes for five months, since November 13, 2017.
>>4187591 Pentagon aims to train up to 40,000 local stabilization troops in Syria.
>>4187569 CF Hearing website changes?