I think you are legit and not a LARP. But DS has already checkmated you (plural). You all cut it too close on DECLAS and were forced to delay. In the end you all will get Obama, Hillary, Yates, occult families, and the pedos, among others. And that's great.
But they got the House.
Obamacare is now permanent. Small businesses are stuck with providing very expensive health plans to employees, which they can't use. This is choking off economic growth because once you get above 50 employees, your labor costs almost DOUBLE.
No immigration reform. Sure we'll get the wall. What about chain migration? E-verify? Tick tock, once Florida and Arizona are gone, and this now WILL happen, we are a third world shithole country – FOREVER. And then we eventually lose Texas, say 2030.
We have $22 TRILLION in debt and a $1 TRILLION deficit. We need to cut $1 TRILLION EACH YEAR just to tread water. With a Dem House, won't happen.
How will Trump deal with a Dem House? And if you go by stats of who was up for election, if the US was 50/50 split, we should have 58 senators. This means 2020 we will lose seats in the Senate, and the Dems keep the House. Keep an eye on the Arizona special Senate election to replace the No-name replacement. Demographics might make it all too late already.
You all will need to blow apart the democrat party, that is the only hope. Weiner laptop videos would be a start.