Anonymous ID: 60dada Dec. 12, 2018, 11:32 p.m. No.4288916   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9007

indonesian caves give us enough to cover the number of $ bills out in the world?

Cult seizure will be significant.

There is a power void with the cult gone. While to many anons that seems like an obvious thing to say I'm not sure all of us appreciate the complexity of it. The world needs to wake up to a number of things and in doing so it's going to shine light on the fact that their governments and respected leaders(Putin and Xi included) have only been proxy actors and lightning rods for the cult. America has a foundation to fall back on, the other nuclear powers do not. We aren't sure the people will accept Putin and Xi when the dust settles after exposing the cult. How much should the President really negotiate with them? I'd say Putin has the best chance of holding onto power because he turned on the cult before he even had backup(pretty brave actions if you followed things closely)and has joined Trump and Xi in removing the cult. I'm only pointing out that even if it was the smoothest transition for the world and the President wanted them to stay in their positions it's far from guaranteed that they will be in power for very long. They have a number of sins to atone for, as do a number of other world leaders.


What will happen when each country realizes they have been ruled through layers of lies by Satanists? Would you want the same leader in power that held power with the cult? How much does the President TAKE with the world leaders being so weak with those who put them in power exposed? The President may be taking all of the gold. Might just be taking all of the Indonesian cave gold we heard about in the early days too. I sort of thought he would use it as a carrot to Putn and Xi to hold things together globally but the more I think about it it's futile to negotiate with either of them, their people will likely demand new leadership very soon(a la France). Q is a factor in the France protests, that's just a fact. It will spread, at what rate is up for discussion. Q has gone global in a big way and the changes yet to take place are uncountable, we are at the door of so many new questions and possibilities.