Anonymous ID: 683f46 Dec. 12, 2018, 10:30 p.m. No.4288354   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8566

>>4287602 (pb)

hence a real pickle….first and foremost of necessity for any true anon seeking the truth would be a completely transparent list of inner workings and powers held by offices. Sadly enough, too few have that knowledge and understanding, myself included, and it is due to nothing less than the entire board being set up that way for that exact purpose.


Humans/anons still to this very moment have a perspective they are fighting for freedom, when all points of data are leading to the conclusiveness they would not know it if it kicked them in the ass, nor would they know how to handle true freedom were it dropped into their lap. All are divided, still eager to argue over points not necessary to argue. While yes, I do understand the art of the shill and how it is reversed, the methods of doing so cling to lurking anons minds and are, proof or no proof, logic or no logic, completely divisionary in nature.


I don't nor have I ever, claim to have insider knowledge or a complete picture. My skillset is relevant to the board flow. My logic, while flawed, is what I have to work with and can only be increased with the understanding it is flawed. "Knowing" I know nothing at all allows me to see quite a bit more clearly than most.

Being able to use the flow of the board for predictability in real life events within my own surrounding area is predominant to my goals, as I do not have the means to protect or fortify against the future for others in other areas. These are just examples of what, in my humble opinion, must be accepted by any and all whom come into contact with this board and understand that the events unfolding are of a serious nature in order for them to gain what is necessary to defend against the plans of DS. Patience is PRIORITY!!!!!! Without patience, the spread of urgency among those not far enough into the hole would obliterate them and all others they infect from going deep enough so as to ensure it NEVER happens again. Do anons have patience? Logic? Willingness to see with "other" eyes? Not too many by my count.


While I have been here almost since the day of drop one and absolutely LOVE anons enough to feel like I have a home, even taking into consideration the extensive manipulative tactics deployed by the enemies which we fight, the amount of anons whom seek pure undiluted truth are nearly non existent as their true form shows one way or another. Still too many whom would rather argue the superiority of their own logic. Granted, there will NEVER be "civility" on the chans, and that is not of what I speak. "Civility" is but a word, and just like all other words, ambiguity, reliant upon perspective, comes into play.


I do not mean to say I don't see progress. Progress has been MASSIVE. But I do see a line in the sand many anons seem to draw and once crossed, no further progress is attempted or gained due to unwillingness based on frustration…understandable, as I myself analyze my own IRL and conclude I too am utterly guilty of these things beyond my own comprehension while the events leading up to my analysis are in play. Sometimes, anons, the simple act of stepping back and looking through "other" eyes without prompt to do so is the best course of action. M2C. Ramble over.

Anonymous ID: 683f46 Dec. 12, 2018, 10:39 p.m. No.4288437   🗄️.is 🔗kun


one cannot blame the misunderstandings behind chemical terminology upon the individual……the system is set up so as to induce a generalized non-interest attitude by those whom grow up through an age where education is held at the behest of those whom profit from it. I do hope you understand that those whom have no clue what water is, they were MADE to be that way for moments exactly like this.

Anonymous ID: 683f46 Dec. 12, 2018, 10:57 p.m. No.4288573   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8636


I took it as an "insider" whom was among the "black eyed" individuals….It has been regarded by anons and civilians alike that those whom had a "black eye" along with the preposterous stories told about how they received such abrasions that they must have been a part of a plan not of good intentions against the public in one way or another. For sake of argument, lets just call it a secret society. I have speculated that ever since GWB Jr received his, good guys were the culprits behind the "black eyes" which were becoming prominent in figures whom had plenty of "power" and reach among the general public. I wouldn't put it past our military having found out the plot long ago, to sit them in a room, get everything out of them, then send a subtle message to those behind the curtain via their little puppets. But is just speculation. I am of the mind a "black eye" refers to nothing more than an insider whom flipped long ago, decades in my opinion, and at that time, measures were put into place so as to figure out ALL enemy moves, yes, even at the risk of loss of life of innocents so as to protect future innocents by eliminating the sick fucks targeting the innocents in the first place.

Anonymous ID: 683f46 Dec. 12, 2018, 11:13 p.m. No.4288727   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8799



I can see and understand such a perspective, but can also contemplate that "protection" was placed upon them so as to use those figures all the way up to the present day to get a deeper understanding of those whom we fight. Of course DS operatives wouldn't know the meaning behind all the "black eyes" were they being perpetrated by the good guys….first the mathematical probability would have to reach proportions dictating something is wrong in (((their))) perfect system of enslavement. Psychological warfare is a long game, and the placement of stress indicators would have been done slowely and patiently, the exact same way we have all been manipulated by DS ourselves. Just an opinion, but I do see your logic anon.