Anonymous ID: 919ed6 Dec. 12, 2018, 11:06 p.m. No.4288661   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8677 >>8685

Huber testifies tomorrow. Hillary and Huma are currently not in the USA right now. India.


Which got me thinking…this seems like the current conditions required to begin Q.


-In the wisdom of Q-

Define: Theater of War (purpose?)

If Theater, what are “stages?”

Does the US MIL factor in future events into their warplans? Of course, it’s how a Theater of War is established.


I’ll explain:


Everything that Q has said will happen has both happened (currently) and hasn’t happened. HRC isn’t in Prison, yet Q said she was detained 11.3, right? Wrong. That was simply a military theater opening. The ‘first’ act.


It’s also Q’s first post.


Meaning, Q is the open battle plans of what is to occur as what Q’s words are is the pure construction of the theater itself. We are witnessing a movie because we are seeing Q write the script, not because we are seeing the film live.


Time Changed due to unforeseen circumstances. “Wind the Clock with All the Markers” = 11.3 date moved forward, winding the clock so the marker realign with the current theater script.


The pressure of the DS seeing the theater becoming reality has allowed for some of Q’s posts (theater scripts that were set to occur but happened early due to DS panic because they too are reading with us and realizing they’re fucked i.e. ‘world is watching’).


If Q is the Theater, and HRC/Huma are in India during Huber’s testimony, then it’s starting to look like the movie is about to begin, and we have the script already.


Re-read from Q post #0001. Start of the movie.


(Marked NSFW for urgent discussion considering the current time and date so close to Huber’s testimony).


Does this seem like it’s Go time?

Anonymous ID: 919ed6 Dec. 12, 2018, 11:26 p.m. No.4288854   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8892 >>8926















Huber testifies tomorrow. Hillary and Huma are currently not in the USA right now. India.


Which got me thinking…this seems like the current conditions required to begin Q.


-In the wisdom of Q-

Define: Theater of War (purpose?)

If Theater, what are “stages?”

Does the US MIL factor in future events into their warplans? Of course, it’s how a Theater of War is established.


I’ll explain:


Everything that Q has said will happen has both happened (currently) and hasn’t happened. HRC isn’t in Prison, yet Q said she was detained 11.3, right? Wrong. That was simply a military theater opening. The ‘first’ act.


It’s also Q’s first post.


Meaning, Q is the open battle plans of what is to occur as what Q’s words are is the pure construction of the theater itself. We are witnessing a movie because we are seeing Q write the script, not because we are seeing the film live.


Time Changed due to unforeseen circumstances. “Wind the Clock with All the Markers” = 11.3 date moved forward, winding the clock so the marker realign with the current theater script.


The pressure of the DS seeing the theater becoming reality has allowed for some of Q’s posts (theater scripts that were set to occur but happened early due to DS panic because they too are reading with us and realizing they’re fucked i.e. ‘world is watching’).


If Q is the Theater, and HRC/Huma are in India during Huber’s testimony, then it’s starting to look like the movie is about to begin, and we have the script already.


Re-read from Q post #0001. Start of the movie.


Does this seem like it’s Go time?