Anonymous ID: ee01a9 Dec. 12, 2018, 10:45 p.m. No.4288481   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8529 >>8698 >>8911

>>4287654 (lb)


I'm still on the fence about this, Anon. I'm inclined to believe that the CIA (or strong elements of it) have gone rogue. I can believe an inter-agency rivalry (call it a war if you like). The revelations of Snowden were horrifying, and I too have regarded him as a hero. But consider this other possibility: That discrediting the NSA was a ploy so people wouldn't look too closely at what the CIA was doing. Add to that the Q material supports the idea that MI was loyal to the country, and then the NSA (post-Snowden) was brought under Presidential control.