Anonymous ID: e86a29 Dec. 12, 2018, 11:51 p.m. No.4289072   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It was also a means for an Obama connected rogue asset to smuggle out the entire blueprint on how to beat sophisticated American intel gathering to a foreign power without raising any red flags that it was done to weaken the country by a sitting POTUS.


1) ES is made to look like some hero by the connected/controlled media as if doing a service FOR Americans


2) Intel services embarrassed globally.


3) The issue allows Obama to order a DOJ investigation which further embarrasses them, unmasks undercover assets, makes public national security related operations, etc.


4) Allows for enemy states to, immediately, duplicate and implement counter measures while, at the same time, to implement such tech into their own countries with zero oversight to harm their own populations (see China for example).


.. and the list goes on. ES was not/is not a hero. He is a traitor and I would guarantee many undercover Americans in play around the world attempting to assure the countries safety died because of what he did.


From there (right afterwards), the "migrant" rush into Europe began. European intel agencies were crippled due to what ES did as his reports undoubtedly maintained lists of their assets as well. They had no means to vet, keep eyes on and eliminate hostile actors abroad looking to infiltrate the nations of the west and they likely were made public and massacred by crazed animals in foreign countries and tortured mercilessly.