Anonymous ID: b4904f Dec. 13, 2018, 6:51 p.m. No.4303052   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4302307 (all pbs)

>Mr. Boston accent until November 30th? I'm confused why he waited?

Not only did NOT respond..they apparently lost the submitted documents TWICE and the guys had to send them a third time via flash drive.


SO who destroyed / hide or otherwise slid shit with the first two submissions? And Huber just now got the documents THIS is not in alignment with Q.



>The Clinton Foundation story will go nowhere.


Based on the "packed hearing room"…you're probably right. That committee wanted the docs to bury it…and make deals with the IRS and FBI to shut it down…bank on it.


The good news is those two guys want their money and unless they get arkancided (wait for it)…they aren't going to stop…

Anonymous ID: b4904f Dec. 13, 2018, 6:55 p.m. No.4303113   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3474

>>4302354 (pb)

>FBI misses deadline to provide docs to Judiciary Committee probing whistleblower raid

That's not exactly true. FBI was never intended to turn over those documents. The committee wanted the Whistle dudes to hand them over, they refused. Things got spicy as the committee is desperate to shut the investigation down.


Huber did not show up to testify because there is clearly an ongoing investigation. Has nothing to do with a deadline…kek…that committee is NOT getting the documents..tell them to go to (pic related) They can't get a straight answer out of Comey..that's OK…but this…well threats were made but those guys…kek…NOPE.

Anonymous ID: b4904f Dec. 13, 2018, 6:57 p.m. No.4303145   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4302358 (pb)

>The (((Ones))) Who Cry Wolf Chime In




that fucking WOE IS US shit…is so old now it's decomposed entirely. Anti-semetic shit…and racisssss…old as fuck. Do not care…they're assholes and soon the world is going to BTFO Israel. We've had it.

Anonymous ID: b4904f Dec. 13, 2018, 7:10 p.m. No.4303343   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3396




Got missed last bread..not the OP but I saw the drop..this is regarding the Clinton Foundation, the AIDS drugs…and the Dead Canadian couple…this was dropped some time ago…and the relevance to the current investigation…becoming clear.





Right after the calendar turned to 2018, he was going to talk. He had to talk. He didn't want to go to jail for lying. He was going to have to talk to investigators in his own country. When they asked where the money was going and who he was paying and that secret installation out in the middle of his country, that is where things were going to get more interesting. Investigators from the US would then be called in and that would set off alarm bells all over the place.


Who is the he mentioned in the first paragraph? If you live in his country, you might not know his name but you knew his company. You knew his products. Almost every single person had probably used one of his products. People from all over the world used his products. It is why he was very very rich. He also had a lot of charities he supported. People also gave his charities money. He was very interested in creating products for people that his charities supported. That is how The Church became involved with him. That is the "product" that was created.


Why was he going to talk to investigators? He got busted. He got busted for paying off people he shouldn't have paid off and he gave them a lot of money. He gave them enough money to do his bidding for the rest of his days. When investigators asked him did he give any money to anyone else he would answer yes. They would go through the list and one of those names was going to make some ears go up and some telephone calls made. Lets call that name F.


Why did he give money to F? He wanted to try a new product. A product he had been testing not only in poor countries around the world, but also testing in a facility in the middle of his own country, away from prying eyes. Did he have permission to test it there? No. Those indigenous people thought they were signing up for something completely different for that money they were being paid.


He finally got the product mastered and wanted to be able to sell it to the world. He thought of a way to do that and make a big splash. That is where F comes in. He gave a huge amount of money to F to get his product into a country at a time when all eyes were focused on that country. He wanted every news story to have pictures of his product and people talking about his product. That all happened. He got his wish and the product flew off the shelves. It flew off so quickly that it was easy to forget the early stages of the product that killed people in other countries and his own country.


When faced with all of that in front of him, when he would have nothing left to save himself, the only thing he could possibly offer up was The Church. So, they killed him. Period. And now? That pesky investigation that was scheduled to happen is about to be called off. No one is going to ask any questions about anything.


Bernard and Honey Sherman/Canada/Apotex/Bill Clinton/Product - Apo-triAvir

Anonymous ID: b4904f Dec. 13, 2018, 7:16 p.m. No.4303425   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3436 >>3594


Did you see the fucking LINK asshole? Do you know who the Shermans are dickface? The story of their "murder" has been ALL over the news…this CDAN drop…well fuckhead..check the date..what more sauce do you want than today's testimony (Gates/AIDS) along with the SHERMANs murders?


(((YOU))) pic related

Anonymous ID: b4904f Dec. 13, 2018, 7:17 p.m. No.4303449   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4302588 (pb)

>Drudge (getting more Cabal controlled by the day) had a story about the FBI harvesting DNA & using speedy DNA machines. I would hope the White Hats wouldn't do stuff like that.


KEK ^^^^ assumes there are any white hats in the FBI.


There might be the odd good guy now and then..but the culture of corruption has been going on for so long...I'd say the bad guys outnumber the good ones 99-1.

Anonymous ID: b4904f Dec. 13, 2018, 7:21 p.m. No.4303505   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3520 >>3607

>>4302620 (pb)

>All it takes is a finding from the IRS that the Clinton Foundation has been acting illegally as a nonprofit and BOOM!


AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA sorry...^^^^expects the IRS to find anything....


Maybe we could get Obama to direct them to find something tho....

Anonymous ID: b4904f Dec. 13, 2018, 7:23 p.m. No.4303540   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Tata, Ambani

Tata has major "engineering offices" in the US..they bring in Indians to work at them....interesting. They don't usually hire Americans but when they do...(check glassceiling website for Tata employee reviews) one wonders what they are really doing here? doesn't seem to be much engineering of the normal type.

Anonymous ID: b4904f Dec. 13, 2018, 7:29 p.m. No.4303632   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3661 >>3713


>What happened to all the real anons? Seriously? Gone gone gone.

Please let me help you sort this out...there is ANONYMOUS...that is who Q originally went to....they kicked him out because...


NOW the ANONYMOUS that did follow to infinity has been replaced..that replacement population is called QAnonFags..they are NOT Anonymous...KEK they are breathless soccermons, granny tits, grumpy grampas...and the funnest...conspiracyfags from the outer reaches of ATS, GLP...those dark places that discuss endless means by which Masons control the world (that's today..tomorrow we will be back to flat earth, alien overlords and ascension)...this population is easily led (just tell them what they want to hear), they wouldn't notice the Emperor has no clothes because they are so emotionally overwrought that any ability to think critically that they MIGHT have had...has gone clean out the window. They do not recognize they are every bit as NPC as the left...all you have to do is toss them a bone now and then and it's off to the stupid races.


Again...ANONYMOUS has been QAnonfags....those tards filter, scream shill...


in order to see the difference please visit /pol/ me...the difference is night and day.