Anyone heard from Antarctic Anons?
Or are they presumed to be the two scientists found dead yesterday in Antarctic?
Anyone heard from Antarctic Anons?
Or are they presumed to be the two scientists found dead yesterday in Antarctic?
Can anyone find if Payseur was tied to the Vatican?
Was Payseur Trust simply a business front for the Vatican?
Imagine the control a company of that magnitude would have!
How do you die in a fire in Antarctica
Pretty much 100% Bullshit and a way of them telling us.
Not to mention, I've seen No posts from Antarctic Anons.
Let Anons Be Warned
This isn't a game
All you NameFaggers and peeps that want to make cash off Q for a youtube channel better pay attention.
This isn't a LARP
We are dealing with cold ass KILLERS on this board.
I'd highly recommend some of you keep your kids out of Q shirts, and keep your heads down. That is unless you have secret service watching your ass. (you don't)
Think twice before you go PUBLIC anons
Something is blocking Vit D uptake in our diets.
I've yet to figure out what. Low D is epidemic.
Yeah I realized that as well.
However, they could have just taken them on a helicopter ride.
Either way…..they've not posted since!
he replied to me said he had Hughes Net
but I told them to be careful.
That's like the Cabals secret island of misfit toys down there. And there they were posting from there. That's some epic shit right there.
Thank You!
These diseases especially Borrellia Bergdorfia
show symptoms like LIMES disease.
There is also a link between LIMES and low vitamin D.
These diseases are extremely difficult to identify and it seem that they may have been spreading like wildfire.
Mass population seems to have the Autoimmune response as what these diseases bring about. Especially the symptoms of Low Vitamin D.
Unfortunately, only super high doses of Anti Biotics will fight them, and very very few Doctors can recognize these diseases.