Anonymous ID: 026d62 Dec. 28, 2018, 11:04 p.m. No.4511449   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Don't hate the Love of Q and Trump we have…. I'm sure we are on the same side….but…I only ask for factual validation of your Clockfag so called "Truthful" self created fantasies are in fact REAL… Thats all… Or could it be I am the only one to speak truth that not once could a past Clock event be verified as happening as you all stated?


Pulling any 1 - 2 digit code out of 1000 doc's starts your story. The you add in a 2nd 1 of 1000 to carry on your theory, so you know have a 1 in 10,000 different storyline you can create… Then you add in say 1 in 10,000 (limiteless) document with a single word in it and say its veified again, well now you have the odds of 1 in 100,000 as being real… So you control the storyline as you see fit, and the more 2 digit secret codes you can add that sorta get close, well you twist it as fact… Thats all. You can't and you are upset because someone caught you in your scheme of BS? if its real, whats so hard to show 1 event in your entire history as being real..? If everything all you Clockfags are real, why can't you prove just 1 clock of being real…. Simple answer would do, but you don't seem to have one, and you don't want your Dark secret to be known by your readers? Notice I didn't say anything about not a single bread crumb nor tip being used for DC swamp charges?


I send this with Love for Q and Trump,but I'm confused by 8ch knowingly mixes up their words to push a different agenda outside Q and Trump using lies…


Why you hate the Love being sent? I only want love back via evidence and if one is truthful, truthful evidence should be plenty to give in return…

Anonymous ID: 026d62 Dec. 28, 2018, 11:14 p.m. No.4511542   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Here is a Simple fix for Light… Have Q tweet the bot name in direct word in a tweet. Should be 100% simple so we can join forces. Or have him say directly your Clockfag is authentic. No useless unverified code. Just like when he said "Start" the clock, 8ch only "assumed" the 1st 1964 Clock you used was only a Attempt and unverified as "the" clock, yet you ran with it as true and real.


As you see, I am for Love, Q, Trump and USA.


Simple since this is their official site? But do they know the damage of Disinfo you are spreading by your fake behind the scene's DRAMA you create to provide fake news?


Love Q and Trump…