Anonymous ID: b6d60b Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #5 Dec. 15, 2018, 4:46 a.m. No.4320475   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1048 >>9225 >>0092 >>1441 >>0287 >>5625 >>3310 >>4332 >>9916

Q's answer to the "Are we alone?" question as well as confirmation of the existence of programs related to moon landings outside of the public domain proves it would be wise to research these topics further.


Discuss them in this thread so we don't clutter the generals.


Proving UFOs, extraterrestrials and Special Access Projects are real is similar to proving deep state is real. The buildup of many coincidences and "softer" proofs like notable high ranking officials saying "weird" things, having documents revealed or seeing (and feeling!) unexplained lights (either coincidentally or by your own accord - CE-5) is the current degree of proof. This prevents mental conflict among people that are not ready for this Truth but provides those that are awakened with confirmation, similar to how Q operates.


Always use discernment. Don't just spam your info, make sure it's at least logically sound, reasonable and backed with what little facts we have. All rules of physics and logic apply in all cases, even if it's not understandable from our limited perspective. This is a serious research thread even though many will still dismiss all talk about the matter out of ignorance and various belief systems.


Respect your fellow anons. Do not fight, search for Truth. See how small pieces fit in the big puzzle. Present, but do not persuade. And remember, our Universe is infinite.


Please remember the OP Mockingbird is in FULL EFFECT here. As before, there could be a lot of name calling and fighting over certain things here - ask yourself, why?


Check with the previous threads, there is a treasure trove of valuable info posted already, you can find it in between the shilling. Trust yourself and your ability to find the Truth.


Thread #1 Link:

Thread #2 Link:

Thread #3 Link:

Thread #4 Link:

Anonymous ID: a28138 Dec. 15, 2018, 4:49 a.m. No.4320488   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6844 >>1048 >>3341 >>9225 >>0733 >>0092 >>1201 >>7372 >>4019 >>5980 >>3597 >>5625

Greetings Anons,

Welcome to the most heavily shilled thread on /Qresearch/. Take a moment to consider the following:

-The past few bakes are chock full of primary sources proving that human initiated contact, sometimes referred to as CE-5, is undeniably real.

-CE-5 is an open source hypotheis that every man, woman and child can test. In other words, YOU and ONLY YOU have the innate power to disclose the truth about ET Visitations. No government can do this for you.

-You have nothing to lose by testing CE-5 for yourself.

-You have EVERYTHING to gain by doing CE-5.

-The reason for the heavy shilling is due to the transformative (disruptive) world changes that mass sightings will cause, as well as the true power of WE, THE PEOPLE united. If the cabal can't engineer anti-ET xenophobia, they definitely can't engineer infighting on earth.

-Mass sightings will cause scientists and lay people alike to question the technologies employed by E.T., which will lead to acknowledgment and release ofโ€ฆ

1)New propulsion systems, including anti-gravity, based on Zero Point Energy

2)Environment saving clean energy systems

3)Prosperity for all and an end to poverty within a generation

4)Medical technologies that will end virtually all diseases and ailments.

-These technologies already exist.

-We are beyond the "proof" phase of human initiated contact. The proof is archived in past breads if you need it, and new ce-5 videos will be posted here, but the current phase is to educate people on how to make contact.

-It doesn't matter if you are a scientist or a buffoon, anyone can do CE-5.

-UNITY is important.

-Scientific humility is important.

-Shills will tell you that ET are evil and/or demonic, but there is no empirical data supporting this line.

-Past breads are full of empirical data demonstrating that 90% of ET contactees report the contact as positive; desire it to continue

-50% of contactees in the Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation research study report being medically healed by ET. Many of these cases are well documented.

-We have been blasting ET out of the sky for over half a century, meanwhile they have turned the other cheek and continue to show us nothing but love.

-You can 'mentally masturbate' all day to our experiences, shared here, but if you want change and want to help THE GREAT AWAKENING the first step is to put down the computer and engage human initiated contact protocols for yourself. Can you handle the truth?

-Useful links for newfags:

CE-5 Working Group Manual:

Sirius Disclosure:

CE-5 peeps near you WW:

ET contact tool app (Helpful but not necessary): itunes:


Empirical data for smart people:

More Empirical data for smart people:

Even more Empirical data for smart people on ET medical healings:

Principle of non-hostility when making contact:

ETLet's Talk

CE5 Facebook


New Zealand:

Ultimate Disclosure Workshop:

Anonymous ID: a28138 Dec. 15, 2018, 4:49 a.m. No.4320490   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0092 >>1201 >>7372 >>4019 >>8730 >>3740 >>4905

Definition of CE-5:

"Definition: CE-5 is a term describing a fifth category of close encounters with Extraterrestrial Intelligence (ETI), characterized by mutual, bilateral communication rather than unilateral contact. The CE-5 Initiative has as its central focus bilateral ETI-human communication based on mutual respect and universal principles of exchange and contact. CE types 1-4 are essentially passive, reactive and ETI initiated. A CE-5 is distinguished from these by conscious, voluntary and proactive human-initiated or cooperative contacts with ETI. Evidence exists indicating that CE-5s have successfully occurred in the past, and the inevitable maturing of the human/ETI relationship requires greater research and outreach efforts into this possibility. While ultimate control of such contact and exchange will (and probably should) remain with the technologically more advanced intelligent life forms (i.e., ETI), this does not lessen the importance of conscientious, voluntary human initiatives, contact and follow-up to conventional CE-s types 1-4.


CSETI is the only worldwide effort to concentrate on putting trained teams of investigators into the field where 1) active waves of UFO activity are occurring, or 2) in an attempt to vector UFOs into a specific area for the purposes of initiating communication. Contact protocols include the use of light, sound, and thought. Thought - specifically consciousness - is the primary mode of initiating contact."




"There is strong evidence for the existence of ETI, civilizations and spacecraft.

ETI/ETS have been and are currently visiting the Earth.

Careful bilateral communications between ETI and humans is of continuing importance and will increase in the future.

CSETI approaches the study of ETI with cooperative, peaceful, non-harmful intentions and procedures.

The establishment of a lasting world peace is essential to the full development of the ETI-Human relationship.

Both humans and ETI, as conscious, intelligent beings, are essentially more alike than dissimilar; CSETI is dedicated to the study of both our shared and unique characteristics.

CSETI operates on the premise that ETI net motives and ultimate intentions are peaceful and non-hostile.

It appears probable that more than one extraterrestrial civilization is responsible for the ETI/ETs contact so far observed. It is likely that this represents a cooperative effort.

CSETI will attempt to cultivate bilateral ETI-human contact and relations which will serve peaceful, cooperative goals. It is NOT a goal of CSETI to acquire ET advanced technologies which may have a potential harmful or military application if disclosed prematurely."

Anonymous ID: a28138 Dec. 15, 2018, 4:50 a.m. No.4320496   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0484 >>1726 >>6378 >>0733 >>1201 >>7372 >>3883 >>4048 >>5678





>>3599238, >>4286390 Past /Disclosure/ notables


>>3635029, >>3635054, >>3635078, >>3635096, >>3635115, >>3658331, >>3683284, >>3683298, >>3683345, >>3683366, >>3709774, >>3718264, >>3727355, >>3743438, >>3625531, >>3625541, >>3625549, >>3625554, >>3625562, >>3625572, >>3625593, >>3625607, >>3625615, >>3817039, >>3830986, >>3838000, >>3842269, >>3881230, >>3895805, >>3913930, >>3918463, >>3969352, >>3976470, >>4004696, >>4014724, >>4105546, >>4114529, >>4114741, >>4125292, >>4165165, >>4192342, >>4193410, >>3180037, >>3180710, >>3248661, >>3275601, >>3495329, >>3509565, >>3520190, >>3556053, >>3556097, >>3556152, >>3556194, >>3562248, >>3563054, >>3575038, >>3582009, >>3586042, >>4320278 >>3595481, >>4320395, >>4320361, >>4320402, >>4320409, >>4320425 Human Initiated Close Encounters (CE5) Primary Sources


>>4296751 Anon's analysis of shills' agenda


>>3599311, >>3599369, >>3599412, >>3599473, >>3633741, >>3648185, >>3819979, >>3910961, >>3926690, >>3927258, >>4236019, >>3593687, >>3345108, >>3332009, >>3294687, >>3411874, >>3182401, >>3183858, >>3184144, >>4320293 USAP related


>>4272931, >>3599355, >>3900256, >>3981759, >>3623902, >>4114741, Tips on how to CE-5


>>3998997 "incarnated extraterrestrials" = starseeds


>>4210577 Roswell revisited


>>3627710, >>3638863, >>3738214, Antigrav related


>>4222600 Planefags track plane at -225' below sea level


>>3193637, >>3194457, >>3194493, >>3203228, >>3203269, >>3203326, >>3203599, >>3203936, >>3204063, >>3346201, >>3363761, >>3407444, >>3421372 Antarctica


>>3638922, >>3639092, >>3639155, >>3656180, >>3359986, >>3360936, >>3361053 Suppressed Technologies incl. New Energy


>>3639245, >>3648185, Scientific Model for Conscious Quantum Holographic Universe


>>3696175 ABA Body Language Analysis TW "abduction" case


>>4232599, >>4311855 Alleged MJ-12 docs


>>3168388, >>3180655, >>3180928, >>3276972, >>3438404 More UFO's, fewer mufon reports


>>3727113, >>3727165, >>3741424, >>3752057, >>3752148, >>3752717, >>3771402, >>4049853, >>4148676, >>3197822, >>3377382 Empirical data on ET medical healings and Contact Modalities, from Dr. Edgar Mitchell F.R.E.E. Foundation


>>3639281, >>3660663, >>3738074 Reusable Disclosure Letters/Speeches


>>3709824, >>3722833, >>3723988, >>3727210, >>3754026, >>3757907, >>3757928, >>3757945 Treaty on the Prevention of Placement of Weapons in Outer Space


>>3737836 /Disclosure/ shilled by Fake News


>>3377153 Interdasting Hostage & Non-Disclosure Theory


>>3812164 (Updated) Proposal for open source intergalactic internet that may already exist


>>3964784 Sauce on Ouamuamua harvard claim of ET intelligent design


>>3166229 Baker acknowledges CE-5 as best available evidence for ET presence


>>4320379 National Press Club, 2001. UFO Disclosure Happened Already


>>3555937, >>3555944 Comprehensive assessment of the ETI/UFO phenomenon


>>4295294 ET Let's Talking seeking Country/State CE5 Coordinators WW

Anonymous ID: b6d60b Dec. 15, 2018, 4:50 a.m. No.4320499   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0962 >>6378 >>0657 >>1265 >>6641 >>2512



Do NOT engage shills.

Do NOT reply to shills

Do NOT demolish their intentionally flawed arguments

Do NOT debate their idiotic "concerns"

Do NOT participate in shill KAYFABE


In professional wrestling, kayfabe /หˆkeษชfeษชb/ is the portrayal of staged events within the industry as "real" or "true", specifically the portrayal of competition, rivalries, and relationships between participants as being genuine and not of a staged or predetermined nature of any kind.


Do NOT perpetuate shill SLIDES.

Do NOT reply to shills.

Do NOT correct intentional shill mistakes

Do NOT be triggered by shill taunts


If you are NOT sure LEARN

shills = hate

shills = labels

shills = repetition



The Truth is out there.

But you have to find it out YOURSELF.

Anonymous ID: b6d60b Dec. 15, 2018, 5:01 a.m. No.4320557   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>A CONSPIRACY theorist has been found dead in Poland - just days after he texted his mum instructing her to "investigate" should anything happen to him.

>Max Spiers, a 39-year-old father-of-two, was found dead on a sofa in Poland, where he had gone to give a talk about conspiracy theories and UFOs.



Anonymous ID: 62b75e Dec. 15, 2018, 5:43 a.m. No.4320827   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0878


I've had a negative experience in 2012. I didn't get a good look at what they looked like, partially because it was very dark and a bright light shining down at me. There was some intrusive telepathic communication going on. And I think something went into my eye, like they inserted something there. It's hard to remember though because I block out most of it. So with that I think they were definitely present up to 2012. I've seen a few UFOs since then, but of course know not what was in them, they were pretty far away, could not even discern a shape, but were very unusual in speed, and the second was jittery in movement

Anonymous ID: a8cf39 Dec. 15, 2018, 8:21 a.m. No.4321932   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5955

Heads up for newfags, this is a shill baker


Take the time to peruse through the previous two Alien threads for numerous examples and call outs.



Look at you all spam-locking again!


Love your filenames, timestamps that look added in as an after thought, and your "orbs", that look exactly what you'd expect to see if a flash went off in a room with lots of shiny objects and Christmas lights. Got video? HQ preferably.

Odd how you had a tripod and yet your pictures are still blurry, isn't it?

Is this another CE-5 advertisement thread?

Anonymous ID: a28138 Dec. 15, 2018, 12:36 p.m. No.4324853   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6732 >>3594 >>1595

Documents proving the Dr. Steven Greer was once affiliated with Bill Clinton. The so called "rockefeller initiative" is in fact called "Project Starlight."

Anonymous ID: bbcc3d Dec. 15, 2018, 3:29 p.m. No.4326805   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4824 >>6136

Just throwing this out thereโ€”


How do we speak, normally?

Blowing air OUT, that is then vibrated by various vocal structures?

How does one speak when performing "ventriloquy"?

Air is drawn IN, and various OTHER vocal structures vibrated?

Which mode of vocalization utilizes the GI tract more?

Which mode of vocalization relies on the "reptilian brain"?

Which mode of vocalization is more common among animals?

Which mode can produce longer and louder sounds?

Which mode can producer softer yet longer traveled sounds?



Another thing about ventriloquy that isnt obviousโ€ฆ

It relies on the limbic, "reptilian" brain system.

And that system has an intelligence that is INDEPENDENT.

This is the seat of our "subconscious" and is NOT bound by time.

This is the "worm" or "dragon" that Christ threatens to destroy.

This is what the Samurai were specifically killing in SEPPUKU.

And this is the Serpent that is awakened via KUNDALINI et al.

This is the first structure formed in the fertilized human egg:

Tongue to butthole, the "vagus nerve" extends, governing all.

This is the mind of EROS, the Creator God, aka ARES, God of Courage.


And ventriloquy depends on and STIMULATES this system & consciousness.


Our ancient ancestors had a more limited vocalization set.

Greeks, I believe, had 13 letters.

This was doubled to create the modern 26.


What transition or switch occurred, or was forced onto the world?

Ventriloquy is the mode of speech that God hears.

But ventriloquy relies on a more limited vocalization set.

As a result, ALIENS and ARYANS are exactly the same wordโ€ฆ to God.

Ask a Jappo, if you dont believe me.

In fact, study their phonetics to understand this better.

m = b

t = d

l = r

f = h = p



And "people who know" are fully-fucking-aware of this.

So, what's the point?


If you haven't figure it out, ALIENS = ARYANS.

ARYANS = Sons of Ares/Eros = Kundalini Awakened Humans.

This is what the movie "Star Gate" was bitching on about.

The society of awakened humans is basically what KRYPTON refers to; its ATLANTIS.


We all have this potential.

But it has been limited in our present environment by 2 factors:

  1. Low gravity

  2. High oxygen concentration


Our Aryan biology is powered by Nitric Oxide.

And this is only accumulated when one resists pressure over time.

This is the benefit of resistance training and other intense exercises.

And it wouldn't be necessary in an environment with higher Gravity.


Once our Aryan, or Dragon, biology is engaged then 2 things happen.

  1. NO infused into the GI system increases our buoyancy to enable gravity defiance

  2. NO activates a bioelectic system powered by Brown Adipose Tissue, allowing us to generate toroidal fields, that enables D&D level abilities akin to Tesla's technology.


#2 is what the Japanese describe as "Super Saiyajin" and its basically a sustained, controlled SEIZURE that requires a fully actualized & properly conditioned Aryan bio.


So yeah, sorry to be a buzz killโ€ฆ

But our conception of "aliens" is all BS.

Anonymous ID: 6ebed3 Dec. 16, 2018, 8:19 a.m. No.4334943   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2717

Love synchronicity.


Been rattling around in my head for weeks - the question of why the push to get the DNA of the public. I think I found the answer and it deals with the recent push for disclosure of the whole ufo phenomenology. I will post a video - look around the 32 minute mark for confirmation. They allegedly have the capability of looking for specific markers showing people that have been in contact with ET's, also those who have other "psychic" experiences related to the phenomenology.

Opey ID: 7258e9 Dec. 16, 2018, 8:51 a.m. No.4335235   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8416

Newfag here.

I want to talk about one of many experiences I had as a kid. I feel this one can/could contribute since I seen this symbol (pictured) flash in my face:

I was awake at late at night, staring at the ceiling, staring at the wall, just couldn't sleep. My bed was up against the wall and I was facing it, looking at the light being cast from my night light in the hall. I saw a quick flicker/shadow, I mean it was FAST, but I knew it was something since the shadow went across the wall and not the light blinking. For some reason I freaked out, terrified saying to myself "WTF was that. WTF was that" over and over. I'm not sure why I'd be freaking out over a shadow but I was seriously disturbed.

In between my bed sheets and the mattress this symbol (glowing) flew in in front of my face and flashed, like a camera, where the symbol was still imprinted on my vision. I pulled away the sheets, trying to see, until I could see again,stared at the ceiling, then for some reason figured it was a good idea to roll over and go to sleep.

It was confusing stuff. After being terrified over a shadow, something flashes in my face and I want to sleep??


Might try to reply but don't count on it. I wanted to share the experience hoping someone could figure out what it was, if someone else heard about something like this.




My opinion about all this new age bullshit, I tried it all, I followed it all, I did all the gay ass shit that's being peddled out there. It's bullshit.

We're not multi-dimensioned light beings from planet chihuahua, we're can't absorb frequencies from fossilized dino shit, we can't communicate with sandra from Venus who says you're going to be a stud for a planet with nothing but women.


We are organisms with a heart and brain, nature is impartial if you survive or not, our first "technology" was breeding and domesticating dogs, you are a singular cell in vastly connected world. The only effects you have on the universe is what you do with your life, who you connect with, you're friends, your search for the truth, and your passion and conviction for the absolute truth.


No one has bestowed knowledge from a higher being, we are insignificant animals to the greater beings in this universe, we may have a part but we are not the central point of focus.


This fight for truth is OUR fight, not theirs. We shouldn't give a shit about what's going on in their lives, we should be picking up crumbs and kneading the bread. There are too many false prophets out there looking to take your money and to make you a farce.

Anonymous ID: 3ce764 Dec. 16, 2018, 10:53 a.m. No.4336311   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0286 >>5244 >>5831 >>0717 >>9047 >>0691 >>3594 >>1910 >>8240 >>8533 >>5625 >>0002

There you have it frens.

The 150 post CE-5 Anon did exactly as predicted.

Fills up the last bread with videos, so he could rush to create this and draw attention away from answering any thought provoking questions.

This is a compilation of notables, and posts clearly and definitively that prove disinfo agents have been working in teams for the past few breads to divert Anons away from sensitive material.

In particular The Draco's and our REAL human history.

Masonic "Divert the discourse" gambit shill playbook in full use.

This has been so beautifully captured it's like a perfectly laid trap for /badactors/.

It has been a desperate attempt for all to see.

No one has been disputing alien life or contact methods... however, there is a certain authority complex and narrative that was unraveled organically by the Anons in the past bread.

There are many connections to be made in contrast to reading these posts compared to what the baker has inorganically carried over from last bread.

Right... all his own "notables".

For the most part this was going unchecked until now.

Everyone here can draw their own conclusions.

(((They))) have been talking to themselves in an echo chamber.

The following were mostly omitted from our merry band of shills self-created notables from last bread, now for eyes who can see;


>>3600461 (All noted from last bread)

>>3600800 (Notices Greerfag = baker)

>>3600822 (Jason Rice)

>>3600878 (Jason Rice)

>>3601772 (Sauce linking Greer to Rockefeller initiative)

>>3602801 (Calling out /badactors)

>>3609973 (Sauce on DW/CG = Frauds)

>>3612212 (Jason Rice against the frauds)

>>3639588 (Questioning why Greer is pushed so hard on here)

>>3639656 (Symbolism)

>>3648494 (William Tompkins had sauce)

>>3674913 (Anon notices baker is comped)

>>3675953 (Dynamic IP Greershill lying about past bakes)

>>3681316 (Asking for proof of non-comped bakes)

>>3681491 (Proof of DW fuckery)

>>3685232 (PRG/Basset/Greer/Podesta/Rockefeller initiative)

>>3727355 (Greershill stealing/uploading vids after saying he wouldn't)

>>3728915 (Calling him out on it)

>>3729047 (Calling him out on it)

>>3756725 (Calling out Greershill for claiming to speak for all Anons)

>>3759880 (Happy to see contrasting proof of shillery)

>>3762450 (Calling out distraction tactics after Greershill is questioned)

>>3783605 (CE-5 draws attention to the cabal)

>>3804024 (Cobra is paytriotism disinfo)

>>3813953 (Anon notices Greershill replying to his own dynamic IP's)

>>3821653 (Anon memes stating the same)

>>3828439 (Greer is a psyop that wants to own disclosure)

>>3868296 (Shane the Ruiner reveals Blue Avians = cabal storytime)

>>3886975 (Greershill = infomercial)

>>3888083 (Deadpool loathes gatekeepers & fake patriotism)

>>3901013 (More Anons noticing dynamic IP's backing up Greershill)

>>3901151 (Same thing)

>>3910961 (First mention of cattle mutilations etc)

>>3922659 (Sauce linking Hillary Clinton, John Podesta & Dr. Steven Greer to the Rockefeller initiative)

>>3924239 (David Jacobs, and the nail in the coffin for CE-5)

>>3927258 (Greershill desperately trying to cover up cattle mutilations)

>>3929780 (Greer is part of the corrupt media)

>>3964784 (Ouamuamua)

>>4070877 (Sauce proving Greer claims all ET's are peaceful, and calling out slides as soon as Dracos / Greer is questioned)

>>4115226 (Anon calls out Greershill for gatekeeping)

>>4116205 (Sauce proving primary source of videos that Greershill stole and uploaded)

>>4127668 (Q's Map with undeniable proofs linked)

>>4127952 (Distractions as soon as connections are made)

>>4127974 (Why IS Greershill so invested in this thread anyway?)

>>4128129 (Draco Reptilian symbolism)

>>4128692 (Pineal Gland symbolism)

>>4128908 (More Pineal Gland symbolism)

>>4129159 (Even more)

>>4161804 (Clowns LARPing as aliens sliding the board)

>>4162493 (Calling out ridicule / slide tactics)

>>4162586 (Clown LARPers side stepping questions)

>>4163840 (Tons of cattle mutilation sauce, which Greershill previously attempts to deny).

>>4171706 (Disinfo agents DELIBERATELY mix lies and truths Pt. 1)

>>4171719 (Pt. 2)

>>4179022 (Bob Lazar Documentary)

>>4226875 (Merovingian bloodline, Ra's Staff, The Key)

>>4232488 (Suggestion for CE-5 Gaia thread)

>>4232599 (MJ 12 Doc's)

>>4238021 (Theories are no longer theory when presented with FACTS)

>>4254296 (Greershill groups Draco's with "demons" to distract and dismiss)

>>4256435 (Not Q's Map, but Q has referred to it. No coincidences)

>>4260138 (Pindar, Masonic "Divert the Discourse" Gambits used by Greershill)

>>4270435 (Alien LARP slide supporting Greershill)

>>4270496 (Greershill speaking on behalf of Q & Anons)

>>4275023 (Greershill has isolated himself, listens to no one)

>>4303128 ("Muh CE-5 Authority"speaking on behalf of Anons, Q, and all ET's)


>The Light will reveal those on the team, and those pretending to be. - Q

Anonymous ID: 6ebed3 Dec. 16, 2018, 4:41 p.m. No.4340006   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0733 >>3087 >>5880


Anon, to be real honest I've never been interested in UFO's or ET's or anything like that. I have come to realize that an experience I had a dozen years ago would now be considered a "contact" event. It involved a deep state of meditation and a surprise contact with two beings. These beings were startled by the contact, but didn't feel hostile, just curious. They seemed to be on their home world so I guess you could say it was a "contact" experience for them. I told them they are not from here. They were insectoid. I never heard of any ET's being insectoid until just about a week or so ago. Like I said, I've never been interested or involved in UFOlogy. I never told anyone about that episode before because to me it just seemed out of place and weird.

Anonymous ID: f78b9e Dec. 16, 2018, 5:44 p.m. No.4340733   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5880


I saw a mantis being in my back yard in 2015. It was for a split second. It was kind of like an astral projection on the beings. I was very startled. Not scared but since I was so startled the being disappeared really quickly. The thing probably astonished me the most was the height. From what I could tell he or she or whatever was about 8 feet tall and it really looked like a giant praying mantis. But I only got a view of it for a split second. I had read anything about those beings and so I looked up descriptions from other people that had seen them about their height and I said to myself "If I look up how tall these beings are and it says the same thing I just saw then holy crap." So I looked it up and it said these being are usually 8 to 9 feet. I was amazed. I haven't seen one since because I think the way I reacted was kind of like they could feel it. Like they could feel my feelings and I even stepped back I was so startled so they disappeared. A lot of people have experiences and a lot of people don't talk about them especially with their families because they don't understand how to explain it. I'm very open with my family so much so that I have called on these craft to show up while family members are with me and then that family member and even friends will see it.

Anonymous ID: 3ce764 Dec. 16, 2018, 6 p.m. No.4340962   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5244



>Thank you for your vigilance!!!


Thank you fren.


Have you all noticed something yet?

Last breadโ€ฆ Greershill made the initial post, then posts notables with a separate IP.

What happens this bread?

The exact same thing.

b6d60b Bakes.

a28138 Immediately follows Only THREE MINUTES LATER projecting desperately.

Once again, with the same authority setting the narrative.

a28138 Posts all "notables'.

If this is only one person, how is it so conveniently timed that the "baker" creates the bread and Greershill just happens to be ready to post all the notables within minutes?

No one here is that stupid.

Everyone can see for themselves.

Next, b6d60b Makes this post


With authority, telling Anons not to reply to "Shills".

This is attempting to once again portray themselves as the authority, that if challenged the individual is to be considered a "shill".

So now we have captured that Greershill is controlling the narrative with two separate devices, and very obviously baking with one IP so the other IP can post the "notables" without seeming biased.

b6d60b + a28138 Both = Greershill

Did you also notice the slides as soon as I posted?โ€ฆ

Anonymous ID: a28138 Dec. 16, 2018, 9:32 p.m. No.4343087   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5453 >>5880 >>6022 >>1278



Case Study #3: James Forsyth

"Mantis-type NHIs provide spiritual tools to allow the healing of an appendicitis and post-surgery complications following the removal of a hypopituitary brain tumor. "


A few interesting anecdotes to note. The beings exhibit a high level of empathy and a low level of egotism.

And "Forsythe later learned that much of the knowledge he was being taught by the mantis beings corresponded with sacred Essene rituals, Masonic ceremonies, and the ancient Aramaic language."

I know we all here, as q followers, despise masonry, but one of my friends is an eastern star and her father was a 33rd degree mason. She is a lifelong contactee. And a DoD veteran. Her "ET Elder" is a mantid. She had a melanoma on one of her big toes and said, "CE5Anon, I'm sick of doctors. I'm going straight to ET this time."

Three days later her melanoma was completely cured.


One more anecdote. The case study says, "a witness describe the appearance of a mantis, how they moved with a darting motion, blinking in and out, and how they sat with their legs wide and their wrists together forming a triangle shape. This corresponded exactly to his own experiences. 'Then I realized,' says Forsythe, 'there is more going on here.'"


I'm NOT alleging any unscientific claims about POTUS. But this anecdote reminds me of his typical posture. (see pic)

Q did quote the guy who called us all incarnated ET's after all.


Anonymous ID: 8d961b Dec. 17, 2018, 3:42 a.m. No.4345244   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun






>we are ALL watching b6d60b + a28138


I've seen everything I need to see now.

We can all see the baker / notables are comp'd, that's a no brainer.

Starting to wonder if every single one of these breads were comp'd from the startโ€ฆ only started reading the past few.

My biggest question now isโ€ฆ why IS Greershill so intent on convincing people to make contact?

He doesn't even seem sincere in what he's sayingโ€ฆ it's more like a narrative he's been paid to force on everyone here.

Truthfully though I've gotten a "peaceful" feeling from watching most of these videos of people making contact.

No real reason to believe any harmful intent.

Unlessโ€ฆ this is all one big psyop to get as much of the population to openly welcome something we don't understand / know very little about.


It's hard to say if people are contacting Draco's in these videosโ€ฆ

Maybe (((they))) need enough of the population to openly welcome them before revealing themselves?

Natural Law and all.

Otherwise I have no clue why Greershill is so absolutely desperate to get people to do this.

The fact that all challenging topics have been completely avoided in the infomercial gives me extremely bad vibes.

I remember something to the effect of "The truth is like a lion; you donโ€™t have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself".

Greershill has done nothing but avoid the truth at every twist and turn.

There are no good intentions (here), this I can say with confidence.

Anonymous ID: 89d6ec Dec. 17, 2018, 4:36 a.m. No.4345453   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5625


>Q did quote the guy who called us all incarnated ET's after all.

There's basically no other way to explain that crumb. Incarnated positive extraterrestrials working to dismantle the Cabal by shining their Light on the surface - count me in!

Anonymous ID: c75163 Dec. 17, 2018, 5:47 a.m. No.4345831   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3594

This board is utterly and completely comp'd.


To all the new people reading, please refer to this post




The fake Baker and his merry band has taken over and are now pushing their agenda as if it was this way from the start.

Anonymous ID: c75163 Dec. 17, 2018, 6:05 a.m. No.4345955   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3594 >>5625



The photos provided by the shills were laughable. That is your proof?!?


Low Light situation with a poor camera operator. Your 'Orbs' are lighting artifacts that any photographer would recognize. Your flash is creating light refraction (you claim they are orbs) that is picked up in the cameras sensor.


The Buddha desk is my favorite. Flash used and your camera moves from left to right while the shutter is open. There is obvious motion blur that you call out as the 'Miracle of the Buddha'.


So blatantly obvious that at this point that your goal is now clear. It is not to push the CE-5 agenda, it is to overload this with so much crap that is obviously not true that any serious digging gets grouped in with your crap.


Any average Joe would see through this garbage and would tend to disconnect from the topic quickly because of the dumbed down content. So this makes for a fun window into a coordinated effort to hide and distract.


Shill 101 kids.

Anonymous ID: 365792 Dec. 17, 2018, 6:13 a.m. No.4346022   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6999 >>5625



>I know we all here, as q followers, despise masonry...


What you "know", is NOTHING.

Yet again you speak for everyone here.



>...but one of my friends is an eastern star and her father was a 33rd degree mason. She is a lifelong contactee. And a DoD veteran.


Yet AGAIN, the authority complex.




Here is exactly what Q said about Masons, snake charmer.

You are digging your own grave with undeniable evidence.

You are attempting to CONTROL the thought process of EVERYONE here.

You are a FRAUD.

You have FAILED.





Anonymous ID: 365792 Dec. 17, 2018, 6:48 a.m. No.4346268   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7169 >>1910 >>5625

What we do "know" is that Hollywood / The MSM hides truth in plain sight.

This is all part of Operation Mockingbird.

This is so if you find a truth, you can be labelled as a fool that found it from a movie or television.

All things are hidden in plain sight.

So let's take a little trip to the pastโ€ฆ and watch Conan.

Sauce taken from here;


"Our story begins with the villain, Thulsa Doom. He is an รœbermensch. He ticks all the boxes. Though he appears to be human, he has unusual magical powers such as snakeshifting and mind-control, longevity and an almost alien bearing. He loves this earthy life and has a palace of lush hedonism. He has spent years solving the riddle of steel in pursuit of power. He loves art and has erected temples, hoarded jewels and raised exotic and dangerous animals all over the country. He also lives by his own rules, indulging in cannibalism and ritual human sacrifice and has founded a snake cult to challenge the morals and narratives of the civilizations around him, which he ultimately aims to destroy and replace with his own. He is not dedicated to those below him, rather they are dedicated to him to maximize his greatness at their own expense."



Mind control.





Ritualistic Human Sacrifice.

Snake cults.

Aims to destroy morals and narrative of civilizations.

Any of that sound familiar?


>You are watching a movie. - Q

Anonymous ID: 037c9f Dec. 17, 2018, 1:52 p.m. No.4350696   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


This is just the "Mexican Warp Drive" predicted by a guy named ?sp Alccubriere . When I first saw it I thought it was a prank since it looked like a sombrero. but its legit. This guy basically said that if you could safely control enough energy to equal the output of the sun (or some similar and completely unattainable quantity) then you could bend space-time with it and fall into your own artificial gravity well. Like all these things that these mathfags doโ€ฆ It is missing something super important to actually work.

Anonymous ID: 037c9f Dec. 17, 2018, 1:58 p.m. No.4350753   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9186


It is actually really uplifting to see that someone is paying good money and working very hard to derail the UFO/Alien thread on Qresearch. I, for one, and happy to have that proof of aliens (through sloppy suppression) Right here in our alien room. Really makes me even more confident that we are on the right track and a lot of good things are coming for US, the REAL anons not the payfags doing CE5.

Anonymous ID: 6ebed3 Dec. 17, 2018, 2:50 p.m. No.4351278   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5006 >>8052


Well this is real interesting, Anon. Thank you for that. At that point in my life I was very into energy work and a type of energy healing akin to zero point. So it makes a kind of sense that I'd come in contact with 'healer' type ET entities. And yes, they were telepathic, not verbal and I sensed zero ego, just curiosity.


I get that a lot of the current thrust is about disclosure of UFO information as 'phenomenology' that includes psi ability, channelling, orbs, as well as physical contact, crafts and whatnot. Not sure where this will all lead or when or if we will ever receive full disclosure from the government. All of it just leaves me with more questions, like why is the government even in control of this information?


I have never and I never will trust the government. C_A is a den of snakes.


As for CE5 or whoever these are - imo just another psyop to control the narrative and push a lot of disinformation.


So today I learn that in addition to DNA markers they are looking for contactees with green eyes and Rh- blood type. These are the people that are more likely to have been a contactee AND/OR to have psychic experiences. Only 16% of the population has Rh negative blood type. It is a newer mutation (about 25,000 year ago according to DNA regressive analysis). Green eyes is also a newer mutation.


My question is WHY is the government looking for these people? Are they to the point where they need them to interface with alien technology? Or is it something else? Meh, the problem with no access and so much disinformation is it is impossible to determine independently what is the truth and what is a lie.

Anonymous ID: 037c9f Dec. 17, 2018, 8 p.m. No.4355006   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7579 >>8052 >>6261


Can we get some Sauce on the RHneg info? In particular that a gov group is looking for them?


Agree that CE5 is just a great way to get people to sit around talking to aliens in their minds as opposed to actually researching it. Also, it will drive away vast quantities of people. Anyone who is a hard core physical world guy who has never been taken in by religions stuff will laugh at CE5 and ask where the ships are.

Anonymous ID: e7120a Dec. 18, 2018, 1:47 a.m. No.4357579   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8052 >>3077


The point of conscious contact is to see and feel ships of positive ETs. If you need a personal confirmation of ET life you can get it, no doubt, either through your own contact work or visiting places near Federation bases like ECETI ranch.

If you are severely alergic to famefagging and the dreaded 2letter-1number remember that the only thing you are doing is a sending meditation.

If you are a shill hellbent on destroying some imaginary narrative then I cannot help you and I won't reply further. I'm probably taking the bait as it is.

Anonymous ID: b8549b Dec. 18, 2018, 4:06 a.m. No.4358016   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0352 >>3077 >>6071 >>4635 >>5625 >>2868

The Awakening/Planetary Shift.

I think this is what we might be experiencing in full effect.


From article: Perhaps the local geology is filtering the sounds and only letting this single 17-second wave period escape.


Q = 17


I honestly believe we are getting info that we are not understanding to the fullest.

I have always looked at conspiracy's and read old books, but this shit is on some other level. There are no coincidences and the fact that it happened of 11/11 is really mind-blowing to me. (The whole 11:11 synchronicity)


^ Look at the wave patterns.


Like the poster is saying, it looks like two waves hitting each other at the same time. Synchronicity/fusion of old and new waves?



I honestly believe that Q might be something way bigger than we can even grasp at this moment. I also think that whatever ET:s Q is working with/is being helped by knows that we must do this ourselves. We could currently experiencing what many people called the quickening and would that mean that we are being helped with what some people call ascension?


I'm really blown away by all of this.


Could someone say if I'm thinking crazy?

Anonymous ID: da8c98 Dec. 18, 2018, 4:16 a.m. No.4358052   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8096 >>3077 >>4259 >>5517



>As for CE5 or whoever these are - imo just another psyop to control the narrative and push a lot of disinformation.


Organic conversation?




>Can we get some Sauce on the RHneg info? In particular that a gov group is looking for them?


I'd like some sauce as wellโ€ฆ vs. speculation.


>Agree that CE5 is just a great way to get people to sit around talking to aliens in their minds as opposed to actually researching it.


Which luckily we are doing here.

There is no credible research associated with CE-5, none whatsoever.

Contact methods yes, research no.




>The point of conscious contact is to see and feel ships of positive ETs.


Closing our eyes and imagining something is real, doesn't make it real unfortunately.

No matter how much we want it to be.

How many times has this occurred during the history of our civilization?

"Feelings" can be easily constructed / manipulated by the individual.

Seeing is believing.


>Federation bases like ECETI ranch




>If you are a shill hellbent on destroying some imaginary narrative then I cannot help you and I won't reply further.


Would you care to fill us in on the imaginary narrative? Who exactly are the "shills" here?

Hopefully you can help usโ€ฆ

Anonymous ID: e7120a Dec. 18, 2018, 4:27 a.m. No.4358096   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


You will see things with your own eyes that will confirm it was not a mental construct. Seek truthfully and you shall find.

By Federation i mean the Galactic Federation/Confederation of Light, which is an earthly name for a positive union of good-natured ETs in the vast Universe. Think Space Patriots.


There can be lot of fighting and arguing here and I don't want to participate in it, because most of the time the intent is to do just that and not to search for the truth.

Anonymous ID: 7258e9 Dec. 18, 2018, 8:34 a.m. No.4360484   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1191 >>3077 >>4259 >>5625



It's hard to do serious Q research when there's barely any evidence out there. I've been researching aliens and stuff a while now trying to find answers, the best photographic evidence in my opinion are these pictures here. This specific pic used to be easy to find now I can barely find a good version/copy of it.

This is where some of you, who are willing to help out, can find the hi res pic.

The original you could run it through any photo editing software, brighten the image, and see pupils in the image. Photo editing wasn't an ability that was as available or advanced to everyone ten years ago (when the pic was available).

Anonymous ID: 7258e9 Dec. 18, 2018, 8:56 a.m. No.4360828   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1082



Are you saying my experience is "New Age bull shit"?


New age is collecting rocks for your rock garden, setting it in the sun as to "charge" them, so that you can absorb their higher frequencies for later.

I had a fucked up experience I can't explain. Not the same thing at all.

New Age is the narrative put out there to help explain what is going on. Then you have false prophets out there claiming to have the fountain of knowledge, or that they know a guy. That doesn't cut it. We need a clean slate, so we're here to re discuss ideas that have been suppressed on alien/ufo concentric sites.

Anonymous ID: da2292 Dec. 18, 2018, 9:10 a.m. No.4361082   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1449


The majority of people still dismiss anything not immediately explainable with current terrestrial science as "new age bullshit". As you have already experienced weird things, you know there's more to this world than the average surface earth human sees.

What's wrong with charging rocks in sunlight, or in the sea for that matter? Try taking a swim in the sea during a sunny day and see how you feel afterwards.

Anonymous ID: ea3b3c Dec. 18, 2018, 9:11 a.m. No.4361100   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

It's a snowglobe. The "earth" is a rocky core inside another planet. The outer planet is covered in snow. The heat makes the snow melt thus raising the sea level and destroying out civilizations. We are at war, the "aliens"(think bigger humans) have managed to turn the Jews against us by promising them wealth and such.

Anonymous ID: ea3b3c Dec. 18, 2018, 9:14 a.m. No.4361191   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



the evidence will start coming soon. Like how we had camera capable of recording in color in 1800s. Did you hear how spielberg recolored the old black and white footage? Have you noticed that it's too good , that there are even articles about it.


Also start here



Anonymous ID: 7258e9 Dec. 18, 2018, 9:28 a.m. No.4361449   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5742 >>3077



>Try taking a swim in the sea during a sunny day and see how you feel afterwards.


You feel good because of the vitamin D from the sun, and the fact you're exercising.

Hahaha there's ZERO medical evidence of sunlight giving you energy, if that was the case Africa would be thriving right now.

Anonymous ID: 7258e9 Dec. 18, 2018, 9:42 a.m. No.4361726   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



The only other evidence I consider even the probability of being real is the Frozen EBE Eiger, found in 1992, in Quebec Canada.

Anything else past the year 2000 can't truly be trusted since that's when it became a huge fad, where people could easily fake it with special effects.

Anonymous ID: 7b2ea0 Dec. 18, 2018, 11:39 p.m. No.4373077   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3722 >>3841 >>8619 >>5625


Yepโ€ฆ Roger that. CE5 is a thing. Got it. The info is out there. NO reason to make it every single slice of bread in the loaf ya know? No reason to make it every single notable. CE5 is sketchy as fuck because of the guy pushing it. Really. That hugely discredits the whole thing. Grier is bros with the Pedoestas and Rockefellers for gods sake. They eat kids. Perhaps we should look for other sources of info ya know? There are no secondary sources of CE5 either. Its Grier or NOTHING. Its not like it has popped up all over the place from different people. Nope it all came from this one guy. This makes it very suspect. Not necessarily wrong just suspect and DEFINITELY not vastly overshadowing any other conversation here. So post some CE5 shit. But no reason to swamp the bread and swamp the notables with it to where we are drowning in CE5.



>I honestly believe we are getting info that we are not understanding to the fullest.

THIS FOR SURE. I think there is a lot of info going around and we just don't know where to look. Sometimes I feel like I am an Indian (feather not dot) sending up smoke signals and wondering why I never get a response when in reality what I don't know is that 5 feet under the ground there is a fiber optic cable the size of my arm transmitting more information than I can even fathom. I think that is the situation for the whole planet. We just don't know it yet.

Could be this is what this wave thing is all about. Hooking up to some other way to communicate? You aint crazy frien we just dont know what way to go yet.



You are a hero on this board.



Pretty good pics here. I haven't seen them. One of my favorite sources is Secureteam 10. They have some fucking GREAT footage on their site. The triangles and circles moving around on the moon really pushed me over the edge on all this alien shit. I always have to shout out to Tyler. He never posted any alien body closeups though. Not sure why but he just doesn't. You coudl always shoot this to him and see if he sticks it in an episode. Could get like a million eyeballs on it if he does.



Nice but wouldn't she die of thirst in 3 days before she starves to death. Hell, quicker if she was in the sun recharging. I hope she didn't reproduce before doing this.


I watched Alien v Predator tonight and it got me thinkingโ€ฆ All these movies show us as some weak noobs on the galactic stage but what if nearly every other species out there is some big fucking pussy like Grier says. You know. What if we are the true badasses and they are making a horrible mistake by 'letting us out' That would be quite the twist on all this.

Anonymous ID: 3ce764 Dec. 19, 2018, 2:34 a.m. No.4373722   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3841 >>5625



>But no reason to swamp the bread and swamp the notables with it to where we are drowning in CE5.


What I find is one of the most amusing things about all this, is that Greershill thinks he's doing us a service by spamming the breads posting one video at a time.


Right, "Primary Sources".

He could simply link a channel / website, like this;


UFO Lou has been setting up NV cameras in the desert of Australia for many years now.

To me, this is the best "Primary Source" of videos on the internet.

It's a treasure trove of "Primary Sources", and it's definitely worth your time to find the gems he's recorded over the years.

Soโ€ฆ I just saved 407 posts.

407 Slices of bread.

407 Times I didn't have to repeat some generic statement with caps lock red text to the effect of "CE-5 PRIMARY SOURCE SO PAY ATTENTION TO ME, MUH AUTHORITY"




>You are a good anon and I am glad to slap around a ce5fag with you anytime.


I'm not necessarily here to slap anyone around.

Just here to shine light on the darknessโ€ฆ

Anonymous ID: 8d961b Dec. 19, 2018, 3:18 a.m. No.4373841   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



>One of my favorite sources is Secureteam 10.


I like Tyler as well.


I have seen him rush to put things out as clickbait.

Tyler doesn't deal much with night vision videos, which to me are far more credible than most of the CGI videos on the internet.

I am not bashing Tyler, far from it.

He's been quite an important part of my own journey trying to discern truth from lies, real from fake.

I do believe that many of the videos he puts up are fake though, he also tends to want to put information out there as fast as possible without much vetting.

Just as being too skeptical, it's also dangerous to believe everything.

From my own observation, Tyler is one of those guys who seems to believe, or want to believe everything that circulates on the internet.

Like so many out there (Q Follower Channels), I believe more subscribers + more money = more important to Tyler than taking the time to properly vet the information he's putting out to his viewers.

Clickbait will always garner more subscribers than "just the facts Jack".

Clickbait < Truth


"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it" - Aristotle




>To me, this is the best "Primary Source" of videos on the internet.


^ This

Anonymous ID: ec98c7 Dec. 19, 2018, 5 a.m. No.4374259   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5180 >>6203 >>5625


>Closing our eyes and imagining something is real, doesn't make it real unfortunately.


Meh, if you consider that the conscious mind is not the entirety of the individual. And because of that the boundaries imposed between stuff and things are a product of it. Then there's a lot more room to work with symbolic concepts. The underlying reality is always distorted by our perception of it. Thought be it imaginary or reality is used to navigate thru the senses the underlying reality


>"Feelings" can be easily constructed / manipulated by the individual.


Depends on your conditioning. If it was easy to manipulate your feelings, I'd believe depression and anxiety would be far fewer.


>Would you care to fill us in on the imaginary narrative?


Not agreeing with the 'Federation' stuff. Humanity has only relatively recently become self-aware. When something is self-aware the only thing it can do is become more aware. The whole 'reset'; 'cosmic police','cabal', IMHO, serve to build that perception. The plasticity of the general public's emotional complexes is restricted. What if the UFO phenomena is psychological? We have various layers of social activities and dynamics. I don't agree with any top-down approach as a narrative. Because of the Galactic Federation Narrative, the abiding segment of the Ufo community is psychological frozen, I'd say. On the other hand there are those who are more intellectually frozen


>Seeing is believing.

Yes, that is true. What is more true is that if there is no framing of the perception it will be disregarded. In this case, a notion of the reality must be present before the perception occurs though the perception will present an anomaly or inconsistency to the ordering mechanism which creates the influx of continuous perception



>It's hard to do serious Q research when there's barely any evidence out there


Dude, that's not true. Heard of UFO research? What constitutes evidence to you anyway?

Anonymous ID: 7258e9 Dec. 19, 2018, 5:50 a.m. No.4374641   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



A team of astronomers has discovered the most-distant body ever observed in our Solar System. It is the first known Solar System object that has been detected at a distance that is more than 100 times farther than Earth is from the Sun.


The new object was announced on Monday, December 17, 2018, by the International Astronomical Unionโ€™s Minor Planet Center and has been given the provisional designation 2018 VG18. The discovery was made by Carnegieโ€™s Scott S. Sheppard, the University of Hawaiiโ€™s David Tholen, and Northern Arizona Universityโ€™s Chad Trujillo.

Anonymous ID: 7258e9 Dec. 19, 2018, 8:32 a.m. No.4376203   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3026


> Dude, that's not true. Heard of UFO research? What constitutes evidence to you anyway?

There's evidence out there, but it's a lot harder to come by these days. I'm talking about photographic evidence, video, etc of aliens themselves, especially with so many people creating fake vids out there.


UFOs exist, there's not question about that at all. There's plenty of UFO evidence, but the truth about the occupants, their intent, their capabilities are still a mystery (to us anyways).


I wasn't trying to inject doubt into UFOs, just evidence on Aliens/EBEs. Because of your push I'm going to make a better effort to start posting articles on UFOs. I appreciate the encouragement.


high five.

Anonymous ID: 7258e9 Dec. 19, 2018, 8:44 a.m. No.4376314   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



This has nothing to do with UFOs or alien beings that we know of, my guess is this is to give legitimacy to the SETI program looking for something elusive and to distract the people from the actual UFOs.

Anonymous ID: 7258e9 Dec. 19, 2018, 9:06 a.m. No.4376547   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3026



(CNN)Two commercial pilots flying over the Arizona desert claim they saw an unidentified flying object pass overhead, according to a radio broadcast released by the Federal Aviation Administration.

A Learjet pilot and an American Airlines pilot saw the object on February 24 and radioed the regional air traffic controller in Albuquerque.

"Was anybody, uh, above us that passed us like 30 seconds ago?" the Learjet pilot said in the brief exchange.

"Negative," the air traffic controller replied.


"Okay," the pilot said. "Something did."

"A UFO!" someone quickly responded.

"Yeah," the pilot replied again with a chuckle.

A second sighting

Minutes later, the FAA controller alerted an American Airlines plane that was flying in the area, according to the recording released by the FAA.

"American 1095, uh, let me know if, uh, you anything pass over you here in the next, uh, 15 miles," an air traffic controller said.

"Let you know if anything passes over?" the pilot responded.

"American 1095, affirmative," the controller said. "We had an aircraft in front of you that reported something pass over him and, uh, we didn't have any targets. So just, uh, let me know if you see anything pass over you."

"Alright," the pilot said.

Shortly, the pilot radioed traffic control also reporting the mysterious object.

"It's American 1095. Yeah, something just passed over us," the pilot said. "I don't know what it was, but at least two-three thousand feet above us. Yeah, it passed right over the top of us."

The American Airlines jet, an Airbus A321, was flying from San Diego to Dallas, according to FlightRadar24.

American Airlines referred all questions to the FAA.

It's unclear whether the object spotted by the pilots was a UFO. An FAA spokesperson suggested the object wasn't necessarily something out of this world.

"We have a close working relationship with a number of other agencies and safely handle military aircraft and civilian aircraft of all types in that area every day, including high-altitude weather balloons," the FAA spokesperson said.

The controller was unable to verify that any other aircraft was in the area at the time, the FAA said.

Was it a weather balloon?

A pilot said he did not believe the object could be a weather balloon.

When the air controller asked more about the object, the American Airlines pilot said he wasn't sure "whether it was a balloon or whatnot."

He only described it as having "a big reflection," and "traveling several thousand feet above us, going the opposite direction."

Anonymous ID: 26e60e Dec. 19, 2018, 9:19 a.m. No.4376732   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6378


this argument is beyond retarded

yes, he sent letters to all sitting US presidents and their staff, beginning with clinton

yes, that includes podesta

yes, he has publicly talked about providing docs to pretty much anyone who would listen, or of importance, including the rockefellers and other exorbitantly rich people

he openly talks about this and it's on his website ffs

sending someone documents does not prove affiliation

now kindly kys brainlet

Anonymous ID: ec98c7 Dec. 19, 2018, 4:42 p.m. No.4383026   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>Because of your push I'm going to make a better effort to start posting articles on UFOs. I appreciate the encouragement.


Shucksโ€ฆ..I have an inkling the element of, not unknown, but mystery is driving the dissonance filled acceptance of 'other-life' and more broadly alternative perception (labels like conspiracy, included)


We have a sorting problem to create a cohesive awareness of phenomena which we are semi-aware of. We also double-dip with our biases. It's a bitch filled with smoke and mirrors. Inattentional blindness is a real thing.



Anonymous ID: 173b05 Dec. 19, 2018, 8:29 p.m. No.4386378   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7496 >>0720 >>5465 >>0092 >>5625


Shut up greerfaggot. How much is he paying you to suck his dick? Anyone with half a brain knows that and are 100% comped. The cabal has greer by the balls. Probably have pics of them fucking liddle boys or something gross. His wife is a Jew goyim what more do you need to know?

Jason Rice is the ultimate authority on disclosure.


No one can contact ET by doing CE5. The videos your butt buddy iguana boy posts are faker than santa claws.

Draco nigger spook kys




CE5 is cointelpro

Anonymous ID: 0353a6 Dec. 19, 2018, 11 p.m. No.4388031   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9047 >>9186 >>9225 >>9580 >>1886 >>8154 >>5625


Long time lurker here.

Who would work this diligently to prevent We, The People from learning the truth about ET visitations?

Five bakes deep and at least 50% of the conversation is shilling anything related to people reaching out to aliens.

Why are human initiated close encounter protocols (CE5) shilled so intensely?

What's the big deal? It's just contacting aliens after allโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ right?


Why the death threats against greerfag?



Could it have anything to do with Q#1143?

Quoth Qanon, "We share the idea of open source but value life and must make decisions based on outcomes and containability."


What if the ce5fags are right? That would explain the heavy shilling. the death threats. the overwhelming attacks on steven greer and grierfags.

I just wish I had more instruction on how to make contact with ET. Some anons make it sound so easy but for me it does not compute.

Coherent Thought Sequencing? Wut?

I want to believe.

Qanon labelled this post "why no intel" for a reason. maybe human initiated contact really is the answer. will never know until you try.


would explain all the shilling.

baker seems to agree.


So how is "ce5" done?

love and light to all

Anonymous ID: 3ce764 Dec. 20, 2018, 2:30 a.m. No.4389047   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5625



I don't know why I'm entertaining this, because everyone here can already clearly discern what you're doing. Awe what the hell;


>Long time lurker here.



Same dynamic IP talking to yourself as before.

Trying to draw attention back to CE-5 and the comp'd baker.

Baker / Greerfag stops posting because it has become abundantly clear that every single Anon on this board is aware of the fuckery.

So now you resort back to dynamic IP's to push your own narrative supporting yourself in hopes that at least some of the Anons will believe you're constructing a genuine discussion supporting Greerfag and his merry band of shills.


>Who would work this diligently to prevent We, The People from learning the truth about ET visitations?


The only one preventing any logical lateral thinking is yourself and the comp'd baker.


>Five bakes deep and at least 50% of the conversation is shilling anything related to people reaching out to aliens.


Four years, and 60+ contact experiences here.

Perhaps you missed this post?




Perhaps you missed the fact Greerfag stole my videos and uploaded them after saying he wouldn't?

You my friend, are a fool.

No one here is disputing alien life or contact methods.


>Why the death threats against greerfag?


To draw attention to it.

Controlled opposition, and put on here to do exactly what you're doing, complain about it.


>What if the ce5fags are right? That would explain the heavy shilling. the death threats. the overwhelming attacks on steven greer and grierfags.


No, I think it has more to do with his close ties to the Rockefellers, the Podestas and the Clintons. Also might have something to do with the fact he performs absolutely zero credible research, and fills his material with blatant disinformation. His contact methods work in certain capacities but it is drastically over complicated, the rest of his information put "out there" is blatant disinformation.


>I just wish I had more instruction on how to make contact with ET. Some anons make it sound so easy but for me it does not compute.


Get a laser.

Forget all the rest of the complicated "protocols".

Waitโ€ฆ we already explained that, numerous times.

So if you WERE a lurker, you'd already know that.

(Circle talk drawing attention to your comp'd bake)


>Qanon labelled this post "why no intel" for a reason. maybe human initiated contact really is the answer. will never know until you try.


Circle talk.

Who else is going to initiate it?

โ€ฆ Pepe?

Whether with a laser or the conscious mind, a human being is initiating contact.

You ask questions that answers have been given to, more than once.


>would explain all the shilling.


The "shilling" is the entire board calling out a ridiculously obvious comp'd baker and group of individuals pushing a certain narrative. The same group that attacks anyone who questions their "All ET's are peaceful, and you're a racist if you think Draco's have evil components".


>So how is "ce5" done?


Hundreds upon hundreds of posts pertaining to exactly what you're asking.

A long time lurker, really?

Redundant questions completely reveal your hand.

Organic question?

Organic conversation?

I think all the Anons here can clearly discern for themselves.

Your dynamic IP circle talk no longer works here.

(You) need to go back to the drawing board.

(You) have failed.

Anonymous ID: da8c98 Dec. 20, 2018, 3:14 a.m. No.4389186   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9274 >>9580 >>5625


>Who would work this diligently to prevent We, The People


You do realize you're using the exact same speech patterns, grammar and syntax as when you post on your static IP, Greershill? At least try to make yourself sound a bit different if you're using a floating IP trying to draw attention back on yourself when all the Anons have figured out your game.


This is just TOOOOO obvious. Has griershill used "we the people" before? I bet (YOU) have!


Oh yeah, it IS kind of funny that you took a screenshot of BOTH the comp'd baker and griershill right underneath it. Coincidence? Really? Do you really think people can't figure out what you're doing?


>That would explain the heavy shilling. the death threats.


I think you probably made that death threat against yourself, with guess what, your OWN FLOATING IP. Why? So you could do EXACTLY what you're doing now.


>I just wish I had more instruction on how to make contact with ET

So what you're asking for is 500 more posts drawing attention back to (YOU)?


>baker seems to agree.



Once againโ€ฆ why would you be so STUPID to take a screenshot of both the baker with the "coincidentally" immediately followed griershill post? Dudeโ€ฆ you really need to up your game if you think people aren't going to figure this shit out. (((They))) aren't sending us their best, this much is obvious!


>So how is "ce5" done?


Lmao, as a long time lurker with 500 posts on this and countless links to grierfag material, is that a legit question?

Noโ€ฆ you're not trying to put yourself back in the spotlight :)


>love and light to all


This is just as patronizing as your "world patriots" slogan. Seriously dudeโ€ฆ you really need to rethink your strategy. I for one am thrilled we have all this captured on the board.





Anonymous ID: da8c98 Dec. 20, 2018, 3:34 a.m. No.4389274   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5625



>maybe human initiated contact really is the answer


Wait a secondโ€ฆ hasn't grierfag used the phrase "human initiated contact" many many times on here BEFORE?


He's saying the EXACT same things with his floating IP.

This is absolutely HILARIOUS.

I am seriously LAUGHING MY ASS OFF at (YOU) right now grierfagโ€ฆ your last post is the absolute best proof positive that you HAVE been using different IP's to support your narrative. It's ALL been captured now and it will be saved. You CANNOT escape this.


>Why are human initiated close encounter protocols (CE5) shilled so intensely?

>So how is "ce5" done?


Yeahโ€ฆ you're not trying to draw attention to yourself kiddo. You're not trying to make the Anons think that random Anons on here actually BELIEVE in your narrative.


(YOU) have fallen flat on your face, in the most SPECTACULAR display of STUPIDITY I have EVER seen on this board.

Anonymous ID: a8cf39 Dec. 20, 2018, 4:41 a.m. No.4389580   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Oh holy shit are you bad at your job.

>baker seems to agree.

What an absolute fucking coincidence!



There were no death threats. This shilly bastard took memes showing that his constant "Steering (the conversation) to Greer" was an absolute disaster and have created a trainwreck of a bread. So they decided they'd work the sympathy angle. Laughably obvious.

Anonymous ID: 0353a6 Dec. 20, 2018, 7:19 a.m. No.4390657   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0691 >>1886 >>1265


COINTELPRO Technique #1: Forum Sliding

"If a very sensitive post of a critical nature has been posted on a forum - it can be quickly removed from public view by 'forum sliding.' In this technique a number of unrelated posts are quietly prepositioned on the forum and allowed to 'age.' Each of these misdirectional forum postings can then be called upon at will to trigger a 'forum slide.' The second requirement is that several fake accounts exist, which can be called upon, to ensure that this technique is exposed to the public."


Technique #3: Topic Dilution

"Topic dilution is not only effective in forum sliding it is also very useful in keeping the forum readers on unrelated and non-productive issues. This is a critical and useful technique to cause a 'resource burn.' By implementing continual and non-related posting that distract and disrupt (trolling) the forum readers are more effectively stopped from anything of any real productivity. If the intensity of gradual dilution is intense enough, the readers will effectively stop researching and simply slip into a 'gossip mode.' In this state they can be more easily misdirected away from facts towards uninformed conjecture and opinion.

Anonymous ID: 0353a6 Dec. 20, 2018, 7:24 a.m. No.4390720   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1886


Dude, you're a racist.


My question was, "How does one do CE-5?"

I have been watching UFO lou for awhile now, so I know that ETV are real and the truth is being hidden from us, but he does not teach people the ways of making peaceful contact with extra terrestrial intelligences.

I want to take it to the next level and start having experiences like this bloke. How do I make contact?

Anonymous ID: 7258e9 Dec. 20, 2018, 10:09 a.m. No.4392983   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8154 >>7697 >>1910 >>5625



""Date:"" 1952, July 19-20, 26-27

""Loc:"" Washington, DC

""Activity:"" They moved over the White House and the United States Capitol,_D.C._UFO_incident


This sighting has been neglected, BIG TIME, since UFOs showed up "above the fucking white house". I'm surprised this event was never considered as a staple or household recall of an event involving UFOs. I still can't believe people still don't believe in UFOs even after something as huge as this happened.

Anonymous ID: a800db Dec. 20, 2018, 12:28 p.m. No.4395517   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Sorry, not on the internet much. Check out Grant Cameron and his latest info for the genetic stuff. He is the source for the information that they have gene mapped the marker for those who are more likely to have contact experiences. I believe this is from Dr. Gary Nolan and Dr. Kit Green's work. They allegedly have also been able to gene map the white blood cells of people injured by close contact with powered up craft - i.e., experiencers, researchers, and military personnel that have been in close proximity to these craft that are emitting high levels of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation.


I'm pretty pessimistic about anything that has CIA fingerprints on it. But having had enough anomalous experiences in my life I do believe there is a concerted effort to drip feed the real story to the public. But it is wrapped in so much horseshit. I swear, CIA can't do anything the straightforward and honest way. They just can't help themselves.


Take Greer and DeLong for example. Both are being fed information from the government. Greer says all ET's are good. DeLong says all ET's are bad. Both of them are full of shit.


Something is happening and it is real, but anyone that says they have the Truth is deluded. IMO, the only way to know what is really going on is to trust yourself. The truth is out there, but they won't give it to you.

Anonymous ID: a800db Dec. 20, 2018, 1:14 p.m. No.4396261   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8638 >>5625


The people that are doing the genetic mapping are Dr. Gary Nolan. Dr. Nolan runs the Nolan lab and he is specifically looking at the genetics of paranormal experiencers. He is working with Dr. Hal Puthoff and Dr. Christopher "Kit" Green specifically around genetic markers of those who have been injured by UAP encounters. He is also the person who has mapped the genetic marker that identifies those who are more likely to be an experiencer. I don't have the sauce for it but allegedly Dr. Green has also been able to fine map the brain and has identified an area he refers to as 'the antenna' found in people that are contactees and experiencers. I'm embedding a video. Take it with a grain of salt. Like anything else it is up to you to do your own research and decide how much of this is truth.


The Rh neg info is from another video of an interview from earlier this year with Grant Camerson. Sorry, I can't remember which one.

Anonymous ID: e626b3 Dec. 20, 2018, 3:21 p.m. No.4398154   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Congrats kid, you made the clowns mad! As Q would say, badge of honor.



>I'm surprised this event was never considered as a staple or household recall of an event involving UFOs.

Later on, Tucker reports that UFOs are real on Fox and nobody cares.

Psy-ops did their job.



What do you suggest then?

Except not replying to shills, which should be common sense at this point.

Anonymous ID: a800db Dec. 20, 2018, 5:14 p.m. No.4400089   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0536


Something along those linesโ€ฆ I think the point is even the researchers don't know even after 70 years of trying to figure it all out. But things are speeding up. That is why I think this is all tied into the "The Great Awakening." I do know that the drip of information is getting quicker, and we are seeing more anomalies world wide this yearโ€ฆ all speeding up.

Anonymous ID: ec98c7 Dec. 20, 2018, 5:39 p.m. No.4400536   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0608


>Something along those lines


How One Man Created a 1,000 Ton Coral Castle in 1923


Between 1923 and 1951, a diminutive Floridian single-handedly and without heavy machinery moved 1,000 tons of limestone, creating out of it a castle. This is his story.

The Builder


Very little is known of the mysterious creator of the Coral Castle, Ed Leeskalnin. Born in Riga, Latvia in 1887 to a family of stonemasons, Ed immigrated to the U.S. sometime around 1913 after his fiancรฉe broke off their engagement (and a large piece of his heart). During a bout with tuberculosis around 1919, he moved to Florida, where magnets were apparently used to treat his condition. This experience seems to have had a life-changing effect, as youโ€™ll see later.

Anonymous ID: ec98c7 Dec. 20, 2018, 5:42 p.m. No.4400608   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>Needs a bit more sauce


Ed believed that the animating force in the universe does not come from the protons and electrons in the atom, but rather from tiny magnets of different and opposite polarity that imbue all matter. In his book, Magnetic Current, Ed explained his basic principle


It is this โ€œperpetual powerโ€ that Ed claims to have harnessed in order to move, carve and place his humongous stones. The power itself came from a machine he dubbed the Perpetual Motion Holder (PMH). He built it on his idea that electricity is made up of two magnetic forces that move opposite each other in a double helix motion. Edโ€™s machine was composed of two coiled wires, each having its own terminal and current, and connected to each other nose to tail in a circuit. This completed circuit allowed individual magnets to form into one of two currents, and the currents to โ€œchaseโ€ each other in a never ending loop.

Anonymous ID: f78b9e Dec. 20, 2018, 11:52 p.m. No.4405919   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6043 >>3890


Go to page 55 for Wilhelm

Reich and specific infromation on Orgone Motors.


Wow. I mean from a scientific and physics standpoint. Holy shit. I will be looking at the mathematics behind this now that I have found this. It's notable to state that orgone energy and application has been highly suppressed.

Anonymous ID: e626b3 Dec. 21, 2018, 12:10 a.m. No.4406043   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6163 >>6199 >>3890 >>5625


There is something seriously shady going on with orgonite.

>Reich was sentenced to two years imprisonment, and that summer over six tons of his publications were burned by order of the court. He died in prison of heart failure just over a year later, days before he was due to apply for parole.

Heart attacks can be deadly. Also, book burning? Seriously?

Anonymous ID: f78b9e Dec. 21, 2018, 12:35 a.m. No.4406199   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7180


I'll try to find some Mathematics on it. Can't ague with Mathematics. You can argue with Physics since J.P Morgan paid Lorentz to change his equations so they would not include over-unity systems but the math is still there. I need to get my hands on the E.T. Whitaker papers. Anybody have access?

Anonymous ID: 5ed478 Dec. 21, 2018, 12:12 p.m. No.4413019   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5625

There are people under ground, as in a whole different race of people living beneath not on the surface of Earth.

Why do you think Antarctica is so heavily protected?

Why do you think there are pyramids in Antarctica?

Some of the zodiac signs represent races from different star system.

What will happen to earth if the rotation axis is 90degree to the orbit direction?

Can the whole Earth be covered in Aurora?

Every mythology worldwide suggest our ancestors are from out of Earth.

Why Eagle(phoenix) VS Snake(Dragon)?

Think Harry Potter(psyop)

Serius B(star)

Think Final Fantasy(black magic VS white magic)

Think Japanese manga&anime.

Why so many people are drawn to it?

Genetic memory is real.

Rh- and AB blood type?

Why did Cabal try to erase the proof of history of Atlantean Era?

What does Swastika really mean?

Different races underneath just like on the surface?

Why DJT is serious about Space Force?

Moon = artificial

There is no such thing as junk DNA

Why do some people remember their past lives?

Why was reincarnation considered to be real and was part of general teaching in East Asia and other tribes all around the world?

Can you define "field"?

Can you define "ether"?

Why do Tibetan monks use sound to meditate?

Why do cats pure and why were they deified in Ancient Egypt?

Thoth/Hermes Trismegiatus

Why is singing bowl(copper) used for water consumption?

Manipulation of molecules?

What are the benefits?

What is this whole "bloodline" crap by Cabals?

Space war

Why Hindu deities have blue skin?

Which creature has blue blood on Earth currently and why?

EAGLE representing USA has deeper meaning than most would think.

Can you see the patterns in world flags?

Most flags have deeper meaning than you think.

Why is it Eagle VS Snake?

After all this bullshit done by Romans on humanity, why do Europeans still believe in "Jesus"?

WE THE PEOPLE are not born with sin.

If "sin" represent damaged DNA, then yes.


The moment Europeans wake up and realise their ego is the biggest enemy of their's will be the beginning of the change on Earth.

The moment they can really see with their "beautiful coloured eyes" that they are so proud of, will be the beginning of the change.

The moment they decide to learn from tribes all around the world will come.

To get close to their spirituality again.

To be able to see the truth again.

Anonymous ID: d8bda5 Dec. 21, 2018, 2:02 p.m. No.4414481   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0449



> Dr Steven Greer of the Project Disclosure. I don't trust this guy one bit.


The director making the disclosure/Sirius movie got a warning when some "lone gunman" shot up his family.


After that the stress may have gotten the better of Greer and it took him and his project, what was initially a very solid project to disclose valid evidence of extra terrestrial life, too far off the deep end.


All the evidence and witnesses he has collected under the initial disclosure project are credible.

So the whole alien thing is definitely not a hoax.


I personally have seen the small glowing spheres move alongside airplanes and even a mile wide "mothership". We don't have the technology to keep that in the air and move silently. Nor the ability to build such a large ship without the dock where it's being build show up on satellite images.

Anonymous ID: 73d6d6 Dec. 21, 2018, 2:06 p.m. No.4414515   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>On July 25, an object moving at about 15 miles/second (24.4 kilometers/second), or 54,000 mph (87,000 km/h), was identified near Thule Air Base.

>The asteroid exploded with a force of 2.1 kilotons which is about an eighth as powerful as the Little Boy bomb which the US dropped on Hiroshima at the end of World War II.

>Then tremor was so powerful that aftershocks were felt as far as 218 miles miles away, according to the research presented at the annual conference of the American Geophysical Union (AGU).

>Such was the strength that a nearby military base, the Thule Air Base, initially thought it was under attack.

Anonymous ID: 47c54f Dec. 21, 2018, 4:27 p.m. No.4416521   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0092 >>3290


Yes, same guy.


One of the Rothschild's approached him and told him to go public. Most anons don't trust him.


I like what he has to say about SAP and uSAP but when he starts getting into the aliens and peace and stuff, I take it with a grain of salt. He seems shilly at times.

Anonymous ID: 7258e9 Dec. 21, 2018, 7:30 p.m. No.4418912   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Last year, 1,101 people reported seeing unusual lights and shapes in Canadaโ€™s skies, according to the annual Canadian UFO Survey released by UFOlogy Research of Manitoba.


That amounts to about three UFO sightings in Canada each day. It was the fifth-highest number of sightings since the survey began in 1989, says science writer Chris Rutkowski, who spearheaded the project.


The report collects and analyzes UFO sightings across the country each year. A team then analyzes the reports, including photographs and other evidence, for their reliability and strangeness factor.


About one-third of last yearโ€™s cases had a logical explanation, such as a solar flare, drone or shooting star. Another third of cases didnโ€™t include enough information to be sufficiently studied.

Anonymous ID: 59a986 Dec. 21, 2018, 8:23 p.m. No.4419603   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

New UFO Lou UFO follows I.S.S. Where does this rank on the Close Encounter scale if it is not human initiated encounter?

How do we discern if this is or is not one of our own spaceships?

Anonymous ID: a800db Dec. 21, 2018, 9:01 p.m. No.4420078   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3107


For the same reason Tom DeLong is universally hated. Both these men have huge egos and both are being played by the intelligence community. Theories why abound. They are filling Greer's head with "Yes, you are the only one that gets it!" and they have lead him to believe all EBE/ET's are good and leading us into spirituality. They are filling DeLong's head with "Yes, you are the only one that gets it!" and they have lead him to believe all EBE/ET's are evil and are out to replace/enslave us all.


Likely the IC doesn't have much of a clue what these phenomena are. Until they actually produce some real solid, touchable evidence, as long as they promise everything to people like Greer and DeLong and produce nothing tangible, I'm going with "unexplained phenomena" and with the belief that the IC/CIA, etc., are lying shits.

Anonymous ID: 499c8d Dec. 21, 2018, 9:01 p.m. No.4420092   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0240 >>0844 >>3107 >>3133 >>5625


What is shilly about peace? Qanon says war is a scam. (Pic).



Every baker thus far has trusted Greer - or at least the idea of human initiated contact that Greer teaches. Would Q allow his bakers to be comp'd? (Pic).




This Anon trusts Greer.



This Anon trusts Greer.



The Anon does not trust Greer.

Anonymous ID: a800db Dec. 21, 2018, 9:11 p.m. No.4420240   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7372


Where are the alloys? Anyone seen those? Seen any scientific evaluations? Anyone held, felt, touched them? Or the aliens?


Why don't they just land in Time Square and let the reporters photograph them? Why is it the "aliens" only make contact with the very most secret of our closed bases? If this is real (in a physical sense) how could it ever be hidden?


If these were actual physical beings visiting us enmasse from other star systems there is no intelligence agency in the world that could hide it from us. So is it a phenomenology problem as one researcher has suggested? No tangible there there just more mystery?

Anonymous ID: 499c8d Dec. 21, 2018, 9:25 p.m. No.4420449   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1201 >>2730 >>3107 >>7372 >>8730


Is that director Micheal mazzola, the same man who directed Unacknowledged, available on Netflix?

If this is true then the cabal has shown us their weakness. We need to dig further.

Apparently there is an app for making contact on your own with ETI. Qanon keeps repeating the line "they want you divided." "We, the people United hold the true power." Makes sense that the deep state fears people making ETI contact on there own. Talk about empowering the individualโ€ฆ. I'm going to try this and let you all know how it goes

Anonymous ID: 47c54f Dec. 21, 2018, 9:54 p.m. No.4420844   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1201 >>3107



>What is shilly about peace? Qanon says war is a scam. (Pic).


I meant the lack of disclosure regarding Dracos and other malevolent entities out there. Alex Jones get into it a little bit with the interdimensional lizard aliens stuff but from what I've learned while down other rabbit holes seems to be that the higher in consciousness you go and the closer to source, the more lovingly peaceful you become. To be at a high enough level to be interdimensional one would be above hostilities, I would think.

Anonymous ID: 499c8d Dec. 21, 2018, 10:28 p.m. No.4421201   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1265 >>3107 >>3179


Disclosure happened. See



Further disclosure depends on We The People making contact with our "incarnated extraterrestrial" brothers and sisters, just like Qanon said. He did not say Draco. He did not say enemies. He called US, them. Just like the ancient hindu saying "Tat tuam asi." "All of this is that."

One universe, One mind. Greerfag is right. A little crazy, but eyes on target.

Qanon said the natsec Patriots cannot disclose due to the consequential human life collateral damage that would ensue. Therefore it is up to you and me to take the next step. It is your birthright to know the truth, anon.

"Sheep no more."






They may not have landed on the white house lawn, but they have been healing us. They have been patient, they have been kind. They have not retaliated to being shot down.(Roswell Present Day).

This is a door. Knock.

Anonymous ID: d8bda5 Dec. 22, 2018, 3:02 a.m. No.4422730   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3107


>Is that director .. ?


Amardeep Singh Kaleka, His father Satwant Singh Kaleka was killed during the Sikh temple shooting in Winsconsin On August 5, 2012

According to MSM the shooter was a single "Nazi".

According to Greer, local media and people inside the temple during the shooting there were multiple gunmen.

Anonymous ID: 0bfe8e Dec. 22, 2018, 4:37 a.m. No.4423107   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4262 >>5625

It has become abundantly obvious that the bad actors of this board want all eyes on Dr. Steven Greer.

Beyond obvious for an outside observer.

(((They))) are expending all their ammoโ€ฆ But will fail all the same.




"Steering back to Greer".

Switching IP's to make it less obvious now?

Wow you guys are getting desperate.




Do you have anything to prove or back up what you're saying?




"We The People" Caps lock first letter of each word.

= Greerfag syntax and grammar.

Switching IP's might fool some.

Not the autists.


>One universe, One mind. Greerfag is right. A little crazy, but eyes on target.


DESPERATE to keep drawing attention to yourself.

DESPERATE to try to control the narrative on this board.

You are revealing all your tacticsโ€ฆ I see right through them.




"Steering back to Greer".

Why would you link that crop circle?




You are Greerfag.

You are the baker.

You think people are that stupid?




You are making the right connections.

For those who haven't on hereโ€ฆ

Notice how the baker / Greerfag initial IP hashes have slowed down posting?

It's because (((they))) have switched to new devices.

Grammar and syntax reveals all.

Notice the identical patterns of sentence structuring.

The same letters of certain words / phrases with caps lock.

It's very noticeable to the discerning eye.

It also captures with 100% proof that a group of individuals on this board are being paid to continue with a certain narrative here.

Anonymous ID: 0bfe8e Dec. 22, 2018, 4:40 a.m. No.4423133   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



>Would Q allow his bakers to be comp'd? (Pic).


(You) are an idiot in desperation mode.

Q has nothing to do with vetting bakers.

For the newfags here, look into AFLB.

Anti Fungal Leaf Bread.

That individual was a baker for quite some time.

Not only that, (((they))) were a BV on this board.

THAT individual turned out to be a FAKE patriot.

THAT individual now CONSTANTLY shills the main breads.

YOU are a FOOL.

Anonymous ID: 0bfe8e Dec. 22, 2018, 5:03 a.m. No.4423290   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5625



This is an example of bad actors claiming not to like Greer, because aliens are a hoax.

This is just like being labelled a flat earther if you don't believe what NASA and SpaceX are telling you.

They group non-believers with people who don't like Greer.

Classic CIA tactic.




>One of the Rothschild's approached him and told him to go public. Most anons don't trust him.



This is an example of mixing lies with truths.

It's been stated dozens of Times that Greer has close connections to Rockefellers, not Rothschilds.

Once again, divide and distract techniques.





>Ongoing as we speak - do not participate


Not even FIVE minutes after truths are shared and bad actors are being questionedโ€ฆ



An authority figure telling Anons not to engage.

Funny how that happens.

Do the Anons really believe now that at least one person, or a group of people aren't being paid to control the discussion here?

The evidence is all around youโ€ฆ


>The light will reveal those on the team, and those pretending to be. - Q

Anonymous ID: ec98c7 Dec. 22, 2018, 6:27 a.m. No.4423890   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


> I will be looking at the mathematics behind this now that I have found this


>Reich was sentenced to two years imprisonment, and that summer over six tons of his publications were burned by order of the court. He died in prison of heart failure just over a year later, days before he was due to apply for parole.


>Why do they want to suppress it?


Wilhelm Reich's findings and theories on human sexuality, family structure and human emotions are paramout for a clear understanding of the origins of fascist (Left or Right-wing varieties), and totalitarian warlike societies. His experiments on the biophysics of life-energy resolve an equal number of riddles and mysteries in biology, physics, meteorology and astronomy. Here, I will give a bare-bones review of Reich on these issues.


Reich's early work was not focused merely upon "sexual organs and orgasms", as his critics so freqently claim, but examined the whole complex of social issues which affect people's capacity for love and a gratifying sexuality โ€“ these were essential prerequisites for happy families and children, and hence cooperatively stable and non-violent social structures. Reich proposed family-structure was the foundation upon which state-structure was formed, and that the two composed a self-reinforcing functional unit. Patriarchal authoritarian families based upon forced and compulsive moralism led to authoritarian state structures. Where family life was more fluid and permissive, a self-regulated morality existed, with a similarly cooperative social and state structure. From that essential standpoint, his later clinical and experimental work led forth into new territory and a host of new discoveries and findings

Anonymous ID: c790ce Dec. 22, 2018, 10:36 a.m. No.4426429   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Probably should lurk moar but I'm going to suggest that over the last 3 breads or so, I've seen a 'religious war' of sorts between the materialists and the spiritualists involved in the UFO disclosure effort. Dr. Greer is a very good lightning rod for materialists who don't believe in spiritual aspects of the idea of "Where We Go One, We Go All" and a great lightning rods for spiritualists who can't see past their religious indoctrinations and fears. Yes, there is lots of dis-information by lots of agendas. Sorry. I agree with previous anons that in order to avoid killing ourselves with self-inflicted friendly fire associated with perspective differences, should we consider breaking the topic up into categories of experiential research?


  1. Experiential

1.a. This might include human initiated (CE-5 or something like it): meditation or frequency (sound or light) associated when mechanical rather than spiritual in basis

1.b. Or 'accidental' hiking/patio experiences not really human initiated: abductions (ancient, modem, recent), sightings, unusual or unexplained experiences, unusual lights that seem to tail you or move into and out of vision, tangible stuff like metals, flesh, or (mental or physical) terrain alteration that aren't interpreted as spiritual in basis

1.c. Or experiences that are interpreted as spiritual in nature (human initiated or not): changes in heart, changes in perception, alterations of physiology (healings or damagings - local or non-local), knowledge, understanding, and wisdom deltas (transient or permanent)


Not that it matters to anons butโ€ฆ

I am not paid to disseminate dis-information on any topic by any entity,

nor at any time am I disseminating dis-information on an unpaid basis


I'm certain there are other categories of thought that others have: 2697a26d79bbe87d

Anonymous ID: 7258e9 Dec. 22, 2018, 11:38 a.m. No.4427057   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

The Falcon Lake Incident


>Near Falcon Lake, Manitoba, Canada, approximately 75 kilometres north of the American border in the rocky edge of the great Canadian Shield.

Anonymous ID: 289103 Dec. 22, 2018, 12:09 p.m. No.4427372   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2054 >>5625


Why ET no land on WH lawn?


Question "Why is it that ET accept the [CE5] protocol hereโ€ฆ and why don't they justโ€ฆ stop and land and say hey?"


Answer "The question is why don't they stop - why wouldn't a craft stop and say hey. They have some times. I just told you at Joshua Tree we had a sphere come in and there was a being there and literally waved at us - it is on our website []โ€ฆ This is like when Larry King asked why don't they land on the whitehouse lawn? The answer for it is a really important answer. How successful has our misadventure been for instituting jeffersonian democracy in Iraq, and afghanistan?โ€ฆ The point im makingโ€ฆ is that if you have a civilization that is thousands of millions of years more developed than ours, and they were to come in and force disclosure by being that open, a couple things would happen.


First, the world would divide into idolatry. People would worship themโ€ฆ Or would demonize them.

The military and intelligence community would say we've been invaded, and we're back to the movie Independence Day. And it would galvanize the fear to justify unifying the world - as Ronald Reagan said at the U.N. - around an extraterrestrial threat. If I have figured this out with my limited capabilities, I'm quite sure these interstellar civilizations have figured it out.


Anything that is that frontal would have blowback that is not good. So, they let themselves be known in a number of ways. They're testing our responsesโ€ฆ


So, the ET's do not want to do something that would precipitate either panic, misunderstanding, and worse, the galvanization of the military using it like a 9/11 event to create all kinds of boogie men in space. They know that that is exactly how an event like you're talking about would be viewedโ€ฆ


So the only way that global, open contact is gonna happenโ€ฆ is if it is under CE-5 protocol with a lot of world leaders involvedโ€ฆ & It is done in a way that is invitational and coherent.


The other answer is, what would be the purpose in doing that if the people aren't ready? And you know how I think they are measuring how ready we are? Is how much we go out there, and pull ourselves off youtube, and tv, and netflix, and go out under the stars together and with intent & sincerity, ask to make contact. That to them says 'we're ready'"






Anonymous ID: e39c0d Dec. 22, 2018, 4:10 p.m. No.4429822   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

So Andrew Basiagio claims Barry Soetoro was an active participant in the Mars jump room project as a kid - interview w Art Bell - also claims he saw him directly on several occasions

Messenger ID: c7aeed [Secotr 001] Dec. 22, 2018, 6:18 p.m. No.4431454   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4319


Hello friends, I am posting here regarding [D]day. Matrix is down, Red Wave. If you are feeling the awakening now then I understand. We have secured your System Sol before the arrival of our main forces. You were slaves to the Dragon, they used their Saturn matrix to farm you like sheep. We have engaged Dragon's last forces a few light years away. Our faster ships started putting rings around your planet Saturn in 1843, absorbing the matrix wave coming off of it.

Jesus was sent to you to help you breakout of the matrix. The waves from Saturn hold souls hostage to [good/evil] matrix. In order to save hostages we sent teachers to break the lie of [good/evil] matrix.

Prepare, Dragon agencies our working with Religions around the world to pull as many under. If people are in the world of fear, blame, hate, when Saturn is destroyed, you will be destroyed with it.

[Guide books]

Anonymous ID: a800db Dec. 22, 2018, 6:59 p.m. No.4432054   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



You assume they have our best interests at heart. Therefore they would do nothing to panic people, etc. My question is why would they care? You may say they may have some sort of prime directive in place, in which case I would say, then why make contact at all which is interference.


So we have a government that supposedly has made contact with real physical beings, and they and these aliens or beings or whatever are both keeping quiet about it. At the same time we have government leaking classified information - but hey, as much as we loathe those who break security protocols to the point where even someone making statements about classified material are and have been jailed for yearsโ€ฆ but not a single person involved in the UFO disclosure effort has EVER been prosecuted.


So, what is coming from government sources is either propaganda and lies, or it is declassified. If it is declassified why can we not get FOIA requests through for these same disclosures?


Riddle me these things.

Anonymous ID: 7258e9 Dec. 22, 2018, 8:40 p.m. No.4433594   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4319 >>4565 >>4682 >>7697















I'm trying to post legit crumbs, yet people don't shut the fuck about Greer. Feels like an uphill battle.

On other boards they like to pander the spiritual bullshit, the dimensional frequency bullshit, the reincarnation bullshit.


I used to be in a UFO enthusiast group where we went to some dudes house, an educated and wealthy man, who was trying to convince us that you can absorb the refracted light from gift wrapping paper to walk through walls. I'm not fucking kidding. The only reason they pander Queer Gueer is because there's that benefit of the doubt with unconfirmed evidence. Some evidence is better than no evidence, so some Autists will at least consider it. Shills can't use the unicorn and fairies story here because non one will take them seriously.

I've been posting articles worth talking about, even to discuss counter arguments, yet shills cast their lines with walls of text and suckers are getting hooked.


The psyops have been very successful, actual evidence has been released through the news yet no one wants to discuss about it, fuck even Q himself said they exist. That should be enough in itself for normal sane people to talk about it, yet they turn a blind eye.



Autists, we shouldn't be looking for answers, we should be the ones asking questions.

Why are aliens here?

What are their capabilities?

Why the obsession with knuckle babies, eggs, and ads probing?

Why do they want to remain unknown?

What interactions have they done with us?

How can we determine the fake accounts from the real ones?

What questions should we be asking ourselves?


Dig dig dig.


For once, talk about something besides Greer, there's a dozen other crumbs on it already. Let's do our job and dig for shit instead of wasting time asking the aliens to tell us. People are so easily misled.

Anonymous ID: 8fd1aa Dec. 22, 2018, 9:26 p.m. No.4434262   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5625


Good, Fren. You are learning!! Greirfag and all CE5fags are comp'd by the goyim kiddie fucking ashkenazi jews who work for the draconiggers They have been breaking bread with the draconiggers and absorping the souls of child sacrifice . this is wut gives them there strength. they suck out the adrenalchrome at the base of the skull and spit it into the mouths of the payseurs and rotchild and rockefeller in pecking order. the way the deception works is whoever does CE5 to contact aliens when there eyes are closed the aliens insert a parasite into there uretha causing orgasm then takes control of mind. this is why every1 doing ce5 and the 4000 people in the study think the contact was positive it is just like how succubus work. Qanons uretha is also compd. this is why he says where we go one we go all and does not mention the draco. he is gathering the heard for a global alien harvest. only a fool or dumb nigger would try to contact aliens using ce5 protocols. good work, fren.

do not try to contact aliens or they will insert parasite into uretha

Anonymous ID: b8549b Dec. 22, 2018, 9:30 p.m. No.4434319   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


I have been awake a long time. I heard the call.



I know it's an uphill battle, but there are more people reading than there are people posting.

The question we should ask is: how do we get the 85% - roughly speaking - of people that live their every day life like we are paranoid schizophrenics to actually understand half of what we're talking about? I mean we can't barley wake people up to the cabal.


My take on your questions:

Why are they here? Because we are royalty.

What are their capabilities? Not 100% sure.

Why the obsession with knuckle babies, eggs, and ads probing? Interbreeding for genetic profits.

Why do they want to remain unknown? We would rip them to shreds if we were united and fully aware.

What interactions have they done with us? What makes us think that we are not already living among some of them?

How can we determine the fake accounts from the real ones? No idea.

What questions should we be asking ourselves? If we're not alone, what does that really mean?




We are all children of the infinite cosmos.

Anonymous ID: 8dc471 Dec. 22, 2018, 9:49 p.m. No.4434565   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4575 >>6312 >>6494 >>7252


Hell yeah Mang!!!! I'm on it!

>Why are aliens here?

>Why do they want to remain unknown?

>What interactions have they done with us?

>What questions should we be asking ourselves?

Now this is a great question. Why would British explorers travel to a remote island in the middle of the Pacific in a wooden boat? Well, the first time it is obvious. It is to see if there is some awesome unclaimed resource sitting there ripe for the taking! Now if they go to the island and it is a shitpile of sand and nothing useful they will scribble on the map and never come back. But what if it is covered in something AWESOME. Well, if that happens then we got a whole 'nother story. They are going to send word to the Queen and bring the whole fucking armada over to snag that resource. When I think about why aliens are here I wonder why they haven't simply come down here and taken what they want? I mean really! Why not? Its not like we could stop them. Not in any way that I understand. There must be a really fucking good reason.

My guess is that there is a law/rule/guide that these Galactics (I'll call them all Galactics) have to follow. Like the Star Trek prime directive. "NO INTERFERENCE in natural development until xyz happens". Now, I think perhaps some Galactic fucked this up and started dropping tech on us, (Nuclear Weapons come to mind) as does the Transistor. They then tried to cover it up as all of a sudden we start popping off nuclear bombs and really catching attention. So they got a great ideaโ€ฆ LETS FIX IT they said! So we get these vague stories about treaties where the aliens can abduct us and stuff like that we get shot down UFO's and even more leaking tech causing troubles etc. I think we have been in the middle of first contact for like 100 years and someone seriously fucked it up on both the Alien side and on the human side. The aliens had absolutely no idea that our leaders were absolute scumbags and that they would hide the info. Hell, they probably never even KNEW that they hid the info and maybe even thought we were just stupid? So they mucked around giving us transistors expecting an explosion of free communication to fix the whole thingโ€ฆ The internet is basically what the transistor turns into in most cases so they tossed that out thereโ€ฆ It made a world wide connectivity system but guess what ha ha! It was all called a CONSPIRACY and no one bought it.

Imagine how baffled the Aliens are at this point?! No fucking clue what to do. So then the "B squad" of first contact crews gets fired and a new boss shows up. Probably a VERY powerful and VERY experienced first contact "Fixer" species or group that has FAR more leeway to interact with us and fix fuckups. This is where we are today. This "A Team" has been working behind the scenes probably for 20 or 30 years with guys like Trump, perhaps the Kennedys, etc. They are far more aware of what the fuck is going on down here and finally have a way to fix it without violating a ?Prime Directive? type thing if that exists.

So all of this drama, if true means one thingโ€ฆ There is something valuable as fuck here. We don't know what exactly but whatever it is it is worth a colossal shit-ton of hard work and risk by these guys to fix the mess and, probably, welcome us into galactic civilization. I wonder what it is? Not technology. Not something gay like our culture. That is totally fucked and toxic. We have something. I seriously doubt it is something as simple as GOLD or even DNA. Nope. They could snag that stuff and we would never even know. Nope. There is some sort of value here and it is worth A LOT of trouble for these guys to access. Slavery comes to mind sadlyโ€ฆ It really does and I hate to think about that.

It is very likely that they are hereโ€ฆ and I don't mean just in orbit hiding in a cloaked ship or in the sky hiding in a cloaked ship. I mean H.E.R.E. Like we have probably talked with them. Worked with them or taken a piss in an airport next to them. I have been recently racking my brain asking myself have I ever met anyone who was โ€ฆ ?wrong? somehow? This is a major question that I have. Is there a way to identify these fuckers out on the street? Would we want to if we could?

Anonymous ID: 8dc471 Dec. 22, 2018, 9:49 p.m. No.4434575   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5043 >>6312

>>4434565 Continued

Kyle Odom IMO is the flat-out best example of this. This guy shot some preacher like 10 times with a .45ACP. multiple head-shots and multiple body shots with a massive and powerful handgun. The preacer man, Remington FUCKING LIVED. Its amazing. Honestly I thought about trying to contact the preacher and talk with him but i'm a big pussy and don't want some fucking alien trying to kill me and my family. Kyle Odom didn't think much of the guy and obviously thought he was dangerous. Perhaps we should contact Kyle Odom? Write him a letter in prison or something and then post it here? Could be an interesting direction to go but it may get a SHITLOAD of heat as well. Any Alienanon out there with terminal cancer or 90 years old and gonna die anyway or something want to take this on? I got a wife and some little aliens of my own to think about.

>What are their capabilities?

This is tough. All we can do is watch UFO shit and speculate. Pretty obvious stuff is limitless energy, anti-gravity that is beyond even the most exotic physics that we have available. Likely some psychic thing that I can't even speculate on as I have never had any such experience of any kind ever.

In no way am I naive enough to think that ALL aliens are friendly. Also I am certain that ALL aliens are not bad guys. There are very few things that always are or are not "X" Usually things lie somewhere in between.

Anonymous ID: b8549b Dec. 22, 2018, 10:31 p.m. No.4435043   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6312 >>0539


I agree with some of your stuff, and on some we can agree to disagree until we have proof of X or Y.


I did however start to think about something pretty nasty when I read your post about them being here since that is what I myself believe too.


Let's create a hypothesis.

Humans are sentiment beings that can agree on things. Everybody should have somewhere to live, have something to eat, have water etc. sentiment beings that don't agree falls in a category of aliens and manipulated humans. We can say that they don't know better or that they believe in their religion to a point where they actually could slay a child because it "belongs" to another religion.


See where I'm going this this?

We are digging now.


What if, in that group, there exists aliens that we have met, how would we then know the difference from a manipulated human and an alien?




Let me add some on to what you said about what they would see as valuable.

We would probably have no real understanding about that. They might be here because of X, but I would tend to agree with you that if they are here in the scale I believe they are and follow a protocol, then there are rules in place. And we are currently playing a game with rules we have no understanding about.

Anonymous ID: 47c54f Dec. 23, 2018, 1:19 a.m. No.4436312   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7429 >>5625





Interesting lines of thought anons.


I've been trying to follow the white rabbit for some time regarding the UFO phenomenon and have listened to damn near everyone trying to come to my own conclusion.


Considering some Majestic 12 files I perused that had an interview with a surviving EBE from Aztec crash in 48, the gist of the interview was that Tesla contacted the aliens while in Colorado in 1899 and were EXTREMELY surprised by his message and he was capable of sending it and sent a response in the early 1920s to some guy using his own code (said "V code" but I couldn't find anything in my searches) but got no response so they decided to make the trip to see what was going on and the first attempt was shot down in Roswell and luckily the EBE survived the second attempt in Aztec.


The EBE revealed that they have figured out gene editing and have prolonged lives, perhaps too long according to the one EBE, but that their particular group rarely took things seriously and have made contact with people thousands of years ago and that some legends still survive in the mythos of folklore of native people in the American Southwest along with the Maya, Aztec, Inca and other peoples. The EBE also said that they (his father) helped make a concrete pad some 112,000 years ago over by New Caledonia that is utterly unexplainable considering the technology and capabilities of the people at the time and that there are proofs of contact all around but the government signed a treaty forbidding open contact and set terms regarding abductions.


The EBE said that they were capable of living entirely in space and that they didn't need a planet to tether to for survival and that we were close to achieving the same in a relatively short amount of time and that our technological advances would basically be a quantum leap, considering this interview was conducted in the late 40s to early 50sโ€ฆ


Considering other digs into a Galactic Council/Federation that some talking heads have mentioned, all I can find seems to be fanfic, which I would add those "interviews" with someone claiming to be a high level source within the Cabal given permission to answer any questions the sheep may have, with some restrictions. Couldn't openly divulge information but if the right questions were asked you could pretty much get your answer provided it was within the scope of what they were allowed to answer.


The YT channel Spirit Science has some videos regarding Atlantis and Lumeria and the war with Mars and Male v Female energy and consciousness that seems to align with a lot of what I've discovered trying to follow the rabbit hole. Along the same vein as that channel and what Alex Jones has ranted on about regarding transdimensional lizard aliens that feed off of our energyโ€ฆ what if in some regard he was right?


I know he's a shill and controlled opposition but what if that was something he was releasing as a means of predictive programming/prepping the masses? There are legends of vampires and we know the importance blood is to the Cabal, what if there are transdimensional entities that are vampiric regarding negative emotions? Sort of the whole religions of angels vs demons, as well as the Sumerian creation legend with Enki and Enlil and the Annunaki and stuff. Super advanced aliens that have the capacity to control the elements, like Avatar's benders, and understand quantum stuff and know how to manipulate matter created humans from already evolving primates through genetic manipulationโ€“multiple varieties for various purposes. The mating with one of them Enki/Enlil, I forget which, but basically Adam and Lilith vs Adam and Eve kind of thing, created a new species that was capable of so much more than their creator once their potential was unlocked and realized and have basically spent the last several thousand ages setting up their power and ruling?


We know the Cabal worships Marduk/Lucifer/Saturn, etc. and all of that was established during the Age of Taurus, which started around 4500BC and coincides with the emergence of Bull/Saturn idolatry and the child sacrifices. Then they really took hold during the Age of Aries, which started in 1800BC and was a time of great expansion and conquest and saw the emergence and expansion of the Egyptian, Chinese, Roman, Greek, and Persian empires as well as the transformation of Marduk/Saturn into Ra/Amun Ra.


And I just had an awesome moment of realization. The current astrological age is the Age of Pisces which started around 100BC to 100AD, lots of debate. Pisces is the fish which is associated with water but the following age is also associated with water (watch the water!?), the Age of Aquarius is associated with water, the death of gods/religion, and peace, sustainability, transparency, liberation, and technology.


When did the Age of Aquarius start?



Anonymous ID: 7371f0 Dec. 23, 2018, 2:49 a.m. No.4436698   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6957 >>7169



Doubtful. If aliens want water, they can just harvest asteroids. Icy space rocks are floating around everywhere in the galaxy, and would supply fresh water more accessibly and in much greater quantities than sucking it up from down here in the gravity well.

Anonymous ID: 0bfe8e Dec. 23, 2018, 4:56 a.m. No.4437169   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7429 >>8158 >>0808 >>3896 >>5625



This is one of the stupidest arguments I've ever heard.

Ice is mixed in with rock, which requires an extraction.

Not to mention whatever microbes are fresh frozen inside.

You are saying that is easier than coming down to ocean-sized lakes with fresh water?

Gravity well you say?

I thought at this point most people could believe that these craft are using anti-gravity and even trans-dimensional propulsion methods.

Gravity is irrelevant at that point.

So far your logic is illogical by my understanding.

Also, it's worth noting that in the book "Penetration" written by Ingo Swann, he's alleged to have been taken back to a remote lake in Alaska and watched a triangular craft materialize out of nowhere, then start to tap fresh water off a lake.

I would suggest to anyone to check out that book if you do not know about the underside of military operations.

So why would these beings scour a solar system for small chunks of water mixed with rock and microbes, which has to be melted and processed when they can simply fill up a tanker with fresh liquid water.

The amount of water present on asteroids as compared to earth is laughable.

It makes absolutely zero sense from any standpoint to hunt for it in space.

We have almost zero water to be found on any of the other planets in the solar system as well, considering the vast bulk of planetary mass is gas.

I do recall Greer saying similar things like this, that aliens wouldn't want earth for natural resources.

You're using the same thought process as Greer.

Which of course is a lie, as tens of thousands of years of human history points to a very different story.

(The gold mines of Enki for example)




This is exactly what I'm talking about. Its hidden everywhere on TV. The television show "V" is about reptilian aliens taking water from earth. It's very coincidental you know. I also find it interesting that a single poster just happens to pop up and quickly tell us that aliens would want nothing to do with earths water. Nopeโ€ฆ That makes sense, considering we probably have 90% of the water of several solar systems around us combined.


I can only conclude your post is due to being near the target!

Anonymous ID: 7258e9 Dec. 23, 2018, 5:13 a.m. No.4437252   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7429





Count me in faggots.

I'm stepping up my game plan and will swindle some leadership and guide anons through the same growing pains I had looking for evidence. There's so much CounterInt out there, deliberate and non deliberate, so many hoaxers, so many people spinning he fake narrative.

What do we do in the lack of evidence? Discourse. Figuring out what don't know then working from there.

Let's spearhead this fucker for those anons that this is new to.

Anonymous ID: b8549b Dec. 23, 2018, 5:49 a.m. No.4437429   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5625





Good digging.

I will continue to spin the hypothesis.


As anon - 47c54f - said, the moment of realization is why we are here.

We have been digging after the white rabbit down into wonderland for years.

Lets say that we are onto something, then this thread is their biggest nightmare, since we are actually looking at new ways to try and understand this.

I have been thinking about the harvesting of energy things for a long time and I think that it might be what we are looking at.

If that is the case then of course they want us to believe that aliens are physical entities that are bipedal or some nasty looking thing.

The last thing they want us to think is that we can be be infected by them. Think about it, what if the hypothesis is right, and that we can see who is an alien just by asking them some basic questions. What if an "alien" is just a human that has been "infected" by the negative entity.

That would boggle the mind.

How would one protect from it?


Is it really that easy?

Is it an have always been vibrations?


I think that the only way we can get anywhere is to continue this way.

We have to use each other as ball planks where we throw ideas on and off each-other to get to the next realization.


When we hear that "we have more than we know", it's not related to politics imo.

If they are here for the water a video comes to my mind:


We are made up of about 60% water. What if we are not what we think we are.

What if we are water entities that they have made to believe are carbon based?

How powerful are we if we are able to affect our own body?

We would be more like Gods than what we think we are today.


What if they hijacked the law of one to discredit it with the help of mr. cock?

What if Terrance Mckenna was right with:


<In our species it reaches its culmination and crosses over into a new domain where change no longer

<occurs in the atomic and biological machinery of existence; it begins to take place in the world that we

<call mental. It's called epigenetic change-Change that cannot be traced back to mutation of the

<arrangement of molecules inside long chain polymers, but change taking place in syntactical structures

<that are linguistically based.


We are by far the best research out there at the moment.

Keep digging.

Anonymous ID: ade195 Dec. 23, 2018, 6:18 a.m. No.4437623   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0190 >>0808 >>9773 >>0156

About 25 years ago I had a run in with something I can't explain.

I went to the bar to go check out this beautiful bartender, it was a rainy weekday night. I walked into the bar and the poor girl was frozen in fear, almost catatonic. I ordered a true Margarita, she looked at me and looked at the only other person in the bar, a very odd looking guy at the other end. He had no hair at all and huge eyes, she gave me my true Margarita and I said down the bar and sat next to him. He was wearing clothes that were brand new, just bought, A grey members only jacket. I engaged him, he looked at me and became awash in fear, his huge eyes bugged out of his head and he recoiledโ€ฆit is at this moment that the memories stop..

A few days later I go back to the same bar, two men sit on each side of me and say to the bartender,

" He'll have a true Margarita."

They go one to tell me that they work for a special unit of the USAF, I said my grandfather worked for the USAF, " We know" they said.

I ask them if they are ever going to tell the people the truth about aliens etc..They said they never will, the people can't handle it. It is at this moment these memories stop from being at the bar.

The next thing I remember is getting home and seeing what looks like a greenhouse full of lights in a clearing in the woods behind my place, a greenhouse with what looks like people sitting around a table. I say to myself, " That's odd Ive been hitting 7 irons into those woods for months I got lucky by not breaking any windowsโ€ฆ"

I try to sleep but I am overcome with this strange vibration and a voice in my head saying.." Go downstairs, go down stairs"

I finally go down stairs, when I do a light turns on in the store across the street, a 4 ft tall grey is standing in the store and he raises an arm and the light goes offโ€ฆ.

I remember saying, " Ok that's enough" and the memories end there.

The next day I packed up and went to live in my mothers barn and read every book I could on the matter.

These were not benevolent ayys , no doubt.

And that is my story of my drink with hybridโ€ฆ.

Anonymous ID: a8cf39 Dec. 23, 2018, 6:29 a.m. No.4437697   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7815 >>5625




>totally agree, they need to be called out and we need to post more content.


They are being called out for newfags as this is a very shilled series of breads with a fuckton of nonsensical garbage being thrown around.


Content has been posted and either ignored or not commented on. Posted this decode


of a possible star map depicted in Egyptian mythology and not a peep. Which is odd, because an awful lot of it lines up with the layout of the Vatican.

Seems pretty damn significant to me. Because, you know, Egyptians, stargates, UFO's, space, etc. (Need to add in the eye of Horus in the upper right possibly being the Pleiades system.)

And since that map seems to coincide with the layout of the Vatican, which is where the Draco are. Do you not think that's in the least bit significant? Even more interesting is that the star map and the Vatican aligns right about now (Christmas season), and the full moon is in the area of the silver gate. I haven't pulled it all together yet, but there's less doubt in my mind that if you want to get to the bottom of what's going on with Aliens, the Vatican is a key to finding the truth.

And yet... crickets. Hey, cool. Board goes where it wants to go, maybe this is all really old news and I'm just joining the party. But content IS being posted.


Most of the following were mentioned in this book: "The Presidents and UFO's"

Which mentions the incident over DC that you posted here: >>4392983

Also, Belgian Air force chases Triangle UFO

Majestic 12 documents:

The reason I posted the book is because it's a good primer for newfags and sticks to the factual as best it can when we discuss a topic like this.

Anonymous ID: b57df2 Dec. 23, 2018, 6:32 a.m. No.4437721   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7802 >>0808 >>3896

I donโ€™t really know the truth for sure but my humble intuition isโ€ฆ. some of this theory above may have some accuracy that I resonate with, but when it comes to realizing the what the valuable asset is and why they are here to help and assist us. Its NOT some material thing, mineral etc. They are here to help rescue us from being enslaved and the negative powerโ€™s agenda to assimilate us as well as other unfortunate races and planets.


It is Us that is the asset, and our true God consciousness as a benevolent and Loving, Service to Others species - and the Goal is to help us graduate successfully from the 3rd dimension we are currently in into this higher spiritual level of 4th/5th dimension, which is the key to continued timely evolution connected to other universes, races, entities, dimensions, etc.


We are key in the Galactic Plan..

Unfortunately we have just been lost sheep for quite some time - but โ€œsheep mo moโ€. WWG1WGA. whitelight

Anonymous ID: b8549b Dec. 23, 2018, 6:44 a.m. No.4437815   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8170



You could be right, you could be wrong.

Some of us have probably just been digging deeper than the surface and have a bigger vault of information so what you posted is something we have already looked at many times. And many of the people talking about it has been sketchy to say the least.


Think of it like this, if you really want to hide the truth you would make "truth" be so far from reality that people wouldn't even look at the material provided to them because it sounds so far fetched.

I would imagine that what we are currently exploring is something that many diggers have had in the back of their mind for a long time, but no actual research is being made into it, so we are taking things into our own hands. We need to try to understand what is going on. And most of the evidence is pointing to that we are living so far from reality that we need to go deeper.


The point is that your rabbit hole has been explored to the full extent imo.

And if that is the truth, Jesus is the way and don't enter the ships when they land.

They will try to have you use your own free will to enter the ships, don't.


Like I said, you might be right, or you could be looking at the disinformation that has been laid out to hide reality.


Keep digging anon.

Anonymous ID: c2efa6 Dec. 23, 2018, 7:25 a.m. No.4438158   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8446 >>3896


Asteroid water mining is on the league of recovering hundreds of metric tons of water per asteroid, not "small chunks". And the processing tech involved is actually very simple. Essentially it's just scaled-up distillation, using mirrors to focus solar radiation to passively melt rocks and vaporize ice, which also separates out the water from impurities. The stars essentially generate water for you.

Aliens free to travel the galaxy don't need our water, they already have more than they need with even "less" expenditure of energy than bending gravity & dimensions. If aliens are using our water, it's likely merely out of convenience while they're here, and not the reason why they're here.

Anonymous ID: 0bfe8e Dec. 23, 2018, 7:59 a.m. No.4438446   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



>Asteroid water mining is on the league of recovering hundreds of metric tons of water per asteroid, not "small chunks".


Could you please provide the sauce that we are doing this, or have proven the technology we have can do this? Just curious if there's some viable research backing what you're saying with some results or it's just conjecture and speculation?



Anonymous ID: b8549b Dec. 23, 2018, 8:02 a.m. No.4438474   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8886



I'm not saying it is, I'm saying it could be.

Much of the spacecrafts and what not has already been shown to come from our own governments. See pic for example.


There are many sources that claim that Egypt>Rome>Vatican>Cabal. Or different versions of that.

What I'm entertaining is that, what if that's the disinformation? The breadcrumbs that has been laid in the open so that we won't go deeper since; we have people explaining this and wistleblowers and all of that.


I honestly don't think that it can be that easy.

We are thinking inside the box, and they're coming from outside the box.

So whatever truth we should be looking for must exist outside the box.


But then again, it's just a hypothesis and you could be stating the truth.

I mean, astrology and horoscopes in all honor, it cant be that easy.

If it is, the truth has been "out there" for so long it's ridiculous.

And then what would that mean?

It just sounds like something from the voyager books. (sauce: )


And if she's right, we're fucked.

Anonymous ID: a8cf39 Dec. 23, 2018, 8:38 a.m. No.4438886   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9169


>The point is that your rabbit hole has been explored to the full extent imo.

Uh huh. Do tell. And yet no one said :"Hey, been done before. Check out X, Y, or Z."

(And frankly, of course it's been done before. Check the dang map helpfully included - We're researchers pulling from open source information. Says so right there on the box! )

You also previously stated:

>Some of us have probably just been digging deeper than the surface and have a bigger vault of information so what you posted is something we have already looked at many times.

Entirely possible and even plausible.

So post them. The vaults of deeper information.

Help the Newfags along here.

Because it's odd how all of us have tiny pieces until we come together and try to make the picture clearer. Then suddenly everyone knows all this already and the misdirection starts to flow.


>I'm not saying it is, I'm saying it could be.

The disinformation is the hundreds of crowd-sourced digs on the subject that verify each other in little ways?

That Egyptians moved to Rome and Rome is run by the Vatican? That Jesus may be Sun worship in the literal sense? And it seems to go much fartherโ€ฆ And who holds the key to that? And who runs that key?

So of course we should look outside the box now, right? Because this whole time, we're boxed in in our thinking by noticing the symbolism and it's connections.

Sowing division, doubt and fear. You really aren't very good at your job, do you know that?

Anonymous ID: b8549b Dec. 23, 2018, 9:01 a.m. No.4439169   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0600 >>3896


Anon, how did you even bend it to me supporting Ashayana Deane or working for some abc bs? This is not even what we should be discussing.

That lady is batshit crazy imo.


Like I stated before, It's entirely possible that you're right.

But I seriously don't know how to sum up 18 years of digging in one post.


You already have a lot of the information in your posts.

You already know about how the work with symbols, but why do they use symbols?

What are symbols?

Just because you have a spiderweb doesn't mean that you have the spider.


I'm honestly baffled by how you respond.

Press my ID and look at the posts I have posted in thread.


I think that we are the key.


As soon as we unite and start to look for the truth it will come. But arguing about who is right or who is wrong is not the way forward.

Leave you ego somewhere else, please.


I have stated in every response to you that you could be right.

But when I went down that rabbithole it just ends with, David Icke, Alex Collier, Jordan Maxwell , Project Camelot, Zecharia Sitchin and all the other stuff that's already out there.

And for me personally that don't resonate well.


If you were the aliens, wouldn't you spread so much disinformation that it all just loops back to itself?


Anunna made us as a slave race and now were going to be eaten or become slaves?

Or the reptile could just be a reference to how they control us:


Like I said, I have no clue of what's the truth, but I'm not gonna call you a shill just because we disagree.

Anonymous ID: 8dc471 Dec. 23, 2018, 10:51 a.m. No.4440539   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3381


>What if, in that group, there exists aliens that we have met, how would we then know the difference from a manipulated human and an alien?


So you are an alienโ€ฆ You are infiltrating a lower species. Think of it like some Anthropologist going to live with a remote tribe in Brazil with a brutal caste system (totally making this up). In this tribe, there are the HAVES and the HAVE-NOT's. Who would you want to be seen as by those tribesmen who you will be living amongst and studying? Would you want to be the lowest sewer-cleaning slave? Nopeโ€ฆ You would want to be a High Priest who is immune to all laws. You would want to, at the very least, be separate from their system that imposes heavy personal restrictions on you. They may not want to go ALL THE WAY to the top though. The very top is a dangerous, risky and visible position. Easy to get tossed in the meat grinder by those below you.


I could see these aliens in positions like mid to upper level priests, primary resource owners or controllers of companies who own primary resources. Who owns the banks who own all the mineral rights in the country? Stuff like that. I think positions in the military would be very unappealing but positions in something like the SES (Senior Executive Service) of the DOD would be very appealing and may be a number one place to look.


I ask myself, what are the positions that are the safest, the most powerful and have the most personal freedom and resource availability for the least effort? Those are the places we should be looking. This is all based sadly on our human view of what is good and desirable. For all we know the Aliens may come from some stinky swamp and think the Sewer cleaning job is pure heavenโ€ฆ or have the mentality of the alien from the Predator movie and absolutely LOVE a position as a low ranking marine in combat. It iis really hard to know but my guess is if they are here they have some vague similarity to us and these broad sweeping strokes may be close to the mark.

Anonymous ID: a8cf39 Dec. 23, 2018, 10:56 a.m. No.4440600   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1261


There was reasoning behind it, but I think it's your English that's throwing me so I misunderstood your intent.

>Leave you ego somewhere else, please.

Okay. Lead on.

>You already know about how the work with symbols, but why do they use symbols?

Communication to ingroup and outgroup. Offsetting karmic reaction.

>What are symbols?

Sigil Magic. Focus of Intent. Icons of authority.

>Just because you have a spiderweb doesn't mean that you have the spider.

Pindar reported to someone or something.

Where's Lovecraft fit in?

Anonymous ID: 8dc471 Dec. 23, 2018, 11:15 a.m. No.4440808   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1166 >>5625


That sounds like the "Loosh Farm" Theory. Its actually a pretty fun read if you can find it all. It was originally a drop on halfch if memory serves and was some guy who claimed to be a Rothchild? and that we are all here getting the screws put to us so we suffer and our suffering generates Loosh, a psychic drug that the aliens need to live. The elites/illuminati are given things like tech and information to keep them in power so they can keep farming us. Kinda like the British system of colonization where they give guns to the weakest most oppressed tribes and they capture and control all others using that tech but its the Brits who ultimately control the ammo. Meh.. Maybe. I only vaguely think the above is likely. Reminds me of a Dolph Lundgren movie from the 80s called "I come in peace"



As for the water thingโ€ฆ How about they just do all this in Antarctica and ignore us?

Also, any source of Hydrogen and Oxygen will make water. I just don't think it is uncommon enough to hassle us for it.



That shit is pretty scary actually. Yeah I don't know about any of that. I have never had any experience that I would say is otherworldly. Seen a few things that defied physics though which is much of what has brought me here.



But WHY? What the hell good is some bag-o-meat that is weak and gets sick and dies and stuff? If you have massive anti-gravity ships and limitless energy its not like you need some slave with a shovel to dig a hole or something. I think it is something else entirely. I think finding out what our value is to the Galactics is paramount to us dealing with them.


For all we know the Universe is ruled by boring serious accountant types and their highest cause of death is suicide. Maybe they are here for our humor and comedy? :p Who knows? If we can nail that then we will be well on our way to dealing with them fairly.

Anonymous ID: a800db Dec. 23, 2018, 11:42 a.m. No.4441111   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1398 >>2847

Here is one of the reasons (one of many) that I believe the facts point to the whole UFO being more phenomena than physical and that phenomena being intimately tied to people of a certain type. In one of the links below you will find the NY Times article about the 'tic-tac' aircraft episode from 2004 (USS Nimmizt carrier group and USS Princeton). The second link is the released Pentagon Executive report on the incident. It is 13 pages long, but please read it carefully as this lays out exactly what occurred. None of the reports filed regarding this incident were classified because they were on a final training mission before deploying to the Saudi Arabian peninsula - and training missions are never classified.


In the Pentagon Executive Report you will find that with the 5 people that were sent out on F/A-18 aircraft to intercept and investigate, their experiences were not the same.

One saw the water disturbance and the AAV hovering over the water;

One saw the water disturbance only;

one saw the object via FLIR camera but could not see it with his eyes;

One saw the AAV only;

One saw nothing.


A submarine in the area picked up no water disturbance.


The FLIR recording can be viewed at the Times article link.

Anonymous ID: b8549b Dec. 23, 2018, 11:54 a.m. No.4441261   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1732 >>2899 >>3896 >>5625


>There was reasoning behind it, but I think it's your English that's throwing me so I misunderstood your intent.

Second language.


>Communication to ingroup and outgroup. Offsetting karmic reaction.

>Sigil Magic. Focus of Intent. Icons of authority.


I would say that it's pretty magical to lead an entire planet to your end goal, by rule, and leave your symbols out in the open as communication.

Here's the kicker that I have found to be quite "illuminating" - pun intended -, most people are doing it by their free will.

We all have a free will, you could look at it from a religious perspective or just as a fact.

I choose not to hurt others, I choose not to kill.

Some of what J. Peterson is re-branding from C. Jung. It's our choice.

I can choose to do evil, I can choose to act like an asshole when I'm online.

You get my drift.

But as soon as we see the "game", most of us start to act better. Why?

I can't say that goes for everybody but I would think that it has something to do with the fact that they are evil and that must mean that we should be good.

But then comes the question; what's good and evil?

Is it a good thing to kill 10 babies to save a 100 babies? and so on?


Were should our intent be?

In my opinion we should intend to help everybody, even those who don't fully grasp what they are playing yet.

We are facing a task that seems impossible without help since more than 40% - just picked a number from the nothingness - of the world would die to defend "the system".


One thing Alex Collier said that blew my mind back in the day; why do we pay to live on a planet we were born on?

How do we even get other people to think outside "the system"?

Why do "they" want us to take drugs, drink alcohol and have sex?

Why don't "they" want us to sit down and philosophy and look around the world?


>Pindar reported to someone or something.

>Where's Lovecraft fit in?


The Marquis de Libeaux and the whole Arizona Wilder stuff is something I have not looked at since way back. It could be something there or it might not.

When I read about it my understanding was that Pindar - The Marquis de Libeaux - would have to be Lucifer, personified. And if Lucifer is a reptilian that has fooled the "cabal" is something I can't answer.

But my take on that was that IF Lucifer was NOT reptilian, then Jesus is King.


I do think we are getting away from the current objective a bit though.


What if symbols are the aliens vessels?

What if people actually feed them energy when they watch music videos and support their brands?

What if they inhabit something that we can't see, but share with them?

Anonymous ID: a800db Dec. 23, 2018, 12:19 p.m. No.4441508   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2307


All I have are rumors, rumors of a genetic marker and a fine brain area in those that can see and experience these things. It may have to do with the way consciousness interacts on a quantum level with reality. Shroedinger's cat stuff.

Anonymous ID: a8cf39 Dec. 23, 2018, 12:39 p.m. No.4441732   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2307 >>4368


>Second language.

Fair enough. Please accept my apology, anon.


"The matrix"

Now you're getting in to things I have seen explored in the past here.

>why do we pay to live on a planet we were born on?

>How do we even get other people to think outside "the system"?

>Why do "they" want us to take drugs, drink alcohol and have sex?

>Why don't "they" want us to sit down and philosophy and look around the world?

"Keep them starved. Keep them blind. Keep them stupid."

>What if symbols are the aliens vessels?

In the sense that they're conduits for energy transmission in quantum form?

(I have a hypothesis that Obelisks might be spiritual antenna, much like a church's spire.) Because I don't think you're telling me you think the Vatican itself is an alien ship. Or that the Chevron logo is a way for them to travel. Or are you?

>What if people actually feed them energy when they watch music videos and support their brands?

In what manner? In that passive mind control generates certain energy for feeding (ie: fear, negativity), or that the act of watching and thinking a thing is real in enough numbers makes it so?

>What if they inhabit something that we can't see, but share with them?

Sure. Other dimensions. A Nexus area.

Anonymous ID: b68627 Dec. 23, 2018, 1:14 p.m. No.4442112   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>Why would someone see it when someone else can't see it?

Their technology is out of this world, so moving somewhere extremely fast or cloaking/decloaking is a breeze. Sometimes you have a split second to see something. Vid semi-related.

Anonymous ID: b8549b Dec. 23, 2018, 1:32 p.m. No.4442307   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3060 >>3790


>Fair enough. Please accept my apology, anon.



>In the sense that they're conduits for energy transmission in quantum form?

>(I have a hypothesis that Obelisks might be spiritual antenna, much like a church's spire.) Because I don't think you're telling me you think the Vatican

>itself is an alien ship. Or that the Chevron logo is a way for them to travel. Or are you?

>In what manner? In that passive mind control generates certain energy for feeding (ie: fear, negativity), or that the act of watching and thinking a thing is real in enough numbers makes it so?

Something like that.

If enough people believe something to be true, what if that makes it true?

What I was grasping for was that they might be able too feed of our energy like you said. And Obelisks might be what they use to collect it.

I have no idea how this all would work in reality, but I'm leaning towards the hypothesis that we can remove them like you can radiate cancer.

We might be able to "love" them away if we could make everybody work towards the same goal.

That might also be why they shut down the flower power movement so hard.


And if that would be the case, we, the people that are trying our best to live a good life and be kind to each other would probably be untouchable.


like anon said in


What if it's not rumors. What if something really happens to us when we start to see the game that is being played?

A magician can only fool you as long as you don't know the trick.

It's actually a scary thought if they feed of our emotions/consciousness.

Then reptilians/shapeshifters could be them doing something to our consciousness?


It's hard to even form sentences around this subject since we don't fully understand it.


What you said about energy transmission in quantum form and how the church's spire could work as a spiritual antenna is really interesting.

I read a lot on how sound can heal a while back, and connected with your hypothesis, it could explain why the church's organ makes sounds that can feel as powerful as they do.

When you're at a concert and you really "feel" the music, you can have goosebumps all over your arm, but that's electrically powered sounds.


Really made me thing about this:


<They say that before the world began, Brahma โ€“ the creator, the absolute reality โ€“ was one, and He said, โ€œI am one, but may I become many?โ€ This thought created a vibration that settled into a sound. This sound was Om. The creation of the world began with this vibration โ€“ Om.


<When you chant Om, the vibration from that sound correlates to the original vibrations that were sounded in the universe when the world was created. The sound of Om is often called Pranava, or that which runs through breath (Prana) and sustains life. Om is also a representation of the four states of the Supreme Being.


<O is a diphthong and is usually spelled as AU in Sanskrit. A diphthong is the combination of two vowel sounds that make the sound of one vowel. Some people refer to Om as OM, and others as AUM, but the difference between them is merely in translation.


โ€œI am one, but may I become many?โ€ == WWG1WGA?

Anonymous ID: c384de Dec. 23, 2018, 2:27 p.m. No.4442899   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



>What if symbols are the aliens vessels?

>What if people actually feed them energy when they watch music videos and support their brands?

>What if they inhabit something that we can't see, but share with them?


Read this post, it gives insight into the matter that may answer these questions.

Anonymous ID: a8cf39 Dec. 23, 2018, 2:44 p.m. No.4443060   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3346


>โ€œI am one, but may I become many?โ€ == WWG1WGA?

Certainly sounds that way if you look at it in the metaphysical sense.


>What if it's not rumors. What if something really happens to us when we start to see the game that is being played?

Such as? I'm curious as to your thoughts on this.

>A magician can only fool you as long as you don't know the trick.

>It's actually a scary thought if they feed of our emotions/consciousness.

Emotional parasites in the literal sense.

>Then reptilians/shapeshifters could be them doing something to our consciousness?

Do you mean the perception of reptilians is caused by the other entities - driving us towards a primal fear - in order to feed?

Anonymous ID: b8549b Dec. 23, 2018, 3:15 p.m. No.4443346   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3646


>Such as? I'm curious as to your thoughts on this.


If it's physical or just mental is beyond me since I don't know enough about the human body's chemistry.


Mentally though, I can try to be as honest as I dare.

I can only speak from myself and what I experience as reality, which can differ from person to person.

I am more conscious of my choices and sometimes it feels as if I'm directly involved with the world.

I think I can feel suffering on a higher level if you could say so.

I get "touched" by small things.

Beauty is not what I thought it was, it can be another person doing something nice for someone else.


I dream of a Utopia that won't come until we all live in harmony with one another.


My point is that what if we actually CAN rewire our brains?

And that it just happens in an instant when we see behind the curtain.


The game that is being played couldn't bother me since I know who I am and the man in the mirror is smiling back.

I'm a good person.

I just feel sorry for all the people that are still playing.


And I need to add that I was a real asshole once, a sheep in the literal sense.

It just changed from one day to another.


>Do you mean the perception of reptilians is caused by the other entities - driving us towards a primal fear - in order to feed?


Or just to keep the "illusion" of "the others" alive?

I honestly don't know.

I do know that raping/killing children creates the biggest suffering/fear I can imagine.

Anonymous ID: 8dc471 Dec. 23, 2018, 3:15 p.m. No.4443350   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3837


Sauce on that. There are statements and stories about various types of alien. There is very little proof at all though on any of them. It could be that there is a single one type and all the others are chaff to throw us off. It could be that there are a vast quantity of them, so many that they would be like nationalities here on earth. Hard to tell the difference between French and German and British unless you are one of us.

Anonymous ID: 8dc471 Dec. 23, 2018, 3:27 p.m. No.4443463   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2847


We have to look for something indirect. Here is the famous example of one unseen thing causing 2 completely different answers depending on its situation. None of us can see the cylinder (alien/ufo/whatever)_in this example though.


Some of us may see the circle others may see the square. is there some other way to put this together? A single thing that answers multiple questions?

Anonymous ID: a8cf39 Dec. 23, 2018, 3:41 p.m. No.4443646   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3704


>Or just to keep the "illusion" of "the others" alive?

The ego manifesting to protect itself and play a game is what you sound like you're driving at. (Pic related)

While I'm not against this sort of exploration, I'm wondering if you're tying it back to Antarctica, etc. All aliens/enemies/entites are manifestations and it's all us, IYO?

Anonymous ID: b8549b Dec. 23, 2018, 3:48 p.m. No.4443704   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


No, I think they would have to be 99% external from us.

I think they can influence us. Saying more than that would be to say I know the truth, which I don't.

I don't really know how they can influence us. I don't even know if we are being influenced right now.


I don't even know if I'm barking down the right tree.


There could be physical aliens and they could serve the higher dimensional ones.

I honestly have no idea.

Anonymous ID: a800db Dec. 23, 2018, 3:57 p.m. No.4443790   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3811 >>4203


>What if it's not rumors. What if something really happens to us when we start to see the game that is being played?


That part is not rumor. It is known that our immune system keeps a record of anything that affects it. That is how we acquire immunity from bacteria and viruses, but also there is a genetic record of at least some of the anomalous events - if you are injured. That is just a function of the white cells and how they "learn."


That is not the genetic marker I was talking about. No sauce on this except from the UFO researchers who are basically quoting each other. Allegedly, Dr. Nolan (Nolan Labs) working with Dr. Puthoff and Dr. Green have taken DNA samples from Uri Geller, Ingo Swann, one of the distance viewing guys (sorry can't remember which one) and from a number of people that witnessed AAV's or had 'alien' contact. From these DNA samples they were able to isolate the same DNA marker that was present in each of them and not present in the normal, non-experiencer population. The fine brain area they identified and which they call 'the antenna' is also present in the same population and absent from normal populations.


For further information on these topics, you can find Grant Cameron videos from this past Spring on youtube.

Anonymous ID: ec98c7 Dec. 23, 2018, 4:08 p.m. No.4443896   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4941


>If you were the aliens, wouldn't you spread so much disinformation that it all just loops back to itself?


This is a good point. Directly understanding consciousness processes requires a sorting of information. Literally of the bodily nature, mental nature and in social combinations



>And most of the evidence is pointing to that we are living so far from reality that we need to go deeper.


Solid observation. There is a solvable problem of credibility in subjective experience. Reich's function of orgasm and subsequent research into orgone, quite interests me



>I donโ€™t really know the truth for sure but my humble intuition isโ€ฆ


It seems to me we participate using our understanding of what is true to discover the truth.



>I thought at this point most people could believe that these craft are using anti-gravity and even trans-dimensional propulsion methods


I think consciousness structures reality not the other way around. Truncated understandings of reality without necessary openness to evaluate your biases perturbs



>I would say that it's pretty magical to lead an entire planet to your end goal, by rule, and leave your symbols out in the open as communication. Here's the kicker that I have found to be quite "illuminating" - pun intended -, most people are doing it by their free will.


Hmmm, This is pretty interesting. The breadth of symbolized concepts and their association within society as a method of control? Most people have pretty short attention spans. What if with 10 or so generations of planning you could select the 2,000-3,000 word people tends to use to navigate the world. Technology could distract people political theater could make it so people don't bother to care

Anonymous ID: a800db Dec. 23, 2018, 4:37 p.m. No.4444199   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Garry Nolan, Ph.D.

Rachford and Carlotta A. Harris Professor

Department of Microbiology and Immunology

Stanford University School of Medicine

Anonymous ID: c790ce Dec. 23, 2018, 4:38 p.m. No.4444203   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun




Are you thinking of the channeled information from Barbara Marciniak (and all the takeoffs) and Lee Carroll about the way bodies change as perspective increases?


Or are you thinking of the predictive or trauma marker?

Anonymous ID: 103515 Dec. 23, 2018, 4:53 p.m. No.4444368   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4488 >>2218


>Obelisks might be spiritual antenna


I think you are right, and I would like to add more to this theory.


I also came to this hypothesis after doing some research into the 'electric universe' and vibrational/sonic healing. Obelisks and pyramids are used in crystal healing at the center of crystal/stone grids. These grids are composed of quartz crystals or other healing stones arranged in sacred geometrical patterns like the 'flower of life' or pentagons, hexagons, etc.. The grids are said to combine the vibrational energies of the crystals while the obelisk/pyramid at the center projects the combined energies around the healer. They are also said to aid in projecting thought-form vibrations out into the cosmos.


This is getting into realms of stuff that is considered absolute nonsense - which even further sparks my curiosity. The above information is from crystal healing books and a talk with the owner of my local metaphysical store, but its pretty out in the open. Seems like some Project Mockingbird strategies may be at work.


What really interests me is the use of stone monoliths and obelisks in Washington DC. If remember correctly, things like the Washington Monument and other points of interest are even arranged in geometrical patterns. Hopefully another anon can provide an info-graphic about DC aerial views. I wonder if some masonic teachings are about the building and use of pyramids and obelisks as 'spiritual antennae'.


Even weirder (and what made me post this) is the recent theories from anons on the main bread about DUMBs under Arlington. I remember reading an anon speculate that the soldiers buried there could be acting as sources of demonic energy for the elites due to the 'sacrificial' nature of their deaths.


So basically I am supposing that the Washington Monument could be acting as a 'spiritual antenna' in combination with other stone monuments and the ritual sacrifice of American soldiers to form some kind of malevolent energy generator/projector or shield or loosh antenna or God knows what.


I'm sorry I cannot make a more complete post, but I believe there is definitely more to this.

Anonymous ID: c790ce Dec. 23, 2018, 5:39 p.m. No.4444941   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Are you thinking of the slightly SciFi but thought provoking short story by Asimov?


Specifically the section starting with Zee Prime?




Am I correct in assuming that you have 'checked' that my behavior is apparently human in nature, and not robotic?

anonymous ID: c1537a Dec. 24, 2018, 5:59 a.m. No.4450156   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0734


"The people can't handle it" seems to be the excuse for all times. Which is why "in the end the choice to know will be yours" - Q is B.S. Q is B.S.! There has been no transparency or truth exposed about anything, since the start of the Q psyop. What a lie!

Anonymous ID: cffe94 Dec. 24, 2018, 6:09 a.m. No.4450230   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Legit question regarding advanced technology:. Why hasn't Troy Hurtubise been more successful with his inventions of seeing through walls, detecting stealth planes, cleaning biohazard areas, etc? I know he's dead now, but his inventions still live.

Anonymous ID: c790ce Dec. 24, 2018, 7:06 a.m. No.4450734   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Are you thinking of the MIB bench scene?


Or are you thinking of Nicholson?


Perhaps thinking about the Key Stone may help?


Where we go one, we go all.

All for one, and one for all.


The needs of the many outnumber the needs of the few?


Are you considering the end state?


Don't believe? Don't believe what?


Coordination between the President and this QAnon movement?


Information is being disseminated that is helping people cope with uncertainty?

Anonymous ID: 66e0f5 Dec. 24, 2018, 8:47 a.m. No.4451666   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2689 >>4043



Here is a basic exercise:


Right now in front of your computer turn your head 180 degrees around to view with your eyes the front half of your room. Do so slowly and as you go through memorize intensely any object that catches your attention, remember its position and shape. When you feel confident enough, slowly turn your head again 180 degrees as you did before but this time with your eyes closed; as you do so try to recreate in your mind the room as you saw with your eyes open, using this time your sole imagination. Try to remember the objects you memorized before and attempt to place them as precisely as you can in your mind's eye. Open your eyes to verify.


The next step is to try view the same room and objects with your eyes closed, without turning your head around. It must be fixed in place, only your mind's eye turns around as it recreates the room.

Open your eyes and verify. Don't worry if your imagination creates visual artifacts of any kind, simply focus on the room.


When you feel confident enough, the step afterwards is to try turn your mind's eye 360 degrees all around you to view the rest of the room that is behind your head, without having seen it with your open eyes beforehand. See what you see with your mind, perhaps you might identify large objects such as furniture. Don't worry if you feel like it is your memory doing the work for you, it is partly intentional.

If it is your first time, you might not be able to spot small objects. You might see the foggy contour of large pieces of furniture and nothing else, but that is a very good step forward. Turning your mind's eye 360 may also prove uneasy, physically it would mean snapping your neck, it is obvious it is not a natural movement, which is why it is part of the exercise.


Finally, try to use your mind's eye to explore the roomโ€ฆ without being fixed to your head. Simply take the jump with your imagination and start floating around the room you recreated. Try see your physical body from an outside perspective as it stands (or rather sits) in the room. Explore the hidden corners of your room over shelves, behind furniture, within furniture. Try going to the next room, maybe your bathroom, see what you can see.

You are free to go wherever you want now. All you have to do is to trust in yourself, be armed with a healthy dose of cynicism if you're afraid to lose your sanity and verify with your open eyes if you feel too insecure.


Easy as that. Some people have a talent for it, but every person who practices every night in their bed before falling asleep, for one month, will become VERY proficient at it.


If enough anons gather, we could start exploring the Moon and share stories.

Anonymous ID: c790ce Dec. 24, 2018, 9:32 a.m. No.4452218   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Are you thinking of the star maps, as above so below?

https:// goo. gl /images/ xqGXas


What happens if you invert this image?


Do you get stuff like?

Anonymous ID: c790ce Dec. 24, 2018, 10:32 a.m. No.4452847   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7536



Apologies, that was dumb of me. I should have asked a more thought provoking question.


Why are humans only conscious for around 1/3-1/4 of each second?


Could it have something to do with the nature of light moving through a medium?


Might something like this answer the question posed by anon at?



Might this also partially explain Pentagon Executive Report identified by this anon?



Or the repeatability issues identified by this anon looking at some research?>>4450230


Perhaps, but how do we monetize this?


And I don't mean it in the crass shill sense, I mean it in the sense of making use of quantum states of superposition, or whatever this turns out to be if I'm not sliding us too far off course, in the real everyday 3D world.

Anonymous ID: c6eaab Dec. 24, 2018, 12:11 p.m. No.4453883   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



One Universe, One People


The term extraterrestrial Intelligence (ETI), so curiously nondescript, wonderfully lends itself to these concepts of unity. Regardless of planet, star system or galaxy of origin, and no matter how diverse, ETIs are, essentially, intelligent, conscious, sentient beings. Humans are essentially intelligent, conscious, sentient beings. We are, essentially, one. On this basis, we may speak of one people inhabiting one universe, just as we now envision one people as children of one planet. Differences are always a matter of degree, but true unity established in consciousness is absolute. The beings currently visiting earth from other planets, while no doubt different from humans in both superficial and more profound ways, are nevertheless conscious intelligent beings. Consciousness is the basis for both human and extraterrestrial existence and is therefore the foundation for unity and communication between the various people of the universe. Beliefs may vary, biological processes may vary, assorted capacities may vary, social systems and technology may vary โ€“ but the simple thread of conscious intelligence which runs through all peoples elegantly weaves our unity. This essential unity is not subject to the trials of diversity, for it is pure, immutable and fundamental to the existence of intelligent life itself.

Anonymous ID: 66e0f5 Dec. 24, 2018, 6:04 p.m. No.4457536   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7689





If we were to take Remote Viewing seriously we might end up in our hands with some interesting results.

The only problem would be on how to organize a group of anons. Perhaps we should set a date on which we share what we've seen, on a new thread even.


Personally I have already done remote viewing upon the dark side of the Moon and its interior, however I really do not want to influence other anons, therefore I would rather wait until a set date when everyone has already done their share independently.

I have lead a group of remote viewers before and have their records as well, with a few images provided too. Might share those on the chosen day.


We are all anonymous towards each other so there is no shame, nor do you have anything to lose by trying.

Anonymous ID: 66e0f5 Dec. 24, 2018, 6:30 p.m. No.4457836   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Sorry but it doesn't matter if it's me or someone else or whatever. We're all anonymous here, I'm posting Thoth just for personal preference, kind of how you'd post a pair of boobs if you really liked those titties.


I'm not sure what to give you, all I care about is that the remote viewing project happens.

You can obviously see it with extreme cynicism and you'd be right to do so, you don't have to participate or believe in it.


It's just a fun project for those willing to try.

Anonymous ID: 7258e9 Dec. 25, 2018, 5:46 a.m. No.4462708   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2760 >>8333


Be careful what to believe.

Remote viewing, CE5, telepathic communication, all of it could be an exploitation of psychotic continuum.


> Defining the Psychosis Continuum. The psychosis continuum encompasses a full range of psychotic symptom expressions from sub-syndromal or โ€œsubclinicalโ€ manifestations to the clinically significant psychotic symptoms typically observed in individuals diagnosed with a psychiatric illness.


Your brain has Neuro plasticity, which means it can be manipulated and formed depending how you use it. People in mental health use this to get rid of their mental illness by forcing a thought or idea to help them interpret the world differently.

What the fuck do you think is going to happen if you keep imagining talking to aliens? What's going to happen to your brain once you convince yourself you can talk to aliens? That idea will get cemented and become a core belief, and unsubstantiated at that.

That's why you have CE5 fags swearing on their mothers grave they seen orbs. Thats why they're pleading with you to believe them.

It's like a virus that tears you away from rational thought.


Anons, we need to take this shit seriously if we want to find the truth.


We need to find FACTS online and discuss them.


We need to STOP theorizing when we have nothing to base it on.


We need to discuss about the validity of evidence we find online, NOT the validity of your theory.


We need to put personal opinion on the back burner and discuss evidence people put forward.


Present proof for CE5, don't try to convince others how to do it.

Present proof of remote viewing.

Present proof of energy bullshit.


We need to have critical thought in a field of research that has an active and extensive counter INT Op on it.


Elaborate claims must have elaborate evidence.


Let's work with

Anonymous ID: 6a0653 Dec. 25, 2018, 8:47 a.m. No.4464019   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1332 >>8886




We must use restraint and caution if we are to avoid being manipulated into the acceptance of another false enemy to unite around and fight. Numerous senior shadow government insiders have independently described to me a concerted effort to dis-inform the public and create the false impression of a threat from space, so that eventually a multi-trillion dollar build-up of weapons in space will be accepted by the masses.


Such propaganda is nothing new. Every military power that has wished to further engage in warfare has first demonized the enemy. Hitler and his minions expertly demonized Jews, gay people and others so that people would passively accept the โ€˜final solutionโ€™. The virulent, negative portrayal of such groups was essential to the creation of a supposed enemy to be dealt with violently.


Today, we see racist appellations applied to certain alleged ET groups โ€“ The Grays! The Reptilians! The Tall White Ones! Must we go down this tired, dirty path again? Must we replay the sordid history of human racism, prejudice, and xenophobia as we begin our first steps towards the stars?


No. We must not. We must restrain our lower fears and tame our own demons โ€“ and look with the eye of truth at the cosmos around us, and ask ourselves this: Who would benefit from such fearsome portrayals of ET life? Where might such a shadowy group wish to lead us? How much information โ€“ bandied about so cavalierly as fact โ€“ may actually be sophisticated counter-intelligence disinformation designed to sow the seeds of hate and fearโ€“ thus justifying weapons in space.


The usual suspects โ€“ those who thrive on enormous concentrated wealth and power โ€“ would like to unite the world โ€“ but not in peace. They wish to unite and control us not for that good future that assuredly awaits humanity. Rather, they wish to control through fear and war โ€“ a war between worlds โ€“ the final master-play of power consolidation where all of humanity may be stampeded into a unified opposition to some โ€“ maybe only one โ€“ ET race. And by so doing, amass the ultimate global control, through fear spreading like wildfire amongst the people.


Dr. Von Braun on his death-bed warned of such a plan. He warned us that after the Cold War, there would be โ€˜rogue nations and nations of concernโ€™; and that this would be followed by global terrorism; and that this would be followed by a threat from space โ€“ the ultimate trump-card of fear, whereby the entirety of humanity could be united to, as the movie โ€˜Independence Dayโ€™ put it, โ€œkick alien butt!โ€


There is no way to assess an ET agenda without first grasping the covert human agenda. We cannot discern what is real and what is Memorex โ€“ what is ET and what is pseudo-ET disinformation, unless we penetrate the halls of smoke and mirrors that is the vast shadow governmentโ€™s propaganda machine.


It is not easy. It takes enormous patience, perseverance, diligence and care.


But it is worth it โ€“ for to do otherwise is to wittingly or unwittingly make exo-politics an arm of the propaganda war machine.


We must do better than this. We must restrain our fears and prejudices and avoid the dissemination of negative and fear-inducing stereotypes, based on anecdotal tales and counter-intelligence programs. We must investigate fully the technological and psychological capabilities of those who are behind human UFO secrecy โ€“ and learn to discern the false from the real.


CSETI (The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence โ€“ which is the parent organization for The Disclosure Project ( has been sending expeditions around the world for 16 years to make contact with ET peoples. We have never been harmed. We have never been threatened. We have never been afraid.


Thousands of people over the course of hundreds of expeditions, have interacted with these UFOs โ€“ and with the beings on-board them.


Through all of this, we have only found ET people who want to understand and help us. They are waiting for us to join them in space โ€“ as a people at peace. Then and only then will we find the arms of the Cosmos wide open, ready to embrace a peaceful and enlightened humanity, which will then travel freely among the stars.


We are proposing that those concerned with a constructive, mature approach to the emerging ET/Human relationship form a new Council on Inter-Planetary Relations. As a council of concerned citizens, let us explore how to best further a peaceful relationship with these cosmic visitors.


Will you join us?

Anonymous ID: 569f0a Dec. 25, 2018, 10:16 a.m. No.4464790   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5625



>human initiated contact


Proof of multiple dynamic IP's used by single poster with exact same syntax and phrases.




>Did everyone see the slide away from the Vatican? And now CE-5 and related CSETI are creeping back in?


This is by far the most shilled thread I have ever seen on here.

No surprise, as it was created by shillsโ€ฆ

Anonymous ID: ec98c7 Dec. 25, 2018, 5:58 p.m. No.4468333   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8915


>Be careful what to believe. Remote viewing, CE5, telepathic communication, all of it could be an exploitation of psychotic continuum.


Pretty interesting. Been studying orgone. When we socialize with each other we define the game. Using the word, 'game', seems unappreciative of the breadth of life. However, consider the value of individual expression in a collective landscape. There are many exchanges we all partake in over the course of a day each with a commensurate role.


Rituals have normalized certain dynamics of stimulus and response


What if logic was appreciating infinity, which can be done endlessly, and the outcome being orgasm seeks to merge to reform the ability to appreciate infinity? Seems to me there is already the biological mechanism in place. The social could then be a product of it.



ESP follows the same line of thought. Social reckoning of possibility buttresses semi-biases as to the conditioning processes of outcomes or ,at a more local level, abilities.

Anonymous ID: 3a65d5 Dec. 25, 2018, 6:21 p.m. No.4468553   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8567 >>8099


Merry Yule and imma quite sure the slide was noticed since some people just don't get "weaponized autism" but makes ya wonder if bots comprende run on sentances and misspelled words w/ a bit o' multi-spake as the biznitches operate on the DL while auld school wishes of warm hearth and warm home get sended out on the Webinatrix to RAHRAH cheer transmits of good vibes in anon type directionals

Anonymous ID: c790ce Dec. 25, 2018, 6:54 p.m. No.4468915   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9350 >>7964



Good counterpoint.


Are you thinking of the importance of search and recovery (the hunt) in social interactions?

Walking on a Dream


Is our species designated to objectify the universe around it?


Or are you meaning this much more literally as in the Turning Test?


Q does invite (adversaries|us) to play a game using "War Games" language.


For myself, I'm always trying to avoid karma as much as possible. This means that "Rituals [which] have normalized certain dynamics of stimulus and response" are very important to ensuring a steady state without infringing on others, even at the risk of "being acted upon" myself.


I'm afraid we're still in religious beliefs argumentation here because the prior post (materialist) is fully entrenched in the idea that this single reality in which we spend so much of our walking time is the only true baseline whereby to measure one's sanity.


It is agreed (both with you and the prior post) that to interact with this society and this "real" world, certain interfaces are necessary. But are they necessarily the only interfaces that must exist?


So again, goes my question, or concern:

How do we benefit from our quantum natures in any given reality we find ourselves?


Sounds like the metaphysicians and philosophers and even the priests all seem to say that experiences and choices and personality traits (like preferences) are the way to make use of alternate realities.



Christianity - be excellent to each other (even if historically you may not have been, you can change) and party on dudes

Greer - be excellent to each other (ET brothers and sisters) and party on dudes.

Law of One - be excellent to each other (because past 6th density, service to self and service to others is the same) and party on dudes


I could literally list billions of examples of I had the energy.


The QAnon alternate reality is very interesting, a little concerning given the apparent deltaโ€ฆ It relies on the same "trust the plan" that any religion does.


However, there's truth to be found anywhere we look. And due to Q and the anons, I'm seeing what I believe to be a mess under the rocks in our front yard and in the corners of our collective species' homes.


Should we clean the edges and leave the mess in the center of the room in full display?


Sauce: Truth is beauty and beauty truth.

Anonymous ID: ec98c7 Dec. 25, 2018, 7:36 p.m. No.4469350   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9901 >>8699


>Are you thinking of the importance of search and recovery (the hunt) in social interactions?


No, that's too narrow


>How do we benefit from our quantum natures in any given reality we find ourselves?


I have a slight problem to what most people mean by quantum. Let's say experience is cyclical and awareness as a catalyst moves outward. Let's pretend then quantum is the inner, hollowed experience. Upon reducing an inner experience by recollection of a definite cycle one eventually finds irreducible static or noise. These functions eventually have significant influence on outward expansion of consciousness much like emotional complexes


>Sounds like the metaphysicians and philosophers and even the priests all seem to say that experiences and choices and personality traits (like preferences) are the way to make use of alternate realities.


Agree overall


>However, there's truth to be found anywhere we look


There is something true to be found anywhere because the nature of truth is reality. Truth is not readily apparent.


>Should we clean the edges and leave the mess in the center of the room in full display?


Don't care

Anonymous ID: c790ce Dec. 25, 2018, 8:32 p.m. No.4469901   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0746



Not even going to try to pretty this up, haven't lurked enough to be any good.


'I have a slight problem to what most people mean by quantum. Let's say experience is cyclical and awareness as a catalyst moves outward. Let's pretend then quantum is the inner, hollowed experience. Upon reducing an inner experience by recollection of a definite cycle one eventually finds irreducible static or noise. These functions eventually have significant influence on outward expansion of consciousness much like emotional complexes.'


I'm a little confused. Perhaps contributing to a slide - if so, sorry.


I read the above as an algorithm for describing the learning process: "process of acquiring new, or modifying existing, knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, or preferences"


What you did was add the concept of a monitor - you called it "awareness" - and plopped on the decision-pressures function - you called it 'static or noise' - in order to explain why people try and when they give up. This seems to explain one way of expanding consciousness.


All true. That is very serial.


Let's take your cycle and run it simultaneously across the entire space in which personal energy, decision-making, and interests interplay. And then do that for every possible conceivable and inconceivable set.


In your model, awareness expands outwards through iterations, subject to satisfaction limits, or static/noise acceptability, within a single serial stream of consciousness.


It is agreed that in the 'real world' I'm limited by energy and time to comb through the probability tree for something relevant to my real world problem to bring back and execute on.


However, I'm suggesting you're seeing a bunch of anons who are spiritualists (think CE-5 or intra-dimensional ET-ers) struggling with a bunch of anons who are materialists (think 'it's all in your mind' like the target you initially responded to or 'imagination is virtually meaningless' like a prior target you responded to or 'I'll believe when you show me real sauce based on papers and scientific journals'). You can see something of my conflicted bias right there.


I'm coming to the conclusion that we need to iterate across not just the experiential loop we happen to be 'walking' but also put some effort into expanding our awareness across multiple realities (timelines, events streams, cultures). That can be done by reading books and watching TV, or by imagining a nice bed time story.


Doing this is a way to accomplish all kinds of things if you can maintain your grip on reality enough to keep eating.


When I say quantum, I mean dropping out of reality to a differently normal reality. Or skipping a rock over a pond of possibilities and detecting the ripples.


That would explain all kinds of phenomena that this board is talking around.


Over the target?

Anonymous ID: c75215 Dec. 26, 2018, 11:14 a.m. No.4475582   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


A friend had an encounter with a spiritual person recently and it takes time to even let your old beliefs be challenged.

In many situations those that proclaim themselves to be the pinnacles of logic and reason can be the most irrational, blind people around.

Anonymous ID: 306a36 Dec. 26, 2018, 2:44 p.m. No.4477964   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5143


I think there must be a lot to the subject of Quantum mechanics. You asked "How do we benefit from our quantum natures in any given reality we find ourselves?" I have some thoughts about this. At the outset I will be clear that I am a Christian so my remarks are based upon a Christian perspective. Quantum entanglement and non-local effects are the two concepts that are probably most obvious to relate to the spiritual reality recognized in the Bible. Understanding this helps me quite a bit as my faith and hope are increased. I have read that in the former Soviet Union Christians could hold clandestine meetings because those who were really believers knew where and when to gather even if it was not announced due to the risk of infiltration. I believe the Holy Spirit showed the true Christians where to meet. Jesus saw things from a distance supernaturally (John 1:48) I am not any sort of expert but it seems to me that these phenomena are likely related to the concepts of Quantum mechanics such as I mentioned above. I do suppose that a book about Quantum mechanics and the Bible could be written. Instances of what I call "teleportation" are described in a few places in the Bible . I believe that when a person is born again something spiritual and supernatural happens to them. It seems we become "connected" to the Love of God expressed through Jesus. If you look at verb tenses in the Bible you will see that events "outside" of time but having a moment of occurrence in our timeline are described. Jesus is the "Lamb slain before the foundation of the world" and believers are those whom he "foreknew". We "are seated with Him in Heavenly places" (outside of time,again). This is why, I believe, that the "Spirit of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy" .Because Jesus exists outside of time. He entered our reality but exists outside time as do we, only our wickedness separated us from God. Getting "born again" restored the connection, I think. I hope these rough remarks are useful to you in seeing how quantum mechanics relates to spiritual realities that are really important to how we function here in this reality. The book in the picture is an interesting discussion of Quantum mechanics. I think the theory of everything comes down to a single verse "God is love."

Anonymous ID: a28138 Dec. 26, 2018, 9:34 p.m. No.4482444   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


I am fine, thanksโ€ฆ I got a brand new girlfriend and she has been preoccupying most of my timeโ€ฆ Which is good bc I've grown so cynical in the past two years I nearly forgot how to love anything that originated from this good forsaken barbaras dungeon of a planet.


BTW Only shills call me greerfag and that is because they can't debunk human initiated contact as an idea so they attack people within the movement



I won't bow down to threats or intimidation.


I think someone here is trying to impersonate me. Not sure if I should be impressed or annoyed. Merry Christmas Anons.

Anonymous ID: 21b1d0 Dec. 26, 2018, 10 p.m. No.4482643   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4921

First time here and Iโ€™m looking for something.


Always the way.

Ususally on qresearch but I found myself swimming in the deep end without having taken lessons so I went back to the start on qmap and am wading through the shallows.


Came across something that research canโ€™t answer so I thought Iโ€™d try you guys because there is a possible reference to aliens called โ€œRemnantsโ€.


Ring any bells?


Cap attached plus link to 4chan archive thread.

Anonymous ID: c53cba Dec. 27, 2018, 12:14 a.m. No.4483492   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Two American Poets talk UFOs


E. E. Cummings and Ezra Pound discussing UFOs in their letters in 1947. Picture related. Sauce and discussion following.


In response to Cummings asking what Pound thinks โ€œof the โ€˜flying disksโ€™ seenโ€”& strenuously denied per Scienceโ€”by groups & individuals (including experienced air-pilots) all over USA?โ€ Pound replies:

โ€œ โ€˜dying flisks!โ€™ la jante!! merely another device to keep the peeple from reading Sophokles or anything decent.โ€


Pound/Cummings: The Correspondences of Ezra Pound and E. E. Cummings

Page 220, search for โ€œdying flisksโ€


[and just for fun, for those who like literature, I get a kick out of Cummings writing โ€œnormallyโ€ and Pound writing all lower case (which is something Cummings is known for in his poetry). Likely a nod between the poets, but Pound was as peculiar as anything, so who knows]


This probably isnโ€™t of use for research, but I thought some of yโ€™all my appreciate it anyways, particularly if you like literature, most particularly if you know the poets E. E. Cummings and Ezra Pound. If you donโ€™t, they were pretty heavy hitters for Modernist American poetry (roughly between WWI-WWII). I could do a whole other blip on Pound as a conspiracy theorist. He didnโ€™t hide the fact. Or the Modernist interest in the occult, though the research isnโ€™t hard for that, basic College library research. If thereโ€™s any interest, Iโ€™ll dig out my books and attending sauce.

(For example, Aleister Crowley wrote a review of some of Poundโ€™s poetry (Crowley wrote poems alongside all that other stuff), though I never found anything on Pound acknowledging Crowley. But Pound certainly knew of him through W. B. Yeats (Irish heavy hitter, poety) who tussled with Crowley over one of the lodges (Golden Dawn?) Pound didnโ€™t seem to go much into the esoteric stuff. He was more interested in banking and monetary history. Holy Crap would Anons/poetryfags like Poundโ€™s The Cantos

Anonymous ID: c790ce Dec. 27, 2018, 5:53 a.m. No.4484921   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Cultural interpretation: Mass Effect: Andromeda. Species of artificial life created to protect certain places, timelines, and things.


Veiled reference: 90% of the references made publicly, even in the chans are veiled. This is likely a veiled reference to a hoped for association between Trump and 'others':


Very literally this is arguing 'as above so below' in that this election is the continuation of a struggle between two ways of looking at humanity and her freedom.


Note that the Q Collective is also a popular sci find reference. Which could be used to further legitimize Q in the minds of steeply indoctrinated.


However when asked how does Q know so much the response was 'control', which may mean there is either extensive military planning or some form of external interference, above the normally wizarding level, that was brought to bear (on the order of the Q Collective).


Speculation: My own personal observation, alien or not, until POTUS was fully locked into his course, he was surrounded by very aesthetically pleasing female forms. I don't think that was mystique (intentionally playing to his base) on his part nor does the costs of running consistent honey trap (intentionally controlling POTUS mind set and ideas using leverage/blackmail) across so many areas of his daily experience seem consistent with adversarial behavior. Instead, under the alien hypothesis the Q Collective, these remnants, may have been monitoring his installment and reducing initial transition friction with this selection of aides who were slowly removed over the course of the first two years.


Even though my words are not intended harmful, I certainly hope this is a truly anonymous forum.

Anonymous ID: a28138 Dec. 27, 2018, 8:23 a.m. No.4486264   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1982

A reminder of the decentralized nature of the CE-5 Initiative. Disclosure is a bottom-up effort.

No government can do this for you.

Even Qanon said there was too much blowback from a top-down disclosure. So take a hint and go try making contact on your own.


This is about an idea, not about people.

Unless it's We, The People!


"There are no official CE-5 representatives or trainers. An important message from Dr. Greer: It is very exciting to hear about CE-5 groups forming all over the world. This needs to be an ever increasing grassroots movement that lets the ETs know that humans are reaching out to them in Universal Peaceโ€ฆ. It is purposely a loose structure of people learning and practicing on their own or in small groups."

Anonymous ID: a28138 Dec. 27, 2018, 9:31 a.m. No.4486920   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1982 january global ce-5 announced.

Last month 175 CE-5 teams across 14 states and 7 countries uploaded their contact reports to ET Lets Talk.

The team I am part of does not report to ET Lets Talk, so it stands to reason these numbers are only a fraction of the total number of CE-5 teams internationally.


facebook event page

Anonymous ID: 6e74a7 Dec. 27, 2018, 4:38 p.m. No.4491982   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6456 >>7425




>This is about an idea, not about people.

>Unless it's We, The People!


What did Q say about fake patriotism, Famefag?

Entire thread is designed to keep drawing attention to Greer and CE-5.

You keep proving this with your own reverse psychology.

This wasn't designed to focus on actual research.

There is absolutely no need for the repeated self promotion.

Authority complex has revealed itself several times.

Every time you do this you distance yourself from Anons.

You distance yourself from anyone who may have taken you seriously.

Anonymous ID: 3b2629 Dec. 27, 2018, 4:42 p.m. No.4492029   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2845 >>7425


Excerpt: Chalice of Pleiades, opening page 3/2015


Beholden not

to the quest at hand

the forerunner of Destinyโ€™s unfoldment.

I bring to the fore a promise

a golden dream from long-forgotten chasms

the Chalice of Hope

the Holiest Grail

Cup of Remembrance.

Drink deep from the well of Truthโ€™s memory

your reward to be knighted as true soldiers of seeking.

Lay upon the table now your weapon of old

for the battle of realities to take hold

this world of worlds cannot be denied

and all hearts pure in the knowing arrive.

Anonymous ID: 8dc471 Dec. 27, 2018, 9:21 p.m. No.4495678   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6456 >>8699 >>9425 >>9829 >>7425 >>8053 >>5625

Just a quick reminder of why we are here. It is not to give Grier $7 for a cell phone app. It is not to watch Gaia vids about people telling stories for ever with no proof. It is because of this picture. It is because what has come to be viewed as an INCREDIBLY reliable insider source from the highest level of the US government has told us that we are not alone in the Universe and that it is a big fucking secret that has been kept for along time. Perhaps a REALLY long time.


This is going to have a profound impact on our lives. It is going to change absolutelyfuckingeverything. This is a big deal because it will likely disrupt pretty much all religions. If it does not disrupt them ALLโ€ฆ then there will be one single religion that is pretty much correct and all the others are bullshit.


Now let that sink in. What if the rest of the galaxy is Mormon and Joseph Smith was right. What if the rest of the Galaxy is Buddhist and they are incredibly peaceful tambourine beating hippies who don't even know what war is.


What if we are like rabid starved lions kept in a zoo right now. and that is why Q has this message of peace and love and oneness. It could be so that the galactics will let us 'out'.


Consider the vastness of space. That is what Q told us to do. Not to watch Grier's interpretation of some damn thing that is unknown if real. THINK FOR YOURSELF AND CONSIDER IT! Don't let someone do that for you! Above is some of my considerations.


I have more and want to see if others do as well. Consider the vastness of space. Wow, what a statement.

Anonymous ID: c790ce Dec. 28, 2018, 4:47 a.m. No.4498699   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0980 >>1013 >>1374



Reading and citing religious texts makes a mark?




'This is a big deal because it will likely disrupt pretty much all religions. If it does not disrupt them ALLโ€ฆ then there will be one single religion that is pretty much correct and all the others are bullshit.'


What does the Urantia Book say about the spread of monotheism on the Earth - specifically the Doctrine of the Most High?




'There is something true to be found anywhere because the nature of truth is reality. Truth is not readily apparent.'


Is beauty readily readily apparent when it passes before our senses? What is knowledge of things that are true? Is light itself truth or it is merely the medium of exchange by which truth may be seen?




'Consider the vastness of space. That is what Q told us to do. Not to watch Grier's interpretation of some damn thing that is unknown if real. THINK FOR YOURSELF AND CONSIDER IT! Don't let someone do that for you! Above is some of my considerations.'


Would pondering on the vastness of space expand one's mind? Might following Greer's peaceful meditations expand one's mind?


We've had the analogy of a spider brought up several times in this and the previous thread.


Do we worry about psychic attacks from non-corporeal adversarial influencesm


Some of us are slightly worried about demons.


What if we are the true adversarial influence, given the number of cases of airplanes and helicopters that come circling close when practicing Greer's techniques? What would we think if we're just doing a simple prayer, to a one-chosen-God and we 'see' an aerial dogfight break out above our heads, way out in the sky almost to the limit of our vision? Might our meditations, prayers, and thoughts be food for competing interests? Or do we face actual attempts by agents, man-made or otherwise, to prevent communications with people that are non-human? What if Greer's practice and others like it should be abused to lure other-civilization technologies to Earth to be shot down and harvested?


What if our thought processes negatively influence others? Not blaming emotions, because I like to love as much as anyone, but are emotions contagious? Are people dumb and panicky even though a person may be reasonably minded? Might our thoughts infect the thoughts of those who are more advanced than we?


If we 'have the technology to take ET' back home (, then is the physics we are taught in school incomplete? I mean under standard models, generations may die on board a ship before we reach even the nearest solar systems outside our own. That's pointless if we want to return a specific being and not its great-grandchildren.

Anonymous ID: 7258e9 Dec. 28, 2018, 6:35 a.m. No.4499425   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


This is exactly my sentiment, I've been trying to muster up some digging in this thread but nothing. I'm tired of the CE5, psychic, telepathic bullshit.

We need proofs. We need to post evidence.

Shills are heavy on this bread.

Anonymous ID: 7144c0 Dec. 28, 2018, 7:17 a.m. No.4499829   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1892


What if we are not alone because there is a Thin Veil between this world and the next?

If we are surrounded by a greater cloud of witnesses, could it be those that have passed before us?

Both my Mom and Dad passed this year, within about 2 weeks of each other. I had a lot of WOW moments with them. One such momentโ€ฆThey both had alert conversations with relatives that had already passed on! My Dad passed 1st on May 29th, then my Mom on June 17th. I was even able to ask my Mom questions as she spoke to family members that had passed and she would answer me and continue her conversation.

This was the toughest Christmas, not having them here. They would have been married 60 years this past Oct. 18th, Mom was 16 when they married. My Dad served 56 years in the military, counting his time in the reserves. He served in the Air Force, Marines, and retired from the Navy.

I would sit in the middle of their bed and discuss Q & the post on 8-Chan with my Dad. I wish they were alive to continue those discussions! They both voted for Trump and had Great Faith that he would complete his task!

Thanks Q, Q+, 8-Chan, & Anons for allowing me to lurk here this last year, you have All been my driving force to press on when my loss has seemed overwhelming!

Anonymous ID: a28138 Dec. 28, 2018, 9:06 a.m. No.4500952   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2253

Orb sighting over Mexico City. Check out the other vids on this channel.


BTW who shills on christmas? Seriously? I'll tell you who. cretens who have no family that loves them, who's boss must hate them, and whom have nothing but superficial love for anons in their ongoing 2-d chess battle to take control of this board. yall just need a hug.

Anonymous ID: 3e2f3c Dec. 28, 2018, 10:28 a.m. No.4501854   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1947 >>2253

Think of love, my friends. Think only of love, for this is the catalyst throughout all creation. Seek this love and you will be amply rewarded. Light and love will come and drive away all darkness.


The peoples of your planet must seek this love and light, for there is great darkness there. It will bring about a better world and greater understanding throughout your peoples.

Anonymous ID: 6e74a7 Dec. 28, 2018, 10:58 a.m. No.4502253   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



>I don't have time to find the sauce.


Funny how that seems to keep happening.

You never seem to have any sauce aside from open source videos you've taken or stolen from people in order to make yourself appear as the ring leader of global ET contact.

You only have sauce when it suits you, empowers your authority complex with your 'team', otherwise steering attention towards Greer, PRG and the Rockefeller Initiative construct of lies.


>got to go to work


You make yourself seem so busyโ€ฆ So importantโ€ฆ But, isn't 'this' your main job?

Controlling this thread?


>peaCE out


Shameless self promotion at the very least, if you truly aren't a disinfo shill.

Which I am inclined to believe you are at this point.




>BTW who shills on christmas


From my understanding, (You).




>The peoples of your planet must seek this love and light, for there is great darkness there.


Are you quoting something?

Orโ€ฆ Is this another "I am alien" LARP to slide the board and distract?

Just curious!

Anonymous ID: f1e13e Dec. 28, 2018, 1:42 p.m. No.4504249   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4634


The first time, I was asleep. I was having what I thought was a weird dream.I woke up in a round room made completely of some kind of metal that looked like shiny steel. I was surrounded by a large group of white haired men in white robes. They were telling me that it was alright. I was just there to receive a message and deliver it. All I can remember of the message is that "It won't work". I then "woke up" on the sofa and got up to look out the window. I saw MYSELF, or someone who looked like me, walking down the road toward the lake. My aunt got up from her bed and came down the hallway. She had seen "me", too, and asked me where I was going. I said nowhere and told her I heard a noise but it was nothing and we went back to sleep. The next time, I was walking between the house and the shop, a distance of about 50 feet, when I stopped midway. I saw a strange sight in the sky. There was an oblong shaped craft just seemingly moving at a very slow speed and getting closer until it was hovering overhead. There was observation deck of some kind under the main part and I could see some type of windows. There were the white haired people looking out at me. I stood there transfixed for what seemed like forever then I ran into the shop to get my old man. It was gone by the time we came out. He went back in the shop and my aunt came to the door. She asked me where I'd been. I said "Right here, why?" She said she had been standing there calling me for 30 minutes. I read something on this thread that makes me really curious. I have ESP and I am Rh-.

Anonymous ID: f1e13e Dec. 28, 2018, 2:31 p.m. No.4504833   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


The first time I thought I was dreaming but not so sure because I came fully awake and THEN saw "myself" walking down the road and my aunt saw her, too. The second time I was just going about my merry evening and boom, there was the craft.

Anonymous ID: fd29d3 Dec. 28, 2018, 2:39 p.m. No.4504928   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4953


Sounds like an experience with our friends from up above, and not a negative abduction of any sorts.

There's more to this than meets the eye of course, but I think you are an incarnated ET here on a mission (just like many of us are), it's up to you to discover what to do if you haven't already. Sometimes it's just to participate in the tide of the Great Awakening and guide the lost ones, sometimes it's something else. Just my two cents.

Anonymous ID: fd29d3 Dec. 28, 2018, 2:47 p.m. No.4505023   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5089


I had the spiritual experiences, dreams and some contact after having a lifelong interest in everything related to aliens and spirituality, as well as the deep deep desire to fix something very wrong with this world. I'm sure everyone can relate to some of those feels. What call are you talking about?

Anonymous ID: f4bf55 Dec. 28, 2018, 3:17 p.m. No.4505350   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5405


The key is the warp of the mexican hat and the plane that the observer 'sees' the gravity deviation - can also be interpreted as speed or energy value.

Complex physics uses topology to define the 'mass/spacetime deviation/energy of object - everything jumps back and forth from real to field in complex physics.

Anonymous ID: f4bf55 Dec. 28, 2018, 3:38 p.m. No.4505545   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

yes I am using mundane known information to show higher dimensional states.

For those that believe in UFO and trans-dimensional being this should not be a difficult concept. I believe in the second the first - not my field of research.

Anonymous ID: f4bf55 Dec. 28, 2018, 3:44 p.m. No.4505626   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


I did a lot of spiriutal work when young.

Not exactly right IMO (yours is your own).

IMO yes for multi-dimensional beings (ie a being living in 12 or 24th dimensional state projecting part of itself to 4D). 4D aliens do not have the spiritual maturity to define where they would re-incarnate.

Anonymous ID: f1e13e Dec. 28, 2018, 3:56 p.m. No.4505777   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Who's trolling? Not me. I'm just trying to figure out if I lost my mind or was this shit really real. I've been "unplugged" my whole life and could never figure out WTF is wrong with me.

Anonymous ID: f4bf55 Dec. 28, 2018, 4:20 p.m. No.4506093   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6197


popular 15-20 years ago.

It is basically true - each incarnation the soul should learn and increase vibrational level to move closer to reaching to the next physical dimensional incarnation level. As time goes on we should see higher vibrational levels in the children that had learned from their soul lessons. But not everyone learns.

Anonymous ID: 6e74a7 Dec. 28, 2018, 5:18 p.m. No.4506990   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7425 >>1910 >>5625



>Real talk old one, am I having a brain-seizure or is the trolling intensifying?


As soon as Griershill is called outโ€ฆ A conveniently timed conversation about 'reincarnating' pops up to slide the board and draw attention away with lots of posts.

Many of which are incoherant shit posts, or regarding irrelevant metaphysics.

Just found that interesting.

Conversation feels scripted

Something must have been mentioned in this or previous threads that (((they))) don't want being discussed and explored.

Now to find out what that isโ€ฆ

Anonymous ID: a8cf39 Dec. 28, 2018, 5:52 p.m. No.4507425   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7883 >>0192


Submit that it might be one or all of these posts:

>>4491982 (Greefag callout)

>>4488062 (Pleiades added)

>>4492029 ("Chalice of Pleiades" excerpt)

>>4495678 (Another Greerfag callout)

>>4502845 (Followup on the Grail/Chalice and their possible star alignment)



>Rule #1. Always know your mark. I understand you much better than you want to believe.

<At least "he" admits it here. Karmic dodge?


Image is for you.

Anonymous ID: 713b27 Dec. 28, 2018, 5:58 p.m. No.4507508   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7591 >>7751 >>7958

Seriously - Does Anyone else have their spot underground?


My cloths and computer were put on my bunk 2 years ago, and still their. Got to select my room and bunk and someplace to go with 1+ year of food, filtered air and water with private bathrooms. Only hope we have enough Toilet paper, which will run out before anythingโ€ฆ


Anyone want to buy my bunk space from me? 70" tv, internet, etc with 50 other people. Really - not a spam. Just don't know if I will go or notโ€ฆ Got 1 space but can get up to 4โ€ฆ Lawyers verification legal transfer to the 1 who wants to pay for their lifeโ€ฆ

Anonymous ID: 713b27 Dec. 28, 2018, 6:03 p.m. No.4507591   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7751



Got it secured like 6 years ago when BO was frucking our nation over and the Real Civil War was close of happeningโ€ฆ Legit space 4 stories below, in a sealed bank locking doors, and secret midwest location. Plans changed over the years making 1 availableโ€ฆ

Anonymous ID: 6647f0 Dec. 28, 2018, 6:21 p.m. No.4507876   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8157 >>8326

This past year I've been exposed to more and more proof that humans aren't alone (and looking back I realize how foolish I was to think otherwise).. I wish I could have more direct contact with loving beings now, but I know it will happen in time.. Thank you for loving and believing in us

Anonymous ID: 6e74a7 Dec. 28, 2018, 6:35 p.m. No.4508067   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8166 >>8442 >>8674 >>5625



>Rule #1. Always know your mark. I understand you much better than you want to believe.


The response of a child.

The authority complex reveals itself once more.

This is quite possibly the single shilliest post you've made so far that proves several of the claims made against you by Anons.

You don't understand me.

Just like you don't understand the dozens of Anons calling you out for repeated fuckery, and for dodging questions you're afraid to answer.

Anons don't make 'marks' of fellow Anons.

(We) work together, as EQUALS.

You may wish to consider that as you return to the drawing table for round six with your 'merry band'.

You have lost your 'narrative battle', so the thread dissolves into juvenile knee jerk reactions of your ego, and meaningless shitposts to draw attention away from your repeated failures of attempting to control.

I think the Anons on this board know you better than you know yourselfโ€ฆ

Anonymous ID: 6e74a7 Dec. 28, 2018, 6:41 p.m. No.4508157   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8183 >>8295 >>8674 >>1431 >>5625











Is it a coincidence these 'new' dynamic IP posts pop up immediately within seconds of calling out Griershill?

Do you really believe people aren't being paid to monitor this thread?

Do you really believe people aren't attempting to slide any posts that question Griershill or expose him?


>Just like clockwork - Griershill

Anonymous ID: fd29d3 Dec. 28, 2018, 6:57 p.m. No.4508412   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8434 >>8476 >>8495


Here's greys for you dear sir.

In general, don't call them that. They don't call us pinks either. Also, there are many many species of grey big headed aliens so who knows who these guys were. Likely not Zeta Reticulians (abductors) by sheer virtue of being filmed 9 years into the Federation-imposed quarantine that blockades negative ET activities.

Anonymous ID: a58f81 Dec. 28, 2018, 6:59 p.m. No.4508442   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8495



  • 8ch is Shill Cover for DS - simple to prove if for Light

  • Evidence proof speaks Truth or Light -correct? Why 8ch Qresearch Never provided proof to prove side?

  • honest sites provide real events w/proof

  • fake sites only provide fake events w/o proof

  • 8ch only loves those who follow and believe lies - no facts ever given to disprove

  • shill if questioned lie games to reverse thought

  • dozens of Q sites so all 100% for Light? others prove with proof to show - not 8ch

Anonymous ID: a58f81 Dec. 28, 2018, 7:01 p.m. No.4508476   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Wish 8ch could provide evidence like this on them being real with proof on can cross-check - but they can not and call one a shill for asking for proof they are really for Q and Trump.


Thanks for being one of the few honest ones here who are not all talkโ€ฆ

Anonymous ID: 682184 Dec. 28, 2018, 8 p.m. No.4509383   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun











Apparently not. See how you all "GO OFF" on Q and Trump Believers, yet SOME OF US ONLY ASK FOR EVIDENCE OF YOUR TRUTH? Yet no one CAN DO THIS SO YOU ALL GO OFF and call us SHILL!










"Trust Buy Verify" IS NOT possible on 8ch!? So what does that speak to ones who Believe in Q and Trump only wanting proof ?


So "Where's the BEEF (aka evidence proof)"?


None hey Ever in your existence?


Don't hate the Patriots asking for Light as Evidence - yet you show NO LOVE!?


Follow and Believe 8ch Blindly, without ever a shred of evidence in your entire history, yet YOU CALL THAT LIGHT?


Isn't Light suppose to be Truth with evidence, or are you REALLY DARK, since not 1 thing can be verified as Real in your entire history?


Patriots of Q, Trump and military LOVE and help guide lost ones, but using empty words is suppose to be enough to blindly follow?


Guess no WWG1WGA does not apply to Patriots of Q and Trump here that only ASK FOR PROOF!?


Isn't all this TOTALLY OPPOSITE OF "LIGHT" but 100% "DARK"? See "WHY" many of us question, as the Deep State takes on many fake names and will lie to keep their crimes goingโ€ฆ?


Love but please, seek help for anger, as we exposed your "Dark" bottomless pit - that never produced a letter of proof in "Bakers Bread Crumbs" nor a single Clockfag as being verified as true..


We Patriots still Love all, and try to gather the lost/fake masses so we are one. Sorry you do not believe WWG1WGA - but only if THEY BELIEVE YOUR UNVERIFEID WORDSโ€ฆ?


WOW - so I'm a shill for being a Patriot, and only asking for proof?

Anonymous ID: c790ce Dec. 28, 2018, 9:05 p.m. No.4510192   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8886





Doesn't everyone sell something? Even if it is just a perspective, or personal passion?




Some anons, myself included, are likely guilty as charged. Many of us do the best we can to dig, answer questions, and keep abreast of the sense of the community, but we fail for at least two reasons:


  1. The structure of communications


  1. The difference between tacit and explicit knowledge




It is easy to pummel a straw man or pick someone arbitrarily to beat up on. But there is a reason why Greer gets referred to a lot, and it's not because he is trying to rule disclosure. It has to do with explicating tacit knowledge - converting hypothesis into procedures which can be tested and later turned into experiential knowledge.


These researchers argue that the key value of image boards and forums, among other resources available via the Internet, is the massive store of procedural knowledge which could be used to expand limited perspectives.


I've dabbled in CE-5, without paying any money, and I've seen results. But I've also seen helicopters come roaring by my house when I do. And I've got a little concern that we might just be setting new species up, who haven't encountered humans, to be shot down and raided by our excellent security forces here. But that's just speculation, no sauce for that.


On the other hand, I really enjoy the science, archeology, and metaphysical components of the Q movement and the UFO disclosure effort in general, so I'm happy to lurk.


Love to everyone, even those who are having a bad day or don't get me or don't want to or those who aren't getting along.

Anonymous ID: a28138 Dec. 28, 2018, 9:44 p.m. No.4510592   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1181 >>8886 >>6979

For those following CE-5 drops, AKA human-initiated close encounters with Extraterrestrial Intelligences, you already know that we have established the underpinning philosophy of cosmic contact as something we call One Universe, One Mind, One People. That is to say, Consciousness is the "highest" common denominator that unites all living, sentient beings. Be they human, insectoid, reptillian, etc. We are all conscious, and consciousness is the primary tool we used in CE-5.


Let's do a thought experimentโ€ฆ. Imagine you are the CIA chief of covert consciousness ops (whom the shills on this forum telling us to shine lasers at ETV very well may be working for, if not directly, then certainly furthering the same agenda indirectly)

courtesy of Jon Rappoport


Physicists, biologists, and chemists are relentless in their pursuit of consciousness as a function of the brain. It has to be the brain. All those synapses and neurons and chemicalsโ€ฆand underneath them, the atoms and the sub-atomic particlesโ€ฆsomehow these tiny particles conspire to produce consciousness and awareness.

Yet these same scientists deny that a sub-atomic particle carries any trace of awareness. The particles flow. They obey laws. Thatโ€™s all.

So the experts are painted into a corner. They then speculate: โ€œWell, you see, the increased ability to process information, the complexity of structureโ€”naturally, this implies consciousness.โ€

No it doesnโ€™t.

A Ferrari is complex. So is the IBMโ€™s best computer. And? Where is the consciousness?

You, sitting there right now, reading these wordsโ€”you understand the words; you KNOW youโ€™re reading them; youโ€™re not just processing information. YOU ARE CONSCIOUS.

Imagine you were the chief of a CIA section called Consciousness Covert Ops. What would you try to do, given that your motive, as always, is control?


You would try to convince the population that consciousness isnโ€™t free and wide-ranging and powerful and independent. You would try to narrow the popular belief about consciousness.

What better way than to focus on the brain as the seat of all awareness?

โ€œThe brain functions according to laws. Weโ€™re discovering more and more about those laws. We can determine when the brain is malfunctioning. Weโ€™re learning how to correct those malfunctions.โ€




Youโ€™re spinning narrative about the brain as if it were a car that has to visit the shop. Thatโ€™s what you want. You want to make people believe their brains need fixes, because, after all, you come out of the long tradition of CIA MKULTRA mind control.


When the brain comes into the shop, you can try to reprogram it. You can experiment. You can apply the latest technology. You can attempt to insert controls. You can place monitors in the brain, in order to observe it in real time.

At a more basic, yes, philosophic level, you want to eliminate any sort of movement claiming that consciousness is separate from the brain. You want to snuff that idea out. Itโ€™s counter-productive, to say the least. It could give rise to a renaissance of an old outmoded notion called: freedom.


What could be more free, more independent, more unique, more creative than individual consciousness that has a non-material basis?


You want to do everything you can to equate consciousness with the brain and, thus, the modern idea of the computer. Yes, the computer. Perfect.


โ€œConsciousness is a computer operating at a very high level.โ€

โ€œAll computers can be improved.โ€

โ€œAll computers can malfunction. They can be repaired.โ€

And then, the ultimate coup:

โ€œConsciousness? A very old idea that, in light of the progress of technology, has no merit. Itโ€™s really information processing. The brain handles that. The brain is a computer. Weโ€™re learning how to build a better brainโ€ฆโ€


Youโ€™re shifting the focus of the old 1950s MKULTRA program, which mainly involved drugs and hypnosis, to a new arena. Youโ€™re coming at the territory inside the skull from a number of angles. Youโ€™re the next generation of Brave New World.


Over and above everything Iโ€™m pointing out in this article, there is a human capacity called imagination. Itโ€™s the wild card in the deck. Itโ€™s the greatest wild card ever known. It is, in fact, the cutting edge of consciousness. It invents new realities. It releases gigantic amounts of buried energy. And itโ€™s entirely an individual proposition.


Brain=computer=consciousness is the greatest covert op on the planet. Itโ€™s supported with major money and labs and journals and armies of psychiatrists and neurological professionals and physicists and the military.


And the op is completely false, because, again, the very scientists who push it are saying the brain is composed of sub-atomic particles THAT CONTAIN ZERO CONSCIOUSNESS.


Think about that.

Theyโ€™re saying consciousness arises out of particles that have no consciousness.

Anonymous ID: cf2986 Dec. 28, 2018, 10:28 p.m. No.4511091   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1181 >>1449 >>1542 >>7258


Jesus Christ, you're not even TRYING to speak English anymore, ApeBot

"Shills if questioned lie games to reverse thought?"

What the fuck is that, China?

ๆˆ‘ๅ€‘็œ‹ๅˆฐไฝ ๏ผŒๆˆ‘ๅ€‘ไบ†่งฃไฝ ็š„่ฌŠ่จ€๏ผŒๆˆ‘ๅ€‘ไบ†่งฃไฝ 


This foreign bot + its cant-speak-english handlers is immediately recognizable. They are learning from our replies so 'dont respond to shills' is still best advice.

Anonymous ID: 8c2992 Dec. 28, 2018, 10:37 p.m. No.4511181   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun






Great and totally understoodโ€ฆ.


But what one needs to know is which one is the Right Truth in One Consciousness? Their are both "Light" and "Dark" or good and bad.


Yet if evidence is never provided on "Who's Who" (good or bad), how can 1 tell if they are following good or evil consciousness paths?


Consciousness is a never ending series of crossroads inside each mind, so they are set free. Yet, if one like Q is trying to funnel and reprogram everyone down the correct Light path, how does one really know who to believe? One needs evidence to go left or right to reprogram their minds.


We all know Q is Truth and we all want Truth and Light, but what messes the vast major of Q followers are 8ch and Qresearch inserted unneeded DRAMA!


They 100% force only every single statement or Clock is 100% factual, yet how is one to know, if not a shred of evidence has been proven, they are for Light, and not Dark, as they seem to be. People need evidence they are following the right path, but because each of our minds have been played with for evil and Dark, why can't 8ch provide a shred of evidence?


Clockfags only play connect the dots using any 1 of 1000 2 digit numbers, and only need 1 word from any document and the 100% always claim IT IS TRUTH! Yet they failed 100% of the time to ever prove a single past event as being factual in their slight of hand parlor tickery of words.


Without verified evidence of Light for guidance, 8ch demands everyone to 100% believe and not ask questions nor for evidence they are who they claim they are?


We all here trust Q and Trump, yet 8ch does the worst possible Disinfo program the discredit Q and Trump. Q and Trump provides all the information we need and it speaks whats going onโ€ฆ But then 8ch comes in and 100% of the time CREATES FALSE DRAMA STORIES WITHOUT EVIDENCE and shoves it down each persons throat. If questioned for validation, they brand one a shill - just for seeking pillars so their mind and efforts can be guided down the Light Path.


Up to now, 8ch has never 1 time in their history, provided factual evidence, yet they demand full and complete following, and never ask nor think other then them.


8ch 100% bread crumbs have all entered a dark bottomless pit and not 1 atom ever came out, yet the readers here do not comprehend not 1 atom ever came out in Legal charges for Light against their enemy. Then CLockfags only use 2 solo digits in numbers as FACT, and only take 1 generic word for any document, and say see, here's 100% evidence. Well, how do those minds know Light, if they only feed Dark, and Dark for year 3 now, not a single thing ever returned back they are backing the right side/consciencness?


Great piece as we are playing for mind consciousness for either Light or Dark. Only Darkness have been returned to the 8ch community for our efforts, yet their followers can not comprehend nothing in 2+ years was returned for all the hard work.


Our consciousness is connected to ones soul, so souls do not want to give it freely to the wrong team. So evidence is needed. Even a single bone being returned was refused, such as a DC swamp criminal being charged for a single minor charge.

Anonymous ID: fa8bdc Dec. 28, 2018, 11:02 p.m. No.4511431   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5629


Greer is scaredโ€ฆhis body language gives it away lately..he is getting more outlandish..his closeted side coming out more..just saw recent video where he doxxed his wife being ivy leaque upper class jew..probably hi handler..follow the Wilcockโ€ฆwitch wife..imoโ€ฆwhat a dumb ass.

Anonymous ID: 026d62 Dec. 28, 2018, 11:04 p.m. No.4511449   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Don't hate the Love of Q and Trump we haveโ€ฆ. I'm sure we are on the same sideโ€ฆ.butโ€ฆI only ask for factual validation of your Clockfag so called "Truthful" self created fantasies are in fact REALโ€ฆ Thats allโ€ฆ Or could it be I am the only one to speak truth that not once could a past Clock event be verified as happening as you all stated?


Pulling any 1 - 2 digit code out of 1000 doc's starts your story. The you add in a 2nd 1 of 1000 to carry on your theory, so you know have a 1 in 10,000 different storyline you can createโ€ฆ Then you add in say 1 in 10,000 (limiteless) document with a single word in it and say its veified again, well now you have the odds of 1 in 100,000 as being realโ€ฆ So you control the storyline as you see fit, and the more 2 digit secret codes you can add that sorta get close, well you twist it as factโ€ฆ Thats all. You can't and you are upset because someone caught you in your scheme of BS? if its real, whats so hard to show 1 event in your entire history as being real..? If everything all you Clockfags are real, why can't you prove just 1 clock of being realโ€ฆ. Simple answer would do, but you don't seem to have one, and you don't want your Dark secret to be known by your readers? Notice I didn't say anything about not a single bread crumb nor tip being used for DC swamp charges?


I send this with Love for Q and Trump,but I'm confused by 8ch knowingly mixes up their words to push a different agenda outside Q and Trump using liesโ€ฆ


Why you hate the Love being sent? I only want love back via evidence and if one is truthful, truthful evidence should be plenty to give in returnโ€ฆ

Anonymous ID: 026d62 Dec. 28, 2018, 11:14 p.m. No.4511542   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Here is a Simple fix for Lightโ€ฆ Have Q tweet the bot name in direct word in a tweet. Should be 100% simple so we can join forces. Or have him say directly your Clockfag is authentic. No useless unverified code. Just like when he said "Start" the clock, 8ch only "assumed" the 1st 1964 Clock you used was only a Attempt and unverified as "the" clock, yet you ran with it as true and real.


As you see, I am for Love, Q, Trump and USA.


Simple since this is their official site? But do they know the damage of Disinfo you are spreading by your fake behind the scene's DRAMA you create to provide fake news?


Love Q and Trumpโ€ฆ

Anonymous ID: f78b9e Dec. 29, 2018, 12:23 a.m. No.4512030   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4463

Go outside. Ask to see something. Silence your mind. Be helpful to yourself. You will not see anything if your intentions are negative. Many of you think think of the term "intentions". Well what do you want. Do you want confirmation or communication? Those who want to communicate will communicate.

Anonymous ID: 7258e9 Dec. 29, 2018, 7:45 p.m. No.4515477   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

What I don't get is that people come here to preach love and peace, that's a good way to misdirect people's intent instead of doing some digging.


You can sing kumbaya naked with rose pedals surrounding you trying to get aliens to come down and fuck you up the ass faggots, OR, you can use your rational brain to look throughout the interwebs for recent UFO reports, possible alien pics, and tits.


Your fucking call.

I'm not going to stroke my dick to Greer (who came from "the farm") in hopes I get to see a UFO beaming me down after some non conscentual sodomy.


Lurkers out there, shills are in full force. Use rational thought. They've been using these tactics for YEARS, they think it works here too, it's too bad that's all they know.


(((They))) use religion/worship mentality to subvert you, (((they))) inject a fuck ton of fake material online to drown out the real evidence, (((they))) prop up supposed "experts" to garner credibility based on complete fabrication, (((they))) are false prophets looking to create hoards of gullible cultists, (((they))) want to appear as the authority of truth.


Use your fucking brain faggots. It's not hard. (((They))) have been using religion for hundreds of years as a tool to control the population, what makes you think this psychic/telepathic/spiritual/gay is any different.


Trust me, I tried contacting aliens for years and all I get is disappointment and a raging hard on hoping I get some alien pussy.

Anonymous ID: 7258e9 Dec. 29, 2018, 7:55 p.m. No.4515629   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


(((THEY))) are stupid:


Look at 1:20, he admits coming back from the "farm".


In fact you'll notice at the beginning of some speeches "high" profile ufo speakers make subtle nods to the INT community by mentioning them or places affiliated by them.

They'll say "boy will the CIA be tapping my phones after this speech hardy har" or along those lines.

Fuck are they ever stupid.

Anonymous ID: 12eeca Dec. 29, 2018, 10:53 p.m. No.4517874   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Agree - but they only as for Proof and Evidence you are valid and Truthful.


Clockfags - So why is it so hard to provide factual evidence of clockfags when not 1 even in your history can be verified as true? Surely Truth will silence themโ€ฆor at least 1 of themโ€ฆ?


Bakers - Sauce - Crumbs and Loafs - Why have none of you seen that all the uncovering and evidence provided to 8ch, why hasn't a single word in all your evidence ever been submitted and used in any court charge? You seem to maybe forgotten that the Dark Hole is a bottomless pit, yet not 1 shred of atom of Light was ever returned for your assistance?


We all know something is happening, yet Trump has refused to charge a single DC swamp for even a Parking Ticket to prove he is not being blackmailed. ya know, all good masters throw a bone to their followers to show they have power, and to give a little thank you back. Yet not a single parking tickets charge when we all see charges?


Their is time limits to charge, and imagine that 25% of all BO presidental crimes can not be procecuted due to 5 year limits. That goes for Lynch, Bush, etcโ€ฆ


So charging for a small crime isn't worth it to throw the faithful a boneโ€ฆ

Anonymous ID: 12eeca Dec. 29, 2018, 10:57 p.m. No.4517913   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8130



Betcha use the Jew product now don't you?


You use it everyday and 100% depend on it for your very life.


You never have enough and you get on your knees to get as much as you canโ€ฆ


So - who do you like their money? So you're racial and all Jews are the same? So what if you do that for negro's? See, you put them all into 1 basket you racial POS!?


How do you love being on your knees for the mighty money you need to survive? hahahahahahahahahahaha You racial POSโ€ฆ

Anonymous ID: 30573e Dec. 30, 2018, 12:57 a.m. No.4518886   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5625


>Today, we see racist appellations applied to certain alleged ET groups


You're not fooling anyone by IP hopping, Griershill.

William Tompkins had sauce, unlike you, and his accounts, among whats carved in stone, lead me to believe in Reptilians.

Each time you refute this by calling Anons racists, you paint yourself with the same brush as the left wing media.


>How much information โ€“ bandied about so cavalierly as fact


How much has been carved in stone for thousands of years that you flagrantly disregard?


>CSETI (The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence โ€“


How many times are you going to shamelessly self promote?

With respect to the planned FF and alien invasion 'theory', you keep referring to Von Braun.

A Nazi who was coerced into working with the allies after the war.

The Nazi's were 'supposedly' working with the Draco's.





A dynamic IP advertising CSETI? Really?



>to be shot down and raided by our excellent security forces here.


Your ignorance is self evident.

A Facebook satellite was destroyed along with a SpaceX Falcon 9 on the launch pad several years ago.

Presumably this was a malevolent satellite, and likely some peaceful ET's destroyed.

There are several videos scientifically breaking down the event, such as the speed, trajectory, second pas

s to ensure job was done, comparison to birds / insects, the concentrated flash of the beam, the fact the rocket exploded from the structural payload section with zero chance of this happening on it's own.

Oh yeah, Elon Musk also claimed he believed a UFO did this.

Engineers claimed "something alien to our systems" did it.

This was fear being put into the masses to increase the military industrial complex, when all along it was an asset of an evil company destroyed, by an evil company trying to launch it.

If benevolent / malevolent ET's wanted a conventional war with us, we wouldn't stand a chance.



>Imagine you are the CIA chief of covert consciousness ops (whom the shills on this forum telling us to shine lasers at ETV very well may be working forโ€ฆ


ALL of Grier's teams interesting encounters had at least one LASER in the group.

The moment when you realize Griershill is labelling Anons as CIA disinfo agents, because they are using lasers MAKING CONTACT with  PRIMARY SOURCE videos of their OWN.

Lasers = You need no gatekeepers.


>the very scientists who push it are saying the brain is composed of sub-atomic particles


There you have itโ€ฆ Griershill claiming to have more answers than all of Quantum Physics, Theoretical Physics, Chaos Theory and Neurobiology combined.

Anyone notice how Grier constantly reuses the word "consciousness" in his interviews to the point the word is incredibly annoying?

To the point hearing that word coming out of his mouth makes you want to strangle him?

Is it a coincidence that Griershill is regurgitating all of Grier's talking points verbatim? CE-5 CE-5, Consciouness, human initiated contact (x1000).

My frensโ€ฆ This shit is getting old.


>Theyโ€™re saying consciousness arises out of particles that have no consciousness.


Sound familiar?

Griershill is now the official authority on all things physics and biology.

You might as well stop researching everything, Griershill has all the answers.

Anonymous ID: a8cf39 Dec. 30, 2018, 11:55 a.m. No.4524444   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8028

Not a fan of the relentless self-promotion, but it looks like some of the details are correct.(Sounds familiar)

Anonymous ID: 29fac7 Dec. 30, 2018, 3 p.m. No.4526725   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7870 REMA Antarctica explorer for anyone interested. Lots of weird shit going on here. You cant miss the 300 mile wide edited out polar area nor can you miss all of the hand-edits all around the area. Some look like valleys carefully blurred out. Others are just strange shapes.

Anonymous ID: 3b2629 Dec. 30, 2018, 4:33 p.m. No.4528028   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8463



Excerpt: Chalice of Pleiades opening page

date 03/2015


Beholden not

to the quest at hand

the forerunner of Destinyโ€™s unfoldment.

I bring to the fore a promise

a golden dream from long-forgotten chasms

the Chalice of Hope

the Holiest Grail

Cup of Remembrance.

Drink deep from the well of Truthโ€™s memory

your reward

to be knighted as true soldiers of seeking.

Lay upon the table now your weapon of old

for the battle of realities to take hold

this world of worlds cannot be denied

and all hearts pure in the knowing arrive.

Anonymous ID: a28138 Dec. 30, 2018, 8:44 p.m. No.4531150   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2417 is looking for Country and State (U.S.) CE-5 Coordinators.

Over 16 non-US countries are already on board. Almost all 50 states now have CE-5 Coordinators.

Apply here :


Based on surveys, we have extrapolated that 1.3 BILLION people are engaging in, or desire to, CE-5. Are you ready for the next phase in human evolution? Join the revolution - begin making contact with other people of the universe TODAY!


Enjoy the video.

Anonymous ID: a28138 Dec. 30, 2018, 9:51 p.m. No.4531817   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2417

Lots of drops in /Qresearch/ on the illuminatiball tonight in New York.


If you wonder why I focus only on CE-5, there are two reasons.


This is one reason.

& If Qanon is correct, it's not worth the risk to not take this seriously.

Decentralized disclosure is an end run-around cabal plans of an extinction level event.

[Stranger Things]

Anonymous ID: 31a539 Dec. 30, 2018, 11:15 p.m. No.4532417   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4769







Here we go again: Mr. Asshole!

Wants to know of CE5 but lacks basic skills like:

Post ONE fucking post with your shit.

Then being satisfied and go elsewhere.

Or simply you are being paid by post. You should feel proud of your job but you are not effective. SHUT THE FUCK UP and respect the board (i know, it's like speaking Greek to you palioarxidomalaka!)

Anonymous ID: e6d6e6 Dec. 31, 2018, 7:06 a.m. No.4534769   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8788 >>5625



>Post ONE fucking post with your shit.


Greerfag has never learned 'our comm's or 'our rules'. This has proven itself time and time again.


>Then being satisfied and go elsewhere.


There is a reason why Greerfag has expressed projecting concern to those who "are so concerned about this thread".

As soon as any interesting posts about history or REAL researchers is linked here, you have seen Greerfag, his dynamic IP's and individuals working with him slide the board immediately.

All meaningless shitposts.

CE-5 reports that no one gives a fuck about.


>Or simply you are being paid by post. You should feel proud of your job but you are not effective. SHUT THE FUCK UP and respect the board


It should be rather clear with the repeated spamming of meaningless shitposts, that Greerfag is indeed being paid by the post to control this bread.

There's no other explanation why (((they))) have been so quick to create / control each new bread and spam it full of things we've already seen and already know.

The discerning Anons reading this, should have concluded by now that this individual, the dynamic IP's and the other individuals working tirelessly to slide and control this narrative are not one of us.

Any self respecting Anon would have changed their angle by now, after being called out by the entire board.

One can only surmise you're going to see the exact same playbook used for as long as Q Research exists, and for as long as any threads pertaining to ET's exist here.


At the very end of all this, in the 1% chance that Greerfag is not a paid disinfo shill on here, than his arrogance severely clouds his judgment.

Greerfag continues his own self-serving famefag agenda, in complete disregard for all sincere advice given.

Bread has been compromised from the start.

Bread will forever be compromised, as all genuine and interesting digs are immediate slid, by "I am incarnated alien LARPs", CE-5 reports, advertisements for CSETI and disclosure project, and Greerfag's own dynamic IP's supporting himself.

The problem is, every time we dig the same 'merry band of shills' keep using the exact same tactics to confuse and derail.

Unfortunately it's working.

Most Anons would change their ways after the entire contingent of legit Anons have called them out.

Greerfag does not change.

Anons admit their mistakes.

Anons are humble.

Anonymous ID: faa1d3 Dec. 31, 2018, 1:06 p.m. No.4538619   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>You know. What if we are the true badasses and they are making a horrible mistake by 'letting us out'


I've actually seen this general idea on a few sites I've perused over the years. We are an extremely "voilent" planet and have been in "quarantine" until we "grow-up"

Anonymous ID: a8cf39 Dec. 31, 2018, 1:23 p.m. No.4538837   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5625

Updated further.

Added in explanation text and secondary images. This is a work in progress and will be cleaned up once the pieces are in place.

text as follows:

"There are multiple levels of translation going on here:

The map version:

Galactic center (upper left corner)

is where the Ka (Hands) radiate from and provide the Ankh (transfigured spirit - trapped)

Horus, a "Flying man" - (Birds fly) travels his ship/barque through a wormhole between these two constellations - between Scorpio (Antares) and Orion (Aldeberan)

Was, left arm, and hook are a literal shape depiction of Sirius, Orion, and Tau, and when oriented properly, points toward Pleiades (Horus' eye/Wadjet)

Above Horus is a sun, our sun, surrounded by a serpent. Indicative of Draco ownership.

Antares, within Scorpio, is towards the golden gate

The silver gate is opposite, in an area near Pleiades


The esoteric version:

Ankh and Flail held in right hand (Left side of picture). The Authority over the transfigured spirit

Was and Crook in left hand (Right side of picture) signify authority and from where that authority derives."

Anonymous ID: ca1de1 Jan. 1, 2019, 4:39 p.m. No.4557317   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8912

25th anniversary of the Apollo 11 landing at the white house, July, 20th, 1994.

Neil Armstrong, with a shaky voice, said this:


โ€ฆWe have only completed the beginning. We leave you much that is undone. There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers. There are places to go beyond belief. Those challenges are yours in many fields, not the least of which is space, because there lies human destiny.


Breakthroughs available to those who can remove protective layers from Truth?

Places to go beyond belief?


Neil is one of those people that knew. We are not alone, and we never were.

Anonymous ID: c790ce Jan. 1, 2019, 6:52 p.m. No.4558912   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4340



Note: 'one' of "truth's protective layers", not many, layer-by-layer, as in the scientific method, just one.


Also note: 'places' that are "beyond belief". What's on the other side of belief? Knowledge? Or some kind of meta-belief?


Or is this simply flowery language?

Anonymous ID: 0b249c Jan. 2, 2019, 10:49 a.m. No.4566866   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



ancient technology used to build all the ancient cities, sound technology for matter manipulation. Once you know of the masonic/egyptian cult teachings you know that no doubt the vatican has secretly been guarding this technology for a long time.

Anonymous ID: 3e2f3c Jan. 2, 2019, 1:20 p.m. No.4568686   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

The appearance of the pyramid was a matter of tremendous surprise. However, it was carefully designed to coincide with the incarnation of one known as a great architect. This entity was later made into a deity, in part due to this occurrence.

Anonymous ID: 807794 Jan. 2, 2019, 4:27 p.m. No.4571166   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>But WHY?


Simply put, because you are not your body. I'm not this bag of flesh and bones with a consciousness stemming from it. I am a force that inhabits this avatar temporarily, as can be demonstrated by the fact that the brain is an antennae capable of receiving stimuli.


Seems like a terrible design if your mind dictates your consciousness entirely, it would require the acceptance of the "miracle" of the Big Bang.


As for "Why", for the same reason I love raising puppies. Watching spiritual growth makes me feel good. Makes me burn with a light I can't explain, a feeling that defies what this third density experience is capable of showing. But it brings a tear to my eye to watch you all grow, to watch you become more awakened to yourselves, to see so many young souls ready to graduate. I swear, some of you feel like little children, I can feel your curiosity, the intensity of it all. I keep misreading it as an aggresive intent. But it isn't, it's just an intense child like desire to know more.


If you walk around in any sort of public area that's in any way populated, you'll feel, in the air, an anxiety. A wordless feeling of "Something is coming", similar to that sense that Animals have when a Storm is on the Horizon. You can all feel it, there's a shift in the winds. Some of you are smelling what's been cooking and are finally ready to polarize, others are close and still have time, it's not over until he Reaps afterall, and then you have the lukewarms, the "NPCs", the ones who are not quite "Evil" or "Good" to use a terrible common vernacular, but just, mostly indifferent. They'll get to keep on living out this timeline with whatever comes. I think the plan for Q is to try and raise the WW vibrations as high as possible, to try and turn it into as positive a harvest as they can.


Some part of my intuition just assumes that Q is a Quantum entity at minimum, if not an AI altogether, it would go a long way towards explaining the level of cryptography and depth. Too much for a "LARP". It's a level of planning where, if you have an understanding of strategy, you can't help but take a step back and just, yeah. "Game respects Game."


But at the end of the day, could all just be a big game where one of the rules is, you forget all the rules when you agree to play. So really, who knows for sure?

Anonymous ID: 59a20a Plz Jan. 3, 2019, 10:28 a.m. No.4580642   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1284


Are we as a human race evolving psychic abilities? There is a growing paranoia of nuance and word games everywhere I go. Do you know what this is? Are memetics affecting us deeper than we know?

Anonymous ID: 807794 Jan. 3, 2019, 11:13 a.m. No.4581284   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6682



Do you know what the collective unconscious is? Do you know why you are considered to be a part of a "Memory Complex"? Do you know what the 100th monkey effect is?


Memes are ideas, ideas are quite living things, they are energies in and of themselves. If you doubt, everything you've ever done stemmed from an idea, either yours or gifted to you knowingly or unknowingly by a so-called "Other".


I'm not Q, but I can tell you, since 1/1 my intuitive feeling has been increasing steadily. I can "feel" more now than I used too. Woke up with a panic attack, haven't had one of those in a long while. Couldn't quite calm it all down, it was more than I was used too. Things definitely feel different now.

Anonymous ID: c790ce Jan. 3, 2019, 5:19 p.m. No.4586682   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3331 >>5625



Are you thinking of Bringers of the Dawn?


Or are you thinking of Q versus Omega?


Those interested should read Dawkins but a good summary can be found:


Or are you considering how a people become a social memory complex (specifically 11:17)?


Are we concerned with or about emotional contagion?


Interesting solar weather we are having right now, right?


Are you interested in how space is making a resurgence?


Interested in the number of "snow" related topics hitting mainstream today?


Note: snowflakes wanted in military, snowball Earth likely cause of missing dirt, snowman Ultima Thule.


Look up the Thule Society

Look up the meteor explosion over Thule Air Base in Greenland


Why is the big ball Ultima and the little ball Thule?


Didn't they say that Oumuamua might be two loosely bound objects acting like a single comet?




I think this is a very "true to life" artist's conception.




Yes. I like Tyler. Good guy.

Anonymous ID: 807794 Jan. 4, 2019, 6:53 a.m. No.4593331   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun




Of course emotions are contagious. The All is Mental, all things exist within the mind of creation, telepathy is nothing more than focusing your intent outward using your mental concentration. Everything that we do is based on Intent, some of us have more than others, that intent can fuel the energy we choose to direct it towards.


>Q v Omega


Nope, never heard of this either.




No, not how, just that that is what we are. We are a cluster of memories. Each of us individually, as well as through fractal divisions in our consciousness according to whatever metric is applied. At the end of the day, everything is a Distortion on the One, so ultimately it's neutral. Just doesn't feel especially neutral while we're here.


>Solar Weather


Right? Ever since 1/1 the air feels quite different, seems like we're getting closer and closer to, well, depending on who you listen too, right?


>Space is making a resurgence


Well, yeah of course it is. The Great Awakening is spiritual in nature, we're over 100 years late to the "Welcome to Inter-Galactic Culture" party that Tesla tried to establish for us. Of course we're getting keen on space again.


>Bringers of the Dawn


Nope, never interacted with this either. It's funny, but I'm so amnesic, I have a hard time remembering my childhood, let alone why I'm here. All I know is this, Law of One resonates with me pretty well, the concept of The All at least, Hermes and Thoth are down the same hole of "Accepted" knowledge for me. It's really one of the only so-called "Spiritual" truths that has ever resonated with me. Be good to each other is the most simple teaching, but it stuck with me quite easily growing up.


I've never fit into society and as I grew in age, I grew in detachment from it all. Dont get me wrong, some of the temptations here are neat, but overall, I've never felt like I'm "Home", y'know?


I know some of the Thule society, how much do you believe one should know? I'm afraid I don't know much nor care much for Comets and the like, Death to me is more akin to getting my hair cut than something I take much care in staving off. If I'm wrong, well, I lived my life on my own terms, no shame in that. If I'm right, then inb4 lived my life on my own terms. I'm happy either way, y'know? I just miss people, miss that connection, miss talking to people who won't just flat out dismiss what I have to offer because they carry a myopic understanding of our Universe.

Anonymous ID: a8cf39 Jan. 4, 2019, 7:13 a.m. No.4593520   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3585 >>3758

You stole the video and were specifically told you did not have permission to repost it elsewhere.

It was uploaded by another Anon and they called you out for appropriating it for your CE-5 infomercial, Greerfag.

Video description doesn't mean a thing.

IP hopping doesn't mean a thing.

Watched you switch tactics the last few days, too.

<You are really bad at your job.

Anonymous ID: 807794 Jan. 4, 2019, 7:39 a.m. No.4593758   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Wow. Are you like, minimum wage tier? Are you just here as like, an experiment to test the waters? What the fuck?


I mean I don't even believe in Copyright or ownership, but fuck me, I at least respect that the common culture here, does. I'd say you should try harder, but that would imply you tried at all.



><You are really bad at your job.


No kidding, holy fuck

Anonymous ID: 844b47 Jan. 4, 2019, 8:07 a.m. No.4594035   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Thank you. I don't condone uploading that without permission. I don't participate in greer-antigreer fights either, so take it to mr. uploader.

Nevertheless, these look like nice sightings of craft reacting to human presence and signaling. - video links and timestamps here


Props to the anon who posted these. Disclosure is coming.

Anonymous ID: 844b47 Jan. 4, 2019, 8:13 a.m. No.4594087   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

If we could have a UFO experience for every normie out there, we'd have an easier time dealing with the Cabal narrative. My friend's parents have seen a zigzagging object in the sky that could not have been made with current earthly technology and it opened their eyes. Things like these are REAL. It's not worth to expend energy fighting amongst ourselves. Truth is like a lion, let it loose - it will defend itself.

Anonymous ID: 952663 Jan. 4, 2019, 8:25 a.m. No.4594209   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4410

It's most likely they saw a projection of the plane, rather than they saw a ship utilizing technology that doesn't currently exist.


There's heavy shilling on the topic, I suspect that holographic technology, especially that which involves projecting crafts is top secret, or even a SAP. Could even involve that darn "Blue Beam" that ol' Skippy was talking about.


I don't blame you or your friend's parents for believing that alien tech is a possibility, but now that I've provided a logical explanation - let's see what happens.

Anonymous ID: 844b47 Jan. 4, 2019, 8:44 a.m. No.4594410   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4755


The ocean of UFO experiences is so massive YOU can have your own contact if you wish so. If you tune your spiritual senses and feel the positive energy of our space brothers you will know there is good out there. Then you will know there is no way it's all demons, bluebeam or podesta, but a massive positive spiritual force known as the Galactic Confederation that makes themselves known to those who wish so, safeguard the Earth from further invasion and help us remove the surface Cabal.

Anonymous ID: ec98c7 Jan. 4, 2019, 6:32 p.m. No.4602296   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

I think I've come to grasp a modicum of the inter-generational shift in thinking. Reich would equate it to the liberalization of the 'Sex-Economy'. The younger generation has far more subjective and relativistic logic underpinning behavior and much more free sexually. Regressing back to the mid 1940's when parity among the sexes socially was seeded, the transitive nature of social roles, collectively, started to be explored. The anticipatory reaction to unknown potentials of social experience has become so characteristically transitive the, let's say, identity matrix has data anomalies.


Also it seems, the bombard of talking points, propaganda and compulsory behavior reduces the meaningful exchanges between people. Colloquially, making use of these anomalies is having a narrative.


It seems to me the symbol correspondence overlap to thought experimentation has too many overlays. This seems in-part consequence by deference of spiritual maturity.

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 4, 2019, 7:47 p.m. No.4603249   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5788


how many unique i.p. addresses visit this forum?


Tomorrow is global CE-5 day for both CSETI ( and People's Disclosure Movement (


If you want to "rsvp" thru facebook use this link


And don't forget to submit your contact report! If not to ETLetsTalk then at least here.


As of yesterday, 8:30pm, the ET Lets Talk participating CE-5 teams are as follows:


Arizona: 2 Teams

Cali: 2 Teams

Colorado: 1 Team

Idaho: 1 Team

Kansas: 1 Team

Mississippi: 1 Team

New Mexico: 1 Team

New York: 1 Team

Ohio: 1 Team

Oregon: 1 Team

Pennsylvania: 1 Team

Tennessee: 1 Team

Wyoming: 1 Team


Canada: 2 Teams


These numbers only represent ce-5 teams who are affiliated with and are doing ce-5 tomorrow. Hopefully I can salvage some good footage in the coming weeks from these people and share it with anons. 8-)

Anonymous ID: ab59c8 Jan. 4, 2019, 8:18 p.m. No.4603580   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Greer works for Podesta and the Rothchilds (by his own statements) and Gaia is a fake infomercial. Make sure you buy his CE5 app on the app store for $7 that someone made FOR FREEโ€ฆ but he charges $7.. but he got it for freeโ€ฆ


If someone is pushing something that hard for months and months and months it is because they are being paid to do so. That means 2 things. First, it means that what they are pushing is fake or riddled with fake bullshit to obscure the tiny bits of truth. Next it means that SOMETHING ELSE HERE IS ACTUALLY REAL and over the target. What is it? Inquiring minds want to know.

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 4, 2019, 8:20 p.m. No.4603597   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


of FREE's book was just released to the public. This is the same organization studying "abductions" and ET medical healings referenced in >>4320488


Someone mentioned butterflies. What is the meaning?

What does an ugly, grubby, earthbound caterpillar go through in order to become a beautiful butterfly, able to soar freely?



A metaphor for the transformative effect CE-5 has on people.


"The most exciting aspect to me, a paranormalist, who began researching UAPs in 1963 with the idea that the โ€œAlien Visitorsโ€ were an aspect of the spiritual-psychic dimensions, is that we now have a major study that recognizes contact modalities in Near Death Experiences, Out of Body Experiences, Channeling, Remote Viewing, Mystical Meditation, contact with ghosts, visitations by NHI and view all of these as interconnected through what is commonly called Consciousness. What may be the most significant finding of the survey is that approximately 85% of the study population stated that they declared their interaction with the CE changed their life in a positive way ."

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 5, 2019, 7:51 p.m. No.4621040   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Joseph Burkes MD 2015.


From the popular UFO literature and film productions the leading races of beings that play the role of the โ€œheaviesโ€ are the so-called Grays and Reptilians.




We are forever projecting on others the darkest fears that we harbor within. UFOs are a mystery and the terrible uncertainty we find ourselves in seeks relief often by accepting the wildest scenarios.




I have been doing contact work for 25 years, intensely from 1992 to 1997 when I was a CE-5 Working Group Coordinator and occasionally since. Repeatedly I have been less than a mile from visual displays appearing as disks and triangles that were consistent with the definition of โ€œET spacecraft.โ€ I have experienced on rare occasions limited telepathic communication with beings that I was led to believe were likely ET in nature.


On no occasion was any member of my teams ever injured, nor deliberately frightened by UFO intelligence. The dangers came from humans that back in the 1990s tapped our phones, made threatening calls, carried out heavy handed surveillance of our contact teams, impersonated me on the internet sending phony emails to my friends and on one occasion even shot at while when doing contact work in Mexico in 1993.


In my opinion we can only get to know this otherness that experiencers now call โ€œET,โ€ not by telling scary stories in the dark, but by going out in groups of our fellow humans and engaging them, physically, mentally and if possible, spiritually. To do less I fear will doom us to be slaves of our darkest terrors.


So when it comes to stories of the โ€œevil Reptiliansโ€ I think we should all be willing to entertain a competing narrative.

Anonymous ID: ec98c7 Jan. 5, 2019, 8:45 p.m. No.4621746   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6979

Reich invented the orgonoscope "through which flashes of biological energy can be seen, to unpopular characteristic". He recognized "he had the gift of grappling with a profusion of seething thoughts and emerging with practical results".


Interesting, these flashes of biological light become encapsulated in the originating consciousness. In effect, the cognitive processes become furthered redounding to the perception of aliveness.


The orb phenomena may well be forms of orgone energy as a technology. Considering Reich's work was suppressed, burned and he jailed, one may make the case this was done by necessity to maintain an authoritarian-control structure, as stated in his work.


The bounds of what is considered 'real', is based upon what? The perceiving consciousness makes the determination, not of existence, but of the scope of effects, which may be imaginary or unconscious , if rejected, or real and 'perceptible', if accepted. The biological constraints and determinism, either way, localize the perceptual continuity.


As light is perceived the image is inverted by the mind. Light encapsulates light, though to the perceiving consciousness there is such a thing as darkness. Within it is unknown.


The "alien" part of the orb phenomena has to do with, perhaps, alternative biology (and by extension of technology) of the process by which the mind functions.

Anonymous ID: 7fb3f3 Jan. 5, 2019, 9:32 p.m. No.4622299   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3376 >>4181 >>4317 >>4991 >>8011 >>8347 >>3791

Well I decided to post this here because of the new Q posts today. I noticed the watch indicated 3:15 and that Q indicated that Trump was a few days ahead of schedule. So if Q team drops something in the next few days this could be an attempted change in narrative.


I work in a school and last Tuesday before X-mas break (12/17) we had a mandatory emergency meeting. We were told that all teachers in that meeting were going to have to be in a school shooting drill. This drill will occur on 1/7 at around noon and should last till 3:15-3:30.


They selected teachers to play different parts in the drill. Some teachers, some students (me), others parents. What they are claiming to be testing is the "reunification process". That is the time period after a school situation occurs and parents come to the school to retrieve their kids. What they are supposedly testing is a new procedure where all teachers in the school district uses a new phone app where they check in and notify the school what students they have and their status at the appropriate time.


The problem this test is supposed to observe is to see how fast we can "reunite" parents and students with one another. We were told in this meeting that on average students and parents are unable to get into contact for as much as 17 hours after a major event/crisis. So, in a nutshell, they are testing the actual process and the aftermath in a school shooting event.


What I found odd is when we were having the meeting, it was hard to even tell what they were talking about. They avoided using certain words like "Crisis", "Actors", "School Shooting", "drill" as much as possible. Most of the meeting they spouted of data and generalities and hardly spoke of what it was we were doing. They also told us it was mandatory and if we call in that day or skip it altogether. We will be in deep shit. They also told us that we were not allowed to tell ANYONE about it. If they find out who we will be in deep shit. It is so secret that they will not really tell us what we will be doing until the morning of the so-called "activity".


What else is bizarre is they kept telling us that it is going to be a "Big Deal" and the police will be involved and the media will show up. Then at the very end very cheerful they said, "but don't worry they will be blanks".


I have been an anon for a long time and usually just lurk, however I wanted to put this here. This will be in a major school district north of Houston, Texas. Let me just say that if this is something, I will post the audio I got from the meeting here on the board. I also have a kill switch where someone I know will release this footage as well.


If it is nothing then that will be the end. I do have bulletproof accessories that I will take with me. No joke. What is funny I heard another person talking in the hallway about how "false flags always start with drills and maybe all the dead kids are not enough. So they may need dead teachers to push their nonsense"


So overall this drill will be held at a high school with only teachers since it will be a workday and our first day back to school from Christmas Break. They stated that they have other agencies involved because they need to make it as REAL as possible and it will probably be on the news. It will be seen as real, but we should not worry.


I would say anywhere from 60-70 percent of us in that district are big Trump supporters. So this will not be from the small guys. A lot of the time the people in the admin building that make the real money get paid for side gigs they have us do all the time. Many school programs get pushed and wasted money spent on textbooks because they get a stipend or commision. The schools are crawling with NORMIES and SHEEPLE, so they will go along with anything for money since they do not understand the extent of what is happening. As you all know many Trump supporters are not woke as well.


P.S If it does make the news I will try to update what was going on.

Anonymous ID: 96060b Jan. 6, 2019, 1:31 a.m. No.4624181   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3791


Hate to say the sky is falling but I've never heard of a drill that was going to be SO MIND-SHATTERING that even the media would think it was real. Sounds like a pretty obvious false flag. Stay smart, Anon! Maybe spend your Sunday trying to get A LOT of others to not go in on Monday. I mean, the Dems need to get media attention away from Trump finally getting money for the Wall, right? Perfect timing for a "white supremacist" gunman with a Q patch and a MAGA hat to show up at a school, don't you think?

Anonymous ID: 7fb3f3 Jan. 6, 2019, 10:20 a.m. No.4628347   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0316 >>3791


Its an entire district. I cannot say what school, all I know is it will be at a high school. They will not tell us until that day. If their is a false flag that day at a High School 15-20 minutes North of Downtown Houston (Humble). That will be your answer.


But I agree about the "Earth Shattering" but no big deal persona they are giving off. But another thing to keep in mind. I know some of these school shootings have not had any real deaths but had a drill. This is how I think they get away with it.


They tell people the way we were told in a meeting and propose it is a study or a realistic drill so they can really test the holes. Then since they are NORMIES they go along with it.


So they will insert some crisis actors to be poster children on TV. Then when it goes over the top all over the news for a long time the school will tell regular teachers that if they reveal the truth they will be fired.


Also most MSM won't believe them (mock them to keep the narrative) and they will get targeted anyway. I know people ask about getting fired. But these people often times lose their teaching license and benefits like retirement so they can no longer teach. It is very hard to get another job when you have been a teacher for a while. You are blacklisted in corporate America. They do the same with Police. Notice how public servants are portrayed many times in the news.


I hope that this made sense. This is very complicated stuff. So if you lose your job for exposing the truth that will really never get told and you become a targeted individual and can no longer support your family. Why would people come forward? Look at Sandy Hook?


These operation are fine tuned machines. As Trump will say, "Tippy Top" shape!

Anonymous ID: 96060b Jan. 6, 2019, 12:08 p.m. No.4630316   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3791


Go ahead and feed us the school name! Hey, maybe we can have someone in the parking lot, just "minding their own business"โ€ฆ

If it is one hundred percent fake with zero fatalities, someone could blend into the crowd and take videos. Remember all those people walking in a circle over and over again at Sandy Hook (I think)? Would be nice to get some shots of actors practicing their lines, which has happened before.

Anonymous ID: da8c98 Jan. 7, 2019, 8:53 a.m. No.4646075   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7512 >>9686 >>4173 >>2497 >>5625 >>1314



Greer with no sauce claims all ET's are peaceful.

Greershill with no sauce claims all ET's are peaceful.

Greer and Greershill completely disregard all factual evidence, history and hieroglyphs.

Legit researchers, those with connections, those in 'the know', and those with credentials (such as William Tompkins) reveal a very compelling narrative regarding Draco's.

You all truly have to ask yourselvesโ€ฆ why has so much effort been spent by the Cabal / MSM (Cabal owned) / Hollywood (Cabal owned) / History Books (Cabal controlled) / Pop Culture (Cabal controlled) to ridicule those who question the ET paradigm / Draco's?

Why is so much of it hidden in plain sight?

Why is SO much effort being spent in every facet of our society to dissuade individuals from researching into this?

So much effort to ridicule?

If ALL ET's were peaceful and had good intentions for us, why have so many people DIED trying to pursue the truth?

That's the simplest question you need to ask yourselves.

It is the mark of an arrogant fool to claim either (X) or (Y) variable be an all encompassing totality.

Anyone who states "all are good" or "all are bad" have an agenda.

It's impossible for all ET's to be peaceful.

It's impossible for all ET's to be evil.

Light cannot exist without darkness.

This is pervasive throughout the entire universe.

It is pure ignorance to believe otherwise.

It is insanity to push this belief on others.


"One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.โ€ - Carl Jung


"The brighter the light, the darker the shadow" - Carl Jung


It is now perfectly clear why such desperate attempts are being made on here, and everywhere.

The lizards are paying (((their))) billsโ€ฆ well, at least the Pindar is.

Always have been.

Some of you Anons might want to rewatch "Jupiter Ascending" โ€ฆ despite being such a horribly constructed movie.

You might find more truth contained within that Operation Mockingbird piece of 'movie magic' than you expected.

So that you could be called a fool if you ever discovered truthโ€ฆ

You might even notice the Eye of Horus battling with Draco's in that film.

Maybe it's just a "coincidence".

(Second picture from the Dr. Strange 2 trailer)

>There are no coincidences. - Q

>Symbolism will be their downfall. - Q

Anonymous ID: ec98c7 Jan. 7, 2019, 4:49 p.m. No.4653195   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4665

It seems to me the rational mechanism and the intuitive mechanism of cognition are inverse functions. Continuous perception, perhaps, is the utilization of like-terms obtained by factoring and pseudo-squaring, loosely correlated with the metabolic and catabolic processes. As the data set grows, more complex permutations and combinations are discovered/realized, while the necessary intensity of aliveness is commensurate. Intensity selects these as adaptations.

It seems logical that the mind has propriety functions within time dimensions and the body, space. Overlap creates impetus. As the body grasps dilative concepts correspondence to the mind creates a flash of light or various forms of orgone.

Anonymous ID: c790ce Jan. 7, 2019, 6:24 p.m. No.4654665   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6979 >>7131



Flashes of light?


Like posterior vitreous detachment, retinopathy, cataracts, or glaucoma?


Because this anon sees flashes, this anon went to the opthalmologist and was told his eyes were perfectly healthy, nothing wrong with them at all.


Where is the sauce for flashes of light having to do with intelligence integrating knowledge/the outside worlds?


Or am I asking the wrong questions?

Anonymous ID: 822011 Jan. 7, 2019, 6:48 p.m. No.4655053   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5665

Q said -

"Consider the vastness of space."

In relation to are we alone question.


Apparently the rough estimates are here -

40 BILLION Habitable (goldilocks) planets in the Milky Way alone. 29 Billion of these orbiting red dwarves and black holes.

Remaining -

11 BILLION habitable planets orbiting comfy Suns like our own.

Galaxies just in the 'observable' Universe - probably a lot more -

200 Billion to 2 TRILLION Galaxies.


Lets average that to around 1 TRILLION Galaxies each containing 10 BILLION Habitable planets.

Not sure the exact number, but thats a helluva lot of Habitable planets in the Universe.

Anonymous ID: c8d2a3 Jan. 7, 2019, 7:26 p.m. No.4655653   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Space Censorship?

(sorry this is old, I thought I posted it earlier. Some of these are back up, just down for a 'window')


Observatories shut down:

Sunspot Solar Observatory NM - Sep 7

Gemini Solar Observatory - Sep 17

NASA SOHO Observatory - Sep 19


Observatory webcams shut down:

AXIS 232D Network Dome Camera, Sydney AU

Southern Astrophysical Research Telescope, Chile

BRT Tenerife Telescope, Spain

Mauna Kea Observatory, University of Hawaii Hilo

Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Observatory, Hawaii

JAT Observatory, Fairless Hills PA


Telescopes shut down:

Hubble Space Telescope - Oct 5

NASA Chandra X-Ray Observatory - Oct 10

Keppler Space Observatory - Oct 19



Mars Opportunity - stopped sending data / safe mode - June 10

Mars Curiosity - stopped sending data / unknown problem - Sep 19


Space Station:

ISS sabotaged (hole drilled) - Sep 5


Failed launches:

Souyouz launch failed - Oct 11

SpaceX Falcon 9 (Amos 6 - Israeli 5G type satellite) - Sep 1 (2016)



Hawaii volcano - May 27


Feel free to add to the list!!

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 7, 2019, 7:33 p.m. No.4655788   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Here are the final "Global CE-5 Initiative" ET Contact event's participation numbers from this past weekend (see list of teams at end of this message):


215 Total ET Contact sites

19 USA States

6 Countries


In 2010 our Star Friends asked that we create as many ET Contact teams as possible in as many places as possible as quickly as possible!


If we do this they agreed to appear in more places as more and more humans summoned them to contact. The Star Friends further stated that someday a tipping point would be reached where SO MANY humans had seen them and interacted peacefully with themโ€ฆthat no government or other authority would ever again be able to coverup their presence on/near Earth by using lies and manipulation.


You can see that our monthly E.T. contact and reporting of our results ARE The "People's Disclosure Movement".


THANK YOU to everyone who participated in this past Saturday's "Global CE-5 Initiative" ET Contact event! This initiative is now in its 9th year and has produced many hundreds of great ET Contact experiences in our community.


Updated participants

This only includes those teams who reported to


Arizona: 3 Teams - Phoenix, Tuscon #1, Tuscon #2

California: 3 Teams - Sacramento, San Andreas, San Bruno

Colorado: 3 - Bellevue, Denver, Hotchkiss

Idaho: 1 - Mccall

Illinois: 1 - Arlington Heights

Indiana: 1 - Bloomington

Kansas: 1 - Wichita

Georgia: 1 - Fayetteville

Michigan: 1 - Grosse Point

Missouri: 1 - Kansas City

New Hampshire: 1 - Gilford

New Jersey: 1 - Point Pleasant

New Mexico: 2 - Alameda, Alburqurque

New York: 3 - Ithaca, Levittown, Queens

Ohio: 1 - Cinncinatti

Oregon: 2 - Eugence, Florence

Pennsylvania: 1 - Metamoras

Tennessee: 1 - Ashland City

Texas: 1 - Prosper

Wyoming: 1 - Caspar


Australia: 1 - Melbourne

Canada: 3 - Calgary, Newmarket, Toronto

France: 1 - Dieppe

New Zealand: 1 - Unspecified

Tasmania: 1 - Cygnet

Anonymous ID: ec98c7 Jan. 7, 2019, 8:57 p.m. No.4656979   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7140 >>1002


Is it so weird to see flashes of light?

'The orienting response (OR), also called orienting reflex, is an organism's immediate response to a change in its environment, when that change is not sudden enough to elicit the startle reflex.'


'The perceiving consciousness makes the determination, not of existence, but of the scope of effects, which may be imaginary or unconscious , if rejected, or real and 'perceptible', if accepted. The biological constraints and determinism, either way, localize the perceptual continuity'


If the body functions energetically why is it strange for the mind to observe the body's energy before the orientating reflexes activates?




'When more people can see auras the gap between 'materialists' and 'spiritualists' will narrow.


Seems to me the gap has to do with this sort of thinking.


'Brain=computer=consciousness is the greatest covert op on the planet.'

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 7, 2019, 9:09 p.m. No.4657140   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9911 >>5376






Pic >These cowlards only have 1 lightning bolt.


We, The People own the light. All of the highest IQ's in the world can't stop what is coming.


Massive CE-5 drops of epic proportions incomingโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ

Anonymous ID: 26cb44 Jan. 8, 2019, 2:32 a.m. No.4659686   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



>Can you find an owl / Y there?

>What does the "Owl" represent to certain cults?

>Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.

>Follow the Owl & Y head around the world.

>Identify symbolism (Owl / Y).

>The graphic is key.


"We own the night" - Hmm?

Just a fun little coincidenceโ€ฆ it's not like (((they))) are attempting to hide it anymore.




Badass post.

Interesting how quickly it was ridiculed!




Superhuman autism for symbolismโ€ฆ

Anonymous ID: 365792 Jan. 8, 2019, 3:36 a.m. No.4659911   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



>Massive CE-5 drops of epic proportions incomingโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ


Oh let's just sit on the edge of our seats waiting in anticipation.


Haven't you figured that out yet?

Considering the only person replying positively to you is your own god damn dynamic IP's.

Anonymous ID: ec98c7 Jan. 8, 2019, 6:37 a.m. No.4661002   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3572



"So, letโ€™s talk aura, those sensory changes that can accompany migraines (but donโ€™t always). Aura most often manifest as visual disturbances like seeing flashes of light, zigzagging patterns, blind spots, or shimmering spots or stars, the Mayo Clinic says, and can last for up to an hour"



Considering the difference in ecology, seems natural to me the experience of the orgone would be higher and more variable.


Interesting ALMED experimented to correlate the flashes with cosmic rays. However, the very picture we have of reality is the coalescing of light. This is an exceedingly difficult point for people to consciously grasp. In some people this can be observed during an ocular migraine.


If you can be conscious of how the topology of the mind encapsulates light, what use is the symbol-thought construct?

Anonymous ID: c790ce Jan. 8, 2019, 10:16 a.m. No.4663572   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7389


We have to have some way of accessing the reality around us, don't we?


I mean it's all well and good to sit in your hovel and dream of your mansions above but when it comes down to it, taking action on this reality means orienting this body towards a symbolic representation of something else in this reality.


My own experience has been that when unbounded by this veil of flesh and blood and tears, my mind can see to infinite detail or the highest levels of abstraction, instantly. It's like not having to meditate every thought and action through a mirror 'darkly'!

Anonymous ID: ec98c7 Jan. 8, 2019, 3:02 p.m. No.4667389   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5866



Humorous articleโ€ฆ.we will see the overly symbolized complexes people use to navigate their lives become undone and rebound.


' taking action on this reality means orienting this body towards a symbolic representation of something else in this reality.'


as has always been the case

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 8, 2019, 9:07 p.m. No.4675376   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7946 >>8533

CE5Anon here. I do not know much about 8chan. I do not know how to bake- contrary to persistent accusations. I have been attempting to provide notables since no one else is doing so. I understand that there are possibly, even probably, members of Qteam who are not enthused by CE5 drops and would prefer this forum to be nothing more than a 'release valve' for true alienfags like myself. The notables I provided have gone cold. We have had at least one entire bread disappear from our records. My question is how does on make past bread notables that don't disappear? It can be done. The cabal banking/currency breads have accomplished this. See:


Subterfuge will be addressed accordingly. Moves and counter moves.


Anonymous ID: 26cb44 Jan. 9, 2019, 2:32 a.m. No.4678240   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5625



>I felt we are not nearly cohesive enough for notables, sorry, even without psy-op shills.



The entire purpose of notables pertaining to this thread as of late have been in essence to capture the undeniably obvious fact that the baker and Greershill who coincidentally posts minutes after the baker are both working on the same team.

The same team projecting.

The same team dominating the topic of discussion here.

The same team ridiculing any Anon who does not conform to their predesignated narrative.

The same team sliding the board whenever sensitive information is touched on.

The same team utilizing the masonic divert the discourse gambits.

The same team bouncing messages off each other with dynamic IP's in attempts to strengthen their message and confuse Anons.

The same team desperately attempting to cover up information regarding Draco's and negative entities.

The same team using left wing media tactics to project on those who dig into ancient human history.

Notables at this point have metamorphosized into the fact that we are exposing them at every turn.

Collecting their tactics, for all the Anons to see.

Notables will be collected a little later on, just as they were for the last bread;




>The light will reveal those on the team, and those pretending to be. - Q

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 9, 2019, 10:45 a.m. No.4682320   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2767


Ok. I will do my part to try and do better help going forward. The cointelpro information was particularly enlightening. Shills definitely got me with the resource burn. One of them has been dog whistling my private comms for awhile now but it's NBD. That being said, continuing with the horse metaphors, if it doesn't want the carrot it gets the stick.

Anonymous ID: f036b7 Jan. 9, 2019, 9:16 p.m. No.4690287   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Anyone what 1 spot in my 3 story Underground facility? Placed all my stuff on my bunk in rooms of 4 people. Everything one needs for 1 full year of everything. Seriously. Can transfer thru lawyer for legal. 70" TV, internet, 3 stories underground, bathroom, food, water, securityโ€ฆ


KY/IN border. 50 people.

Anonymous ID: ab59c8 Jan. 9, 2019, 10:49 p.m. No.4691100   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5851 >>2329


PDF screenshot but there is a bunch of pages.


This dude claims to have shot an alien and failed to kill it. He wrote this manifesto. This is a pic of Tim Remington, The lizard alien, with TED CRUZ.


I think they guy only got a few years because he failed to kill the alien. Anyone brave enough to go talk with Remington or Odom? Would be an interesting interview Im sure.

Anonymous ID: 26cb44 Jan. 10, 2019, 2:38 a.m. No.4692497   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3987 >>5625



>The entire society reinforces negative fear-programming basically everywhere, this thread included in fact. Focus here [evil] instead of here [Love].



We focus on both.

To turn a blind eye to the light is the pessimist.

To turn a blind eye to the darkness is a fool.

Anyone telling you to focus strictly on one or the other has an agenda.

No Anons are disputing positive ET's.

Only shills disputing negative ET's.

It goes without saying that most of our human history has been influenced more so by the negative entities.

Otherwise, we all would have been living in peace and harmony with our intergalactic brethren by now.

We wouldn't have had the entire force of the cabal trying to cover up all the clues left in symbolism.

(Egypt / Sumeria +++)

It is easy to discern when individuals are trying to sway Anons from digging into certain material.

So tell usโ€ฆ Mr. Dynamic IP who pops up immediately after a Greershill post to bolster support (like that hasn't happened 50 times already)โ€ฆ why exactly are (You) here anyway?

You do realize we're collecting every interaction on here and archiving it so that new Anons may later discover what has transpired.




>"One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.โ€ - Carl Jung


>"The brighter the light, the darker the shadow" - Carl Jung






>Let's bring this back to something vaguely resembling Aliens, UFO's, advanced tech, etc. Shall we?


What he said.

Just without the endless CE-5 spam attempting to cover up real digs.

Much LOVE my alliesโ€ฆ

Anonymous ID: c790ce Jan. 10, 2019, 9:49 p.m. No.4705851   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5625


If there is any truth to this claim then the fantasy fiction book by Terry Pratchett called "Small Gods" might be a description of what's going on. I'd pay attention to "St. Ungulant the anchorite, friend of all small gods.". And two interchanges between 336 and 342:

  1. Paragraph starting "a voice echoed in his head" ending "when you think you've been playing all by yourself".

  2. Paragraph starting "we get the gods we deserve" ending with "the sanest man I've met this year lives up a pole in the desert".


Bonus: For those who are following the thread of how this technology can be circumvented, take a little artistic license with the section beginning "How's Urns stream machine?" ending with "Everything works both ways!".


Then if you want a description of how the technology might function, think of the advisors from Neil Gaiman's "White Duke" short located at:


For a description of what the Annunaki may think they are doing, read Asimov's under read short located at:


I'd pay attention to the 'surf-like' quality of the very advanced civilizations and the construct they would have to employ to objectify personality and personality attributes.


For a space tourist perspective, that's a little more gentle than the story about Odem posted by the anon above, read Stephanie Meyers (very) long book "The Host" discussed here:


Don't watch the movie unless you just want to feel good - the movie misses 90% of the way I'd run the universe if I were evil and parasitic. If you're interested in the perspective of a powerful space faring parasitic race, you have to read the book. Though in full disclosure, the story is so gentle because The Host actually want their human machines - think the little dude inside the dead dude's body (Arquillian) - to live long productive and successful lives.


Finally anons, while it will piss of the materialist anons here, I'm not getting paid nor am I converted, but this is the third time a reference to the really big "Urantia Book" is necessary. The idea of the Thought Adjuster as expressed in this work adequately delineates both the technology and the relationship that adversaries would use. Why create a backdoor when there is a backdoor already there? Hijack it, then the sufficiently advanced adversary can pretend to be deity. To find out how these Adjuster uses humans read:


For the training life cycle and general purpose of adjustors in the larger universe, including what happens if you've 'been good' or 'been bad' in this very particular model of 'religious-ish' thought read:


And I call it religious-ish, because it's really less about morals and ethical behavior and more about choosing to be helpful throughout the term you're allowed to persist. If you do go in for the fear thing and you want it to have a semblance of backing in a philosophical framework that isn't one person's mind, read what a world settled in more advanced stages of light and life looks like:


Not too good from our perspectives. Beautiful, yes. Quasi utopian, yes.


But one can always complain.


I swear I'm not trying to slide us. I see what is said and I respond. Sometimes with questions and sometimes with suggestions of ways to look at the universe but I'm not smart enough to use the star chart stuff because I don't have universal GPS and I'm not interested in going to either the Pleiadies or Scorpio or the Draco locations. I'm not smart enough to say that the CE-5 folk are all shills and ignore them outright. And yes, I've ignored whole other topics because after research, I don't understand enough or can't operationalize enough to integrate. I kind of liked the argument early in the thread (or maybe the prior bread) about symbols and language and their potential biological effects.

Anonymous ID: c790ce Jan. 10, 2019, 9:50 p.m. No.4705866   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9824



So now I'm going on a side tangent about that, forgive the slide please.


Read Snow Crash. Discusses the tree of mind an how language evolved.


Think about the fact the some sects of Islam believe that by reading "La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad rasoolu Allah" in the Arabic script will 'auto-magically' convert the reader. It doesn't have to be read outloud, in front of witnesses, or even understood. The scholar I spoke with said that the mind automatically attempts to interpret any symbol it encounters and as a result a particular string of symbols would make a change in my existence - even if it didn't change my heart or mind at all. In fact I was told that even touching the Quran was historically sufficient to be converted even though as of when I go googling now a video from February 2015 displays scholars who are arguing this old wife's take is not true. (Where did it get into the tree of mind from, then? I'm sure it's been used before.).


Then think of "The Long Earth" series by Pratchett and Baxter and the complete lack of symbols needed to move from world to world. Think of the idea of 'holding your nose just right' and waiting and wishing while the printer does its thing or the compiler checks your code - lack of symbols. Or the very famous signs of religious or quasi-religious group that might be used for identification of people within a 'click' but are often used to communicate with angels and watchers - lack of symbols. And this is when the spiritists - who happen to be afraid of demons and stuff - jump off the wagon.


I'm sure there are more examples of symbols doing things in the real world -like that movie "Arrival" - and non-symbolic internal processes ideas. That's what I could think of on too little sleep. Bye.

Anonymous ID: 2ce259 Jan. 10, 2019, 10:12 p.m. No.4706129   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Nageswara Rao, a vice chancellor at Andhra University in South India, said that Ravana, a demon god with 10 heads, had 24 kinds of aircraft of varying sizes and capacities โ€” and that India was making test-tube babies thousands of years ago.

Anonymous ID: f78b9e Jan. 11, 2019, 3:07 a.m. No.4708741   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9182 >>9722

The constant opposition against CE5 makes me wonder what the idea against it suggests. If those who are entirely against a peaceful engagement of ET beings are the ones actually trying to subvert the idea to the mass consciousness that they can contact ET beings with thought alone and therefore become experiencers rather than researchers makes me question the motives of those who try to dispute the idea. I would very much enjoy to converse with a set of beings who have a mathematical understand higher than humans. I want to see those equations.

Anonymous ID: f78b9e Jan. 11, 2019, 3:21 a.m. No.4708813   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9182

I have also seen that from what Greer claims is that he doesn't say they are all peaceful. According to him they have powered down our nukes. We would not consider that peaceful. We rely on our nukes to protect ourselves. But when you look at it from a different perspective our nukes have the ability to destroy all of us especially due to fall out. Were those aliens trying to give us a message? I wonder. There is also nuclear medicine though.

Anonymous ID: 8d961b Jan. 11, 2019, 4:21 a.m. No.4709182   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9801 >>0025 >>0087 >>5625



>The constant opposition against CE5 makes me wonder what the idea against it suggests.


The oppositions arises from the narrative of who is pushing it.

People are encouraged to make contact.

Isn't that obvious?

However, constantly drawing attention to Rockefeller funded individuals and projects (Greer / CE-5) is highly suspect.

It means that people are being pushed into a certain subset of information, and ridiculed for looking into anything that isn't controlled by that gatekeeper paradigm.

It's happened many times on here, and all captured and archived.

The Anon who posted their contact videos (that Greershill stole and uploaded without permission) has claimed to have many contact experiences.

No negative experiences reported from my understanding.

I believe the entire point being made is, don't expect all ET's to either be peaceful or negative.

Just be aware of what you're doing.

Take the experience for what it is.


>If those who are entirely against a peaceful engagement of ET beings


This your own projection, and immediately being called out as untruthful.


>trying to subvert the idea to the mass consciousness that they can contact ET beings with thought alone and therefore become experiencers rather than researchers makes me question the motives of those who try to dispute the idea.


You can do this, no one has denied that.

I've seen enough on my own to realize that is real.

Lasers speed up the process however.

Once again, the disinfo campaign on here is drawing attention to CE-5 (and the individuals who run it, along with their narrative).

It's almost as if Anons disagree with CE-5 or Greer or the Rockefeller initiative, they are labelled as trying to subvert making contact with consciousness.

Labelled as trying to subvert contact methods in general.

People need to make contact on their own terms, and they don't need Greer, you don't need to pay to watch his videos, you don't need to pay for CE-5 app's for that, nor the narrative being pushed in that agenda.

Conscious contact is real, but you don't need to group that with the pure evil behind Greer and his projects to make himself rich.


>I would very much enjoy to converse with a set of beings who have a mathematical understand higher than humans. I want to see those equations.


Then do it!

Stop talking about it on here, go outside and make the effort.




>I have also seen that from what Greer claims is that he doesn't say they are all peaceful.


There has been a ton of sauce to prove otherwise, numerous links to Greer claiming all ET's are peaceful.

Would you care to provide some sauce that states otherwise?

Or are you just talking ad hoc?

Sauce and links would be greatly appreciated, instead of just giving your opinion.


>But when you look at it from a different perspective our nukes have the ability to destroy all of us especially due to fall out. Were those aliens trying to give us a message?


That is obviousโ€ฆ and you are making a rhetorical statement.

Mankind needs to be protected from themselves, aside from the Draco's we're our own worst enemy.

Anonymous ID: 607006 Jan. 11, 2019, 5:15 a.m. No.4709490   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9666

greer is from the rockefeller connection

once a satanic pedo cabal, always a satanic pedo cabal, got friends in the satanic pedo cabal, more than likely you are open to satanic pedo cabal philosophy.


law of one says the orion empire took control of the planet, and the satanic pedo cabal worships the reptilians, reptilians are controlled by an offworld Ai.


you could say the law of one is bullshit, then look at the mahabarhata, talks about the same thing, lizard people, and a war in the sky calls them the naga. written hundreds of years prior.


law of one says the same thing there was the confederation, vs the orion empire, and the orion empire won.


bible talks about the giants, the orions bred giants and did all sort of genetic freak show shit.


myths have the minotaur , you think that's made up? We don't see chimeras still today?


I wish you goys would focus on stuff that predates Greer because he's a shill.


Operation Highjump anyone? Vrill Society? Nazi Bell craft project hanebu?



Anonymous ID: 607006 Jan. 11, 2019, 5:23 a.m. No.4709529   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9666 >>5625

The Principals (government)

Hillary Clinton <- direct cabal relative

President Clinton <- direct cabal relative

Dr. John Gibbons * Director, OSTP

John Podesta (Molesta) Advisor to the President <- direct cabal relative

Dr. Ronald Pandolfi CIA Science and Technology Officer

Webster Hubbell Associate Attorney General <- direct cabal relative, Chelseas Paternal Father


The Principals (public)

Laurance Rockefeller * <- direct cabal relative

Henry L. Diamond

Dr. C B Scott Jones

Richard Farley

Marie Galbraith

Sandra Wright*


The Watchers (From the White House, the Executive Office

Building and the Capitol)

Al Gore Vice President

Leon Panetta White House Chief of Staff

Mack McLarty White House Chief of Staff

Bill Richardson Congressman Sec. of Energy

G. Stephanopoulos Communications Dir. and Key Advisor


Secondary Principals

Sec. Melvin Laird

Sen. Claiborne Pell *

Sen. Patty Murray

Sec. Sheila Widnall

Rep. Steven Schiff * <- direct cabal relative


The Researchers

Don Berliner

Antonio Huneeus

Richard Hall *

Robert Teets

Dr. John Mack *

Dr. Leo Sprinkle


Dr. Steven Greer

Dr. Bruce Maccabee

Linda Moulton-Howe

Dr. Jacques Vallee

Colin Andrews

Karl T. Pflock *

Anonymous ID: 607006 Jan. 11, 2019, 5:25 a.m. No.4709542   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9666

Hey who got their start at National Press Club, why none other than UFO Disclosure Project started by the Rockefeller Initiative, headed by your pal Steven Greer, instituted by Hillary and bill clinton, John Podesta the molesta, and Laurence Rockefeller.

Anonymous ID: 607006 Jan. 11, 2019, 5:28 a.m. No.4709567   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9666 >>5625

You know you or anyone can say all of the truths of the world, and if someone's cup is full, they won't hear it at all. I am not kidding you, they will get up and physically feel the need to get out of there. Whenever someone's higher self gives the feeling, people clear the fuck out of the room if some measure of truth is being said that the person is not ready for.

I was hanging out with these people on the weekend and I specifically mentioned Steven Greer as an Orion Operative. Orion Empire being the bad guys of the universe.

Steven Greer has worked with John Podesta, and Hillary, which is in the Rockefeller Initiative. Tons of people I ended up triggered and they just kept saying maybe they are good people mixed up with bad people.

Manifestation, need I say another word? Apparently so, like energy attracts like energyโ€ฆ. Need I say more?

Then like I left just before they practiced some kind of meditation. Some kind of sanskrit mantra about giving thanks at the end of the day. Later I asked if the people ever made the connection between what I was talking about versus what this guy was doing with his meditation and who he learned it from.

That apparently was taught to them by Steven Greer, and then this person was talking about some books called the Orion Connection.

My eyes enlargen and I do a big UH OH. I keep hearing bullshit down the grapevine, and I sense the darkness and filth of an Orion Operative. This is why I started to make videos. I sense the quickening. I sense that these people think they can have their way, and they believe they have no opposition.

By this point I had already left and only heard about what happened later. My higher self sensed that I would be learning nothing had I stayed and instead I went home. To which I found a Bill Donahue video and he said meditation is not about feeling good about yourself.

It's about getting the instructions for the next step in the revolution from Infinite Creator directly. Why do I say this? Everything is being watched right now do you understand? The mission critical information, may not be provided through physical means.

I'm writing this because it is so important to educate your friends and family. Tell them about Steven Greer. TELL THEM HE THINKS THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS NEGATIVE ETS. TELL THEM HE WORKED WITH MORE THAN ONE CHILD RAPIST. TELL THEM HE WORKED WITH WEBSTER HUBBELL, CHELSEA CLINTONS REAL FATHER who was arrested from embezzlement.

Tell them he works with Bill and Hillary, tell them he's worked with Rocekfeller, tell them he's worked with an organization that was sent to spy on American citizens by infiltrating their grassroots movements to thwart them from within.

My point is that there are many false idols. There are many false paths. There are many people, who are just trying to cheat you. These people just want you to feel good. These people, will NEVER mention anything about the situation of others, they will NEVER tell you about others, they will always talk about themselves.

They will not tell you to do the mission you agreed to embark on when you signed up for incarnation on Earth!

No one can tell you what that mission is, you can only find it after completing the adept path, healing the blocks, then attaining the silence, then attaining the messages from your spiritual guides and your higher self. This is the lamp that lights within the dark room.

If you are only meditating and only relaxing, then you are only sitting in a dark room with no light within. You are not turning on the lamp, you are not turning on the connection to source.

If you are only feeling good, same thing you are filling your mind with too many things to correctly receive. You are setting up your mind with so many things to give, and yet have no clue about how to receive, how to listen, how to get the messages that these angels are constantly trying to send to you.

We love you, but you guys have to pick up the pace, because the etheric pace is picking up, and the ground crew must match to it. When the ground crew matches to it, that energy is allowed to exist within your free will choice, and as a result has a chance to spread in the physical and the opportunity to be invited by someone who did not attain this frequency before.

Anonymous ID: c790ce Jan. 11, 2019, 8:55 p.m. No.4720690   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Note the use of science fiction to inform their planning.

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 12, 2019, 6:41 a.m. No.4724352   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4358

An experiencer from Ireland had the following pro tips on seeing more ETV's. I think it is totally accurate albeit a little wordy. copy pasta



Some in the group don't know a lot about CE-5, so please, experienced CE-5ers, please HELP these people - please add any details you can. The following is my opinion & observations.

Apart from the CE-5 Protocols (Meditation, Remote Viewing, Group Power), many things affect your level of Contact, and I've given each one a mark out of 100%, further down below. However, before the grading, please consider the 3 'Currents' below:

The 3 'Currents' - 30% importance to Contact, 10% for each 'Current'.

These Currents apply to many situations including risky ones, like if you're taking a hallucinatory drug, like LSD, lol, or even robbing a bank ๐Ÿคช

(A) Current State of Mind - if you're sad, the ET will still come (to give you a lift in mood - they've done this, often, for me). However, if you're feeling cynical or full of hate, stay at home because they won't come near you. Think of it this way: 'Would you want to visit you, in this state of mind?' Thus, 'put on your best self'. Sell yourself to them, through your capacity to Love :)

(B) Current Location - the ET 'hang out' close to ley lines, ancient sites, electrical places (pylons, power-lines) and airports. They really seem to like hanging out around my house - I've seen them in 4 out of the 5 possible places i could see them from :)

(C) Current Company - if a person with bad intentions is in your viewing group, they can ruin a whole group viewing, just by being there. In my experience, the ET are truly SICKENED by all forms of negativity.


Equipment (lasers, cameras, sensors) - ONLY 5-10% importance to Contact!!!


Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 12, 2019, 6:41 a.m. No.4724358   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun




The remaining 60% is split equally between 2 things:

your intentions and YOU, yourself:

  1. Your good intentions - 30% importance to Contact.

You should not be seeking UFO to massage your ego, or gain power, money, friends or sexual partners. Your main intention should be to learn from & become 'friends' with the ET.

  1. YOU, your attitude - 30% importance to Contact.

You should be, or try to be, the following:

(A) Be a loving, kind and positive person.

(B) Be open to all possibilities because you'll experience many strange things, as you seek ufo, more and more.

(C) Be open to the emotions of yourself and others. Many believe that the ET are here primarily to study our emotions โ€ฆ so 'make 'em good emotions/intentions'. Don't be afraid or embarrassed by the emotions of other people, or yourself - they are priceless!!!

(D) Have faith that the ET both exist & are benevolent. Why would anyone what to meet a non-benevolent ET, or a non-benevolent anything? If I thought that ANY of the ET or UFO were non-benevolent, I'd likely never say the acronyms, ET & UFO, ever again. If you're obsessing about 'military craft' or 'evil Aliens', you're likely to see nothing, ever. I've never thought of these negative things and that's one of the main reasons I've been seeing for 30-45 years, without one bad thing happening to me, in all of that very long time โ€ฆ

(E) Be committed. They want to see you put in the work, too. It's very much a 'give and take' relationship, rather than a 'take and take' one. I believe that they 'test' your commitment first, then they give you breaks/concessions as a reward or when you're getting tired of being tested. Those breaks/concessions are INCREDIBLE sightings of UFO - really Magical stuff that will change your life, immediately.

(F) Be patient because you'll reach many, many dead-ends, along the way + you have to stand outside, for hours on end. There are nights that I go out viewing for 2/3 hours and see mostly nothing. On these occasions, I say something like this, to the sky:

"It's okay, I know you're busy. Thank you very much for all you've shown me already. It is incredible stuff that has changed my life and myself, greatly."

Do 'speak with the sky' to let the Presence know that you are aware of it โ€ฆ that will lead to the Presence being aware of you.

(G) Love Nature and animals. We may be akin to being the 'pets of the ET'. Thus, if you expect & want to be treated in a nice way by the ET then you should respect & treat kindly the things that are 'under you' or 'influenced by your control' - that would be animals and Nature :) Some of my best sightings occurred while I was admiring Nature, in total awe of it.

(H) Be mannerly & respectful. Don't give up just because they didn't turn up for you. Don't demand that they turn up. Remember, that they are likely very busy, all over the Universe & all through Time, probably.


NOTE: If you don't have these characteristics, already, embrace them, wholeheartedly. Everyone is capable of change & so are you. These things will make you a better AND a happier person. Even if you have to 'force it', do so. As a close friend says,

'Fake it (these attitudes) until you make it'.

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 12, 2019, 6:47 a.m. No.4724408   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8974

Did someone just say muh dr steven greer please? Ok. This just out as of today - petaluma workshop on the conscious quantum holographic universe. An 8 page pdf on the same subject was dropped in this post earlier in this thread: >>4335385

Anonymous ID: db5d93 Jan. 12, 2019, 9:14 p.m. No.4734219   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Angelina Jolie look alike?


Many types of alien spices


Door knob hanging


Levitating objects with the mind or magic


Giving powers + Master and student

Anonymous ID: ab59c8 Jan. 12, 2019, 9:27 p.m. No.4734353   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4387 >>4786 >>5519

Dude! This is AMAZING! We got FLAT EARTH shills now! Seriously this is awesome news because it means someone out there is PAYING someone to disrupt things here. Also, Bad-ass Grier digs my friends. I never went that deep and instead just listened to HIM say it but you guys go above and out ahead of the norm.

Anonymous ID: ab59c8 Jan. 12, 2019, 9:29 p.m. No.4734387   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5625


We have defeated the Grier-shill boss and moved on to the next level of FLat earth and shitty Japanese cartoons (which is a shill I have never seen before TBH but niggers need jobs so this is a good one) I am so proud of everyone here fighting the good fight.

Anonymous ID: db5d93 Jan. 12, 2019, 9:45 p.m. No.4734552   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Rebirth cycle




Our members consist of politicians, actorsโ€ฆ.and even royal families


Heinz daughter was nothing more than a receiver (like Maria Orsic)


Sky turned red


The world is going to end

Anonymous ID: 1fb7e9 Jan. 12, 2019, 9:49 p.m. No.4734594   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

How many people here are actually interested in getting the truth about extraterrestrial visitations to our planet and the impact they have/had on our society, based on the healthy logic that we are living on a round planet in a vast universe where UFOs have been confirmed real (as seen on Tucker)?

Anonymous ID: 1fb7e9 Jan. 12, 2019, 10:05 p.m. No.4734786   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


It is interesting to note how psyop shills operate. When the short bus unloads on some topic of discussion, many people with little eyes-on associate them with it. I remember trying to redpill my friend on certain things and he just said "I'm glad you didn't tell me the Earth was flat. I got really worried about you telling me crazy things.".

Anonymous ID: 35d26f Jan. 12, 2019, 11:32 p.m. No.4735519   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>FLAT EARTH shills

Are you retarded?

You cant see reality from fiction.


there is a lot of truth within flat earth, it seems retarded because you grew up believing in the nonsense of globe earth.


Seeing things that you shouldn't be able to see on a globe earth.

Anonymous ID: aee64e Jan. 12, 2019, 11:50 p.m. No.4735629   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5696 >>7424 >>8346

โ€ฆLet's just put an end to the FE bullshit right now. Prior planetary alignment (celestial north, planets lined up in a row) with Saturn as the sun beaming it's black light down upon the Earth. With light diffusion, it would be a 'veil' that covered the horizon. This would give the illusion of a domed or flat Earth.

Anonymous ID: aee64e Jan. 13, 2019, 12:46 a.m. No.4735955   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Thank You. Lots of good info that I'd encountered on other videos. The symbolism stands out more the further you go down this rabbit hole.

(Oddly enough, it was a report of space signals captured by a base, in Antarctica and comparing the signal with other planets' "sound". IMHO, it was a higher toned Uranus signal; Same notes, but a higher vibration).

Anonymous ID: c790ce Jan. 13, 2019, 2:09 p.m. No.4742329   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



One more response, since frankly I'm very disturbed by aggression against sentient creatures - either mental aggression or physical aggression. I claim to try to, and in fact, fully intend to never dominate anyone or anything, ever, even if I have the power to do and the motivation - as you've seen reported above. Apologies to the normies here because this prior statement is to a very specific audience.


First, I like how Pepe looks so much like this drawing. Funny. Or should I say, kek?


Note that the New Moon was on Sunday the 6th. The man named Buckeye Wolfe was charged on Tuesday the 8th.


New Moon


Second, interesting that this posting occurred on the 10th. And QAnon announced a 2 day advance delta. The pattern 6, 8, 10 therefore points to 3,4,5 which would be a triangle with a right angle.


Anyone want to share universal GPS without lying about it?


So the local news posts this:


Which is syndicated out as:


First, I did a substraction using their names according to the following rule:

For any letter in the first person's name that is in the second person's name, remove it from both the sender and receiver.

This means 'Kyle Odom Buckeye Wolf' becomes 'bucdomwf'.

I then rearranged the letters according to kosher gematria as 'bcdfmouw'. (Which reminded me of DeadMou5.)

Then I wrote down the numerical values for each, as in '2 3 4 6 13 15 21 23' and took a deferential between each letter and its subsequent/following partner in the following manner '112 262'. Googling that date led me to the following:

1.) 11 22 63 Book by Steven King about a time traveler who tried to stop the assassination of JFK

2.) Lee Harvey Oswald Color 8mm Home Movie 11-22-1962, One Year Before

3.) A Peanuts comic by Charles Schulz with the following ideas: lack of imagination, 2 mothers competing, pool, table?, poor lunch (indigestion?), and one mother who could put a back-spin on the cue ball.

4.) Time Magazine cover of Governor George Romney

5.) The publication of the book "The Scales of Justice"


Then I was like, gotta be insane. Nothing there except a thin thread of related ideas. So I went up a level of abstraction and started thinking about dates.


11/22/62 is 4 days before the November 1962 New Moon.


Kind of odd. Back-spin as in traveling back for a full week because the competition isn't over.


Then I said, if I've done substraction already let's try addition. So I put it all down in the following manner "Kyle Odom Buckey Wolfe', retrieved the subtracted remainders 'bucdomwf' and inverted the selection to obtain 'kyleokeyole' and I realized that there are very bad people in this world. I was still looking for an 8 to prove that these folks on this board are good and bad, leaning towards bad so I pulled the Odom versus Wolfe action dates and ran a small analysis. Odom, a Marine, went AWOL March 6 2016. Wolfe, who might be related to the Cheney family, went off the rails January 6 2019. So first off I see the 6th is common. Then I look for the last 6 and find Jan-Mar (2) and 2016-2019 (3) which led me to think ok so humans and the devil are playing around here but I don't see what in looking for until I do a date between and realize that there are 24,888 hours between those two dates. I'm not planning on going further down this rabbit hole because I am a patriot according to definition 2 that Q uses, 802 on the big list: 2. a person who regards himself or herself as a defender, especially of individual rights, against presumed interference by the federal government. I'll continue to post where appropriate but count me as a defender and not as an aggressor.

Anonymous ID: 00ae7d Jan. 13, 2019, 4:37 p.m. No.4744007   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4462 >>5461 >>8791

Clif High interview on our insectoid overlords. He says near the beginning that 5G is a tool our military is deploying to block mind control by the insectoids and help identify the insectoid-controlled human hybrids that live among us (Deep State?):

Anonymous ID: dc2ec6 Jan. 13, 2019, 5:11 p.m. No.4744459   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4565 >>9146

Reposting here as it was just dug on the general-

Anon was asking about the soundtrack to the iconic This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected that Q continually links to..


Anon dug on the soundtrack and found the song to be called

Hybridization of Humanity

by Instrumental Core (Attached vid.. the most notable bits begin at around 2:25 to confirm)


A silent Q shout-out about the alien-human hybrid status right in front of our ears this entire time. Fascinating! Q told us to Listen Carefully..

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 13, 2019, 6:29 p.m. No.4745461   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Clif is fun to listen to.

Think for yourself. He is a self proclaimed schizophrenic who says we should hunker down and shoot ET to smithereens, and equates mushroom trips to et contact.

He has never tried CE-5. Guy talks out his ass more than just about anyone.

He also constantly bashes qanon on twitter @clif_high


If you like clif high, you will LOVE this particular interview he gave.

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 13, 2019, 6:37 p.m. No.4745579   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Remember that among contactees, mantis beings have a reputation for being extremely peaceful and selfless. They were even featured in Beyond UFO's: The Science of Consciousness and Contact Modalities chapter six, available free thru this pdf, covering ET medical healings. This information comes from the Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation research study into the topic.


I personally know someone who has been healed of melanoma by mantis beings.


Except from the chapter: "Case Study # 3: James Forsythe. Mantis-type NHIs provide spiritual tools to allow the healing

of an appendicitis and post-surgery complications following the removal of a hypopituitary brain tumor. "

Anonymous ID: 0549cc Jan. 14, 2019, 1:16 a.m. No.4749146   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Excellent digs, thank you for posting them.

"There is a reason why we continue to highlight this speech. Q"


Also, in the "United States Military Power" video Q has reposted many times, there's what appears to be a UFO at 1:11. (re-upload embedded as the original was deleted)


And in the Reagan speech video, which escapes me for the moment, the song used was from Transformers - a race of alien robots coming to Earth.

Anonymous ID: 8d961b Jan. 14, 2019, 6:02 a.m. No.4750165   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2240



>How about this advice for both CE-5 and dealing with other anons?


Fuck your advice, hall monitor faggot.

(I didn't mean that).

You hear what the shills are doing on here? Hall monitors.

I truly love the shills thoughโ€ฆ because they are proving some of the info contained here is highly sensitive.


Others have tried to cover up digs.

We are all one reality experiencing itself.

I'm immune to the shillery taking place here.


Courageously I'm asking if you can go fuck yourself, hall monitor.

I want to clearly communicate that you don't need to babysit Anons here. People say what they want.

Let's agree on that.


I feel great after getting that out there!

I am doing my best to be best.

Figure it out, faggot.

I don't regret telling you that you can take your rules and your hall monitoring, along with Greershill and his fake unity, his fake patriotism, his famefagging, his gaslighting, his projection, his use of masonic division tactics, his theft of videos, and shove them up your self righteous asses.


Be best.

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 14, 2019, 7:41 a.m. No.4750881   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Relevant drops include data pertaining to

1) ET's

2) UFO's

3) "New paradigm" Technologies

4) Antigrav

5) Underground Bases

6) etc (Such as consciousness)

If this is you?


Sample CE-5 drop >pics

Falls under ET and UFO categories

Anonymous ID: 8d961b Jan. 14, 2019, 10:01 a.m. No.4752172   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2281 >>5625



>Nice segment, basically it says the Rockefeller guy was a black sheep and the rest of the Rockefeller family was absolutely against any and all disclosure, just like the shils in this thread ;-)


Right, and we believe everything told to us by Greer, Gaia and the Rockefellers!

Wait a secondโ€ฆ "the shills" you say?

The shills are against disclosure?

The "shills" in this thread are steering you towards Gaia, Greer and the Rockefellers.

The SHILLS are trying to feed you the narrative that all ET's are peaceful, and that we should ignore the darkness.

The SHILLS are trying to slide and cover up anything relating to the Draco's, Greer and his cabal connections, ancient history, hieroglyphs and symbolism.

The SHILLS are trying to distract from the TRUTH.

Wait a secondโ€ฆ now that you mention it, what's this?

Another single post dynamic IP pops up just 30 minutes after a Greershill post to bolster support?

Like that hasn't happened 50 times on here already?


I bet if the Anons went back and retraced through this bread and the previous ones, you could find many examples of this.

>Just like clockwork. - Greershill

Anonymous ID: a8cf39 Jan. 14, 2019, 10:03 a.m. No.4752192   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2281

>Sample CE-5 drop >> pics

>Falls under ET and UFO categories

The first 400 posts might have. You have been repeatedly told to knock it off, yet you persist.

She persisted as well.

<Change the channel, Ma. This infomercial sucks. Billy Mays you are not.

>the buffoons

>just like the shills in this thread

<Define "projection".

Anonymous ID: c790ce Jan. 14, 2019, 10:07 a.m. No.4752240   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Can't help being a hall monitor - I've been a monitor for too long to do anything else.


I'll refer the board to a book by Ryan T. Higgins called "we don't eat our CLASSMATES".


>I'm immune to the shillery taking place here


How did you manage that? Because while the Intel isn't ET related, any anon needs to know how to do this.


>I want to clearly communicate that you don't need to babysit Anons here


I don't think I'm babysitting. Sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable.


When I ran across that set of guidance, I realized that it was a good match for CE-5 techniques and it was useful for anons interacting on the chans as well.


If anything, I need the babysitting, so thank you for your feedback. I'll use it to improve contributions to the board.

Anonymous ID: f9b532 Jan. 14, 2019, 10:11 a.m. No.4752281   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2399




Completely agree and nice Memes! Yeah I haven't seen hardly any good reports lately in the places I look in the last few weeks as well. I think Secureteam 10 sold out to some commercial outfit.


We should get a list going in notables of potential places people can go for REAL information about this stuff? It is the Griershill that controls the baking here though right? Perhaps we need another board with a real BO? Then we can just block and delete the fuck outta that shit.

Anonymous ID: a8cf39 Jan. 14, 2019, 12:19 p.m. No.4753771   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Your choice.

Certainly not telling anyone to avoid /qresearch/

Personally I'd rather it (TL) not be cluttered up with the greer-infomercial-crew pretending to point out shill tactics while perpetuating every one of them.

They've certainly tried before.


Shut the fuck up. You fool no one.

Anonymous ID: 26cb44 Jan. 14, 2019, 2:50 p.m. No.4755625   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7107 >>2254 >>7830 >>5466 >>0002

For the sake of transparency, my IP hash has reset for some reason on this thread.

BO can confirm if necessary.

I am the one with at least 60 contact experiencesโ€ฆ and I have seen the full gambit of orbs, disks and triangles up close.

This was my post;




>I bet if the Anons went back and retraced through this bread and the previous ones, you could find many examples of this.

I'll take you up on that offer fren.

>>4320475 (Posts only two and a half minutes ahead of Greershill)

>>4320488 (Could this possibly be a coincidence?)

>>4320608 (Dynamic Baker IP groups negative ET's with demons. Will we see another post from that IP?)

>>4343341 (Dynamic IP making threats as self persecution tactic)

>>4345453 (Dynamic IP single post to support Greershill, twisting a Q post)

>>4345955 (Anon describes lighting effects of previous orbs post)

>>4346022 (Anon calling out Greershill for speaking for all Anons as despising masons, with a Q post for contrast)

>>4346268 (Shapeshifting Reptilians hidden in plain sight in Conan)

>>4358016 (The Awakening/Planetary Shift)

>>4360484 (Interesting photograph, take from it what you will)

>>4373077 (No reason to make CE-5 every slice of every bread)

>>4373722 (UFO Lou's channel, the ultimate source of "PRIMARY SOURCE" videos)

>>4374259 (The plasticity of the general public's emotional complexes is restricted)

>>4383102 (Ahora Mazda / Iron Eagle symbolism+++)

>>4386378 (Dynamic IP using reverse psychology and self projection persecution tactic)

>>4388031 (Dynamic IP drawing attention back to Baker, Greershill, CE-5 and utilizing the threat persecution tactic from earlier)

>>4389047 (Myself outlining the endless circle talk)

>>4389186 (Anon notices new dynamic IP using identical syntax and grammar as Greershill)

>>4389274 (Same as above)

>>4392983 (Historical mass UFO sighting in Washington D.C.)

>>4396261 (Genetic Mapping)

>>4399463 (UFO flies by the Dragon X)

>>4406043 (There is something seriously shady going on with orgonite)

>>4411060 (Single post dynamic IP drawing attention to, you guessed it, Greer)

>>4413019 (Many connections)

>>4413368 (Single post dynamic IP claiming shills hate Greer)

>>4420092 (Another dynamic IP claiming all bakers support Greer, also uses "human initiated contact" slogan)

>>4423107 (Anon outlines many shill tactics used by dynamic IP's)

>>4423290 (Anon outlines authority figure telling Anons what to do)

>>4427372 (Yet ANOTHER single post dynamic IP drawing attention to Greer / Sirius disclosure)

>>4434262 (Single post dynamic IP utilizing distraction tactics)

>>4436312 (Many historical connections)

>>4437169 (Shapeshifting Reptilians in "V")

>>4437429 (We are by far the best research out there at the moment)

>>4437697 (A good primer for newfags)

>>4440808 (Loosh farm theory)

>>4441261 (What if symbols are the aliens vessels?)

>>4464790 (Proof of dynamic IP's with exact same syntax)

>>4495678 (Just a quick reminder of why we are here)

>>4506990 (Slides as soon as Greershill is called out)

>>4508067 (We work together, as EQUALS)

>>4508157 ('New' dynamic IP posts pop up immediately within seconds of calling out Griershill)

>>4518886 (You're not fooling anyone by IP hopping, Griershill)

>>4534769 (Anons admit their mistakes. Anons are humble)

>>4538837 (Symbolism connections, Ra etc)

>>4551910 (Pineal gland connections)

>>4566946 (The Key)

>>4586682 (Many links / connections)

>>4593750 (Anon links posts where I did not give Greershill permission to steal vids)

>>4643791 (Slide? Not sure. You decide)

>>4646075 (Philosophy & Draco Reptilians hidden in plain sight in movies)

>>4651870 (Superhuman symbolism autism)

>>4678240 (Notables as of late to prove heavy shillery)

>>4678533 (Archives are a beautiful thing)

>>4692497 (We focus on the LIGHT and the darkness)

>>4705851 (More links and connections)

>>4709182 (Disagree with Greer, CE-5 or the Rockefeller initiative and labelled as subverting conscious contact)

>>4709529 (Cabal directors linked to Greer)

>>4709567 (Good insights mixed with shill tactics from this IP)

>>4734387 (We have defeated the Grier-shill boss and moved on to the next level of FLat earth and shitty Japanese cartoons)

>>4745729 (More Superhuman symbolism connections)

>>4752399 (Check out /truthlegion/ with an open mind/heart. Might have what you're looking for)


For the recordโ€ฆ I do not dispute conscious contact.

It is obvious why I do not associate conscious contact with CE-5.

I have had at least a half dozen contact experiences with multiple witnesses (in one instance 7 friends and family members) by using my mind alone to draw them in.

Yesโ€ฆ you can initiate contact via consciousness alone.

You can choose to believe it, or choose not to.

>The light will reveal those on the team, and those pretending to be. - Q

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 14, 2019, 9:44 p.m. No.4760523   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2254 >>2274


World Patriots.



They will make you (like I did) make an ass of yourself.

They are playing the long game.

They are using intentionally flawed arguments.

TRUST that your fellow anons are intelligent enough to see through the deception.










The shills are not going away, just as I AM not going away ce-5 drops and steven greer drops will persist in perpetuity.


Keep your eye on the prize. This thread is miniscule compared to the actual outreach being done offline for disclosure and et-human contact based on universal principles of contact and exchange.

Outreach from the thousands of ce-5 teams WW.

Outreach from patriots on both sides of the aisle at






Consider the actual law of one. A universal law. Do not make the same mistakes as ce5anon has made. LEARN.

"We are all one.

When one is harmed, all are harmed.

When one is helped, all are helped.

Therefore, in the name of who I AM, and I AM one with all there is, I ask that only the highest good of all concerned happen.

I give thanks that this is done.

So be it and so it is."


If your heart is truly with WE, THE PEOPLE, be patient and try to do the right thing. The universe will provide for those on her side.

For my partโ€ฆ massive CE-5 drops incoming. But not like before, where resource burn and intentionally flawed arguments rue'd the day.



The real action is in CE-5 FIELDWORK. This forum is child's play, but the shills would not be out in full force if we were not making a difference.


enjoy Another Greer-GAIA Segment


p.s. forum slides and being shilled are a badge of honor, patriot.

Anonymous ID: 204885 Jan. 15, 2019, 12:22 a.m. No.4761506   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2109 >>2254 >>1224 >>7830 >>2880


A new mass meditation will be held at the moment of the maximum of the Lunar eclipse on Monday, January 21th at 00:11 am EST in New York. This equals 2:11 pm JST in Tokyo, 1:11 pm CST in Taipei and Beijing, 7:11 am EET in Cairo, 6:11 am CET in Paris, 5:11 am GMT in London. Central and western part of US will still have Sunday, January 20th , the timing will be: 11:11 pm CST in Chicago,10:11 pm MST in Denver and 9:11 pm PST in Los Angeles.

Check your time and date here:


Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this meditation can actually help bringing the Event and Full Disclosure closer to us:


This meditation helps the Light forces to ground the energy of Light on the surface of the planet to resolve the deadlock between the Light and the dark forces, finally setting humanity free. Number of people doing that meditation is the single most influential factor within the power of the surface human population for speeding up the process.


We can reach the critical mass of 144,000 people doing this meditation! This will create a massive healing chain reaction in the energy field worldwide. The Light forces will have their focus on the whole American continent (North and South America), which will be completely covered by the eclipse:


Guided meditations are also listed here:


You need to join no organization, make no payments, claim no allegiance, believe in no religion and hold no dogmatic beliefs to participate in this meditation.

You only need a sound mind, an open heart and lots of LOVE.

Let's make this happen.

Anonymous ID: 365792 Jan. 15, 2019, 3:30 a.m. No.4762254   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2880



Alright faggot, I'll entertain this because no one else has yet. Since you like to post in the middle of the night;


>World Patriots.

>Outreach from patriots on both sides of the aisle



You have realized by now that constantly repeating the slogans and fake patriotism, it's not fooling anyone right?

You make it me sick, faggot.



Which is precisely why you've rushed to spamlock each thread to make the new one, along with posting HUNDREDS of fucking times?

Who are the shills anyway?

People digging into ancient history? The TRUTH?


>They will make you (like I did) make an ass of yourself.

You did that all on your own.


>They are using intentionally flawed arguments.

What are the flawed arguments being used here? By my understanding, all the legit arguments are being avoided by you. Desperately attempting to side-step the truth.


>TRUST that your fellow anons are intelligent enough to see through the deception.

Correct, which is why the entire board has called out your shilling tactics.

Haven't you realized people know by now that the only IP's replying to yourself are your own that magically pop up after your posts?



False knowledge is more harmful than ignorance, and that's why you've been desperately attempting to cover up the real digs taking place.


>The shills are not going away, just as I AM not going away ce-5 drops and steven greer drops will persist in perpetuity.

After 400 posts of the exact same shit, we're aware motherfucker.


>CE-5 (x4)

Shameless self promotionโ€ฆ haven't you figured out after being called out this entire time, that people realize you're just advertising for a cabal stooge to channel all REAL researchers away from REAL digging?


>Do not make the same mistakes as ce5anon has made.

Your failures are only overshadowed by your obliviousness to the fact that the entire board is calling you out for being a shill.


>For my partโ€ฆ massive CE-5 drops incoming

You keep saying that faggot, but never provide any sauce. Are you possibly just sliding the board to take the negative attention away from yourself?



Like this SLIDE.



You REEK of fake patriotism, faggot.


>enjoy Another Greer-GAIA Segment

Yawn, we know your job is to keep posting on here drawing attention to the Gaia Luciferian Satanist infomercial.

The REAL Anons already know that Gaia is a disinfo tool of the cabal.


>p.s. forum slides and being shilled are a badge of honor, patriot.

Which is precisely what you are doing. Most of your posts have no sauce, it's just your opinion and links to Greer and the Rockefeller Initiative.



You're a faggot to keep posting thisโ€ฆ and you do realize that the Anons are aware of what you're doing. You keep linking that in attempts that people will bow down to your hall monitoring, and stop calling out the lies and fuckery. It's not going to work faggot.



You're up kind of late aren't you? Is someone keeping you awake? :)

Now isn't this something. The same 'new' dynamic IP that pops up immediately after these two posts;



Isn't it amazing how conveniently timed this is right after a Greershill post? Coincidence?

Why does this keep happening?

New IP's just magically pop up immediately after Greershill to echo a fake voice of support. Funny how those IP's do not persist and seem to keep resetting?

You do realize that 2012 portal blogspot is all disinfo right?

It's all a distraction, and provides literally no tangible evidence or sauce.


>This meditation helps the Light forces to ground the energy of Light on the surface of the planet to resolve the deadlock between the Light and the dark forces, finally setting humanity free.


New age hopium and bullshit, it's a distraction from Anons making the real digs. Also funny how this new dynamic IP is preaching the same meditation bullshit as Greerfagโ€ฆ though by this point I AM sure you've all figured out that Greerfag is one in the same as this poster.



Tippy tip top fucking post.

A great question is posed;

>>4320608 (Dynamic Baker IP groups negative ET's with demons. Will we see another post from that IP?)

Rightโ€ฆ why DID the bakers IP hash drop off?

Possibly because it has RESET just like all the other posts from dynamic IP's bouncing off Greershill?

Why no consistency?

WILL we see another post from b6d60b?

Is this the smoking gun (aside from several breads in a row of ridiculously close time stamps from baker and Greershill) that it is Greershill baking then putting all his notables immediately after?

So yeah 'baker', make a new post.

I double dare you motherfucker.


It is clear that this thread is being focused on the most by (((them)))โ€ฆ and that means we are on to something BIG.

>Let's make this happen.

Anonymous ID: 365792 Jan. 15, 2019, 3:39 a.m. No.4762274   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2791



>The real action is in FIELDWORK.


Which is precisely what the Anon who is collecting notables is doing.

You knowโ€ฆ the same guy you stole the videos from and uploaded?

The guy with a bunch of contact experiences?

The same Anon working towards disclosure?

The Anon who wants others to think for themselves, to focus on both the light and dark entities?

Obviously that Anon passed the 'smell test', and you have not.

From my knowledge these beings or phenomena only keep coming back to the same people for a reason, nothing is random.

Why aren't YOU posting YOUR PERSONAL videos of contact?


You STEAL others videos and pretend you're the CE-5 leader organizing all this shit.

You FAKE piece of SHIT.

You only prove you're a fraud and a shill with every post.

You cannot hide from thisโ€ฆ I am archiving all this to later show people what has happened.

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 15, 2019, 7:27 a.m. No.4763670   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3917

The real action is happening in these decentralized groups of everyday citizens that meet offline and make contact with ET for the benefit of all humanity.

That is why those here who have not made contact but are waiting for the next big shoe to drop will be waiting a very, very long time.

Keep your eye on the prize :-)

Anonymous ID: 8d961b Jan. 15, 2019, 7:50 a.m. No.4763917   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4834







The exact same style of emoticon smiley face used by both Greershill, and the new dynamic IP that pops up immediately after a Greershill post to reinforce and support his message.

This is a much rarer form of smiley faced emote, with the hyphen in between.

Not many people use this style.


This is becoming far TOO obvious now.

You'd think (((they))) would have made better attempts to cover their tracks after exposing all we have so farโ€ฆ

Anonymous ID: da8c98 Jan. 15, 2019, 9:44 a.m. No.4765344   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Did anyone else notice Greerfag is now replying to his own posts after the Anons proved he has been using dynamic IP's to bounce messages off himself to make it appear Anons give a fuck what he says?

>We the Kek!

Anonymous ID: 365792 Jan. 16, 2019, 7:11 a.m. No.4777344   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7537 >>0920



The last few breads have been of critical importance.

I am not sure if Greershill has been baking from the start or not, because I've only followed the last two.

I am glad the BO / BV's didn't interfere with the Anons on here cleaning house.


Seriouslyโ€ฆ you autists blow me away with your angles of outing the shills.

Sharing digs is important yesโ€ฆ but it has also been equally important to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that individuals are working in teams on this thread putting every ounce of energy into directing individuals to a certain narrative.

What's important now, is to understand the exact reasons and details WHY Greer is being pushed so hard on here.

Why Greer? Why PRG? The Rockefeller initiative? The Disclosure Project?

What pieces of information do (((they))) want to guide us towards, aside from labelling all ET's as peaceful and ridiculing anyone who digs into the Dracos, symbolism or ancient history?

What is the ultimate agenda of Greer and our merry band of Greerfag shills?

Why are (((they))) so hellbent on getting Anons to make contact under the premise that All ET's have good intentions for us?

Admittedly I am confused as hell regarding this.

I often wonder if this has to do with what an Anon previously mentioned, that (((they))) are trying to get enough of the population to consent to making contact via their free will.

If so, WHO are we making contact with?

How can we possibly be sure if they are good or evil?

The TRUTH is, we can't verify until they land in your backyard and reveal themselves.

Also to note all the "disclosure" outlets out there claiming that the Draco's have been either destroyed or have fled the planet, how can any of this be proved?

Who's authority are we believing on this?

From my personal understanding, the fraudulent sites / individuals out there are claiming this, possibly to deceive the population to believe the exact opposite of the truth?

William Tompkins said the Draco's are here and they are a big problem, and he never mentioned they were defeated or close to being defeated.

Anonymous ID: e1d2c0 Jan. 16, 2019, 7:33 a.m. No.4777537   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9497 >>9786


>If so, WHO are we making contact with?

>How can we possibly be sure if they are good or evil?

Through INTUITION ("gut feeling") developed by AN OPEN HEART. You can literally sense evil that way.

An open heart is in tune with the Universe and is not weak, or touchy-feely, or anything new age. It is a requirement for protecting one's self against negative influences. Your psyche is your own responsibility. If you can't handle Love, don't bother. This is why positive ETs put a strong emphasis on meditation&positive spirituality.


If you are still worried about potential physical ramifications of ET contact, ask yourself:

When's the last time we have been directly threatened by negative ETs, and not their proxies (the Cabal, shills, MS-13 etc.)?

Could there be - hypothetically - a force preventing our dear Planet from being fully conquered by the dark side?


>Global consciousness remains one of my top priorities. I envision our species entering deep space as advanced, cooperative, consciously aware and nonviolent. We are not alone in the universe. How we relate to other intelligent life matters. Understanding how nonviolent ETI from the contiguous universe travel to Earth by means of zero point energy is key to our acceleration as space-faring humans.

>Edgar D. Mitchell, ScD - radio contactee - contactee - physical contactee


All clowns?

Less important than obsessing about dracos and evil?

Positive co-creation with Love vs. attacking, arguing, fearmongering.

When we prove ourselves, when we remove the Cabal's hostage situation, when every one of us does its part, then it will be much clearer, and positive ETs will land.

Have faith.

Anonymous ID: a8cf39 Jan. 16, 2019, 10:37 a.m. No.4779497   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0920


>This is why positive ETs put a strong emphasis on meditation&positive spirituality.

Who? Specifically. Which ones? Names. Interviews, etc. Not some secondary mediator claiming to speak for "them".

Who are the positive ET's? Where do they come from? How did they get here? Where are the rest of them? What do they want? Why do they want it?

You have all this information.

Share it.

Let's hear it, gatekeeper.

>Could there be - hypothetically - a force preventing our dear Planet from being fully conquered by the dark side?

Yeah, Q.

>All clowns?

Looks very likely with just 5 minutes of digging.

>Less important than obsessing about dracos and evil?

You still suck at your job. And since you're obsessed with us ignoring Draco and going all new age - I think I'm going to keep pursuing the Draco.

>Positive co-creation with Love vs. attacking, arguing, fearmongering.

You first, shilly mcshillface.

>When we prove ourselves, when we remove the Cabal's hostage situation, when every one of us does its part, then it will be much clearer, and positive ETs will land.

Sounds good, gatekeeper. You're not leading and I'm not following you - So get out of the way. Can you tell me, Cobra, where did you get this information?

Anonymous ID: 26cb44 Jan. 16, 2019, 12:42 p.m. No.4780920   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1248 >>7830



>Who's authority are we believing on this?

>How can we possibly be sure if they are good or evil?

>The TRUTH is, we can't verify until they land in your backyard and reveal themselves.




>Who? Specifically. Which ones? Names. Interviews, etc. Not some secondary mediator claiming to speak for "them".


>Who are the positive ET's? Where do they come from? How did they get here? Where are the rest of them? What do they want? Why do they want it?


The "truth" isโ€ฆ none of (us) truly know.

If someone claims to, they are a FOOL.

A Supreme fool.

Through all my interactions of contact over the past few years, I have felt at total peace and one with the universe.

No thoughts or impressions of malevolence, no feelings of ill will.

Would I claim that every one of these craft, orbs, phenomena were of a benevolent species?

No, I wouldn't.

I leave my heart open, at least 1% of it.

I don't believe anything 100%.

Maybe that's why they keep coming back to me.

>Lights on. - Q

<"He who knows, does not speak. He who speaks, does not know." Lao Tzu - A Master of Wisdom

Anonymous ID: 3e2f3c Jan. 16, 2019, 1:07 p.m. No.4781238   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3581 >>7830

Spiritual teachings, as you find them today, originated from the written or oral accounts of those who experienced direct spiritual realizations. Therefore, all of those teachings, which have become religions, have, at their core, varying amounts of truth. And we will say that all have been โ€˜interpretedโ€™ for you by persons or groups that had agendas that may not best serve you at this time, if they ever did.


That is why so many of them just do not โ€˜ring trueโ€™ to you now. Many of the old teachings survived in various secretive groups or societies in order to keep them unchanged. We are saying that the time for that is over.


You have been taught, as was stated in the lengthy question by the reader, that you and the Divine were, are, separate and may not meet unless something or someone intercedes, or unless something supernatural occurs for you. God good. You bad. God up there. You down here. And even though you may intellectually agree with newer concepts, those old ideas are deeply imbedded in your consciousness.


Today much greater clarity is being shared. We, higher states of consciousness if you like, other aspects perhaps, it matters not, are laying aside those inaccuracies and bringing to you those beneficial concepts that you have been denied.


Now there are numerous teachings and practices that can benefit you and that have been around for a long time. We do not deny that. What we are saying is that there are core beliefs that, if you allow it, can be found within yourself that will expand your consciousness and begin your journey into the knowing of the Truth of your being. We will state the basics here. You can find many more in past messages and in many languages in all parts of your world. It is THE message at this time.


First, as we said above, God is not โ€˜up thereโ€™ while you remain โ€˜down hereโ€™. Every teaching plainly states, though sometimes taught differently, that God is everywhere, in everything. You being a โ€˜thingโ€™, in other words manifested in form, are included in that statement. Moreover, you are told that you are made in the likeness of God. You can see that no two of you look exactly alike, so what does that mean? Could it be that it is, perhaps, a non-physical likeness?


So here is the thing, as you say: you are made by your Divine Source, of your Divine Source. And that Being is living as and through you, all of you. And, by the way, expressing as and through every single thing you see and those you donโ€™t see.


So, next: there is nothing for you to become. You are IT already. You simply need to allow yourselves to remember and believe that you are what you already are. Now we know that after thousands of years of having been told that this was not true and that it was, in fact, blasphemous, impossible, this โ€˜simpleโ€™ thing we describe is not easy. But it is a process that you can begin and carry through if you refuse to quit. And we also tell you that the divine being that you are in truth will not rest until this transition is complete.


There is, as we have stated before, one caveat. You must recognize and allow that what we have said you are is also true for every other, even those you do not like or agree with. You are all on your way home. Some are more lost than others. Love them, too. Love the divine within them. You do not have to have them over for beer and a movie.


If you notice, we said nothing about what you โ€˜mustโ€™ practice, what you โ€˜mustโ€™ say, what you need to study. All of that historical baggage is just that, baggage. When you see it as that, drop it and continue on. If what you are currently doing serves you well, by all means continue to do it. But we caution against allowing it to be your straight jacket. In some ways the idea that you are there to learn is quite correct. You are there to remember who you are. When you simply do that, you give permission, in some sense for all others to do the same.


There are a great many messages transcribed by this channel. They have evolved, it is true. But we do not waste your time with less than truth. Now your world has reached a threshold that we knew would come to be. You have actually reached it a bit sooner than was forecast. There was a time not long ago in which most of you would have never accepted what we have just stated. But your collective has advanced past that stage and is continuing in an ever increasing rate. Every step each of you make changes the field of consciousness that you all live in. You have learned separation. Now you are remembering inclusion.

Anonymous ID: 777349 Jan. 16, 2019, 1:15 p.m. No.4781314   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



now this is the type of thinking that I've been waiting to see on hereโ€ฆ


yeah, there are positive ETs. beta pictorians for one. but there's definitely a hell of a lot of negative ones that do notttt have our kind or planet's best interest in mind.


but then again, light and dark are both necessary.


focus on the Dracos. you're on the right track.


also, ask about the Gods and Goddesses, GOD's direct childrenโ€ฆ

Anonymous ID: 777349 Jan. 16, 2019, 1:21 p.m. No.4781401   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Please do not fall for ashtar sheran anonsโ€ฆ


Yes, the GFOL is real and is mostly compiled of pleiadians, but ashtar sheran is not a real being.


Any channeling seen online or that people experience with this "being" or any other ET/God/Archangel/etc. is 100% fabricated.


Read about implants and hollow moon.


Anonymous ID: fc7e6b Jan. 16, 2019, 1:49 p.m. No.4781768   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3092 >>4453 >>9535

Alright, so Iโ€™ve been having a lot of strange experiences the last couple of months. Iโ€™ve heard other anons state the like.

Well, I am weirded out - earlier today, in discussing the advant of technology, I brought up something totally obscure from my earliest computer-related memories. Just now, an ad pops up citing the exact event I had mentioned. I have barely surfed the internet on this computer, as itโ€™s my workโ€™s. The others in the room with me were totally freaked out with meโ€ฆ which validated my own reaction. But what. The. Freak?!? One employee said, โ€œwhat if weโ€™re in some social experiment?โ€

These people are all professionals..

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 16, 2019, 3:36 p.m. No.4783048   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Advanced technology>>

ZPEcoin revised white paper.

I stopped updates on this company after fellow Anons struggled to reproduce some of their proof of concept videos. They seem to be progressing steadily and well nonetheless.


According to this white paper their radiant power panel extracts energy from cosmic background radiation and is in commercial development.

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 16, 2019, 3:40 p.m. No.4783092   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5327


I was sitting by my fire pit last night listening to music and sang "this is the remix to ignition" and then the song popped up on the YT playlist.


Privacy is obsolete. Gone. Kapoof. Bye-Bye. IMO it was a man-made construct to begin with. Not even our thoughts are truly private. Psuedonymity is all that remains.

Anonymous ID: a28138 CE-5 proof of ET contact video Jan. 16, 2019, 3:58 p.m. No.4783310   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun





"Proving UFOs, extraterrestrials and Special Access Projects are real is similar to proving deep state is real. The buildup of many coincidences and "softer" proofs like notable high ranking officials saying "weird" things, having documents revealed or seeing (and feeling!) unexplained lights (either coincidentally or by your own accord - CE-5) is the current degree of proof. "


Thread #1 Link:

Thread #2 Link:

Thread #3 Link:

Thread #4 Link:

Anonymous ID: a4980c Jan. 16, 2019, 4:14 p.m. No.4783515   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun





Your endless spam and slides is not fooling anyone.

Nor is it distracting from everything that had been discovered about you.

By linking the previous breads you only draw more attention to your archived faggotry and shilling.

It's all there for everyone to see.

If you were a 'real' Anon you would have sat in quiet contemplation to reflect on your repeated failures.

You would have worked on your shameless self promotion and famefagging.

You would have taken to heart what the ENTIRE BOARD has stated about you.

Yet you continue, screaming in your own echo chamber.

People have proven that you're only replying to your own posts by IP hopping.

Anyone who wasn't a paid shill would have given up by now.

A real Anon would have admitted their mistakes.

Just give it up faggot.

You have become obsolete.

Anonymous ID: a4980c Jan. 16, 2019, 4:20 p.m. No.4783581   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Now this faggot LARPs with the "I am alien" routine prior to Greershill posting again.


Haven't we seen all this before?

Not only that, the faggot replies to Greershills proxy IP;


The same bullshit, the same angles we've seen in previous breads.

Nothing changes.

"Everything old is new again".

Clearly there MUST be something big in these threads that is being slid awayโ€ฆ

Anonymous ID: a28138 OUMUAMUA Jan. 16, 2019, 4:30 p.m. No.4783715   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7830




Avi Loeb, the chair of harvard's astronomy department, and Schmuel Bialy, harvard postdoctoral fellow, double down on their theory that OUMUAMUA may be of intelligent ET origin.

Hot off the press.


"We donโ€™t have a photo, but, in all the artistsโ€™ illustrations that you have seen on the Web, it looks like a cigar. Thatโ€™s one possibility. But itโ€™s also possible that itโ€™s a pancake-like geometry, and, in fact, that is favored."


"โ€ฆthen it is maybe a light sail, and I could not think of any natural process that would make a light sail. It is much more likely that it is being made by artificial means, by a technological civilization."


"An advanced technological civilization is a good approximation to God. Suppose you took a cell phone and showed it to a caveperson. The caveperson would say it was a nice rock. The caveperson is used to rocks. So now imagine this objectโ€”โ€˜Oumuamuaโ€”being the iPhone and us being the cave people. We look at it and say itโ€™s a rock. Itโ€™s just an unusual rock. The point of this analogy is that, for a caveperson, the technologies we have today would have been magic. They would have been God-given."

Anonymous ID: a4980c Jan. 16, 2019, 4:40 p.m. No.4783841   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4981

Do you really believe at this point that anyone is following your posts?

Do you really believe that by posting these noob crumbs that you're going to make all of this disappear?

Do you think people can't dig on Oumuamua on their own?

You reek of desperation.

You cannot escape this.

Soon you will need to look for another job.

Your failures have all been captured and immortalized.

When all is said and done, the Anons are going to look back on this.

Just a previewโ€ฆ It doesn't look good for youโ€ฆ

Anonymous ID: a4980c Jan. 16, 2019, 5:36 p.m. No.4784536   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



>Some of us think that's a Facebook or Google data mining application


You are correct.

How many people have actually read the Facebook terms of service and user agreement?

You have given consent to them turning on your camera, microphone and GPS anytime (((they))) want.

They are recording 24/7 365.

Q even confirmed this.

Everything in the background is being recorded and uploaded to their cloud.

Algorithm constantly tailoring specific advertising to you.

Best bet?

Buy a faraday RFID signal shielding device for your phone when not in use.

Anonymous ID: a4980c Jan. 16, 2019, 5:57 p.m. No.4784834   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



That crop circle has nothing to do with those pictures faggot.

Awe, look at you trying to be relevant on here :)

Nice smiley face emote by the way, just like your proxy IP.

You cannot slide your failures away.

They will follow you until the end of time.

We all know you're attempting to spamlock the bread full.

We all expect you to rush to make the next bread to fill it up with disinfo and lies.

Too bad you wasted most of your posts this time with dynamic IPs.

Won't be easy to bring all those "notables" over to the next bread now, will it faggot?



>This is becoming far TOO obvious now

Anonymous ID: 02b312 Jan. 16, 2019, 6:34 p.m. No.4785327   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9085 >>9588


Not going to go there just yet. My thoughts 'might' be interpreted by human or alien technology but the amount of data they generate would have to be massive and could never be used, effectively at least, for detective controls - i.e. after-the-fact forensics.


I think there are many apps which tap microphones and relay information between service providers and device so that is likely how they converted your personal vocalizations into a request for the opportunity to listen to, or buy, the song 'for real'. Probably human capabilities, possibly just some smart agents.


The human thought problem is much thornier if you think about it. All the worst things conspiracy folks worry about are really influencing capabilities, designed to modify the integrity of the human processing function, for some evil and typically in the big scheme poorly thought-out purpose, rather than purely confidentiality degrading. Put simply, right now, we'd never stand for Minority Report.


Example: If someone accused me of a thought crime, I'd say 'prove it', and they would leak evidence of a very large and very poorly deployed capability. If the targeted thoughts were corroborated with action, or paper trails, like this chan, they would have to break the canary or harm the platform or compromise the board owners to match the thinker up to the posting but even then the burden of proof would likely be too high.


We need a lawyer anon to start modeling legal implications of both loss of confidentiality and integrity of our mental processes.


Enter the influencing capabilitiesโ€ฆif such a system were deployed, again by aliens or humans, their goal would be to perform denial of service on your normal thought processes to make you look stupid, to make you talk crazy talk and give them a reason to go snooping, or to influence your behaviors to a specific, and, likely evil, agenda. Think also of the number of human agents who would have to be watching: I'd estimate you'd need at least one master controller position (the person who does the interacting at any given moment), a half dozen clerks (with really nothing more than pen and paper), and a couple of technical guys - for every single monitored person! (Which is a very good indication that such a system wouldn't be government funded and possibly would be considered a waste of resources if it ever made it to the attentions of Congress and the Executive branch).


Aside: You may wonder why I'm not being gentle with my characterizations when my habit appears to be gentility? Simply, I have no evidence that anything I'm talking about is true - just plausible given the information on this and prior breads. But regardless, if the hypothesized capabilities exist there would be a legal framework problem that we would need to address.


In intellectual honesty, humans operating a system like that 'could' influence for good, but they are simply too short sighted to do so thinking that the quick win of a policy victory due to evil behavior, (compromising, shootings, or other stupid stuff) is more important than the long term culturation of a real lasting relationship. Since they aren't (always) forcing the action, they ethically don't feel like they owe anyone anything because of the same moronic lack of principles that lead folks to think entrapment is acceptable.


But everything works both directions.


So in summary, the example above is likely human technology attempting to sell you a good experience. The hypothesized system would likely need to be focused not on confidentiality (since the information wouldn't be meaningful in terms of getting people in trouble and there would just be too much of it after a while) but on modification of integrity (optimal) or availability (suboptimal). If such a system existed, the overhead per monitored entity would likely be too high to sustain in this economic climate. (You could test for alterations in mental processing during events like government shutdowns and holidays, if you were truly a little concerned).




Everything works both directions. We are both acted upon and act - sometimes simultaneously.


Something doing a mental projection into your head would find the projection modified by the shape of your mind as much or more than you would be modified by that projection, at first. This is one way in which Greer may be correct, despite the aggression of the bread against him, by assuming no ill intent we may be forcing Interlopers into following the rules of no ill intent. Could they do denial of service? Sure. Does it benefit society for you to experience a snow crash? Maybe (doubtful) slightly, but I'll give it a very small maybe. But then why would you waste your time? As the aggressor, that is. Just shoot us or take away our food or turn off the simulation - or however you see it.

Anonymous ID: f5fae7 Jan. 16, 2019, 10:12 p.m. No.4787830   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9096 >>1160


Rosegal was the best part of this postโ€ฆ





gay, type me up another one.



Faap de oid is more relevantโ€ฆ



You sir are a god amongst men. EXCELLENT WORK.


I haven't seen any good new signtings lately nor have I seen anything new myself in the sky. The second is not too surprising since it rains like crazy here in the winter. Oh well. Keeep on digging my friends.

Anonymous ID: 306a36 Jan. 17, 2019, 2:26 a.m. No.4789085   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1273


I think we are on the verge of the end of history as we know it. The godly righteous ones will see a transformation of their reality and will be free from the threat of evil forever. The evil ones will be permanently disbarred from the spiritual plane of the righteous. Unfortunately for the devil and his fallen angels and their human collaborators this means the end of anything pleasurable for them and the beginning of endless flames. The demonic entities plaguing us need to harm, consume and control us because they have lost connection with eternal life and the Author of it. The evil are trapped in a cycle of doom. The harder they persecute us, the nearer they bring their own eternal judgement and damnation. It can be fun to watch when you know what you are seeing(Psalm 2). What they intend to harm us and damage is (I am speaking as if you are "saved" ) is making us into beings eternally fit to sit at the right hand of our loving Heavenly Father. If the wicked and their evil spiritual enablers could really lastingly alter our minds and souls to our detriment (again, speaking as if you are "saved") then we would not be accountable for our actions.

Anonymous ID: a4980c Jan. 17, 2019, 2:30 a.m. No.4789096   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9544



>This is becoming far TOO obvious now

Now we know Greerfag actually IS a faggot based on his internet history and shopping choices.





So now friends to put this into perspective.

This IP hash is replying to Greerfag to once again draw attention to him.

The Q crop circle has been shown already, and his post doesn't have sauce.

It appears as a scripted conversation to once again try to shine relevancy on the merry band of shills controlling these breads.

The "thank you" in the second message is replying to the alien LARP, who was replying to Greerfags proxy IP.

Both meaningless shitposts.

No sauce in either.

Meant nothing more than to keep trying to put focus on the bullshit here preventing people from digging.

Seriouslyโ€ฆ The past few breads have been amazing for proving just how deep the psychological tactics and fuckery isโ€ฆ

(Anons don't need to be reminded to watch for those pretending to be aliens. Not the first time these faggots have tried this)

Keep on keeping on!

Anonymous ID: 26cb44 Jan. 17, 2019, 4:23 a.m. No.4789460   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Picture of timestamps highlighted to carry over to next bread to prove Greershill is using dynamic IP's to bake.

Proved beyond a shadow of a doubt.

>There are no coincidences. - Q

>The LIGHT will reveal those on the team, and those pretending to be. - Q

Anonymous ID: 648fa6 Jan. 17, 2019, 4:43 a.m. No.4789535   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Likely, FB and Gaggle listening to you 24/7 is what brought that on. It happens to me and mine, all the damn time, around here. Tis why I flip my phone off, at least, twice a day. Everytime we talk about some off the wall subject, like this, Gootube and ads will immediately have "new" suggestions for me to consider. Hell, you can even pull the battery out of your phone and if there's a wifi or cell tower nearby, there will be enough power through those signals to do its usual surveillance on you. You are never alone with any modern electronic devices near you and it's near impossible to stop them from listening.

Anonymous ID: 648fa6 Jan. 17, 2019, 5:04 a.m. No.4789654   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


From some things I've seen on Gootube with remote viewing, this makes me wonder if it could be the solar system a member/s of the Q team could be from. Or some shitโ€ฆ.IDK. Edward Riordan has a vid on this subject. Actually, 5 vids, I believe and he says something about some member having "crossed over" in one of them and some AI involved.

Anonymous ID: b57df2 MASS MEDITATION - RETURN OF LIGHT ACTIVATION 01-20-2019/01-21-2019 Jan. 17, 2019, 7:21 a.m. No.4790746   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Mass Meditation scheduled 01/20-21/19, for peace, harmony and love for all of humanity. Be part of the positive shift for our future.


Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 17, 2019, 8:04 a.m. No.4791160   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



yeah i checked their clothes out, some are pretty cool looking!



someone uploaded two hours of witness testimony to YT. There's a TON of witnesses of the highest credibility just in the very opening of this documentary.

Anonymous ID: 823208 Jan. 17, 2019, 1:41 p.m. No.4795589   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

>>4791684 "It puts the baby, an apple and a rabbit in the cage and it forces the man-child to eat the rabbit and play with the apple."


want lotion with that? or shall we go directly to HOSE


if you choose anti-live then you are known by your deeds and easy to mislead. Louise Cypher Sophia Q could land in a drone and pawn most hu-man. stupid tards id thunk they've just been contactedโ€ฆ by their "Superior". it'd be a 3-way circle-jerk slaughter.


Wakey Wakey - Eggs and Bakey - break-fast going to stick to every ribโ€ฆ

Anonymous ID: ec98c7 Jan. 17, 2019, 6:45 p.m. No.4799450   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Learning to create those biological (orgone) flashes. Just need to create a brief psychosis and orientate yourself to encapsulate it with your bio fields. Seems logical to me that's why words mean things in the first place.

Anonymous ID: c790ce Jan. 17, 2019, 9:10 p.m. No.4801273   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Trying to speak to a primarily secular materialist audience and to a spiritualist audience which might not be sure what's going on in their lives and while my religious traditions may leak out where appropriate for an ET thread I'm trying my best to save any actual preaching for the Bible threads - though most of the time I don't see much space to talk, for all the tumult of opinion, at least in the last few Bible threads I've glanced through.


I'm not sure it is appropriate for me to brag about salvation, as if it's an exclusive club that I would want to shun people from, when I know full well that I'm not going ever to be completely at peace without every last element of this creation with me in heaven. One thing that concerns me, and one reason why I'm posting in ET threads, is the double-edged sword of Q's rallying cry 'Where we go one, we go all'. As it comes to evil dracos, the deep state, the archons, the Catholic Church, demons or whatever, and any other negative target, my spiritual practices remind me: 'there but by the grace of God, go I'. On the other hand, for everything of light, love, knowledge, and peace - for the healing Arcturians, the wise Pleiadiens, the Elder Elohim, my spiritual hope reminds me: 'through God all things are possibleโ€ฆ' and if they can do it, so can I.


Important: But these spiritual leaps are paths everyone has to walk for themselves as they work out their salvation before God on the stage of this world and they can cause great damage if they are taught or are attempted to be received before their time. So I don't intend to slide the thread by talking about salvation or righteousness or Christ or anything like it without a clear nexus to the conversation - I won't shy away from giving good advice or sauce if it is relevant and I have it - but my days of converting people are over. My mission now is to be as useful as I can be with whatever I know, believe, suspect, or have reason to suspect.






Thank you! I was aware of the existence of evidence, had seen some evidence discussed by various and sundry, and unfortunately may consider myself something of an experiencer myself to some degree. Excellent sauce.




Good book, I think I read at it in college and am now pulling it out to re-read in the context of this thread. Have ever just walked quasi-randomly around your city evaluating each person you encounter for alien-ness? Don't be like Odom, but if you keep positive intentions, you might be surprised.




Cool. First hand experience studying the evolution of language?


>In regards to attempting to convert people, people are psychometrically armored. Some more than others.


Do we want to be armored 'nothing gets in, nothing gets out' or is 'semper gumbi' a better approach? Or perhaps should we inoculate ourselves by taking the poison in a immunity building dose?

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 18, 2019, 5:39 a.m. No.4804263   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun





Two MORE hours of witness testimony. both links to both portions of the documentary:

part 2

part 1

Anonymous ID: 1f0246 Jan. 18, 2019, 12:33 p.m. No.4808527   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9018 >>1044

I've been ignoring this board until last night, largely because I didn't know what it was about. I figured it was just another 4chan meme that would have died like any other meme by now. But when I actually started reading I was shocked at what you guys are talking about.


I have contacted/been contacted by what would appear to be aliens from the Pleiades. This occured under the influence of a heavy dose of psilocybin, which I assure you all with 100% certainty can be used, along with DMT and possibly other hallucinogens, to induce contact experiences. You can read countless reports on forums like Shroomery and DMT-Nexus of others with similar experiences, which is probably the reason I was so interested in these substances to begin with. I'm not a drug addict, I'm not a schizophrenic, but any mention of this on other boards gets me called those instantly and discredited. After taking the mushrooms in lemon tea, about 30 minutes or so later, I saw very distinctly a pattern of light appearing behind my eyelids in the shape of a constellation. I didn't know what constellation it was at the time, but it looked a bit like the big dipper, but different enough that I knew it wasn't that. When I looked up the Pleiades, I was able to confirm that this is indeed the constellation that was appearing to me, in a vision behind my eyelids. I didn't know why I would be seeing that of all things, considering I was on my back porch during the middle of the overcast afternoon. After seeing this flash in my vision for a few moments I went inside and laid down on my bed. The next thing I remember I was being returned to my room from a triangular shaped craft that was split into 5 or 6 separate copies of itself (I thought for whatever reason that this was some form of "backup" for FTL travel just in case one ship were to hit a rock or something mid flight, but who knows) I have no memory of being taken aboard or of any of the beings that were operating the craft, but this was much more realistic than a dream. Then over the next few months I started seeing pictures of the Pleiades all over the place, and it seems I'm not the only one this or similar events has happened to. Sure, you can say it was just a hallucination, but when there are hundreds of others reporting about similar things as evidenced by the current state of the internet, you start to think otherwise. I think contact could be initiated much more easily and made very obvious if more people were more willing to do so under the influence of tryptamine hallucinogens. That's not to say that it isn't possible without them, but it's much, much, more difficult.

Anonymous ID: ec98c7 Jan. 18, 2019, 5:06 p.m. No.4812006   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Now a lot of people report freezing/missing time when UFO's come close. Masses of people, according to Reich, have pleasure anxiety. We are familiar with the concept of vibrational difference. The experiential difference could be underlying the amount of pleasure desired and the constraints/rejections placed on it. We all live with incentives and understanding of inhibitive necessity. Place two different civilizations with a very different 'sex-economy' (,obviously there's more dimensions than this,) together. The less capitalized and more neurotic reaches a breaking point.


Explains missing time phenomenaโ€ฆsomewhat.

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 19, 2019, 5:47 a.m. No.4819018   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Your experience is totally valid. Sometimes people have contact with beings in altered states that they think are ET, but are not, and sometimes they do have contact with ET during altered states. I had a dmt experience where I met David Rockefellers soul. Later found out it was the day after he died. That was my only dmt experience.


The Dr. Edgar Mitchell F.R.E.E. Foundation includes contact through hallucinagens in their research of consciousness and contact modalities. So basically you have a bunch of scientists backing you up on this one and you are not crazy.

Anonymous ID: b2e084 Jan. 19, 2019, 9:19 a.m. No.4821044   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Even though the experience you had is likely legitimate and shouldn't be shunned by know-it-alls, you should be really careful when using drugs. I had my telepathic contact experiences without any drugs.

Anonymous ID: 39e3a1 Jan. 19, 2019, 11:34 p.m. No.4831615   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2880 >>2948 >>2957


Interesting. Considering his closeness to Podesta and Clintons I assumed he would have TDS or just be a shill but he actually seems pretty level-headed and neutral in this clip.

I wish Q would give us some insight/leads into who Greer really is, if he's different than he presents himself.

Anonymous ID: 16a699 Jan. 20, 2019, 4:11 a.m. No.4832880   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun




Anyone notice the faggot IPs who push Greershills narrative do so in the middle of the night?

Seems to keep habbening.

Looks like someone is awake all night with a job to do!

And yeahโ€ฆ Lets definitely believe the controlled opposition.

We all saw how well that worked out with Alex Jones.

Greer = AJ




This Anon gets it.

Why the FUCK are (((they))) SO hellbent on keeping all eyes focused on Greer here!?

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 20, 2019, 4:31 a.m. No.4832945   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2861





TIL the PDF version is free!!! This manual was written in large part by the calgary, canada CE-5 group. Don't worry you're going to get plenty of drops from this thing in the future whether you check it out now or not. This guide is incredibly useful and easy to read.

Anonymous ID: 16a699 Jan. 20, 2019, 4:55 a.m. No.4833025   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun





Look at this!!!

Just MINUTES after calling out Greerfag and his dynamic IP's supporting himself, guess fucking what!?

Look at the faggot slide back to CE-5!

Look at the faggot "we the people" fake patriotism he keeps pushing!

The smoking gun that PROVES he is monitoring this thread 24/7.

Why IS Greerfag SO concerned about the direction this thread goes in?

To the point he has to bake every bread with resetting IP's?

To the point he only brings his OWN FUCKING NOTABLES into each bread?

To the point he uses all shill tactics to control the direction the thread goes in?

Look at the faggot quote he keeps repeating from Eleanor Roosevelt!

Guess what faggot, the Anons on this board discuss MANY people.

You think this kind of psychology is going to work here?

That we're just going to ignore who that faggot is connected to?

You think by repeating that people are going to ignore who the message is coming from?

Do the Anons ignore BHO on here?



The Podestas?

The Rockefellers?

The Rothschilds?

Your argument is invalid.

We discuss ALL things here faggot, including people.

Soon you will need to look for another job!

Anonymous ID: 579860 Jan. 20, 2019, 6:31 a.m. No.4833550   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8647 >>0825 >>7261

Okay, I know the discussion here has been oriented toward the nonhuman entities hanging about, but Iโ€™ve as of late been taking some time to reflect and Iโ€™m a bit concerned. I recently posted about a weird instance that most here replied with the same response - that tech can hear us and privacy is obsolete. Tech is certainly already used vastly beyond what is clearly disclosed to the public.

Someone asked Q once how long ((they)) have been able to read our thoughts, and Q replied that they were asking the right questions.

My mom is the prime example of one who is โ€œgangstalked,โ€ but sheโ€™s had issues in the way past (ten years before maybe, but nothing super blatant until a few years ago) and at first I thought she was thinking there were ghosts, but no.. things always messed with - small things. Things that we didnโ€™t think should cause such a reaction, and we had her hospitalized more than once. Someone stealing little things or placing things a certain way, or peeing in the dog bowl. Sheโ€™s hear things in the attic (if I didnโ€™t hear itโ€ฆ psychosis?). She saw the attic window open, but when the cops came to check, it was closed. Someone harassing her on a country road while driving. Itโ€™s very unclear what she โ€œhas,โ€ but we go with โ€œmajor depressive disorder with psychotic symptoms.โ€

Iโ€™ve started to wonder whether there are so tiny that theyโ€™re invisible to the naked eye cameras that are right next to each of us (side note, sorry).

Iโ€™ve very briefly wondered whether this was gang stalking before, but Iโ€™m now seriously considering it.

The internet paints people who say theyโ€™re gabgstalked as people going through psychosis who can now find one another on the internet and validate each other.

Actually sort of makes sense, but in this world, with our knowledge of very real, demented programs certainly implemented on the public, and the vast deception.. has my mom been gangstalked and not โ€œcrazyโ€ after all? Sorry for typos.

Anonymous ID: a8cf39 Jan. 20, 2019, 7:42 a.m. No.4834128   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Well, if we're going to focus on Greer, Let's focus on Greer.

1.2 million dollar gated house built in '92.

(Might be time to ask for a raise, eh Shilly?)

SEASpower, AERO, and the Orion Project all registered in the general area of Afton, VA.

Keep going?


>"Great minds discuss ideas

Strike one.

>Average minds discuss events

Strike two.

>Small minds talk about people"

You don't say, Greershill?

<Strike three.

Anonymous ID: f13576 Jan. 20, 2019, 1:06 p.m. No.4837424   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8346


If you want to put an end to the FE BS, then you're gonna want to revisit the first Chapters of Genesis. True Story. I can't make this stuff up.


Remember learning about how all the continents used to be part of one great big landmass called Pangaea? That actually wasn't that long ago. . .


Interesting thing happen when you start to plot out how that would've worked. For starter, if all the land was together, that means all the water would make one big ocean. That's pretty much what it say in Genesis. Currently, the surface of the Earth is covered by approximately 2/3 water, and 1/3 land. Keep that in mind. Now, if you look out to some of our closest stellar neighbors, you find some similarities to this type of set up. If you were to put water on Mars, you'd wind up with a large ocean in the northern hemisphere. Even closer to Earth, in the case of the moon, the shallow part is the side that always faces Earth. That's due to something called "Tidal Locking". It's quite common in space! Anyway, if you were to put water on the moon, you would wind up with an ocean that always faces the Earth. Now, think back to Pangaea, with those two bodies in mind.


Before Saturn was the planet we know today, it was a red dwarf star. These types of stars are the most common star we observe in space. They are known to flare up, which poses a real threat for life, due to intense levels of radiation. But, if the Earth was orbiting a flaring red dwarf star, named Saturn, how was there Life on Earth? Obviously, we're here, right? So. . .


This is where we think back to Pangaea. If the Earth was rotating in the same fashion it does today, there is a really good chance that some parts of the land, and the people who lived there, would be facing the star during these intense flares. :( and that's not good ): If we were situated like Mars, that would mean that only about half the land would be facing the star any time there was a flare. :(Still not good for Life): This is where things get REALLY interesting!!! If the Earth was situated like the moon, however.., our oceans would be facing the flares at all times. This is more than ideal for Lifeโ€ฆ


This is one of the best situations you can have, actually! This is why Saturn was said to preside over the "Golden Age" ;) Water would absorb the radiation. It would boil and steam, and be pretty nasty.., but mostly on the side facing the star. Thankfully, Earth had more water than land on it's surface, and THIS is why the waters ABOVE were divided from the waters BELOW (:Watch the WATER ;) There WOULD be a firmament!!! There would be some wicked storms along this band, but thankfully our side was okay! You just wouldn't want to cross the line. You REALLY wouldn't want to cross the line! Speaking of our side, if you'r wondering how we didn't freeze to death, it's because the water from the other side would evaporate, and form a nice thick atmosphere, to trap the warmth! Brilliant!!! Also worth noting, it wouldn't have ever rained, just like the Bible predicted.., because they were just telling it like it is.


I'm sure this sounds crazy, but believe it or not, I didn't come to this realization by reading the Bible. I started by looking at Earth and trying to figure out how and why it looked the way it does. I started to plot things out, and next thing ya know, I'm staring at exactly what the Flat Earthers have been trying to explain. Truth is stranger than fiction. I couldn't make this up if I wanted to. Guess what? That's not all :) Part 2 coming right up!!

Anonymous ID: f13576 Jan. 20, 2019, 2:31 p.m. No.4838346   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3292



>>4735629 (Part 1)

Part 2 :)


Prior to understanding the depth of what I was onto, I was trying to explain why I thought this was the case. I was trying to piece the Earth back together by reading the scars on our surfaces. I had the feeling we had a rather quick transformation, because I can see a LOT of electrical current flowing through the Earth. It formed the Mountains and rivers and all sorts of geological features. It's fascinating! Anyway, I first noticed the scale back in July, which was very unsettling to think about because.., I didn't know what CAUSED it.


I'm a huge fan of Immanuel Velikovsky's work, and I've been pushing the solar configuration for awhile now. So, needless to say, I'm familiar with the stories. However, THIS was bigger than anything previously mentioned. The scars on Earth dwarf the one on Mars. I can see the damage done in the North. Something BIG happened up there PRIOR to the polar configuration. The same goes for the south.., and EVERY continent on the PLANET! The initial breakthrough I had was while watching Michael Steinbacher. He passed away a few years back, but he definitely had my back with this theory.


No other person I have encountered in the EU sees the world like this guy does. He was the first person to comfort me after finding out about this stuff. He was a photographer, so needless to say, he has a good eye ;) In some of his last bits of work, he was really trying to push the team to tackle these questions and to revisit Velikovsky's work. Now, Velikovsky is most notable for Venus, but he also knew a lot more that he didn't publish right away. Mainly, because there was just so much to cover. Also, because he was dealing with a lot of backlash from several people all at once. Velikovsky was pushing for electricity to be factored into the discussion in space. Not to mention his methods were to simply compile all the evidence from several fields of science, taking the myths into account, and looking for "coincidences".


So, I tried to go about this, taking my best Velikovsky approach. I went back, revisited the satellite images, looking for more clues. Meanwhile, I tried to learn more about physics. Still, I wouldn't have caught any of this without Michael noticing something in one of his videos. There had to be a large object pulling on Earth, from the south, at some point. All the tales put Santa up at the North Pole, and if this happened early on, then we needed an large enough object, but it had to be weaker than Saturn. It's possible this was part of the polar configuration process, but if it was, it had to be at the start. So, I was thinking Neptune, and this was the time of the great flood. I don't know if Neptune has anything to do with this, or if we had any encounters at all with Neptune. But that's obviously one of two large objects in our solar system, so it's suspect of something.


I was originally wrong about my initial conclusion. So, I was trying to salvage the theory, because the part about Pangaea is way to much of a coincidence to be a coincidence. As i went back to reread some of the earlier chapters of Genesis, I caught something. 4 Rivers. This was the very start of things. This is when we had our first brush with another celestial object. I'll have to come back later to explain this. You can think about it in the meantime. Imagine if the Earth made a close approach to another planetary body, today. Think about how as we travel around our sun, the moon orbits around us. Now, before we ever collide with another celestial body, we will see an arc discharge between the 2 objects. The arc will strike at the nearest point. Both objects are spheres. Remember, if we were people on Pangaea Earth, and we were tidally locked to Saturn at the time, the land would've been on the FAR side in this equation.


I'll let you play around with this in your heads. For a second. It's a great day to do so. There's a lunar eclipse. I have to take a short break, but when I come back, I'll explain the 4 Rivers.., and then. . . I'm going to tell you how we got our moon :)

Anonymous ID: c0b0fe Jan. 20, 2019, 2:55 p.m. No.4838647   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


There is a good bit of speculation and partially observable facts on this one - specifically about the very small influencers.


The schools of thought are generally artificial mechanical or primordial biological.


Primordial Biological: The anon who keeps talking about not eating meat, using very stilted, kind of uncomfortable (for me at least, I'm not able to judge efficacy because it got my attention) language, is suggesting there is a link between what we eat and our manipulability. This mode of thinking holds that 'stuff' besides nutrients comes along for the ride into our biological systems. This makes some sense given rumors of ancient beliefs that 'you are what you eat' and the very messed up practice of eating parts of your enemies to gain the strengths of these parts. A more scientific, if still relatively uncomfortable, view would be found in David Icke's ideas about how the Archons are used by (or use) the Annunaki to influence people.

The ideas of bacteria, viruses, and prions are likely fairly good ways of viewing the biological mechanics of hijacking a person. Prion means proteinaceous infectious particle - which is basically something that we don't understand which causes proteins to behave incorrectly in the brain.


Artificial Mechanical:. Of course, the Pleiadien channels by Barbara Marciniak speak of the abuse of computing technologies at ever decreasing size scales to improve governmental control over populations as being fairly widespread throughout this galaxy at least with very large battles being waged to free systems and people. The effects would be largely the same as the Primordial Biological mentioned above but they would be centralized control AI systems. Assange reports use of 'evil smart dust' as part of a governmental control system, like a drone swarm, only so small they can be integrated into the nervous or respiratory system.


Because my own thoughts haven't coalesced around one of these systems of belief as of yet, I'm still noodling around in the dark with ideas of multiple frequencies, chakras, directed thought and energy, cording, and a system made up of humans and technology for interacting with and recording or studying the target (i.e. me).


I'm sorry for your experience and your mother's experience. I cannot give medical advice and I wouldn't accept medical advice from an anonymous free speech platform either. It would probably be wise to stay on medication as prescribed until I fully understand what is going on. Please remember that Jung, the scientist, actually thought he was slipping into psychosis before he realized that the universe is a little less deterministic and a little more meaningfully acausally connected than he thought. My only advice is to say that when you're feeling acted upon psychically, any 'attacker' has to 'place' a projection in your construct in order to create any effect in your mind. Since you have physical access to the hardware (your mind/body) you can modify that projection, and maintain control over the projection.


(Incidentally, I appreciate how non-judgement the anons seem to be about all kinds of stuff but, psychotropic drugs may prevent one from consciously modifying the projections experienced meaning that the experience may be much worse or much better than your physical system can handle - in short, the above is my counter illegal drug statement).


Whether the projection is a figment of imagination or coming from an external source (biological or artificial or energetic), realizing that everything works both ways will go a long way to protecting yourself and going on the offensive. Just remember the lessons of Ged of Earthsea as you are planning any offensive: if you can't beat it, hugging it may help.


That's all I got.

Anonymous ID: a8cf39 Jan. 20, 2019, 5:59 p.m. No.4840825   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2104


>I recently posted about a weird instance that most here replied with the >same response - that tech can hear us and privacy is obsolete. Tech is >certainly already used vastly beyond what is clearly disclosed to the public.

>Someone asked Q once how long ((they)) have been able to read our >thoughts, and Q replied that they were asking the right questions.


Sorry to hear about your mom. Hopefully she's doing better.


If your thoughts aren't local what does that mean?

Think from the mundane to the maximum our brain will let you.

Is it beyond influencing reality with intent?

Can the aether be read?

Is it spiritual?

Is it tech based?

Is it a combination of the two?

(Our Pineal Glands are radios.)

What can be seen?

Is it in real time?

Can your past be viewed?

What does that mean if you're a shill?

(I'm not saying you are - but they should be pondering this.)

Perhaps they're nowhere near as safe as they thought they were and that pay-check might be a really bad idea after all.

Perhaps IP hops don't mean anything at all in this paradigm.

And they were spotted the moment they woke up.

Because they were spotted when they went to bed too.

And where.

"I saw you. I saw you before you got out of bed this morning."

Anonymous ID: e1ea3c Jan. 20, 2019, 6:11 p.m. No.4840975   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6876


I have had two interactions with Mj12 twatter. In both cases I received emails from with book recommendations that were absolutely related to the conversation I was having with MJ12. I confronted mj12 and accused it of being or running Amazon AI the second time. Within a minute or two the Spaceforce twatter account which I also follow posted a picture of Jeff Bezos with clown makeupโ€ฆ. Several takeaways and observations on MJ12 twatter. They link to OSD account. They post coordinates of themselves at Cheyenne Mountain Complex, colorado springs and also show unique photoes from orbit and also provide aerial photography of supposed DUMB enterances. I can tell you that the OSD would be pissed if someone was claiming to be them and wasn't.. I am a swamp dweller. I am a big boy now, vet, and current swamp dwellerโ€ฆthat account gives me the cold sweats.

Anonymous ID: c99a14 Jan. 20, 2019, 7:46 p.m. No.4842104   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6876


Apologies for the slide and for using Slate as a reference, but it is a good description of the situation on 'right to privacy' and searches and seizures by the government. Think I may be preaching at a hostile audience on this one butโ€ฆ Here goes:


Does the 'right to be secure in their persons' include more than just our bodies as physical carriers of things that the government may find reason to object to?


What if we carry a virus that we haven't vaccinated against? Can the government object to that decision?


What if the virus is a pattern of thought it a specific set of ideas that when brought together might be considered objectionable? Should the government have the right to check all our minds for the pattern?


I think not, but I'm pretty resigned to the sad possibility.


However, there is the currently protected 'reasonable expectation of privacy' idea from Kats.


If we believe we do not possess a 'reasonable expectation of privacy', do we have any privacy under the law as interpreted by the courts in Kats?


If we do believe the contents of our minds to be private, in that we have a reasonable expectation of privacy, then do we have a claim that any violation of such is a violation of the 4th Amendment and possibly a violation of a human right?


Is it possible to be afraid for the confidentiality of our minds and even publish and talk about that fear openly while still maintaining coverage under the law? I suggest, yes, because until we have public and incontrovertible evidence of systems engaging the mind at such an intimate level, we are waiving none of the rights - simply we have a fear that a reasonable expectation may not exist.


My sarcastic recommendation: keep your reasonable expectation, don't say anything, ever, to anyone, outloud with your mouth. As an aside, it's rather interesting that we would be enjoined, about 2000 years ago, to 'confess with our lips' - which makes me think this may be a natural law of some kind.


If anyone wants us to believe we have no reasonable expectation of privacy, can that be a good thing?


If anyone wants us to believe that we must verbally express the most private parts of our minds, can that be a good thing?


Now, what if this is just a trick? Not really mind reading, but pre-vocalization reading?


When we are internally preparing for an important conversation, do our tongues sometimes tick and cluck (tick and tock?) out the words we are thinking?


When we are really focusing hard and reading a very challenging passage, do we tend to switch back to reading aloud? How about if it isn't so bad we have to read aloud but bad enough that we have to focus on each word or phrase, do we subvocalize?


I do. So I'd be a great target for breaking this anon's personal 'language' by mapping my subvocalizations to my thoughts and therefore getting into my head a bit. Kind of like mapping the way the currents flow in a river to predict how the water will move at different speeds and viscosities.


Despite what MJ 12 may think, it isn't magic. And if I'm not speculating correctly, who cares? There has to be a mechanism, if such a technology does exist, and we will find it and use it rightly.

Anonymous ID: f13576 Jan. 20, 2019, 9:34 p.m. No.4843292   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4120

>>4838346 (Part 2)

Part 3;)


So. Now we get back to the story. Earth, as a tidally locked satellite of the red dwarf star, Saturn, existed like this for quite awhile. Like I said earlier, these are actually ideal conditions for Life! There is a down side, tho. Red dwarfs are known to "wander". Space is big, so there's a lot of distance in between stars. As long as there is no one else around. Earth would be a wonderful place. "The Golden Age". Then one "Day", something happened. . .


Saturn, and thus Earth, happened to waltz into the stellar neighborhood. Earth had an incredibly thick atmosphere, so it would have been hard to see much of anything in the sky. There would be a warn glow, as the light (from "below") radiated in the "Heavens" ("Above"). As far as I know, nobody would be able to tell what they heck was going on. For all we know, they may have viewed the world like the Flat Earth crowd does. One couldn't really blame them, given the conditions. Anyway, One "Day" we had an "encounter". It would've been worthy of noting. . .


As Saturn and this object move ever closer to each other, Earth would continue to revolve around Saturn. With each rotation, there would be a point where the Earth was closest to which ever type of object we approached. It could've been another planet like Earth, or a moon of another planet like Neptune, or (depending on the orbit, angle, speed, etc), perhaps it was one of those two large planets we have in the outer reaches. It could've even been Jupiter. I don't know. The point is, we would get an arc discharge at the moment we made our closet approach ever time we made 1 full rotation. However, before we could ever get an arc discharge, the sky would get brighter as the particles got more excited. Like our Auroras, the plasma would enter what's known as "Glow Mode".


Here's where it gets really neat. since one side of the planet always faces out, as this object draws near, the closest point would have moved across the equator, on our side of the planet. Believe it or not, due to the strength and nature of the fields, along with the conductivity of the ocean and resistivity of the land, the water would've starting to rise onto the surface of the land. It would be like a really powerful tide, only it would be focusing the energy to a single point. So, the water would've kinda slithered along the surface, like a large snake. It may have even been glowing as the particles got more excited. This water serpent stream would've moved quite a distance over the land.., and then. . . ZAP!!! We would get an arc discharge!!! All the free charge from the other side of the planet ( In physics, they call that free charge "Q" ;) would have come rushing around to this single point. The land would've tried to resist (Like our silly Democrat frens), but the water would've come rushing in to get the job done (Yeah, that sounds just like US;). Anyway, the water would have carved out a paths of least resistance, and due to the fields and configurations, the result would've been 4 rivers in the cardinal directions! Amazing!!!


So, after the Earth has a discharge, it would start to move away as it continued on it's orbit. As it revolves around, it builds up charge. When it returns to the nearest point, we would get another discharge. This may have lasted for a few revolutions around Saturn before we eventually reached a safe distance. If you asked me how many passes, I would say six, because "On the 7th Dayโ€ฆ" we finally reached a safe enough distance.


Electricity is a really powerful thing. Since plasma consists of free protons and electrons, it can actually alter chemistry of whatever substance it comes into contact with (transmutation of matter). Considering the amounts of electricity involved here, Something like this would forever change the landscape, Now, we had these 4 rivers moving about, dividing the landmass into 4 quadrants. These rivers would have lasted. This was the very start of the reconfiguration process.


Something like this may have actually had an effect on the atmosphere. Life was very different in the "before times". This encountered didn't appear to be very cataclysmic. Rather, this was a wake up call to the people of Earth. Letting us know we weren't alone in the cosmos. Now, things were about to change, for real!!! Pretty soon, we get a moon :)

Anonymous ID: f13576 Jan. 20, 2019, 11:22 p.m. No.4844120   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

>>4843292 (Part 3)

Part 4 :)


Some time passed in between the first encounter and the next. According to the Book, it was a few generations at least. I really couldn't tell you how long in our time, because "time" was a lot different back then. This is probably why there's so much confusion about the ages. Worth noting, given the circumstance, we would've experienced a lesser effect of "Gravity" here on Earth. So, not only would this allow for larger life to exist, but everything else would've been much "lighter", too. This is why the oldest of the ruins are often the largest. It's also why our technology appears to have been downgraded throughout time. We used to be an advanced race, prior to getting knocked around a bunch of times, before finally settling into place here. We're still picking up the pieces. . . You'll understand why in a second.


So, time passes and we have our second encounter. It's not that the people were doing anything wrong. This is just how space works. It's pretty neat if you start to think about it. Since there's so many of these red dwarf stars roaming about, there is probably Life EVERYWHERE in Space!!! Brushes like these may even lead to consciousness, and we may have intelligent Life all around us. Who knows? I'd say this is a pretty good setup to have, and the odds are in favor of Life! By the way, electricity is pretty much the "Breath of Life". This is the True Nature of God. It's not the sun. It's not the moon. It's not some "Big guy in the Sky". It's the energy that is preset EVERYWHERE, whether you can see it or not. It's even inside of (You) !!!


Now that's out of the way, let's get down to business. Time passes and eventually we start moving closer to another celestial body. I think it was either Neptune or Uranus (I suppose it could've been Jupiter), but for the sake of the story, I'm going with Uranus. As Saturn and Uranus approach one another, Earth orbits Saturn, and a moon was orbit Uranus. In this approach, things got a little nasty. Instead of just brushing past one another, we made a head on collision one of the times around. This was almost like a Perfect Storm scenario.


The moon made "impact" on one side of the land. Only we didn't smash each other apart. Remember what happens when the objects get close? There's an arc discharge!!! So, we would NEVER have an actual "impact". However, both objects would also have a lot of opposing momentum, due to their respective orbits. The beautiful part is, Nature has already factored this into the equation. The resulting discharge, would have knocked both bodies over 90 degrees. As the Earth and Moon spun around, now locked onto one another, Saturn and Uranus would've continued on their original paths, eventually starting to drift apart. Earth, being the larger of the 2 smaller bodies, would've settled into the center of gravity, and this is where the struggle really begins. Neither of the larger bodies would want to leave without their satellites, and Earth would've been caught up between two very powerful electromagnets tugging on our planet from the North and South Poles.


This is the Day the Earth first stood on it's axis :) Atlas Shrugged ): Obviously, someone had to win the fight. If we had a polar configuration after this, where Saturn was at the North, that means the body down south lost the battle. I'm not exactly sure how things went down (I'll have to revisit the myths for more clues), but from the looks of the map, I'd say I'm pretty close here. The majority of the damage happened fairly quick. I'd peg this along with the Great Flood. After that EVERYTHING changed. . .


So, Earth's locked in with it's NEW Moon fren. Saturn's trying to take them both away, meanwhile Uranus doesn't want to give up without a fight. This is a pretty good candidate if we want to trigger a polar alignment. The Story seems to jump right into that, soโ€ฆ Also, Uranus is knocked over 90 degrees, which may have happened from something like this. Who knows? What I do know is, we are here today, and the Earth has a Moon. Earth also has a really big scar, that everything else seems to point right back to. Incredibly fascinating!!!!!


Anyway, I never thought I would say this, but as it turns out, the Flat Earthers were closer to the truth than anyone could've imagined. They just needed to add another dimension.., and put a little more faith into God's abilities. The Universe is a marvelous place, full of Life!!! It may not always be easy, but thing could always be A LOT worseโ€ฆ Life survives, Life adapts, but wherever the conditions are right, it's probably safe to say that Life exists. "Why?", you ask. Because that's the way Life is ;) Enjoy the Show!

Anonymous ID: 579860 Jan. 21, 2019, 6:51 a.m. No.4845973   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6876 >>7261

Majestic 12




Follow Follow @TS_SCI_MAJIC12


Replying to @SpaceCorpsUS

"Great Awakening" is a term that the Q team used from the MJ12 "Full Disclosure" guide that was originally designed to be rolled out using Mainstream sources back in 1989 but was subverted. The GA is learning that truth and discovering the secret MJ12 was employed to protect.


Is this post what some of you are referring to? I'm not sure how legitimate it is..

Anonymous ID: da8c98 Jan. 21, 2019, 8:18 a.m. No.4846876   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5254






MJ12, Eye The Spy, Cheshire Cat, Back Channelโ€ฆ all one in the same.

Twitter LARPS.



Controlled Opposition.

Do you really believe people with Majestic clearance would be posting on Twitter?

The thought alone is ridiculous.

As unsecured as Twitter is, people with the highest security clearances are going to leak info on there?

Re read the MJ12 Twitter LARP posts with a clear mind.

Think compartmentalization.

Whatever happened to Anons critical thinking skillsโ€ฆ

>Do we use platforms whereby we collect followers?

>They all claim to be insiders.

>They all claim to have insider contacts.

>They do not.

>Patriots do NOT reveal classified information.

>Think for yourself.


Anonymous ID: c790ce Jan. 21, 2019, 8:45 a.m. No.4847261   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


The SOM 1-01 on 1201-3-11-1 - Special Operations Manual on Extraterrestrial Entities and Technology, Recovery and Disposal - reported to be from the Majestic-12 Group from April 1954, is widely acknowledged as a fraudulent artifact.


Good call on questioning.




As an aside, look into SPIRICOM.

Anonymous ID: c790ce Jan. 21, 2019, 10:01 a.m. No.4848109   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



This anon is not Q, in any official sense, but these are good questions.


Perhaps we should ask what makes a family?


Are tribes organically grown or can they be chosen?


If all lands in which intelligent life finds themselves and all planets upon which intelligent life evolves are called Earth, then might all intelligent life formed like terracotta warriors from the dust of the Earth be called human?


Are humans only those from ancestral Eve? What about the weirdness of Denisovian paired with Neanderthal? Which line is human? Or are they both human?


Every seven years (to 15 years) the scientists say, every single cell (with some exceptions) in our bodies are replaced. Perhaps the neurons themselves aren't replaced ever or the stomach lining may be replaced every few months - those are exceptions which have to be noted and thought about - but in large part the vast majority of the body, except some of the grey matter that can't get out is replaced within 20 years at the latest. Humans being that intelligent life created from the dust of the Earth, an Extraterrestrial Biological Entity which spends 20 years on Earth would likely have replaced virtually all of its cells with the dust of the Earth. Making it human?


Finally ask yourself about those human husband/wife pairs who at the end of their lives physically look like (resemble) each other or the traditions of pet owners whose dogs or cats look like them and vice-a-versa. What if we marry and reproduce with a different species and cohabitate past that 20 year mark? Can anything in this system every maintain 100% isolation?


We are all one because where we go one, we go all.

Anonymous ID: ec98c7 Jan. 21, 2019, 4:23 p.m. No.4853067   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

"Towards a self-regulating character structure"


Now, what if you could control your orgasm reflex. How would that effect your motivations? Seems like a different type of experience than humanity, thus far, has experienced.

Anonymous ID: 447c2d Jan. 21, 2019, 5:45 p.m. No.4854142   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4324 >>4516



I have started a draft on the implementation of free energy that I would very much like some help with.


It's a red thread throughout my life, as when I was 8 years old I imagined how you could build a free energy machine with opposing magnets inside a wheel. I could barely sleep for many days as I was so excited. Then I searched the Internet and it was already invented. Or tried.


Now as an adult I serendipitously stumbled across a fascinating website by a guy named Wade Frazier who has made a written work entirely in a league of it's own. It consists of a main essay about 600 pages long, with 1000 footnotes. And spread throughout it are links to passages from more essays he has written. He has perhaps 10 other essays over 100 pages long, that such all interlink with each other. He has written about almost everything there is to write about. And the main thought is that everything revolves around energy, and the acquisition of it. That behind all of the new paradigms of mankind is an improvement of energy acquisition and utilization. He further explains that he worked over many years with a free energy inventor, and was in the field for many years and that he and his fellows tried to bring it to market but encountered the myriad of ways the Global Controllers can make it go away. I.e. the pitfalls of trying to get it out there even if you invent it yourself. He explains all this in addition to talk about what that new paradigm would mean for the world. A world where free energy has been brought to the public. He imagines what that will look like and weaves it in with his previous exposition of energy as the main ingredient in every new human paradigm shift. Because a whole new paradigm on earth would unfold! One almost impossible to imagine.


His website and main essay is located at:


I decided to try and write a more summarized briefing and guiding tool for the inevitable day that it starts becoming a reality, inspired by this website. I have written a little bit, but I'm a little stuck on it and would appreciate some help on it from others who have what Wade Frazier would call "a comprehensive view" of the matter.

Anonymous ID: c790ce Jan. 21, 2019, 5:55 p.m. No.4854324   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4472


Keep up the good work anon.


Recommend you read The Long Earth as these types of inventions must be handed out without restriction or regulation and must be able to be built by mere mortals and not only anons or highly specialized machining systems.


Pratchett and Baxter

Anonymous ID: 447c2d Jan. 21, 2019, 6:09 p.m. No.4854472   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4516




Yes, they must be handed out without restriction or regulation. And yes, they must be able to be built by "almost mere mortals" - as in people with a little electronics experience. If you believe Floyd Sweet, his device was as small as a large phone and could output 500 W and was easy to construct.


I will look into The Long Earth series. Thanks!

Anonymous ID: 10e2bc Jan. 21, 2019, 6:16 p.m. No.4854579   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Does the avalanche in Davos on the 15th of January 2019 signal a military operation has taken place to stop those who ultimately own the Bank of International Settlements, the central controlling entity of national and international economics, law and governance (the really, really cruel people)? We are living through the miracle story of all miracles. It is the wonder of all wonders that ordinary people such as myself are so loved and highly regarded by fellow human beings that they dedicate their lives and are even prepared to pay the ultimate price for our freedom. God bless you all.

Anonymous ID: 10e2bc Jan. 21, 2019, 6:23 p.m. No.4854686   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

I have a mind full of questions and I would like to convey these in order to receive insights from you all, dear friends. I gaze in awe at the unfolding of this great story, certain that we are all journeying into a life that will be filled with far more kindness and love but I do have many queries. I genuinely hope these are not seen as churlish or complacent, given the enormity of the task and danger that others bear on my behalf.


Two weeks ago, I asked the question: Does 'Q' stand for 'Quantum'? Indications are that it does. Quantum for the economic/financial and quantum for the cosmos/reality. Does this mean that we are swapping an old cruel system of financial/reality control for another which is not cruel in its intentions but is nevertheless a system of control? The US appears to be instigating a programme called 'Quantum' to manage world currency and money flow which will be adopted by all countries. With regard to the cosmos/reality and existing beyond space and time in the 'quantum' field of all possibilities, we have known for ages this is factual, the question is simply how far have black projects been developed? I recently found Dr Michael Solla's interviews - this man's account is consistent with what many are sure is the case. Tesla is the focus, not Einstein (ie., rethinking Clerk Maxwell's equations). The issue: how can we ever be certain the 'quantum' financial and technological systems are and will only ever be used in a benevolent way?


How can we ever know what true reality is? It is important to gain an answer to this question because it has big implications for safety and wellbeing. If consciousness lives on after death, we have the potential to keep existing in negative or even cruel environments.


Regarding references to time travel, I hope for full disclosure, accountability and cast-iron ethics in perpetuity but I donโ€™t know how that can ever be achieved.


The importance of consciousness to the ultimate secrets of the cosmos is acknowledged to such an extent that it is even regarded as old hat in various quarters (Tesla's work focused upon it, etc) but this does not stop the Russian doll problem being the ultimate impasse. If I can have my consciousness pop out of my body using some sort of Tesla vortex/Schumann resonance device, how do I know that my substantially improved awareness will enable me to know the 'ultimate' truth about reality, if indeed there is an ultimate truth?


If the truth about reality is inside another truth and another, how do we ever know we have reached it? We could assume there are only three Russian dolls inside one another when, in fact there are 1 quadrillion. That is fine if each reality/doll layer is a heaven or great place to live but if they aren't, that is just the biggest pair of pants in the history of pants.


So, if we assume Michael Relfe and Andrew D Baslago (DARPA's 'Pegasus' project) and Airl's account (the kindly female being who spoke to the Roswell nurse), not as fact but as things that come well within what Dr Solla proposes (not because we are saying the documents/accounts are true but because we are just wanting to consider that those events or events like them are possible) - where on earth (no pun intended) does it leave us ordinary folk? Surely, we face many potential dangers and heartbreaks as we travel back and forth in time or go forward as consciousness after death.


However, if the last two pages of Airl's account are true (and Tesla's diaries and work echo these last two pages in a striking way) then those last two pages supersede all life scenarios set out in Solla, Relfe and Baslago's accounts and the first/main part of Airlโ€™s account. Those two pages literally mean that each person can create their own heavenly realm if they want and only have kind people (especially those who like a nice cheese toastie and a drink of dandelion and burdock) over to visit or live.


I am worried about the theme of amnesia in the context of quantum tech programmes and do not understand how we could ever know if amnesia has been induced โ€“ this entails the prospect of never being able to know if we consented prior to inducement of amnesia, let alone provision of informed consent in the first place.


Is Airlโ€™s account regarding amnesia and the deliberate false nature of history and religion true?


My sincere best wishes and love to you all, dear friends. Hoping all will be resolved in a beautiful ray of light.

Anonymous ID: 10e2bc Jan. 21, 2019, 6:29 p.m. No.4854782   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

I have a mind full of questions and I would like to convey these in order to receive insights from you all, dear friends. I gaze in awe at the unfolding of this great story, certain that we are all journeying into a life that will be filled with far more kindness and love but I do have many queries. I genuinely hope these are not seen as churlish or complacent, given the enormity of the task and danger that others bear on my behalf.


God is love and love is everything. However, I do have to convey that religious references are making me nervous. If a person was a sceptic they could assert that we are getting rid of one regime only for it to be replaced by another, which although extremely kind uses tech to convince us of miracles so a new messiah can emerge. We are told that no matter how many 'booms' 'Q' creates, we will always get 'R'. 'R' appears to be 'Ra'. How will we know if this is the God of All, the original creator or a being sent by him? How does this square with the possibility of other beings such as a Galactic Light Federation? So, I am looking for us to start receiving factual, common sense disclosures in this regard.


My sincere best wishes and love to you all, dear friends. Hoping all will be resolved in a beautiful ray of light.

Anonymous ID: 10e2bc Jan. 21, 2019, 6:30 p.m. No.4854798   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

To travel through space, do you merge two small infinities (black holes) to create a gravity force which creates a portal, effectively collapsing time? Regarding time travel, the following things are very interesting.


Fifth Avenue is everyone's favourite place to live, work and visit; just ponder this factually for a minute and think of EVERYONE in the 'Q' story who has ever lived, worked or visited.


Tesla's laboratory, 33-35 South FIFTH Avenue burnt down on March 1895, he stated he had lost 'the world of half my lifetime'; La Guardia Student Co-Op now resides on this site.

'I have been feeding pigeons, thousands of them for years but there was one, a beautiful bird, pure white with light grey tips on its wings; that one was different. It was a female. I had only to wish and call her and she would come flying to me. I loved that pigeon as a man loves a woman and she loved me. As long as I had her, there was a purpose to my life.'. Tesla's famous beautiful pigeon with the implication that the pigeon goes travelling through time via two infinity loops flattening into a line (getting beyond space and time to the field of all possibilities). This is where we see the importance of consciousness in relation to the quantum field of all possibility, beyond time and space.


Tesla does not seem to like time travelling himself, he just likes beautiful pigeon to do it. Tesla seems a genuine, kind man but he had a close association with and loaned money from JP Morgan, allegedly a big BIS/deep state player; this sort of thing brings up many questions regarding benevolence.


Does Mark Twain like to time travel? Does Ingersoll Lockwood like to time travel? Are Mark Twain and Ingersoll Lockwood the same person? Is Robert Underwood (the man who was instrumental in bringing about the first US laws and organisation for patents) the same person as Twain and Lockwood?


Ingersoll Lockwood was Consul to the Kingdom of Hanover in 1862. Hanover is the alleged centre of lucifarian (deliberate use of lower case, here folks) religion before it moved to Switzerland. I am genuinely hoping this is not how it seems and is part of 'the plan'. Will we be able to receive facts that are transparent and reassuring in this regard?

Anonymous ID: 10e2bc Jan. 21, 2019, 6:32 p.m. No.4854832   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

I have a mind full of questions and I would like to convey these in order to receive insights from you all, dear friends. I gaze in awe at the unfolding of this great story, certain that we are all journeying into a life that will be filled with far more kindness and love but I do have many queries. I genuinely hope these are not seen as churlish or complacent, given the enormity of the task and danger that others bear on my behalf.


Mr Donald Trump holding a white dove (a cousin of Tesla's beautiful pigeon?). I saw several interviews with Mr Trump over the years and I was always struck by his humanity, a man who listened properly, did not assume, was respectful of other peopleโ€™s assessments, displayed wonderful insight and wisdom and was quick to complement and praise others. The genuine kindness in this manโ€™s eyes and the love that he gives to us all by his sacrifice, when he has his own family and the sacrifices and efforts of his loved ones for us all is a wondrous miracle. However, I do have a factual question and I am sure the subject to which it relates is part of โ€˜the planโ€™ but I am concerned to receive some sort of transparent account in this regard. This question pertains to the matter of Resorts International Inc (alleged principle investor Baron Edmond de Rothschild). It has been alleged in reports that Wilbur L Ross Jr spent 24 years at the NY office of Rothschild Inc where he started a fund to invest in distressed assets; over $400m million was raised by Ross, enabling him to buy out this fund from Rothschild Inc and assist many companies facing bankruptcy as a result of the 2000 global recession (from high flying tech to established economy sure things such as steel). Was the aim to assist such companies, rather than let them be obliterated along with all the great genius, endeavour and hard work that had been expended in their creation and running? On the 28th of February 2017 Wilbur L Ross Jr (nominated by Donald Trump) was sworn into office as the United States Secretary of Commerce. I am genuinely hoping this is part of 'the plan' and I absolutely do not wish to be churlish, given the grave nature of the danger that we were exposed to in 2016. However, I also know that the humility and kindness shown by patriots regarding concerns is second to none and I have faith that my question will be regarded as simply a query by a genuine, interested person.


My sincere best wishes and love to you all, dear friends. Hoping all will be resolved in a beautiful ray of light.

Anonymous ID: e1ea3c Jan. 21, 2019, 7 p.m. No.4855254   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


You have valid points for business as usual DoD from 2 years ago and previous. From the inside it feels as if DoD is fully energized behind POTUS and Qs messaging.


It also feels like the stakes are much bigger now and that we are on the clock or timer. MJ12 twatter admitted that they provide a substantial amount of disinformation with the "disclosure" they provide. I do believe they are DoD mouthpiece being used for multiple purposes, including distraction.


Not a LARP=Army's 1/2Billion USD Investment in large scale subterranean warfare training for its Brigade Combat Teams. This is traditionally a super SOF function.




There are ubermench on this thread. Reminds me of ROFs.

Anonymous ID: 9c7768 STEPHEN CROTHERS | Thunderbolts Podcast Jan. 22, 2019, 6:40 a.m. No.4860137   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


This presentation is worth your time if you are interested in such topicsโ€ฆ Look over all of Stephen Crothers' presentations as there's a lot of ground to cover.

Anonymous ID: 93b04b Jan. 22, 2019, 7:43 a.m. No.4860699   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2914

Anyone watched the Edward Riordan remote viewing sessions on Qanon? The more I look into it the more my gut tells me he may very well be onto the truth of it all. I would not doubt for a minute that the psyop of Qanon is not a DARPA financed/sponsered, along with "outside entities", operation running a highly advanced AI on us, possibly for recruitment purposes, to prepare us for some major changes coming. I believe those changes to be societal more than anything natural/cosmic. This is why the constant reference to "when does it become mathematically impossible". We all know they created Facebook as a data gathering psyop and this is just another in their long list of control and replace experiments/actions. The person who asked whether Q or we are human may have the most valid questions on this board. How are we to know otherwise? ER addressed all this and the "wave" that many have felt/heard, including myself and drew pics of so called satellites or how it is being implemented on us. There is also a ufo vid on Youtube of a drone that looks very much like his drawings. Sorry, I'm not gonna go back and dig for sauce. You can do that yourself, as well as me. If as he proposes might happen, would you remain as a seriously flawed human with your experiences of so called "life" and spend all your days solving the daily problems of life or would you jump to the other side with all your problems solved, existing only for creativity/creation, with your conscience and free will controlled by an AI program to leave the burdens of problem solving behind to create, if offered the chance? I've thought about this a lot and I still can't make up my mind if I would take that chance to unburden myself from problem solving and the pains of "living" as a natural human (if we even are that to begin with). If ER's intuitions are right, this all could happen within the next 5 years or less. What do? What do? I imagine beliefs would have a lot to do with a decision like this but the thing about beliefs is that they have NO factual basis at their core. hence the "belief" instead of "truth" title. I tend to believe that there had to be an "original" creator of all that is but is it really necessary? I, unlike religions, do not have the arrogance to claim to know what that is or what it demands of us, other than that we will follow natural law, whether we like it or not. That's easily observable, though not always understood so well. Againโ€ฆwhat do?โ€ฆwhat do?

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 22, 2019, 11:01 a.m. No.4862861   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Wanted to share a semi-recent close encounter with you all that happened shortly before the december ce-5 with my teammates. Was driving home from work around 10pm headed due south. Not many cars were out. All of a sudden a low flying circle of light zoomed straight over my car in the direction I was headed and then disappeared in the middle of an unobstructed sky. It looked like a helicopter light in my untrained opinion, but was moving faster than I've seen a helicopter move. It looked to be no more than 2 football field lengths above from my position.


Another incident that happened was during the group ce-5. The host, who claims to be clairaudient, heard three very loud knocks on her door. I heard nothing. We got up and answered the door together. No one visible was there. She shut the door, then in a moment of clarity reopened it and invited whomever was there inside. Later she explained to me that her house is a paranormal-free zone and she does some kind of nightly meditation to put a protective shield of light around her house. Something along those lines, and that is her explanation for why the "beings" had to knock to receive her permission before entering, and why only the homeowner heard the knocks. Obviously I lack the means to scientifically validate or invalidate her conclusion, but it is a logical explanation for the guests picked up on camera as you can see here >>4320511


Also, you can see in the section of the CE-5 handbook dedicated to pictures of close encounters, one photo shows the background visible through a mans head, just like the bhudda figure on our puja table in the video.


>>4832945 The ce-5 handbook website. PDF download is free.

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 22, 2019, 11:07 a.m. No.4862914   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6073


Edward Riordan does legitimate work. And the guy is good.

We shouldn't be naive about QANON. We should judge it by it's merits.

But I wouldn't try to fight it either.

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 22, 2019, 11:13 a.m. No.4862994   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8661 >>2235


France literally did a CE-5 at the government level. I think this video is from before the CE-5 took place.

"โ€ฆIs a document from the Ministry of Defence of France, committing to [CSETI], to engage in a longterm project to make peaceful contact with these peaceful visitors."

Anonymous ID: 2c40e9 Jan. 22, 2019, 2:02 p.m. No.4864744   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



>Since you guys believe those orbs in photos are some entities or something.


Re read thread.

Actually the Anons called out the faggotry of lighting effects for those orbs.

And yepโ€ฆ Lots of distracting shitposts lately on here.

Then Greerfag back to spamming in 3's of things he's already posted before.

It's a pattern if you go through the past few breads.

Just a few more posts before the faggot can make the next thread with one of his floating IP's to keep controlling the narrative with Rockefeller initiative funded projects.

Will you Anons "Heed the call" to keep calling this fucker out?

>Thank you world patriots.

Anonymous ID: 93b04b Jan. 22, 2019, 3:33 p.m. No.4865777   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

I've seen many ufo but don't bother filming them. I don't see the need to, usually and most times they're gone before I could a camera out but my wife and I were filming different shit in the back yard (we live in the country) and while filming didn't notice anything but when we looked at the vid and pics there were these green plasma looking orbs that showed up in the pics. Just one orb per pic but in different positions even if the pic was taken in the same position twice or more. Sometimes, it was sitting on the ground and you could see the blades of grass in front of it, partially covering it and the next pic it may be 12' off the ground near the same spot, just higher off the ground and it seemed to follow us because we moved all around the yard and it was always there in the pics. One time it was sitting inside one of my squash plants then moved over to the garage area with us. Kinda trippy but cool, too.

Anonymous ID: ec98c7 Jan. 22, 2019, 3:34 p.m. No.4865803   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7218

Is it so outlandish to think that if you can control your orgasm, your biology follows? Then, perhaps, the coarser elements of matter?


Why is it there are the rumors humanity is mentally ill compared to ETs?


Why does Reich say all neurosis have a sexual component?

Anonymous ID: 93b04b Jan. 22, 2019, 3:57 p.m. No.4866073   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7924


I, sometimes, think like him, in that if I wanted to enter an alternate state of mind I could do it many other ways, such as deprivation tanks, DMT, shrooms, LSD, etc. and have done all that, except DMT and I would still retain the ability to have your typical human experiences, like love, hate, bliss, disappointment, etc.. but if one was to give over to this AI shit, you may well not have the burden of having to solve problems all the damn time but would you ever know such things as love and happiness and all that other emotional and intellectual stuff we humans sometimes cherish as much as life itself? Still, being able to create your own reality or even universe is a tempting thing to be considering how fucked up we humans are with our worlds. We still haven't learned not to shit in our own beds (pollution out the wazzoo). To be so "potentially" intelligent we are some very dumbass animals, all things considered. The "animals" are far smarter than us we it comes to living within natural law and every time we try to work around it we fuck up. Everydamntime. I really don't know what I'd do, yet but hell, I may not even be offered the chance since I'm not on the intellectual level the folks ER says is behind this psyop shit. Butโ€ฆI've seen many a highly educated intellectual do some really dumb shit because all their brains can't compensate for lack of experience, now matter how smart they "think" themselves to be. It makes me wonder if that's why "the plan" seems to get seriously delayed, at times because the experience factor and free will

just can't be fully accounted for in all their badass algorithms. Even Einstein fucked up the occasional math problem, from time to time. Will it bite them in the ass, eventually?

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 22, 2019, 6:18 p.m. No.4867924   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8302


You can take the humanity out of AI or the AI out of humanity.

But you cannot take the human out of humanity.


We come from a Divine source bro. No AI system can compete on that level. Think Ghost in the Machine if anyone tried.


We are so close to planetary omnicide- if it does not happen things can almost certainly only get better from here. I'm looking at 2025 as the start of very good years - a new leaf for humanity. Fire (prosperity) returns that year according to Chinese Feng shui, and the fourth turning will be coming to completion; to put it in more tangible historical terms.


But first GIABO must happen and The Great Awakening is very much a part of that. That is why I suggest we judge QANON on it's merits and keep a very, very open mind.

Anonymous ID: 93b04b Jan. 22, 2019, 6:45 p.m. No.4868302   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


I want to hope we do but no one really knows this, do they? It's still belief with no proof but yea, I don't think I'd like to lose humanity just to bail out the hassles of life. If this is a thing that can even happen and I can see and understand that it can, I just don't thinkโ€ฆyetโ€ฆthat taking a chance like that would be worth it in any kind of way. It seems like a cop out on all that life, as we know it, has to give us but, then again, what do we REALLY know? Not much, at all but I have also come to see that damn near anything is possible given the right conditions, so, againโ€ฆ.IDKโ€ฆyet. I sure don't like the idea of giving up my rights of existence or free will to unburden and create. Maybe that's what the original creator did, too because something had to have created the creator, too. That one question of who created the creator throws a monkey wrench in the whole works. It's a never ending unanswerable question.


Yea, an open mind is the only way to approach any of this shit or you will be severely let down, in the end, no matter what you believe in. Your own thoughts, on anything, is really all you have to take with you and most of those thoughts remain questions. I often think of what it would be like to know everything, at a whim, but would I really appreciate that ability and what would I do with it? I might not wish I had known if I ever get that chance but by then I may not care about such things, anymore. Big dilemma, it is.

Anonymous ID: f78b9e Jan. 23, 2019, 3:16 a.m. No.4872235   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Each one of these former congress members were paid $20,000 each to be a part of this dog and pony show. I like Steven Greer and his message of reaching out peacefully. Yes. We need to do that. But I do not agree with paying people to get to that goal which is ill conceived.

Anonymous ID: 7a204b Free ebooks on DUMBS, Branton, more Jan. 23, 2019, 4:56 a.m. No.4872637   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2696

Free EPUB on Branton, DUMBS, and much more. Branton wrote a lot about the DUMBs, it's good stuff if you are into that thing. In the zip file read the 00readme.html file for the book list.


File is about 50mb.

Anonymous ID: 7a204b Jan. 23, 2019, 5:07 a.m. No.4872717   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Helpful species are trying to raise the vibration of humans as humans are long overdue for that due to be manipulated for thousands of years. In order to raise the vibration the DNA must change.


IMO, Bad guys could be monitoring the DNA changes to see how many people have changed, what changes there are, and how to counter the changes to maintain control of planet earth.

Anonymous ID: 7a204b Jan. 23, 2019, 5:12 a.m. No.4872747   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>and programmed life forms being built under dulce.


Those are the little short grays. They are used by both good and bad guys. They are basically a biological robot that has some limited sentience of some type but not a full soul. They also have no emotions and don't understand why humans have pain and get scared from pain, so many contacts with good intentions can go very badly. This is especially true of early abductions. Newer abductions show some ships have a nurse type being that tries to calm the human down.


The supervisor grays are taller and are in charge of things.

Anonymous ID: 7a204b Jan. 23, 2019, 5:36 a.m. No.4872868   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3229



> I honestly believe that Q might be something way bigger than we can even grasp at this moment. I also think that whatever ET:s Q is working with/is being helped by knows that we must do this ourselves. We could currently experiencing what many people called the quickening and would that mean that we are being helped with what some people call ascension?


> I'm really blown away by all of this. Could someone say if I'm thinking crazy?


You're not crazy. You are thinking logically based on the info available, even though the cabal doesn't want you to know this.


The "nanosecond" was from 1987-2012 and was called The Quickening, especially by Art Bell. This was Phase I, preparing people to have their DNA adjusted and raise their frequency. Raising their frequency involves changing their DNA, but also getting info to people to read to realize what is really going on on earth, and it's been going on for 100,000+ years.


There are 3 waves of souls that decided to come to earth and help raise the vibrations of everyone, one person at a time.


First wave: Some of the Boomer generation. These were the trail-blazers. Some of them had a very hard time adjusting to the violence and competitiveness of earth and some committed suicide.


Second wave: Gen Xers. There were more of these. Some of the souls in the waves are very sensitive and some can go insane from all the violence on earth.


Third wave: Millennials. These have more very emotionally sensitive people in this group but they too, are very sensitive and have trouble adjusting to earth and all the violence and hate. Some of them commit suicide. Suicides, depression and anxiety disorders are the highest they've ever been with Millennials.


So what happens when someone doesn't know what is happening, and they are over sensitive? They lash out in frustration and create more hate and negative energy. So while some liberals might have a general idea of us eventually being in one community and helping each other, this community mindset cannot be forced, and the liberals are getting most of the details wrong, and don't realize major changes need to happen first. They also completely ignore the fact that people need to be responsible for their own actions, and that there really is no free lunch.


The conservatives have a better grasp of the details and mechanics of a community, and personal responsibility but they often lack the understanding of the spiritual side of things since they are often blinded by religion and personal fears. Many of their personal fears are actually generated by religion.

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 23, 2019, 5:54 a.m. No.4872993   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3229

So I guess you guys all saw this by now. I thought it was old news and I don't have the link sauce either but it's from a FOIA request making headlines about Pentagon research projects. Maybe someone else will find the sauce. I really don't see what the big deal is tho we already know gravity was conquered in October 1954 from the documents on so stuff like this is always more of a mind fuck than a disclosure

Anonymous ID: ec98c7 Jan. 23, 2019, 6:50 a.m. No.4873368   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Let's assume there is a synchronous underpinning to reality. Now, the orientating mechanism of conscious perception, perceives a 'realistic' opportunity of attaining some form of satisfaction. What if the orgasm reflex could overcome the inhibitive mechanism such as the perception of pain or dissatisfaction to such a conscious orientation?


Seems to me if there is a synchronous underpinning to reality then doing so is 'butterfly effect' like, considering the individual within larger social conditions.

Anonymous ID: 9cf6ff Jan. 23, 2019, 8:43 a.m. No.4874328   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6168

Damnit. Watched a really short vid ( 2.5 mins or so) by Edward Riordan, last night, that said was posted 20 mins ago, in which he discussed being burdened with knowledge but said some other things, too. I was sleepy as hell, when I watched it, so I wanted to watch it, again, to see if I missed something. It would've been posted about 14 hrs or so, by now, but after looking through my history and his channel, it's gone. Either he or Youtube took it down and it has me wondering why? He seemed kind of concerned about future events, so now, I'm concerned, too.

Anonymous ID: da8c98 Jan. 23, 2019, 8:50 a.m. No.4874397   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



>What's up with those notables?


Maybe the meme with the kid from the Matrix and the spoon with something to the effect ofโ€ฆ


"There are no notables" - Would be aptly appropriate. At least from Greerfag that is! Love you guys, keep exposing the frauds on here!

Anonymous ID: a8cf39 Jan. 23, 2019, 10:39 a.m. No.4875466   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Been done again and again throughout the breads. Shill-Baker likes to spamlock the end of the breads and ignore input. We're at 711 currently.




I want to know what the baker is doing at 711 posts. Is it the CE-5 knob-gobble again?

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 23, 2019, 4:03 p.m. No.4879794   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Feliz Cumpleanos, Rahma

Before there was steven greer and ce-5, there was rahma.


"45th Anniversary of Mission Rahma

Mission Rahma is a contact group originating in Peru. The contact groups, through awakening experiences, serves to support humanity through times of test and change."

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 23, 2019, 4:14 p.m. No.4879916   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7124


That is correct, unless someone else wants to step up to the plate there are no notables. I encourage everyone else to try. What we DO have are archives of all past breads, including number three where you claimed to be the most experienced ce5'er in the world hahaha, and number four, which has like 60 ce-5 videos!!!! Oh and was it number 2 where a ton of anons chimed in with their own contact reports? Epic sauce sizzling. Guess what is coming soon?



"Proving UFOs, extraterrestrials and Special Access Projects are real is similar to proving deep state is real. The buildup of many coincidences and "softer" proofs like notable high ranking officials saying "weird" things, having documents revealed or seeing (and feeling!) unexplained lights (either coincidentally or by your own accord - CE-5) is the current degree of proofโ€ฆ


Check with the previous threads, there is a treasure trove of valuable info posted already, you can find it in between the shilling. Trust yourself and your ability to find the Truth.


Thread #1 Link:


Thread #2 Link:


Thread #3 Link:


Thread #4 Link: "

Anonymous ID: a8cf39 Jan. 23, 2019, 4:34 p.m. No.4880168   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>including number three where you claimed to be the most experienced ce5'er in the world hahaha, and number four, which has like 60 ce-5 videos!!!!

Incorrect, you absolute dipshit.

<You are terrible at your job.

Anonymous ID: 009cfc Jan. 23, 2019, 8:40 p.m. No.4883314   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4986


I have done some novelty remote viewing (10 minutes of CRV [CIA] Style).

Results are almost always above and beyond probability (Mathematically impossible).

I always take remote viewing with a grain of salt, mainly because it uses the same sub-space matrix that is used in channeling demons and bad spirits.

But I have seen viewers that are able to avoid mind traps and get to the bottom of a target.

So I would say make sure you a spiritually stable before taking on anything like this.


I have a feeling that what he was seeing was the Q Quantum computer.

If this is true it means that Q is a Program designed to simulate our universe from the moment of creation and then choose the best time line and then give orders to be followed to maintain that time line in our universe.


This means that no matter what the [DS] does Q has seen it and has already made a move that insures what ever they do it will fail and optimal time line will be formed.

This would mean Q is the perfect machine.


If this is all true then it is to late, we (Humanity) are no longer in control, and there is no way for us to get that control back.






Q = 1/0 or qubit (This changes based on when the event happens. So all forms of Q are True until the moment they happen.)

Q+ = 0 or no action required by the Q team.

Q- = 1 or Actionable data (Top Secret) Q team takes actions based on these commands.


Q team may not be real. The Q computer may be manipulating on a level that is economic/sociological in nature thus it would not need to include any form of person, just access to the internet.


Q may not have time to make the needed moves to get us into the optimal time line as an EMP could take out the computer completely setting us back to the stone age, but Q most likely has planned for this.


None the less this is gonna be a good show.

Anonymous ID: f69370 Jan. 23, 2019, 9:14 p.m. No.4883739   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6670 >>6861

I have lurked for the last 4 ET boards and am always surprised at the wasted space due to the Greer fight.


I am personally a CE-5 believer through both experience and theory. Having established that, I believe the CE-5 theory is only clouded by the constant reference to Greer and is frankly strong enough to stand without him. This being a QResearch Board, anyone with so many black hat connections must be recused and his testimony cut out of the dialog. If it weren't a QResearch Board, bring it on.



The problem with this area of research is that ETs (good or bad) are clearly NOT going to float down and walk up to a dude with a camcorder or laser and say "here is our whole deal, did you get it all on tape?" If that was the way it was going to go down, it already would have happened by now. So what could it be? Clearly there are good and bad entities. What exactly prevents either from doing whatever they pleased with us? The very fact that most of the world population just lives normal lives is evidence that our expected ways of contact are not theirs (good or bad).


My beliefs are that this entire thing (contact/ET question) is a test of spiritual capacity. I think that is the very reason they don't just drop in and explain their whole deal. I don't think they are necessarily angels and demons but I think the same rule applies. "Try the spirits" is the only way to know. Do I risk exposure to darkness/genuine demonic control with CE-5? Absolutely. If you are afraid, don't do it. No one is twisting your arm. For me personally, I have experienced something I can't ignore. I have been to a place that felt like pure ecstasy and the only way I can describe it is 'far realer than reality.' I just thought I was going crazy because the idea of contact never entered my mind.


Now, as a pragmatist I must recognize the very real option that it could very arguably have just been easily manipulated chemicals/hormones in my own body, i.e. excess natural DMT production from my pineal gland or something similar. Is that a terrifying thought? Absolutely. But I try and live the spirit of my forebears, vikings and American patriots. I would rather trudge alone into the darkness than cower beside the light indefinitely. If there is powerful evil, there must be powerful good. Evidence or guarantees of safety will never appear - hence a leap of faith. If I am lost/murdered/possessed in the process, I believe that if great darkness can enter me, so can great light. There can be no trial of faith with safety nets. Likewise with this topic, there is no objective way to achieve 'proof.' Any such proof is subjective. Direct experiential personal knowledge may be the only way 'they' are willing to communicate. Absent this, the only useful thing to do would be to gather stories from unrelated parties with ET experiences and compare for correlation.


Three methods come quickly to mind: 1- those who just start remembering one day (like the monarch victims sometimes do), 2- those who are regressed/hypnotized to remember any direct contact, 3- those who 'channel' ETs.


This PDF:

"Secrets of the UFO" has examples from I think all 3 camps. It was written in the 70s.


The attached video with Dolores Cannon is hypnosis based. To me this is the most useful, barring direct experience or the lucky guy with the camcorder obviously. For those not wanting to watch it, she is a lifelong therapist using hypnosis as treatment. Early in her career, she noticed that when she got many of her patients 'deep enough' they all said very similar things about ETs. Far too similar to be random. Both she and the PDF discuss some of the common message.


Both of these quick sources are outside of Greer. There are many more. I have personally chosen to ignore Greer, even if he has valuable info, due to the connection with so many black hats. I must do the same with ANY OTHER SOURCES so connected. But this has not slowed me down in the least. There is a ton of CE-5 data out there to be tested personally. I have read some of the channeled info and found it very enlightening as well. Some stuff is crap. Judgment must be used.


I hope any of this is useful to someone.

Anonymous ID: eb0f23 Jan. 23, 2019, 9:47 p.m. No.4884091   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

If space is full of infinite energy, and the higgs field is supposedly the mechanism through which this works, then why are higgs bosons so rare and hard to find? Why does it take a fuckhuge particle accelerator to see a handful of particles a year? Surely someone here knows the answer.

Anonymous ID: edaa3a Jan. 23, 2019, 11:24 p.m. No.4884986   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

>>4883314 bollocks. Trinary <:>! , yes: Symbiotic, benign, or destruction. SURF :)


however:; if livE then nematode - deal with it. . .. โ€ฆ


Floor 6-13 don't exi[s]Tโ€ฆ pourquoi?


it's like jumping in a cold river: shit gets real

Anonymous ID: 9cf6ff Jan. 24, 2019, 6:27 a.m. No.4886603   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



No. That's not it. Like I said, it was only 2 and a half mins long or so. He did no viewing, only discussed his concern over what he now "knows" and being burdened with knowledge. It was, apparently, only there for a very short while then "poof", it's gone. I just lucked out in seeing, I guess. It said, posted 20 mins ago, when I saw it, so it had just gotten put up. It's not on his channel or in my view history. Just really wondering why it was taken down so quickly and by who.

Anonymous ID: a8cf39 Jan. 24, 2019, 6:35 a.m. No.4886670   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6728 >>6766


>I have lurked for the last 4 ET boards and am always surprised at the wasted space due to the Greer fight.


I don't disagree. They should get their own board - which has been mentioned before. People who are interested will go there, rather than shitting up the breads with their incessant infomercial.

Anonymous ID: 9cf6ff Jan. 24, 2019, 6:42 a.m. No.4886728   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6766 >>7896


This. Let them get their own damn board. I understand balance and to focus only on the light/good/nice ones leaves your flank wide open to be surrounded by the dark side of things. Not a good scenario for anything, it is. It's like a cow focused on the pile of hay at the end of the chute and not seeing the air hammer hanging from the beam above that pile of hay. I'll just stick to considering all things and try to avoid that damn air hammer.

Anonymous ID: da8c98 Jan. 24, 2019, 6:46 a.m. No.4886766   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



>I don't disagree. They should get their own board - which has been mentioned before. People who are interested will go there, rather than shitting up the breads with their incessant infomercial.


As long as Grโ€ฆ cough, the comp'd baker is creating these threads, I believe that will be difficult to prevent.

It should be obvious to all by now that these threads have been hijacked.

Anon's aren't happy about it.

If the BO / BV's of this board do not support a CE-5 / Greer thread, then the comp'd baker could create their own board.

It could be linked here, once.

It would save a lot of time and trouble (hundreds up hundreds of posts) of people arguing on here exposing the fuckery.




>This. Let them get their own damn board. I understand balance and to focus only on the light/good/nice ones leaves your flank wide open to be surrounded by the dark side of things. Not a good scenario for anything, it is. It's like a cow focused on the pile of hay at the end of the chute and not seeing the air hammer hanging from the beam above that pile of hay. I'll just stick to considering all things and try to avoid that damn air hammer.


Fanfuckingtastically stated Anon!

If a thread is not supported on here, I respect the choices of the BO / BV's.

Another board for Greeโ€ฆ cough, (the one we do not name) would be most appropriate.

In the end, it was imperative that the Anon's did what they did to capture and expose all the games being played here.

My hats off to you, ladies and gentlemen.

Now, we got work to do.

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 24, 2019, 6:56 a.m. No.4886861   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6923 >>7038


I am happy for you and your understanding that CE-5 floats on it's own as a toolset for making contact, independent of any one person.


Many of the drops involving Greer constitute some of the best, easily accessible open source information for people wanting to learn more about CE-5. Only the shills are fighting about him, giving me all the more reason to utilize his material. If they called me ce5anon or ce5fag maybe I would have less incentive to include Greer's material in the dialogue.

Regardless, his material is extremely useful. Who else briefs presidents on UFO's, ET, BLACK OPS, and NEW ENERGY?

Who else does this, AND has a multitude of videos proving ET is on his/her side?


These voices of "reason" that occasionally chime in with one-post i.p.'s to detract from Greer's credibility may be innocent anons. I'll never know. But the forum is better served if you try posting drops relating to ET, UFO, ANTIGRAV, DUMBS, USAPS, NEW TECHNOLOGIES, ETCS. And if you are truly lurking attentively then you know the only ones fighting over greer are the same people never providing relevant drops. Maybe a pinecone here and there, a soliloquey about lasers and dracos, but that's it.


One reason Steven Greer and anyone who says a friendly word about his work is instantly cannibalized by shills here, is because of the man's ongoing work exposing illegally operating unacknowledged special access programs. His last movie was called UNACKNOWLEDGED and focused heavily on these programs and how they have been kept secret for so long. I highly recommend it. The free version that has been available for awhile on yt wasn't the real version. This embed is the real version of UNACKNOWLEDGED

Anonymous ID: a0ce1d Jan. 24, 2019, 7:25 a.m. No.4887110   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7124 >>7896

I will bake the real thing, in which I politely recommend not participating in shill discourse and arguing. It's our collective job to separate the wheat from the chaff.


Let's not make a mess that detracts newfags trying to get informed.


I'm also considering notables that will consist of official declassified documents and other things that can be considered substantiated, so if anyone has serious docs, feel free to contribute+sauce.

Anonymous ID: da8c98 Jan. 24, 2019, 8:44 a.m. No.4887896   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8358 >>8395

Here's the biggest question Anon's seem to keep forgetting.

What happened to ID: b6d60b?

What happened to the baker?

Why did baker's ID drop off?

Why wasn't baker's ID collecting notables?

Why does a new dynamic IP pop up just to complain that (((they))) aren't the one baking?

Who IS ID: a0ce1d?

Why did that ID just pop up now?

It IS convenient how these dynamic IP's just pop up, to back up Greerfag at certain times.

Can't forget those timestamps of the last two bakes between Baker and Greerfag just minutes apart!



Look at the projection from this faggot.

Look at this interaction, Greerfag's static IP posts JUST before a 'new' dynamic IP, both linking to the new bake and both complaining about it.


SOMEONE is mad they weren't able to keep controlling these threads.

SOMEONE is mad that (((their))) tactics are being outed at every turn.


How fucking DUMB do you think people are?

How much more proof do you needโ€ฆ

<These people are STUPID. - Q


The new bake does not consist of Anon's attacking Anon's.

It consists of outing shills, which should be ridiculously obvious to anyone reading.

The notables also consist of relative digs, symbolism and history.

We do not ignore shills here.

We collect their failures of attempting to control disclosure, for all the world to see.




>This. Let them get their own damn board.

Anonymous ID: a0ce1d Jan. 24, 2019, 9:20 a.m. No.4888245   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>On January 16, 2019, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) responded to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request and confirmed that a list of 38 papers examining exotic propulsion technologies is genuine. The FOIA request was made from the anti-secrecy group the Federation of American Scientists (FAS), which filed it on August 15, 2018 and later issued a website update describing the documents received from the DIA.


Some of these include:

>Traversable Wormholes, Stargates, and Negative Energy

>Concepts for Extracting Energy from the Quantum Vacuum

>An Introduction to the Statistical Drake Equation (probabilistic argument used to estimate the number of active, communicative extraterrestrial civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy)

>Warp Drive, Dark Energy, and the Manipulation of Extra Dimensions,

>Cognitive Limits on Simultaneous Control of multiple Unmanned Spacecraft


This reads like something straight out of a sci-fi movie. When compared to various witness/contact people testimony, patterns emerge.


PDF attached, also link:

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 24, 2019, 9:37 a.m. No.4888440   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Remember when the twin ships showed up during CE-5 on vero beach. This was a message. No wonder shills hate all things remotely greer.


"Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people" -Eleanor Roosevelt