Is there a specific paper you're looking for anon?
I found a few but not sure which one you're specifically requesting.
Is there a specific paper you're looking for anon?
I found a few but not sure which one you're specifically requesting.
Yes, same guy.
One of the Rothschild's approached him and told him to go public. Most anons don't trust him.
I like what he has to say about SAP and uSAP but when he starts getting into the aliens and peace and stuff, I take it with a grain of salt. He seems shilly at times.
>What is shilly about peace? Qanon says war is a scam. (Pic).
I meant the lack of disclosure regarding Dracos and other malevolent entities out there. Alex Jones get into it a little bit with the interdimensional lizard aliens stuff but from what I've learned while down other rabbit holes seems to be that the higher in consciousness you go and the closer to source, the more lovingly peaceful you become. To be at a high enough level to be interdimensional one would be above hostilities, I would think.
Interesting lines of thought anons.
I've been trying to follow the white rabbit for some time regarding the UFO phenomenon and have listened to damn near everyone trying to come to my own conclusion.
Considering some Majestic 12 files I perused that had an interview with a surviving EBE from Aztec crash in 48, the gist of the interview was that Tesla contacted the aliens while in Colorado in 1899 and were EXTREMELY surprised by his message and he was capable of sending it and sent a response in the early 1920s to some guy using his own code (said "V code" but I couldn't find anything in my searches) but got no response so they decided to make the trip to see what was going on and the first attempt was shot down in Roswell and luckily the EBE survived the second attempt in Aztec.
The EBE revealed that they have figured out gene editing and have prolonged lives, perhaps too long according to the one EBE, but that their particular group rarely took things seriously and have made contact with people thousands of years ago and that some legends still survive in the mythos of folklore of native people in the American Southwest along with the Maya, Aztec, Inca and other peoples. The EBE also said that they (his father) helped make a concrete pad some 112,000 years ago over by New Caledonia that is utterly unexplainable considering the technology and capabilities of the people at the time and that there are proofs of contact all around but the government signed a treaty forbidding open contact and set terms regarding abductions.
The EBE said that they were capable of living entirely in space and that they didn't need a planet to tether to for survival and that we were close to achieving the same in a relatively short amount of time and that our technological advances would basically be a quantum leap, considering this interview was conducted in the late 40s to early 50s…
Considering other digs into a Galactic Council/Federation that some talking heads have mentioned, all I can find seems to be fanfic, which I would add those "interviews" with someone claiming to be a high level source within the Cabal given permission to answer any questions the sheep may have, with some restrictions. Couldn't openly divulge information but if the right questions were asked you could pretty much get your answer provided it was within the scope of what they were allowed to answer.
The YT channel Spirit Science has some videos regarding Atlantis and Lumeria and the war with Mars and Male v Female energy and consciousness that seems to align with a lot of what I've discovered trying to follow the rabbit hole. Along the same vein as that channel and what Alex Jones has ranted on about regarding transdimensional lizard aliens that feed off of our energy… what if in some regard he was right?
I know he's a shill and controlled opposition but what if that was something he was releasing as a means of predictive programming/prepping the masses? There are legends of vampires and we know the importance blood is to the Cabal, what if there are transdimensional entities that are vampiric regarding negative emotions? Sort of the whole religions of angels vs demons, as well as the Sumerian creation legend with Enki and Enlil and the Annunaki and stuff. Super advanced aliens that have the capacity to control the elements, like Avatar's benders, and understand quantum stuff and know how to manipulate matter created humans from already evolving primates through genetic manipulation–multiple varieties for various purposes. The mating with one of them Enki/Enlil, I forget which, but basically Adam and Lilith vs Adam and Eve kind of thing, created a new species that was capable of so much more than their creator once their potential was unlocked and realized and have basically spent the last several thousand ages setting up their power and ruling?
We know the Cabal worships Marduk/Lucifer/Saturn, etc. and all of that was established during the Age of Taurus, which started around 4500BC and coincides with the emergence of Bull/Saturn idolatry and the child sacrifices. Then they really took hold during the Age of Aries, which started in 1800BC and was a time of great expansion and conquest and saw the emergence and expansion of the Egyptian, Chinese, Roman, Greek, and Persian empires as well as the transformation of Marduk/Saturn into Ra/Amun Ra.
And I just had an awesome moment of realization. The current astrological age is the Age of Pisces which started around 100BC to 100AD, lots of debate. Pisces is the fish which is associated with water but the following age is also associated with water (watch the water!?), the Age of Aquarius is associated with water, the death of gods/religion, and peace, sustainability, transparency, liberation, and technology.
When did the Age of Aquarius start?