Anonymous ID: a28138 Dec. 15, 2018, 4:49 a.m. No.4320488   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6844 >>1048 >>3341 >>9225 >>0733 >>0092 >>1201 >>7372 >>4019 >>5980 >>3597 >>5625

Greetings Anons,

Welcome to the most heavily shilled thread on /Qresearch/. Take a moment to consider the following:

-The past few bakes are chock full of primary sources proving that human initiated contact, sometimes referred to as CE-5, is undeniably real.

-CE-5 is an open source hypotheis that every man, woman and child can test. In other words, YOU and ONLY YOU have the innate power to disclose the truth about ET Visitations. No government can do this for you.

-You have nothing to lose by testing CE-5 for yourself.

-You have EVERYTHING to gain by doing CE-5.

-The reason for the heavy shilling is due to the transformative (disruptive) world changes that mass sightings will cause, as well as the true power of WE, THE PEOPLE united. If the cabal can't engineer anti-ET xenophobia, they definitely can't engineer infighting on earth.

-Mass sightings will cause scientists and lay people alike to question the technologies employed by E.T., which will lead to acknowledgment and release of…

1)New propulsion systems, including anti-gravity, based on Zero Point Energy

2)Environment saving clean energy systems

3)Prosperity for all and an end to poverty within a generation

4)Medical technologies that will end virtually all diseases and ailments.

-These technologies already exist.

-We are beyond the "proof" phase of human initiated contact. The proof is archived in past breads if you need it, and new ce-5 videos will be posted here, but the current phase is to educate people on how to make contact.

-It doesn't matter if you are a scientist or a buffoon, anyone can do CE-5.

-UNITY is important.

-Scientific humility is important.

-Shills will tell you that ET are evil and/or demonic, but there is no empirical data supporting this line.

-Past breads are full of empirical data demonstrating that 90% of ET contactees report the contact as positive; desire it to continue

-50% of contactees in the Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation research study report being medically healed by ET. Many of these cases are well documented.

-We have been blasting ET out of the sky for over half a century, meanwhile they have turned the other cheek and continue to show us nothing but love.

-You can 'mentally masturbate' all day to our experiences, shared here, but if you want change and want to help THE GREAT AWAKENING the first step is to put down the computer and engage human initiated contact protocols for yourself. Can you handle the truth?

-Useful links for newfags:

CE-5 Working Group Manual:

Sirius Disclosure:

CE-5 peeps near you WW:

ET contact tool app (Helpful but not necessary): itunes:


Empirical data for smart people:

More Empirical data for smart people:

Even more Empirical data for smart people on ET medical healings:

Principle of non-hostility when making contact:

ETLet's Talk

CE5 Facebook


New Zealand:

Ultimate Disclosure Workshop:

Anonymous ID: a28138 Dec. 15, 2018, 4:49 a.m. No.4320490   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0092 >>1201 >>7372 >>4019 >>8730 >>3740 >>4905

Definition of CE-5:

"Definition: CE-5 is a term describing a fifth category of close encounters with Extraterrestrial Intelligence (ETI), characterized by mutual, bilateral communication rather than unilateral contact. The CE-5 Initiative has as its central focus bilateral ETI-human communication based on mutual respect and universal principles of exchange and contact. CE types 1-4 are essentially passive, reactive and ETI initiated. A CE-5 is distinguished from these by conscious, voluntary and proactive human-initiated or cooperative contacts with ETI. Evidence exists indicating that CE-5s have successfully occurred in the past, and the inevitable maturing of the human/ETI relationship requires greater research and outreach efforts into this possibility. While ultimate control of such contact and exchange will (and probably should) remain with the technologically more advanced intelligent life forms (i.e., ETI), this does not lessen the importance of conscientious, voluntary human initiatives, contact and follow-up to conventional CE-s types 1-4.


CSETI is the only worldwide effort to concentrate on putting trained teams of investigators into the field where 1) active waves of UFO activity are occurring, or 2) in an attempt to vector UFOs into a specific area for the purposes of initiating communication. Contact protocols include the use of light, sound, and thought. Thought - specifically consciousness - is the primary mode of initiating contact."




"There is strong evidence for the existence of ETI, civilizations and spacecraft.

ETI/ETS have been and are currently visiting the Earth.

Careful bilateral communications between ETI and humans is of continuing importance and will increase in the future.

CSETI approaches the study of ETI with cooperative, peaceful, non-harmful intentions and procedures.

The establishment of a lasting world peace is essential to the full development of the ETI-Human relationship.

Both humans and ETI, as conscious, intelligent beings, are essentially more alike than dissimilar; CSETI is dedicated to the study of both our shared and unique characteristics.

CSETI operates on the premise that ETI net motives and ultimate intentions are peaceful and non-hostile.

It appears probable that more than one extraterrestrial civilization is responsible for the ETI/ETs contact so far observed. It is likely that this represents a cooperative effort.

CSETI will attempt to cultivate bilateral ETI-human contact and relations which will serve peaceful, cooperative goals. It is NOT a goal of CSETI to acquire ET advanced technologies which may have a potential harmful or military application if disclosed prematurely."

Anonymous ID: a28138 Dec. 15, 2018, 4:50 a.m. No.4320496   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0484 >>1726 >>6378 >>0733 >>1201 >>7372 >>3883 >>4048 >>5678





>>3599238, >>4286390 Past /Disclosure/ notables


>>3635029, >>3635054, >>3635078, >>3635096, >>3635115, >>3658331, >>3683284, >>3683298, >>3683345, >>3683366, >>3709774, >>3718264, >>3727355, >>3743438, >>3625531, >>3625541, >>3625549, >>3625554, >>3625562, >>3625572, >>3625593, >>3625607, >>3625615, >>3817039, >>3830986, >>3838000, >>3842269, >>3881230, >>3895805, >>3913930, >>3918463, >>3969352, >>3976470, >>4004696, >>4014724, >>4105546, >>4114529, >>4114741, >>4125292, >>4165165, >>4192342, >>4193410, >>3180037, >>3180710, >>3248661, >>3275601, >>3495329, >>3509565, >>3520190, >>3556053, >>3556097, >>3556152, >>3556194, >>3562248, >>3563054, >>3575038, >>3582009, >>3586042, >>4320278 >>3595481, >>4320395, >>4320361, >>4320402, >>4320409, >>4320425 Human Initiated Close Encounters (CE5) Primary Sources


>>4296751 Anon's analysis of shills' agenda


>>3599311, >>3599369, >>3599412, >>3599473, >>3633741, >>3648185, >>3819979, >>3910961, >>3926690, >>3927258, >>4236019, >>3593687, >>3345108, >>3332009, >>3294687, >>3411874, >>3182401, >>3183858, >>3184144, >>4320293 USAP related


>>4272931, >>3599355, >>3900256, >>3981759, >>3623902, >>4114741, Tips on how to CE-5


>>3998997 "incarnated extraterrestrials" = starseeds


>>4210577 Roswell revisited


>>3627710, >>3638863, >>3738214, Antigrav related


>>4222600 Planefags track plane at -225' below sea level


>>3193637, >>3194457, >>3194493, >>3203228, >>3203269, >>3203326, >>3203599, >>3203936, >>3204063, >>3346201, >>3363761, >>3407444, >>3421372 Antarctica


>>3638922, >>3639092, >>3639155, >>3656180, >>3359986, >>3360936, >>3361053 Suppressed Technologies incl. New Energy


>>3639245, >>3648185, Scientific Model for Conscious Quantum Holographic Universe


>>3696175 ABA Body Language Analysis TW "abduction" case


>>4232599, >>4311855 Alleged MJ-12 docs


>>3168388, >>3180655, >>3180928, >>3276972, >>3438404 More UFO's, fewer mufon reports


>>3727113, >>3727165, >>3741424, >>3752057, >>3752148, >>3752717, >>3771402, >>4049853, >>4148676, >>3197822, >>3377382 Empirical data on ET medical healings and Contact Modalities, from Dr. Edgar Mitchell F.R.E.E. Foundation


>>3639281, >>3660663, >>3738074 Reusable Disclosure Letters/Speeches


>>3709824, >>3722833, >>3723988, >>3727210, >>3754026, >>3757907, >>3757928, >>3757945 Treaty on the Prevention of Placement of Weapons in Outer Space


>>3737836 /Disclosure/ shilled by Fake News


>>3377153 Interdasting Hostage & Non-Disclosure Theory


>>3812164 (Updated) Proposal for open source intergalactic internet that may already exist


>>3964784 Sauce on Ouamuamua harvard claim of ET intelligent design


>>3166229 Baker acknowledges CE-5 as best available evidence for ET presence


>>4320379 National Press Club, 2001. UFO Disclosure Happened Already


>>3555937, >>3555944 Comprehensive assessment of the ETI/UFO phenomenon


>>4295294 ET Let's Talking seeking Country/State CE5 Coordinators WW

Anonymous ID: a28138 Dec. 15, 2018, 12:36 p.m. No.4324853   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6732 >>3594 >>1595

Documents proving the Dr. Steven Greer was once affiliated with Bill Clinton. The so called "rockefeller initiative" is in fact called "Project Starlight."

Anonymous ID: a28138 Dec. 16, 2018, 9:13 a.m. No.4335385   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5396 >>3883 >>4408


Consciousness Interfacing Technologies

Levels of Civilization


All of this is folded within you.

Anonymous ID: a28138 Dec. 16, 2018, 9:32 p.m. No.4343087   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5453 >>5880 >>6022 >>1278



Case Study #3: James Forsyth

"Mantis-type NHIs provide spiritual tools to allow the healing of an appendicitis and post-surgery complications following the removal of a hypopituitary brain tumor. "


A few interesting anecdotes to note. The beings exhibit a high level of empathy and a low level of egotism.

And "Forsythe later learned that much of the knowledge he was being taught by the mantis beings corresponded with sacred Essene rituals, Masonic ceremonies, and the ancient Aramaic language."

I know we all here, as q followers, despise masonry, but one of my friends is an eastern star and her father was a 33rd degree mason. She is a lifelong contactee. And a DoD veteran. Her "ET Elder" is a mantid. She had a melanoma on one of her big toes and said, "CE5Anon, I'm sick of doctors. I'm going straight to ET this time."

Three days later her melanoma was completely cured.


One more anecdote. The case study says, "a witness describe the appearance of a mantis, how they moved with a darting motion, blinking in and out, and how they sat with their legs wide and their wrists together forming a triangle shape. This corresponded exactly to his own experiences. 'Then I realized,' says Forsythe, 'there is more going on here.'"


I'm NOT alleging any unscientific claims about POTUS. But this anecdote reminds me of his typical posture. (see pic)

Q did quote the guy who called us all incarnated ET's after all.


Anonymous ID: a28138 Dec. 26, 2018, 9:34 p.m. No.4482444   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I am fine, thanks… I got a brand new girlfriend and she has been preoccupying most of my time… Which is good bc I've grown so cynical in the past two years I nearly forgot how to love anything that originated from this good forsaken barbaras dungeon of a planet.


BTW Only shills call me greerfag and that is because they can't debunk human initiated contact as an idea so they attack people within the movement



I won't bow down to threats or intimidation.


I think someone here is trying to impersonate me. Not sure if I should be impressed or annoyed. Merry Christmas Anons.

Anonymous ID: a28138 Dec. 27, 2018, 8:23 a.m. No.4486264   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1982

A reminder of the decentralized nature of the CE-5 Initiative. Disclosure is a bottom-up effort.

No government can do this for you.

Even Qanon said there was too much blowback from a top-down disclosure. So take a hint and go try making contact on your own.


This is about an idea, not about people.

Unless it's We, The People!


"There are no official CE-5 representatives or trainers. An important message from Dr. Greer: It is very exciting to hear about CE-5 groups forming all over the world. This needs to be an ever increasing grassroots movement that lets the ETs know that humans are reaching out to them in Universal Peace…. It is purposely a loose structure of people learning and practicing on their own or in small groups."

Anonymous ID: a28138 Dec. 27, 2018, 9:31 a.m. No.4486920   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1982 january global ce-5 announced.

Last month 175 CE-5 teams across 14 states and 7 countries uploaded their contact reports to ET Lets Talk.

The team I am part of does not report to ET Lets Talk, so it stands to reason these numbers are only a fraction of the total number of CE-5 teams internationally.


facebook event page

Anonymous ID: a28138 Dec. 28, 2018, 9:06 a.m. No.4500952   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2253

Orb sighting over Mexico City. Check out the other vids on this channel.


BTW who shills on christmas? Seriously? I'll tell you who. cretens who have no family that loves them, who's boss must hate them, and whom have nothing but superficial love for anons in their ongoing 2-d chess battle to take control of this board. yall just need a hug.

Anonymous ID: a28138 Dec. 28, 2018, 9:44 p.m. No.4510592   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1181 >>8886 >>6979

For those following CE-5 drops, AKA human-initiated close encounters with Extraterrestrial Intelligences, you already know that we have established the underpinning philosophy of cosmic contact as something we call One Universe, One Mind, One People. That is to say, Consciousness is the "highest" common denominator that unites all living, sentient beings. Be they human, insectoid, reptillian, etc. We are all conscious, and consciousness is the primary tool we used in CE-5.


Let's do a thought experiment…. Imagine you are the CIA chief of covert consciousness ops (whom the shills on this forum telling us to shine lasers at ETV very well may be working for, if not directly, then certainly furthering the same agenda indirectly)

courtesy of Jon Rappoport


Physicists, biologists, and chemists are relentless in their pursuit of consciousness as a function of the brain. It has to be the brain. All those synapses and neurons and chemicals…and underneath them, the atoms and the sub-atomic particles…somehow these tiny particles conspire to produce consciousness and awareness.

Yet these same scientists deny that a sub-atomic particle carries any trace of awareness. The particles flow. They obey laws. That’s all.

So the experts are painted into a corner. They then speculate: “Well, you see, the increased ability to process information, the complexity of structure—naturally, this implies consciousness.”

No it doesn’t.

A Ferrari is complex. So is the IBM’s best computer. And? Where is the consciousness?

You, sitting there right now, reading these words—you understand the words; you KNOW you’re reading them; you’re not just processing information. YOU ARE CONSCIOUS.

Imagine you were the chief of a CIA section called Consciousness Covert Ops. What would you try to do, given that your motive, as always, is control?


You would try to convince the population that consciousness isn’t free and wide-ranging and powerful and independent. You would try to narrow the popular belief about consciousness.

What better way than to focus on the brain as the seat of all awareness?

“The brain functions according to laws. We’re discovering more and more about those laws. We can determine when the brain is malfunctioning. We’re learning how to correct those malfunctions.”




You’re spinning narrative about the brain as if it were a car that has to visit the shop. That’s what you want. You want to make people believe their brains need fixes, because, after all, you come out of the long tradition of CIA MKULTRA mind control.


When the brain comes into the shop, you can try to reprogram it. You can experiment. You can apply the latest technology. You can attempt to insert controls. You can place monitors in the brain, in order to observe it in real time.

At a more basic, yes, philosophic level, you want to eliminate any sort of movement claiming that consciousness is separate from the brain. You want to snuff that idea out. It’s counter-productive, to say the least. It could give rise to a renaissance of an old outmoded notion called: freedom.


What could be more free, more independent, more unique, more creative than individual consciousness that has a non-material basis?


You want to do everything you can to equate consciousness with the brain and, thus, the modern idea of the computer. Yes, the computer. Perfect.


“Consciousness is a computer operating at a very high level.”

“All computers can be improved.”

“All computers can malfunction. They can be repaired.”

And then, the ultimate coup:

“Consciousness? A very old idea that, in light of the progress of technology, has no merit. It’s really information processing. The brain handles that. The brain is a computer. We’re learning how to build a better brain…”


You’re shifting the focus of the old 1950s MKULTRA program, which mainly involved drugs and hypnosis, to a new arena. You’re coming at the territory inside the skull from a number of angles. You’re the next generation of Brave New World.


Over and above everything I’m pointing out in this article, there is a human capacity called imagination. It’s the wild card in the deck. It’s the greatest wild card ever known. It is, in fact, the cutting edge of consciousness. It invents new realities. It releases gigantic amounts of buried energy. And it’s entirely an individual proposition.


Brain=computer=consciousness is the greatest covert op on the planet. It’s supported with major money and labs and journals and armies of psychiatrists and neurological professionals and physicists and the military.


And the op is completely false, because, again, the very scientists who push it are saying the brain is composed of sub-atomic particles THAT CONTAIN ZERO CONSCIOUSNESS.


Think about that.

They’re saying consciousness arises out of particles that have no consciousness.

Anonymous ID: a28138 Dec. 28, 2018, 9:48 p.m. No.4510647   🗄️.is 🔗kun

hey i made a video with fancy graphics on how to do the coherent thought sequencing portion of CE-5 does anyone want to see

Anonymous ID: a28138 Dec. 29, 2018, 6:01 p.m. No.4513740   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5678


Handy dandy video with "illustrations" on how to try making contact with ET without buying the ET Contact Tool app.


These are the same protocols as the app, just without the bells and whistles.

Anonymous ID: a28138 Dec. 30, 2018, 8:44 p.m. No.4531150   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2417 is looking for Country and State (U.S.) CE-5 Coordinators.

Over 16 non-US countries are already on board. Almost all 50 states now have CE-5 Coordinators.

Apply here :


Based on surveys, we have extrapolated that 1.3 BILLION people are engaging in, or desire to, CE-5. Are you ready for the next phase in human evolution? Join the revolution - begin making contact with other people of the universe TODAY!


Enjoy the video.

Anonymous ID: a28138 Dec. 30, 2018, 9:51 p.m. No.4531817   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2417

Lots of drops in /Qresearch/ on the illuminatiball tonight in New York.


If you wonder why I focus only on CE-5, there are two reasons.


This is one reason.

& If Qanon is correct, it's not worth the risk to not take this seriously.

Decentralized disclosure is an end run-around cabal plans of an extinction level event.

[Stranger Things]

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 3, 2019, 9:34 a.m. No.4580046   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Happy New Year! Did y'all see the china moon landing photo's? Fake and gay except for like one pic aimed at the ground. They are in notables somewhere

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 4, 2019, 9:10 a.m. No.4594755   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5036


Anon is right. If your philosophical underpinning and motivation for wanting contact are pure, ask and you shall receive.

One Universe, One People


Flashbulbs slowed down to 1/5th speed!

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 4, 2019, 7:47 p.m. No.4603249   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5788


how many unique i.p. addresses visit this forum?


Tomorrow is global CE-5 day for both CSETI ( and People's Disclosure Movement (


If you want to "rsvp" thru facebook use this link


And don't forget to submit your contact report! If not to ETLetsTalk then at least here.


As of yesterday, 8:30pm, the ET Lets Talk participating CE-5 teams are as follows:


Arizona: 2 Teams

Cali: 2 Teams

Colorado: 1 Team

Idaho: 1 Team

Kansas: 1 Team

Mississippi: 1 Team

New Mexico: 1 Team

New York: 1 Team

Ohio: 1 Team

Oregon: 1 Team

Pennsylvania: 1 Team

Tennessee: 1 Team

Wyoming: 1 Team


Canada: 2 Teams


These numbers only represent ce-5 teams who are affiliated with and are doing ce-5 tomorrow. Hopefully I can salvage some good footage in the coming weeks from these people and share it with anons. 8-)

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 4, 2019, 8:20 p.m. No.4603597   🗄️.is 🔗kun


of FREE's book was just released to the public. This is the same organization studying "abductions" and ET medical healings referenced in >>4320488


Someone mentioned butterflies. What is the meaning?

What does an ugly, grubby, earthbound caterpillar go through in order to become a beautiful butterfly, able to soar freely?



A metaphor for the transformative effect CE-5 has on people.


"The most exciting aspect to me, a paranormalist, who began researching UAPs in 1963 with the idea that the “Alien Visitors” were an aspect of the spiritual-psychic dimensions, is that we now have a major study that recognizes contact modalities in Near Death Experiences, Out of Body Experiences, Channeling, Remote Viewing, Mystical Meditation, contact with ghosts, visitations by NHI and view all of these as interconnected through what is commonly called Consciousness. What may be the most significant finding of the survey is that approximately 85% of the study population stated that they declared their interaction with the CE changed their life in a positive way ."

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 5, 2019, 7:51 p.m. No.4621040   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Joseph Burkes MD 2015.


From the popular UFO literature and film productions the leading races of beings that play the role of the “heavies” are the so-called Grays and Reptilians.




We are forever projecting on others the darkest fears that we harbor within. UFOs are a mystery and the terrible uncertainty we find ourselves in seeks relief often by accepting the wildest scenarios.




I have been doing contact work for 25 years, intensely from 1992 to 1997 when I was a CE-5 Working Group Coordinator and occasionally since. Repeatedly I have been less than a mile from visual displays appearing as disks and triangles that were consistent with the definition of “ET spacecraft.” I have experienced on rare occasions limited telepathic communication with beings that I was led to believe were likely ET in nature.


On no occasion was any member of my teams ever injured, nor deliberately frightened by UFO intelligence. The dangers came from humans that back in the 1990s tapped our phones, made threatening calls, carried out heavy handed surveillance of our contact teams, impersonated me on the internet sending phony emails to my friends and on one occasion even shot at while when doing contact work in Mexico in 1993.


In my opinion we can only get to know this otherness that experiencers now call “ET,” not by telling scary stories in the dark, but by going out in groups of our fellow humans and engaging them, physically, mentally and if possible, spiritually. To do less I fear will doom us to be slaves of our darkest terrors.


So when it comes to stories of the “evil Reptilians” I think we should all be willing to entertain a competing narrative.

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 7, 2019, 7:33 p.m. No.4655788   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Here are the final "Global CE-5 Initiative" ET Contact event's participation numbers from this past weekend (see list of teams at end of this message):


215 Total ET Contact sites

19 USA States

6 Countries


In 2010 our Star Friends asked that we create as many ET Contact teams as possible in as many places as possible as quickly as possible!


If we do this they agreed to appear in more places as more and more humans summoned them to contact. The Star Friends further stated that someday a tipping point would be reached where SO MANY humans had seen them and interacted peacefully with them…that no government or other authority would ever again be able to coverup their presence on/near Earth by using lies and manipulation.


You can see that our monthly E.T. contact and reporting of our results ARE The "People's Disclosure Movement".


THANK YOU to everyone who participated in this past Saturday's "Global CE-5 Initiative" ET Contact event! This initiative is now in its 9th year and has produced many hundreds of great ET Contact experiences in our community.


Updated participants

This only includes those teams who reported to


Arizona: 3 Teams - Phoenix, Tuscon #1, Tuscon #2

California: 3 Teams - Sacramento, San Andreas, San Bruno

Colorado: 3 - Bellevue, Denver, Hotchkiss

Idaho: 1 - Mccall

Illinois: 1 - Arlington Heights

Indiana: 1 - Bloomington

Kansas: 1 - Wichita

Georgia: 1 - Fayetteville

Michigan: 1 - Grosse Point

Missouri: 1 - Kansas City

New Hampshire: 1 - Gilford

New Jersey: 1 - Point Pleasant

New Mexico: 2 - Alameda, Alburqurque

New York: 3 - Ithaca, Levittown, Queens

Ohio: 1 - Cinncinatti

Oregon: 2 - Eugence, Florence

Pennsylvania: 1 - Metamoras

Tennessee: 1 - Ashland City

Texas: 1 - Prosper

Wyoming: 1 - Caspar


Australia: 1 - Melbourne

Canada: 3 - Calgary, Newmarket, Toronto

France: 1 - Dieppe

New Zealand: 1 - Unspecified

Tasmania: 1 - Cygnet

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 7, 2019, 9:09 p.m. No.4657140   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9911 >>5376






Pic >These cowlards only have 1 lightning bolt.


We, The People own the light. All of the highest IQ's in the world can't stop what is coming.


Massive CE-5 drops of epic proportions incoming………

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 8, 2019, 9:07 p.m. No.4675376   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7946 >>8533

CE5Anon here. I do not know much about 8chan. I do not know how to bake- contrary to persistent accusations. I have been attempting to provide notables since no one else is doing so. I understand that there are possibly, even probably, members of Qteam who are not enthused by CE5 drops and would prefer this forum to be nothing more than a 'release valve' for true alienfags like myself. The notables I provided have gone cold. We have had at least one entire bread disappear from our records. My question is how does on make past bread notables that don't disappear? It can be done. The cabal banking/currency breads have accomplished this. See:


Subterfuge will be addressed accordingly. Moves and counter moves.


Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 9, 2019, 10:45 a.m. No.4682320   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2767


Ok. I will do my part to try and do better help going forward. The cointelpro information was particularly enlightening. Shills definitely got me with the resource burn. One of them has been dog whistling my private comms for awhile now but it's NBD. That being said, continuing with the horse metaphors, if it doesn't want the carrot it gets the stick.

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 12, 2019, 6:41 a.m. No.4724352   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4358

An experiencer from Ireland had the following pro tips on seeing more ETV's. I think it is totally accurate albeit a little wordy. copy pasta



Some in the group don't know a lot about CE-5, so please, experienced CE-5ers, please HELP these people - please add any details you can. The following is my opinion & observations.

Apart from the CE-5 Protocols (Meditation, Remote Viewing, Group Power), many things affect your level of Contact, and I've given each one a mark out of 100%, further down below. However, before the grading, please consider the 3 'Currents' below:

The 3 'Currents' - 30% importance to Contact, 10% for each 'Current'.

These Currents apply to many situations including risky ones, like if you're taking a hallucinatory drug, like LSD, lol, or even robbing a bank 🤪

(A) Current State of Mind - if you're sad, the ET will still come (to give you a lift in mood - they've done this, often, for me). However, if you're feeling cynical or full of hate, stay at home because they won't come near you. Think of it this way: 'Would you want to visit you, in this state of mind?' Thus, 'put on your best self'. Sell yourself to them, through your capacity to Love :)

(B) Current Location - the ET 'hang out' close to ley lines, ancient sites, electrical places (pylons, power-lines) and airports. They really seem to like hanging out around my house - I've seen them in 4 out of the 5 possible places i could see them from :)

(C) Current Company - if a person with bad intentions is in your viewing group, they can ruin a whole group viewing, just by being there. In my experience, the ET are truly SICKENED by all forms of negativity.


Equipment (lasers, cameras, sensors) - ONLY 5-10% importance to Contact!!!


Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 12, 2019, 6:41 a.m. No.4724358   🗄️.is 🔗kun




The remaining 60% is split equally between 2 things:

your intentions and YOU, yourself:

  1. Your good intentions - 30% importance to Contact.

You should not be seeking UFO to massage your ego, or gain power, money, friends or sexual partners. Your main intention should be to learn from & become 'friends' with the ET.

  1. YOU, your attitude - 30% importance to Contact.

You should be, or try to be, the following:

(A) Be a loving, kind and positive person.

(B) Be open to all possibilities because you'll experience many strange things, as you seek ufo, more and more.

(C) Be open to the emotions of yourself and others. Many believe that the ET are here primarily to study our emotions … so 'make 'em good emotions/intentions'. Don't be afraid or embarrassed by the emotions of other people, or yourself - they are priceless!!!

(D) Have faith that the ET both exist & are benevolent. Why would anyone what to meet a non-benevolent ET, or a non-benevolent anything? If I thought that ANY of the ET or UFO were non-benevolent, I'd likely never say the acronyms, ET & UFO, ever again. If you're obsessing about 'military craft' or 'evil Aliens', you're likely to see nothing, ever. I've never thought of these negative things and that's one of the main reasons I've been seeing for 30-45 years, without one bad thing happening to me, in all of that very long time …

(E) Be committed. They want to see you put in the work, too. It's very much a 'give and take' relationship, rather than a 'take and take' one. I believe that they 'test' your commitment first, then they give you breaks/concessions as a reward or when you're getting tired of being tested. Those breaks/concessions are INCREDIBLE sightings of UFO - really Magical stuff that will change your life, immediately.

(F) Be patient because you'll reach many, many dead-ends, along the way + you have to stand outside, for hours on end. There are nights that I go out viewing for 2/3 hours and see mostly nothing. On these occasions, I say something like this, to the sky:

"It's okay, I know you're busy. Thank you very much for all you've shown me already. It is incredible stuff that has changed my life and myself, greatly."

Do 'speak with the sky' to let the Presence know that you are aware of it … that will lead to the Presence being aware of you.

(G) Love Nature and animals. We may be akin to being the 'pets of the ET'. Thus, if you expect & want to be treated in a nice way by the ET then you should respect & treat kindly the things that are 'under you' or 'influenced by your control' - that would be animals and Nature :) Some of my best sightings occurred while I was admiring Nature, in total awe of it.

(H) Be mannerly & respectful. Don't give up just because they didn't turn up for you. Don't demand that they turn up. Remember, that they are likely very busy, all over the Universe & all through Time, probably.


NOTE: If you don't have these characteristics, already, embrace them, wholeheartedly. Everyone is capable of change & so are you. These things will make you a better AND a happier person. Even if you have to 'force it', do so. As a close friend says,

'Fake it (these attitudes) until you make it'.

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 12, 2019, 6:47 a.m. No.4724408   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8974

Did someone just say muh dr steven greer please? Ok. This just out as of today - petaluma workshop on the conscious quantum holographic universe. An 8 page pdf on the same subject was dropped in this post earlier in this thread: >>4335385

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 13, 2019, 6:25 p.m. No.4745408   🗄️.is 🔗kun

friendly reminder of our CE-5 discord channel

I think this link works for invites?

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 13, 2019, 6:29 p.m. No.4745461   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Clif is fun to listen to.

Think for yourself. He is a self proclaimed schizophrenic who says we should hunker down and shoot ET to smithereens, and equates mushroom trips to et contact.

He has never tried CE-5. Guy talks out his ass more than just about anyone.

He also constantly bashes qanon on twitter @clif_high


If you like clif high, you will LOVE this particular interview he gave.

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 13, 2019, 6:37 p.m. No.4745579   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Remember that among contactees, mantis beings have a reputation for being extremely peaceful and selfless. They were even featured in Beyond UFO's: The Science of Consciousness and Contact Modalities chapter six, available free thru this pdf, covering ET medical healings. This information comes from the Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation research study into the topic.


I personally know someone who has been healed of melanoma by mantis beings.


Except from the chapter: "Case Study # 3: James Forsythe. Mantis-type NHIs provide spiritual tools to allow the healing

of an appendicitis and post-surgery complications following the removal of a hypopituitary brain tumor. "

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 14, 2019, 7:41 a.m. No.4750881   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Relevant drops include data pertaining to

1) ET's

2) UFO's

3) "New paradigm" Technologies

4) Antigrav

5) Underground Bases

6) etc (Such as consciousness)

If this is you?


Sample CE-5 drop >pics

Falls under ET and UFO categories

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 14, 2019, 9:44 p.m. No.4760523   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2254 >>2274


World Patriots.



They will make you (like I did) make an ass of yourself.

They are playing the long game.

They are using intentionally flawed arguments.

TRUST that your fellow anons are intelligent enough to see through the deception.










The shills are not going away, just as I AM not going away ce-5 drops and steven greer drops will persist in perpetuity.


Keep your eye on the prize. This thread is miniscule compared to the actual outreach being done offline for disclosure and et-human contact based on universal principles of contact and exchange.

Outreach from the thousands of ce-5 teams WW.

Outreach from patriots on both sides of the aisle at






Consider the actual law of one. A universal law. Do not make the same mistakes as ce5anon has made. LEARN.

"We are all one.

When one is harmed, all are harmed.

When one is helped, all are helped.

Therefore, in the name of who I AM, and I AM one with all there is, I ask that only the highest good of all concerned happen.

I give thanks that this is done.

So be it and so it is."


If your heart is truly with WE, THE PEOPLE, be patient and try to do the right thing. The universe will provide for those on her side.

For my part… massive CE-5 drops incoming. But not like before, where resource burn and intentionally flawed arguments rue'd the day.



The real action is in CE-5 FIELDWORK. This forum is child's play, but the shills would not be out in full force if we were not making a difference.


enjoy Another Greer-GAIA Segment


p.s. forum slides and being shilled are a badge of honor, patriot.

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 15, 2019, 7:27 a.m. No.4763670   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3917

The real action is happening in these decentralized groups of everyday citizens that meet offline and make contact with ET for the benefit of all humanity.

That is why those here who have not made contact but are waiting for the next big shoe to drop will be waiting a very, very long time.

Keep your eye on the prize :-)

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 16, 2019, 3:36 p.m. No.4783048   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Advanced technology>>

ZPEcoin revised white paper.

I stopped updates on this company after fellow Anons struggled to reproduce some of their proof of concept videos. They seem to be progressing steadily and well nonetheless.


According to this white paper their radiant power panel extracts energy from cosmic background radiation and is in commercial development.

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 16, 2019, 3:40 p.m. No.4783092   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5327


I was sitting by my fire pit last night listening to music and sang "this is the remix to ignition" and then the song popped up on the YT playlist.


Privacy is obsolete. Gone. Kapoof. Bye-Bye. IMO it was a man-made construct to begin with. Not even our thoughts are truly private. Psuedonymity is all that remains.

Anonymous ID: a28138 CE-5 proof of ET contact video Jan. 16, 2019, 3:58 p.m. No.4783310   🗄️.is 🔗kun





"Proving UFOs, extraterrestrials and Special Access Projects are real is similar to proving deep state is real. The buildup of many coincidences and "softer" proofs like notable high ranking officials saying "weird" things, having documents revealed or seeing (and feeling!) unexplained lights (either coincidentally or by your own accord - CE-5) is the current degree of proof. "


Thread #1 Link:

Thread #2 Link:

Thread #3 Link:

Thread #4 Link:

Anonymous ID: a28138 OUMUAMUA Jan. 16, 2019, 4:30 p.m. No.4783715   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7830




Avi Loeb, the chair of harvard's astronomy department, and Schmuel Bialy, harvard postdoctoral fellow, double down on their theory that OUMUAMUA may be of intelligent ET origin.

Hot off the press.


"We don’t have a photo, but, in all the artists’ illustrations that you have seen on the Web, it looks like a cigar. That’s one possibility. But it’s also possible that it’s a pancake-like geometry, and, in fact, that is favored."


"…then it is maybe a light sail, and I could not think of any natural process that would make a light sail. It is much more likely that it is being made by artificial means, by a technological civilization."


"An advanced technological civilization is a good approximation to God. Suppose you took a cell phone and showed it to a caveperson. The caveperson would say it was a nice rock. The caveperson is used to rocks. So now imagine this object—‘Oumuamua—being the iPhone and us being the cave people. We look at it and say it’s a rock. It’s just an unusual rock. The point of this analogy is that, for a caveperson, the technologies we have today would have been magic. They would have been God-given."

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 17, 2019, 8:04 a.m. No.4791160   🗄️.is 🔗kun



yeah i checked their clothes out, some are pretty cool looking!



someone uploaded two hours of witness testimony to YT. There's a TON of witnesses of the highest credibility just in the very opening of this documentary.

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 17, 2019, 8:31 a.m. No.4791441   🗄️.is 🔗kun


China plants cotton on the moon

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 18, 2019, 5:39 a.m. No.4804263   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Two MORE hours of witness testimony. both links to both portions of the documentary:

part 2

part 1

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 19, 2019, 5:47 a.m. No.4819018   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Your experience is totally valid. Sometimes people have contact with beings in altered states that they think are ET, but are not, and sometimes they do have contact with ET during altered states. I had a dmt experience where I met David Rockefellers soul. Later found out it was the day after he died. That was my only dmt experience.


The Dr. Edgar Mitchell F.R.E.E. Foundation includes contact through hallucinagens in their research of consciousness and contact modalities. So basically you have a bunch of scientists backing you up on this one and you are not crazy.

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 20, 2019, 4:31 a.m. No.4832945   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2861





TIL the PDF version is free!!! This manual was written in large part by the calgary, canada CE-5 group. Don't worry you're going to get plenty of drops from this thing in the future whether you check it out now or not. This guide is incredibly useful and easy to read.

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 22, 2019, 11:01 a.m. No.4862861   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Wanted to share a semi-recent close encounter with you all that happened shortly before the december ce-5 with my teammates. Was driving home from work around 10pm headed due south. Not many cars were out. All of a sudden a low flying circle of light zoomed straight over my car in the direction I was headed and then disappeared in the middle of an unobstructed sky. It looked like a helicopter light in my untrained opinion, but was moving faster than I've seen a helicopter move. It looked to be no more than 2 football field lengths above from my position.


Another incident that happened was during the group ce-5. The host, who claims to be clairaudient, heard three very loud knocks on her door. I heard nothing. We got up and answered the door together. No one visible was there. She shut the door, then in a moment of clarity reopened it and invited whomever was there inside. Later she explained to me that her house is a paranormal-free zone and she does some kind of nightly meditation to put a protective shield of light around her house. Something along those lines, and that is her explanation for why the "beings" had to knock to receive her permission before entering, and why only the homeowner heard the knocks. Obviously I lack the means to scientifically validate or invalidate her conclusion, but it is a logical explanation for the guests picked up on camera as you can see here >>4320511


Also, you can see in the section of the CE-5 handbook dedicated to pictures of close encounters, one photo shows the background visible through a mans head, just like the bhudda figure on our puja table in the video.


>>4832945 The ce-5 handbook website. PDF download is free.

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 22, 2019, 11:07 a.m. No.4862914   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6073


Edward Riordan does legitimate work. And the guy is good.

We shouldn't be naive about QANON. We should judge it by it's merits.

But I wouldn't try to fight it either.

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 22, 2019, 11:13 a.m. No.4862994   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8661 >>2235


France literally did a CE-5 at the government level. I think this video is from before the CE-5 took place.

"…Is a document from the Ministry of Defence of France, committing to [CSETI], to engage in a longterm project to make peaceful contact with these peaceful visitors."

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 22, 2019, 6:18 p.m. No.4867924   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8302


You can take the humanity out of AI or the AI out of humanity.

But you cannot take the human out of humanity.


We come from a Divine source bro. No AI system can compete on that level. Think Ghost in the Machine if anyone tried.


We are so close to planetary omnicide- if it does not happen things can almost certainly only get better from here. I'm looking at 2025 as the start of very good years - a new leaf for humanity. Fire (prosperity) returns that year according to Chinese Feng shui, and the fourth turning will be coming to completion; to put it in more tangible historical terms.


But first GIABO must happen and The Great Awakening is very much a part of that. That is why I suggest we judge QANON on it's merits and keep a very, very open mind.

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 23, 2019, 5:54 a.m. No.4872993   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3229

So I guess you guys all saw this by now. I thought it was old news and I don't have the link sauce either but it's from a FOIA request making headlines about Pentagon research projects. Maybe someone else will find the sauce. I really don't see what the big deal is tho we already know gravity was conquered in October 1954 from the documents on so stuff like this is always more of a mind fuck than a disclosure

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 23, 2019, 4:03 p.m. No.4879794   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Feliz Cumpleanos, Rahma

Before there was steven greer and ce-5, there was rahma.


"45th Anniversary of Mission Rahma

Mission Rahma is a contact group originating in Peru. The contact groups, through awakening experiences, serves to support humanity through times of test and change."

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 23, 2019, 4:14 p.m. No.4879916   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7124


That is correct, unless someone else wants to step up to the plate there are no notables. I encourage everyone else to try. What we DO have are archives of all past breads, including number three where you claimed to be the most experienced ce5'er in the world hahaha, and number four, which has like 60 ce-5 videos!!!! Oh and was it number 2 where a ton of anons chimed in with their own contact reports? Epic sauce sizzling. Guess what is coming soon?



"Proving UFOs, extraterrestrials and Special Access Projects are real is similar to proving deep state is real. The buildup of many coincidences and "softer" proofs like notable high ranking officials saying "weird" things, having documents revealed or seeing (and feeling!) unexplained lights (either coincidentally or by your own accord - CE-5) is the current degree of proof…


Check with the previous threads, there is a treasure trove of valuable info posted already, you can find it in between the shilling. Trust yourself and your ability to find the Truth.


Thread #1 Link:


Thread #2 Link:


Thread #3 Link:


Thread #4 Link: "

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 24, 2019, 6:56 a.m. No.4886861   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6923 >>7038


I am happy for you and your understanding that CE-5 floats on it's own as a toolset for making contact, independent of any one person.


Many of the drops involving Greer constitute some of the best, easily accessible open source information for people wanting to learn more about CE-5. Only the shills are fighting about him, giving me all the more reason to utilize his material. If they called me ce5anon or ce5fag maybe I would have less incentive to include Greer's material in the dialogue.

Regardless, his material is extremely useful. Who else briefs presidents on UFO's, ET, BLACK OPS, and NEW ENERGY?

Who else does this, AND has a multitude of videos proving ET is on his/her side?


These voices of "reason" that occasionally chime in with one-post i.p.'s to detract from Greer's credibility may be innocent anons. I'll never know. But the forum is better served if you try posting drops relating to ET, UFO, ANTIGRAV, DUMBS, USAPS, NEW TECHNOLOGIES, ETCS. And if you are truly lurking attentively then you know the only ones fighting over greer are the same people never providing relevant drops. Maybe a pinecone here and there, a soliloquey about lasers and dracos, but that's it.


One reason Steven Greer and anyone who says a friendly word about his work is instantly cannibalized by shills here, is because of the man's ongoing work exposing illegally operating unacknowledged special access programs. His last movie was called UNACKNOWLEDGED and focused heavily on these programs and how they have been kept secret for so long. I highly recommend it. The free version that has been available for awhile on yt wasn't the real version. This embed is the real version of UNACKNOWLEDGED

Anonymous ID: a28138 Jan. 24, 2019, 9:37 a.m. No.4888440   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Remember when the twin ships showed up during CE-5 on vero beach. This was a message. No wonder shills hate all things remotely greer.


"Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people" -Eleanor Roosevelt