Sorry, not on the internet much. Check out Grant Cameron and his latest info for the genetic stuff. He is the source for the information that they have gene mapped the marker for those who are more likely to have contact experiences. I believe this is from Dr. Gary Nolan and Dr. Kit Green's work. They allegedly have also been able to gene map the white blood cells of people injured by close contact with powered up craft - i.e., experiencers, researchers, and military personnel that have been in close proximity to these craft that are emitting high levels of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation.
I'm pretty pessimistic about anything that has CIA fingerprints on it. But having had enough anomalous experiences in my life I do believe there is a concerted effort to drip feed the real story to the public. But it is wrapped in so much horseshit. I swear, CIA can't do anything the straightforward and honest way. They just can't help themselves.
Take Greer and DeLong for example. Both are being fed information from the government. Greer says all ET's are good. DeLong says all ET's are bad. Both of them are full of shit.
Something is happening and it is real, but anyone that says they have the Truth is deluded. IMO, the only way to know what is really going on is to trust yourself. The truth is out there, but they won't give it to you.