Anyone watched the Edward Riordan remote viewing sessions on Qanon? The more I look into it the more my gut tells me he may very well be onto the truth of it all. I would not doubt for a minute that the psyop of Qanon is not a DARPA financed/sponsered, along with "outside entities", operation running a highly advanced AI on us, possibly for recruitment purposes, to prepare us for some major changes coming. I believe those changes to be societal more than anything natural/cosmic. This is why the constant reference to "when does it become mathematically impossible". We all know they created Facebook as a data gathering psyop and this is just another in their long list of control and replace experiments/actions. The person who asked whether Q or we are human may have the most valid questions on this board. How are we to know otherwise? ER addressed all this and the "wave" that many have felt/heard, including myself and drew pics of so called satellites or how it is being implemented on us. There is also a ufo vid on Youtube of a drone that looks very much like his drawings. Sorry, I'm not gonna go back and dig for sauce. You can do that yourself, as well as me. If as he proposes might happen, would you remain as a seriously flawed human with your experiences of so called "life" and spend all your days solving the daily problems of life or would you jump to the other side with all your problems solved, existing only for creativity/creation, with your conscience and free will controlled by an AI program to leave the burdens of problem solving behind to create, if offered the chance? I've thought about this a lot and I still can't make up my mind if I would take that chance to unburden myself from problem solving and the pains of "living" as a natural human (if we even are that to begin with). If ER's intuitions are right, this all could happen within the next 5 years or less. What do? What do? I imagine beliefs would have a lot to do with a decision like this but the thing about beliefs is that they have NO factual basis at their core. hence the "belief" instead of "truth" title. I tend to believe that there had to be an "original" creator of all that is but is it really necessary? I, unlike religions, do not have the arrogance to claim to know what that is or what it demands of us, other than that we will follow natural law, whether we like it or not. That's easily observable, though not always understood so well. Again…what do?…what do?
I've seen many ufo but don't bother filming them. I don't see the need to, usually and most times they're gone before I could a camera out but my wife and I were filming different shit in the back yard (we live in the country) and while filming didn't notice anything but when we looked at the vid and pics there were these green plasma looking orbs that showed up in the pics. Just one orb per pic but in different positions even if the pic was taken in the same position twice or more. Sometimes, it was sitting on the ground and you could see the blades of grass in front of it, partially covering it and the next pic it may be 12' off the ground near the same spot, just higher off the ground and it seemed to follow us because we moved all around the yard and it was always there in the pics. One time it was sitting inside one of my squash plants then moved over to the garage area with us. Kinda trippy but cool, too.
I, sometimes, think like him, in that if I wanted to enter an alternate state of mind I could do it many other ways, such as deprivation tanks, DMT, shrooms, LSD, etc. and have done all that, except DMT and I would still retain the ability to have your typical human experiences, like love, hate, bliss, disappointment, etc.. but if one was to give over to this AI shit, you may well not have the burden of having to solve problems all the damn time but would you ever know such things as love and happiness and all that other emotional and intellectual stuff we humans sometimes cherish as much as life itself? Still, being able to create your own reality or even universe is a tempting thing to be considering how fucked up we humans are with our worlds. We still haven't learned not to shit in our own beds (pollution out the wazzoo). To be so "potentially" intelligent we are some very dumbass animals, all things considered. The "animals" are far smarter than us we it comes to living within natural law and every time we try to work around it we fuck up. Everydamntime. I really don't know what I'd do, yet but hell, I may not even be offered the chance since I'm not on the intellectual level the folks ER says is behind this psyop shit. But…I've seen many a highly educated intellectual do some really dumb shit because all their brains can't compensate for lack of experience, now matter how smart they "think" themselves to be. It makes me wonder if that's why "the plan" seems to get seriously delayed, at times because the experience factor and free will
just can't be fully accounted for in all their badass algorithms. Even Einstein fucked up the occasional math problem, from time to time. Will it bite them in the ass, eventually?
I want to hope we do but no one really knows this, do they? It's still belief with no proof but yea, I don't think I'd like to lose humanity just to bail out the hassles of life. If this is a thing that can even happen and I can see and understand that it can, I just don't think…yet…that taking a chance like that would be worth it in any kind of way. It seems like a cop out on all that life, as we know it, has to give us but, then again, what do we REALLY know? Not much, at all but I have also come to see that damn near anything is possible given the right conditions, so, again….IDK…yet. I sure don't like the idea of giving up my rights of existence or free will to unburden and create. Maybe that's what the original creator did, too because something had to have created the creator, too. That one question of who created the creator throws a monkey wrench in the whole works. It's a never ending unanswerable question.
Yea, an open mind is the only way to approach any of this shit or you will be severely let down, in the end, no matter what you believe in. Your own thoughts, on anything, is really all you have to take with you and most of those thoughts remain questions. I often think of what it would be like to know everything, at a whim, but would I really appreciate that ability and what would I do with it? I might not wish I had known if I ever get that chance but by then I may not care about such things, anymore. Big dilemma, it is.