Anonymous ID: 66e0f5 Dec. 24, 2018, 8:21 a.m. No.4451441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1666 >>2689



Would you be interested in learning remote viewing to explore the Moon for yourself? It's simpler than what you might think and with multiple people attempting it we can juxtapose the results to obtain some form of objectiveness.

Anonymous ID: 66e0f5 Dec. 24, 2018, 8:47 a.m. No.4451666   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2689 >>4043



Here is a basic exercise:


Right now in front of your computer turn your head 180 degrees around to view with your eyes the front half of your room. Do so slowly and as you go through memorize intensely any object that catches your attention, remember its position and shape. When you feel confident enough, slowly turn your head again 180 degrees as you did before but this time with your eyes closed; as you do so try to recreate in your mind the room as you saw with your eyes open, using this time your sole imagination. Try to remember the objects you memorized before and attempt to place them as precisely as you can in your mind's eye. Open your eyes to verify.


The next step is to try view the same room and objects with your eyes closed, without turning your head around. It must be fixed in place, only your mind's eye turns around as it recreates the room.

Open your eyes and verify. Don't worry if your imagination creates visual artifacts of any kind, simply focus on the room.


When you feel confident enough, the step afterwards is to try turn your mind's eye 360 degrees all around you to view the rest of the room that is behind your head, without having seen it with your open eyes beforehand. See what you see with your mind, perhaps you might identify large objects such as furniture. Don't worry if you feel like it is your memory doing the work for you, it is partly intentional.

If it is your first time, you might not be able to spot small objects. You might see the foggy contour of large pieces of furniture and nothing else, but that is a very good step forward. Turning your mind's eye 360 may also prove uneasy, physically it would mean snapping your neck, it is obvious it is not a natural movement, which is why it is part of the exercise.


Finally, try to use your mind's eye to explore the room… without being fixed to your head. Simply take the jump with your imagination and start floating around the room you recreated. Try see your physical body from an outside perspective as it stands (or rather sits) in the room. Explore the hidden corners of your room over shelves, behind furniture, within furniture. Try going to the next room, maybe your bathroom, see what you can see.

You are free to go wherever you want now. All you have to do is to trust in yourself, be armed with a healthy dose of cynicism if you're afraid to lose your sanity and verify with your open eyes if you feel too insecure.


Easy as that. Some people have a talent for it, but every person who practices every night in their bed before falling asleep, for one month, will become VERY proficient at it.


If enough anons gather, we could start exploring the Moon and share stories.

Anonymous ID: 66e0f5 Dec. 24, 2018, 6:04 p.m. No.4457536   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7689





If we were to take Remote Viewing seriously we might end up in our hands with some interesting results.

The only problem would be on how to organize a group of anons. Perhaps we should set a date on which we share what we've seen, on a new thread even.


Personally I have already done remote viewing upon the dark side of the Moon and its interior, however I really do not want to influence other anons, therefore I would rather wait until a set date when everyone has already done their share independently.

I have lead a group of remote viewers before and have their records as well, with a few images provided too. Might share those on the chosen day.


We are all anonymous towards each other so there is no shame, nor do you have anything to lose by trying.

Anonymous ID: 66e0f5 Dec. 24, 2018, 6:30 p.m. No.4457836   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Sorry but it doesn't matter if it's me or someone else or whatever. We're all anonymous here, I'm posting Thoth just for personal preference, kind of how you'd post a pair of boobs if you really liked those titties.


I'm not sure what to give you, all I care about is that the remote viewing project happens.

You can obviously see it with extreme cynicism and you'd be right to do so, you don't have to participate or believe in it.


It's just a fun project for those willing to try.