>As for CE5 or whoever these are - imo just another psyop to control the narrative and push a lot of disinformation.
Organic conversation?
>Can we get some Sauce on the RHneg info? In particular that a gov group is looking for them?
I'd like some sauce as well… vs. speculation.
>Agree that CE5 is just a great way to get people to sit around talking to aliens in their minds as opposed to actually researching it.
Which luckily we are doing here.
There is no credible research associated with CE-5, none whatsoever.
Contact methods yes, research no.
>The point of conscious contact is to see and feel ships of positive ETs.
Closing our eyes and imagining something is real, doesn't make it real unfortunately.
No matter how much we want it to be.
How many times has this occurred during the history of our civilization?
"Feelings" can be easily constructed / manipulated by the individual.
Seeing is believing.
>Federation bases like ECETI ranch
>If you are a shill hellbent on destroying some imaginary narrative then I cannot help you and I won't reply further.
Would you care to fill us in on the imaginary narrative? Who exactly are the "shills" here?
Hopefully you can help us…