Anonymous ID: da8c98 Dec. 18, 2018, 4:16 a.m. No.4358052   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8096 >>3077 >>4259 >>5517



>As for CE5 or whoever these are - imo just another psyop to control the narrative and push a lot of disinformation.


Organic conversation?




>Can we get some Sauce on the RHneg info? In particular that a gov group is looking for them?


I'd like some sauce as well… vs. speculation.


>Agree that CE5 is just a great way to get people to sit around talking to aliens in their minds as opposed to actually researching it.


Which luckily we are doing here.

There is no credible research associated with CE-5, none whatsoever.

Contact methods yes, research no.




>The point of conscious contact is to see and feel ships of positive ETs.


Closing our eyes and imagining something is real, doesn't make it real unfortunately.

No matter how much we want it to be.

How many times has this occurred during the history of our civilization?

"Feelings" can be easily constructed / manipulated by the individual.

Seeing is believing.


>Federation bases like ECETI ranch




>If you are a shill hellbent on destroying some imaginary narrative then I cannot help you and I won't reply further.


Would you care to fill us in on the imaginary narrative? Who exactly are the "shills" here?

Hopefully you can help us…

Anonymous ID: da8c98 Dec. 20, 2018, 3:14 a.m. No.4389186   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9274 >>9580 >>5625


>Who would work this diligently to prevent We, The People


You do realize you're using the exact same speech patterns, grammar and syntax as when you post on your static IP, Greershill? At least try to make yourself sound a bit different if you're using a floating IP trying to draw attention back on yourself when all the Anons have figured out your game.


This is just TOOOOO obvious. Has griershill used "we the people" before? I bet (YOU) have!


Oh yeah, it IS kind of funny that you took a screenshot of BOTH the comp'd baker and griershill right underneath it. Coincidence? Really? Do you really think people can't figure out what you're doing?


>That would explain the heavy shilling. the death threats.


I think you probably made that death threat against yourself, with guess what, your OWN FLOATING IP. Why? So you could do EXACTLY what you're doing now.


>I just wish I had more instruction on how to make contact with ET

So what you're asking for is 500 more posts drawing attention back to (YOU)?


>baker seems to agree.



Once again… why would you be so STUPID to take a screenshot of both the baker with the "coincidentally" immediately followed griershill post? Dude… you really need to up your game if you think people aren't going to figure this shit out. (((They))) aren't sending us their best, this much is obvious!


>So how is "ce5" done?


Lmao, as a long time lurker with 500 posts on this and countless links to grierfag material, is that a legit question?

No… you're not trying to put yourself back in the spotlight :)


>love and light to all


This is just as patronizing as your "world patriots" slogan. Seriously dude… you really need to rethink your strategy. I for one am thrilled we have all this captured on the board.





Anonymous ID: da8c98 Dec. 20, 2018, 3:34 a.m. No.4389274   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5625



>maybe human initiated contact really is the answer


Wait a second… hasn't grierfag used the phrase "human initiated contact" many many times on here BEFORE?


He's saying the EXACT same things with his floating IP.

This is absolutely HILARIOUS.

I am seriously LAUGHING MY ASS OFF at (YOU) right now grierfag… your last post is the absolute best proof positive that you HAVE been using different IP's to support your narrative. It's ALL been captured now and it will be saved. You CANNOT escape this.


>Why are human initiated close encounter protocols (CE5) shilled so intensely?

>So how is "ce5" done?


Yeah… you're not trying to draw attention to yourself kiddo. You're not trying to make the Anons think that random Anons on here actually BELIEVE in your narrative.


(YOU) have fallen flat on your face, in the most SPECTACULAR display of STUPIDITY I have EVER seen on this board.

Anonymous ID: da8c98 Jan. 7, 2019, 8:53 a.m. No.4646075   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7512 >>9686 >>4173 >>2497 >>5625 >>1314



Greer with no sauce claims all ET's are peaceful.

Greershill with no sauce claims all ET's are peaceful.

Greer and Greershill completely disregard all factual evidence, history and hieroglyphs.

Legit researchers, those with connections, those in 'the know', and those with credentials (such as William Tompkins) reveal a very compelling narrative regarding Draco's.

You all truly have to ask yourselves… why has so much effort been spent by the Cabal / MSM (Cabal owned) / Hollywood (Cabal owned) / History Books (Cabal controlled) / Pop Culture (Cabal controlled) to ridicule those who question the ET paradigm / Draco's?

Why is so much of it hidden in plain sight?

Why is SO much effort being spent in every facet of our society to dissuade individuals from researching into this?

So much effort to ridicule?

If ALL ET's were peaceful and had good intentions for us, why have so many people DIED trying to pursue the truth?

That's the simplest question you need to ask yourselves.

It is the mark of an arrogant fool to claim either (X) or (Y) variable be an all encompassing totality.

Anyone who states "all are good" or "all are bad" have an agenda.

It's impossible for all ET's to be peaceful.

It's impossible for all ET's to be evil.

Light cannot exist without darkness.

This is pervasive throughout the entire universe.

It is pure ignorance to believe otherwise.

It is insanity to push this belief on others.


"One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.” - Carl Jung


"The brighter the light, the darker the shadow" - Carl Jung


It is now perfectly clear why such desperate attempts are being made on here, and everywhere.

The lizards are paying (((their))) bills… well, at least the Pindar is.

Always have been.

Some of you Anons might want to rewatch "Jupiter Ascending" … despite being such a horribly constructed movie.

You might find more truth contained within that Operation Mockingbird piece of 'movie magic' than you expected.

So that you could be called a fool if you ever discovered truth…

You might even notice the Eye of Horus battling with Draco's in that film.

Maybe it's just a "coincidence".

(Second picture from the Dr. Strange 2 trailer)

>There are no coincidences. - Q

>Symbolism will be their downfall. - Q

Anonymous ID: da8c98 Jan. 15, 2019, 9:44 a.m. No.4765344   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Did anyone else notice Greerfag is now replying to his own posts after the Anons proved he has been using dynamic IP's to bounce messages off himself to make it appear Anons give a fuck what he says?

>We the Kek!

Anonymous ID: da8c98 Jan. 21, 2019, 8:18 a.m. No.4846876   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5254






MJ12, Eye The Spy, Cheshire Cat, Back Channel… all one in the same.

Twitter LARPS.



Controlled Opposition.

Do you really believe people with Majestic clearance would be posting on Twitter?

The thought alone is ridiculous.

As unsecured as Twitter is, people with the highest security clearances are going to leak info on there?

Re read the MJ12 Twitter LARP posts with a clear mind.

Think compartmentalization.

Whatever happened to Anons critical thinking skills…

>Do we use platforms whereby we collect followers?

>They all claim to be insiders.

>They all claim to have insider contacts.

>They do not.

>Patriots do NOT reveal classified information.

>Think for yourself.


Anonymous ID: da8c98 Jan. 23, 2019, 8:50 a.m. No.4874397   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>What's up with those notables?


Maybe the meme with the kid from the Matrix and the spoon with something to the effect of…


"There are no notables" - Would be aptly appropriate. At least from Greerfag that is! Love you guys, keep exposing the frauds on here!

Anonymous ID: da8c98 Jan. 24, 2019, 6:46 a.m. No.4886766   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>I don't disagree. They should get their own board - which has been mentioned before. People who are interested will go there, rather than shitting up the breads with their incessant infomercial.


As long as Gr… cough, the comp'd baker is creating these threads, I believe that will be difficult to prevent.

It should be obvious to all by now that these threads have been hijacked.

Anon's aren't happy about it.

If the BO / BV's of this board do not support a CE-5 / Greer thread, then the comp'd baker could create their own board.

It could be linked here, once.

It would save a lot of time and trouble (hundreds up hundreds of posts) of people arguing on here exposing the fuckery.




>This. Let them get their own damn board. I understand balance and to focus only on the light/good/nice ones leaves your flank wide open to be surrounded by the dark side of things. Not a good scenario for anything, it is. It's like a cow focused on the pile of hay at the end of the chute and not seeing the air hammer hanging from the beam above that pile of hay. I'll just stick to considering all things and try to avoid that damn air hammer.


Fanfuckingtastically stated Anon!

If a thread is not supported on here, I respect the choices of the BO / BV's.

Another board for Gree… cough, (the one we do not name) would be most appropriate.

In the end, it was imperative that the Anon's did what they did to capture and expose all the games being played here.

My hats off to you, ladies and gentlemen.

Now, we got work to do.

Anonymous ID: da8c98 Jan. 24, 2019, 8:44 a.m. No.4887896   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8358 >>8395

Here's the biggest question Anon's seem to keep forgetting.

What happened to ID: b6d60b?

What happened to the baker?

Why did baker's ID drop off?

Why wasn't baker's ID collecting notables?

Why does a new dynamic IP pop up just to complain that (((they))) aren't the one baking?

Who IS ID: a0ce1d?

Why did that ID just pop up now?

It IS convenient how these dynamic IP's just pop up, to back up Greerfag at certain times.

Can't forget those timestamps of the last two bakes between Baker and Greerfag just minutes apart!



Look at the projection from this faggot.

Look at this interaction, Greerfag's static IP posts JUST before a 'new' dynamic IP, both linking to the new bake and both complaining about it.


SOMEONE is mad they weren't able to keep controlling these threads.

SOMEONE is mad that (((their))) tactics are being outed at every turn.


How fucking DUMB do you think people are?

How much more proof do you need…

<These people are STUPID. - Q


The new bake does not consist of Anon's attacking Anon's.

It consists of outing shills, which should be ridiculously obvious to anyone reading.

The notables also consist of relative digs, symbolism and history.

We do not ignore shills here.

We collect their failures of attempting to control disclosure, for all the world to see.




>This. Let them get their own damn board.