There you have it frens.
The 150 post CE-5 Anon did exactly as predicted.
Fills up the last bread with videos, so he could rush to create this and draw attention away from answering any thought provoking questions.
This is a compilation of notables, and posts clearly and definitively that prove disinfo agents have been working in teams for the past few breads to divert Anons away from sensitive material.
In particular The Draco's and our REAL human history.
Masonic "Divert the discourse" gambit shill playbook in full use.
This has been so beautifully captured it's like a perfectly laid trap for /badactors/.
It has been a desperate attempt for all to see.
No one has been disputing alien life or contact methods... however, there is a certain authority complex and narrative that was unraveled organically by the Anons in the past bread.
There are many connections to be made in contrast to reading these posts compared to what the baker has inorganically carried over from last bread.
Right... all his own "notables".
For the most part this was going unchecked until now.
Everyone here can draw their own conclusions.
(((They))) have been talking to themselves in an echo chamber.
The following were mostly omitted from our merry band of shills self-created notables from last bread, now for eyes who can see;
>>3600461 (All noted from last bread)
>>3600800 (Notices Greerfag = baker)
>>3600822 (Jason Rice)
>>3600878 (Jason Rice)
>>3601772 (Sauce linking Greer to Rockefeller initiative)
>>3602801 (Calling out /badactors)
>>3609973 (Sauce on DW/CG = Frauds)
>>3612212 (Jason Rice against the frauds)
>>3639588 (Questioning why Greer is pushed so hard on here)
>>3639656 (Symbolism)
>>3648494 (William Tompkins had sauce)
>>3674913 (Anon notices baker is comped)
>>3675953 (Dynamic IP Greershill lying about past bakes)
>>3681316 (Asking for proof of non-comped bakes)
>>3681491 (Proof of DW fuckery)
>>3685232 (PRG/Basset/Greer/Podesta/Rockefeller initiative)
>>3727355 (Greershill stealing/uploading vids after saying he wouldn't)
>>3728915 (Calling him out on it)
>>3729047 (Calling him out on it)
>>3756725 (Calling out Greershill for claiming to speak for all Anons)
>>3759880 (Happy to see contrasting proof of shillery)
>>3762450 (Calling out distraction tactics after Greershill is questioned)
>>3783605 (CE-5 draws attention to the cabal)
>>3804024 (Cobra is paytriotism disinfo)
>>3813953 (Anon notices Greershill replying to his own dynamic IP's)
>>3821653 (Anon memes stating the same)
>>3828439 (Greer is a psyop that wants to own disclosure)
>>3868296 (Shane the Ruiner reveals Blue Avians = cabal storytime)
>>3886975 (Greershill = infomercial)
>>3888083 (Deadpool loathes gatekeepers & fake patriotism)
>>3901013 (More Anons noticing dynamic IP's backing up Greershill)
>>3901151 (Same thing)
>>3910961 (First mention of cattle mutilations etc)
>>3922659 (Sauce linking Hillary Clinton, John Podesta & Dr. Steven Greer to the Rockefeller initiative)
>>3924239 (David Jacobs, and the nail in the coffin for CE-5)
>>3927258 (Greershill desperately trying to cover up cattle mutilations)
>>3929780 (Greer is part of the corrupt media)
>>3964784 (Ouamuamua)
>>4070877 (Sauce proving Greer claims all ET's are peaceful, and calling out slides as soon as Dracos / Greer is questioned)
>>4115226 (Anon calls out Greershill for gatekeeping)
>>4116205 (Sauce proving primary source of videos that Greershill stole and uploaded)
>>4127668 (Q's Map with undeniable proofs linked)
>>4127952 (Distractions as soon as connections are made)
>>4127974 (Why IS Greershill so invested in this thread anyway?)
>>4128129 (Draco Reptilian symbolism)
>>4128692 (Pineal Gland symbolism)
>>4128908 (More Pineal Gland symbolism)
>>4129159 (Even more)
>>4161804 (Clowns LARPing as aliens sliding the board)
>>4162493 (Calling out ridicule / slide tactics)
>>4162586 (Clown LARPers side stepping questions)
>>4163840 (Tons of cattle mutilation sauce, which Greershill previously attempts to deny).
>>4171706 (Disinfo agents DELIBERATELY mix lies and truths Pt. 1)
>>4171719 (Pt. 2)
>>4179022 (Bob Lazar Documentary)
>>4226875 (Merovingian bloodline, Ra's Staff, The Key)
>>4232488 (Suggestion for CE-5 Gaia thread)
>>4232599 (MJ 12 Doc's)
>>4238021 (Theories are no longer theory when presented with FACTS)
>>4254296 (Greershill groups Draco's with "demons" to distract and dismiss)
>>4256435 (Not Q's Map, but Q has referred to it. No coincidences)
>>4260138 (Pindar, Masonic "Divert the Discourse" Gambits used by Greershill)
>>4270435 (Alien LARP slide supporting Greershill)
>>4270496 (Greershill speaking on behalf of Q & Anons)
>>4275023 (Greershill has isolated himself, listens to no one)
>>4303128 ("Muh CE-5 Authority"speaking on behalf of Anons, Q, and all ET's)
>The Light will reveal those on the team, and those pretending to be. - Q