Canada’s Oil and Intellectual wealth is concentrated in the Province of Alberta
(think 51st State).
Albertans are sick of the arrogannt corrupt Liberals (Federal and State levels) and their Puppet Drama Teacher leader that they are soon to separate.
Albertans are forced to subsidize Liberal social programs in Eastern Canada to the tume of $12 Billion annually, $1 Billion per month. Think Univeral Basic Rip Off.
One mostly forgotten part of the Articles of Confederation, (America’s first Constitution,) was an open invitation for Canada to join the United States, with no strings attached.
The invitation was officially made on March 1, 1781, when the Articles were ratified as Maryland became the 13th and final state to approve them. But some of the Founding Fathers had their eyes on a 14th state. See moar at link below.
The desire to add Canada to the union (US) was so strong that American negotiators at the Treaty of Paris, which ended the Revolutionary War, asked that Canada be ceded to the United States as part of the treaty. The demand was later dropped and the treaty was signed in 1783 as Britain formally ended hostilities with the newly formed United States.
The formal invite to Canada was unique and came in the form of Article XI of the Articles of Confederation:
Ripe for the picking and it would add 4.4 million barrels of Oil/day to US production.
That woukd make the US by far the worlds largest producer at 16 Million barrels per day and rival the worlds reserves.
Them add ANWAR Alaska and new GOM and the Americas are self sufficient forever.
51 and Done.
Dump the Queen.
Good YT video presentaion