incoming Satruday Night Q
another [15] for today
)west coast timestamp)
:55 nonetheless
i think all we need to do is find our 8chan infinite grave interview on a public domain, make a graphic, and it will summon Q
(kek ?)
found one
so to summarize
1 - defcon 1 q post related, at least thats how the day started with barbara Flynn
2 - it was noted that yesterday potus mispelling correction was [10] delta and the day before misspelling correction was a [5] delta
3 - those 2 deltas from last night were the original defcon 1 chatter with relevant q posts
4- anon today caught the infinite pic
5- at same time clockfag caught older jan 19 and sept defcon and flynn q posts
brings us to now
note that FBI grads get yellow brick pins
potus spoke at an FBI grad ceremony
will hunt down the speech