I'm think of Q's post in which he asked us about the plot for the Matrix and then asked us where we think the screenwriters got the idea for that movie from. Q also mentioned the Titanic movie, and made references to a few others. Q was clearly telling us that Hollywwod, the fake media, and the Clowns have been screwing with our minds all along…We are sheep, we are prey. They DO think that we're stupid. They don't fear us. They mock us…
Le Cercle is the SPECTRE organization from the original James Bond movie from 1962. It is also the name of the exclusive private club where Bond goes to gamble and play.
In the movie SPECTRE stands for Special Executive for Counterintelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion, which sounds an awful lot like what the Le Cercle group is supposedly all about. Now where did Ian Fleming get this from? James Bond was actually based on a real character. So was "Q".
Le Cercle was formerly called the PINAY Group, or the PINAY Circle, or Cercle PINAY…. PINAY is the heartbeat of the Bilderberg globalists—to whom Soros is completely beholden.
Anons, I give you…P
We need to go back through the drops.