Anonymous ID: d55052 Feb. 19, 2018, 2:28 p.m. No.434013   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4034



JFK was assassinated because he was considered a national security threat to the progress of establishing a one world government.


– Because he signed an EO ordering printing of US notes which threatened the power of the Federal Reserve and because he publicly threatened to disband Clowns


– JFK's assassination ordered by the policy committee of the Bildeberg group and was carried out by agents within our intelligence agencies.


– The man who shot the fatal bullet was the SS driver of JFK's limo.


i'm sure everyone has heard this before, but check this vid out!! /watch?v=f-ZGk_ZwWHs.

.75 speed 9:48 - 9:50


Ironically, the content of the video is supposed to debunk the driver being the assassin. Any video fags able to extract 9:48 - 9:50 and sharpen?


You can clearly see the driver bring his arm up and over. DO NOT LOOK FOR A GUN. Just focus on driver's chest to see the arm movement. This contradicts statements that the driver never took his hands off the wheel.


The 'gun' was a special air gun built by clowns and an exploding pellet which contained shellfish toxin was used.


Bill Cooper - 1992 Interview