Show your uncle these and let him know that he has friendlies on the case. He will understand the relevance of the badges. Tell him "Calm seas and smooth sailing".
Like replicating autism?
At the risk of making a pun, we need more Boatfags.
Gives the '80s song 'Electric Avenue' a new context, doesn't it? From Eddy Grant's almub 'Killer On The Rampage'.
You can't give autists electric autism...
Dilley and all of the others on YT are red pill pharmacists. Who do you think makes the ingredients of the red pills?
Satellite phones are more common place now for areas where normal networks don't work (e.g. Haiti after a disaster).
Old military tech that might have been compromised?
Tunnels and old subways nearby that link to the DuPont Circle. Relevant, on several levels.
Throw in some Neuro-Linguistic Programming and you're on the way there.
Evil has a dress code.
Shit, I must be Jurassic then!
Amen, Anon. You can't teach experience.