Anonymous ID: abf31e Dec. 16, 2018, 12:38 p.m. No.4337296   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7300 >>7319 >>7381 >>7438 >>7591

ALERT (post part I)


This post is NOT for Qanonfags, it is for ANONYMOUS who have, while being Q fans, been able to maintain a sense of balance and skepticism.


This will not be the place for digs on this, half will not only do a better job, they will not be "sheepish"…should it capture the curiosity over there as it has captured mine. I've been on half for about 15 years but not really a thread starter. The herd of cats might well not be interested NYPA etc….having already firmly dismissed Q as a limited hangout.


As ANONYMOUS knows (but Qanonfag NPCs cannot consider) every coin has two sides. Today I ran into the other side of Q quite by chance, reminded me of something I ran into two years or so ago but had dismissed…but now I'm finding is connecting–The OTHER side of the Q coin. This shit is so bizarre as to literally twist the brian. It is literally everything Qanonfags believe, FLIPPED..from ritual child abuse, to insiders, to hell…why make a list…it is Qanon, flipped. EVERYTHING this Qteam believes is evil and is caused by THE DARK CABAL is still evil but caused by the dark cabal that is convincing people is from the light…only the dark cabal is pretending to be the light aka Qanon.


EVERYTHING, and I do mean everything is flipped. From the "reports" of Hillary abusing children (example Cathy's book) flipped to reports of Trump abusing children (Robert Rothschild)…reports of Jarred flipping on Trump and outing Ivanka…it's bizarro world, worse than this place..but when backing up from the MIRROR (think MIRROR)..and seeing both sides at once, it's like…woah….which side do you chose to believe? There is no evidence for either (you know, evidence, court of law sort of stuff) and yet people firmly believe one or the other side. Dark to light? And both sides FIRMLY believe their insider evidence.


Having read through their "evidence" and being a critical thinker I am able to realize that it is no different than the Qevidence, the stories no less bizarre, and there is no less Jesus/religion and no difference in the fervency in which adherents to Q believe.


I can't even….I've stepped into a world in which the coin is spinning and it doesn't really matter which side it lands on. BOTH sides claim indictments, both sides claim arrests are coming, both sides claim insiders and oddly NEITHER side is witnessing the fruition of their insider claims..actual witnessing…not belief. Although for Qteam the insider whistleblowers on the CF and CHIA are somewhat a "proof" but that investigation has been happening since way before Trump..the hearing hall was EMPTY and it has grown zero legs outside the echo chamber. As far as I can tell there is yet no JOAB answer to that probe so watching JOAB manage this should be interesting.


My only conclusion at this point is that my initial thought that Qanon is being run as a DoD experiment for the NWC as a limited hangout, the Qanon "team" could well be running both sides of this, however the other side does not appear to have the "funding" that Qanon has.


See part II

Anonymous ID: abf31e Dec. 16, 2018, 12:39 p.m. No.4337300   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7350 >>7438 >>7489 >>7528

>>4337296 Post part II


When I asked a logical question that all non NPC Qanon followers SHOULD and MUST ask (if indeed they are truly interested in ethical justice) is WHO is funding Qanon. The server upgrades and control of a portion of 8chan would not be cheap. I was attacked with rabid personal attacks while not one person addressed the VALID question. WHO is funding this.



My initial post below (previous bread but you can follow the interesting comments and attacks) regarding the ease with which the ANONYMOUS crowdsource intelligence gathering people were replaced over time by Qanonfags, which could not be further from ANONYMOUS as a whole.


I was also daring to ask the question about the narrative shift regarding Snowden (previously Q's assertion was that both NSA/CIA were rogue agencies, suddenly Snowden's revelation to US that the NSA was violating our Constitutional rights by illegally surveying us, became a dark op to ruin the NSA….wat?)


You can follow the attacks but zero discussion post


>>4326957 (PB, if you want to look at what happened when I asked a logical critical thinking question)


>Woah….resonant disconnect much?


>This is a limited hangout designed to SUPPORT and do the work/bidding of an agent of a REPUBLICAN president against what is primarily a democratic enemy.


>Now, if you can't see an issue with a DoD budget being used for civilian message boards…then you got to go back to ethics school.


>THE ONLY way it could be paid for by the DoD is IF it were an experiment….knowing they have been studying ANONYMOUS and means to take over and control it since at least before 2008 at the Naval War college…I would say that IF that were the aim of this experiment…the experiment was 100% successful.


>However…if you are claiming that the DoD budget is being used to activate a civilian crowd…and direct them to one's own party gains..then you've got a BIG problem.


>If number 1 is not true (and it might well be)…then this board is a MASSIVE issue…regarding WHO is paying for all of this.


>SO, what you're saying is that it doesn't matter who is paying for it as long as YOU believe you are getting what you want out of it?


Who is JOAB? The other side of the Q coin….


If anyone wants to dig this further I'd strongly suggest NOT doing it here. Just as anyone questioning JOAB, the exact same attacks happen here when you ask LOGICAL important questions about Q. Team JOAB firmly believes Steve Miller is Q…they also firmly believe shit I personally think is sheer insanity…but…if you come HERE with no bias or previous feelings about Q you might well leave HERE with the same exact feelings I left about JOAB.


Team JOAB has insiders, has the EXACT same evidence as Qteam only with different names…and backing away from the MIRROR leaves one looking at the entire picture and WTAF?


inb4 I'm called a shill for asking questions that SHOULD be asked, and watch not one person actually address the questions..why?


Part II of II

Anonymous ID: abf31e Dec. 16, 2018, 12:44 p.m. No.4337371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7592


>not for Qanonfags so didn't read nice logic posting here genius

If you do as I suggest and go back to my original posts (linked in that post) you will SEE what happened when I asked the TWO questions


who is funding this


and why is the NSA suddenly the "good guys"….there was zero logic, critical thinking no contemplation of answering the questions, or even discussing them, just stuff like you just posted designed to shut down the conversation.

Anonymous ID: abf31e Dec. 16, 2018, 12:50 p.m. No.4337437   🗄️.is 🔗kun


someone was linking both sides of this to Heglian dialect…but the only way to "see" it is to view both sides and step back…when you do that you're like…EH?


I think Trump is amazing..I am ON Team Trump…but I think he didn't realize how deep and filthy and YUGE the swamp really was. He couldn't have really..only from his position in the world, not from a gov. insider position although I'm sure he had some help…but he's quickly found that even his team players…many are not what they seem and they've had a longer time to create this shit….but any effort to get to "truth" MUST involve critical thinking, applied logic and a "don't stop here" attitude..and most people get to Q and settle in…aka stopping here.


There is something…else going on here. But wat?

Anonymous ID: abf31e Dec. 16, 2018, 12:53 p.m. No.4337465   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7538


>source on this "team JOAB" or GTFO.

LOL nope. If there are any ANONYMOUS in the house who are interested, they will QUICKLY find the sauce as I did. AND as I stated in my OP, this is not the place for a discussion about duality….and as predicted, the attacks…are predictable.


Perhaps there won't be a discussion sparked…anywhere..but I have a feeling many ANONYMOUS almonds are gonna tingle once they start digging. The duality is absolutely fascinating…can JOAB be a contrived MIRROR to Q? Possibly…however the appearance of both are nearly at the same time…on our current timeline.

Anonymous ID: abf31e Dec. 16, 2018, 12:55 p.m. No.4337487   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7511


Congratulations for being predictable. It really doesn't matter…I presented what I found…interested people will go look on their own (which is what ANONYMOUS does)..>QanonNPCfags are gonna post exactly what YOU did to shut down the valid questions I will repeat.


  1. WHY was Q's rapid about face on the NSA accepted without question?


  1. WHO is funding this expensive operation?

Anonymous ID: abf31e Dec. 16, 2018, 12:57 p.m. No.4337504   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>not for Qanonfags

Also..the ANONYMOUS still remaining here although largely silent…know exactly what I mean by differentiating between Qanonfags and ANONYMOUS….so clearly that post was NOT intended for you.

Anonymous ID: abf31e Dec. 16, 2018, 1 p.m. No.4337542   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Again, a predictable answer. And again, this post is not for spoonfeeding Qanonfags..ANONYMOUS will go look for themselves and very quickly sort out exactly what I'm trying to say. Also the discussion is NOT meant for this place…you won't be able to handle it.


THUS only those whose almonds got tickled enough to go to look will be as baffled as I am…


It is very easy to find…not like it's hard sauce…kek. This box you exist in is an echo chamber…but then again, so is the OTHER box. TWO echo chambers with the exact same evidence only the names are changed…twilight zone much?

Anonymous ID: abf31e Dec. 16, 2018, 1:05 p.m. No.4337611   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Soooo, you're saying you didn't know this is LITERALLY a DoD thing until when?

NOOO…I believe the ONLY way it can be being funded by the DoD is IF and ONLY if this is a dual operation meant to sort out how to shift and control ANONYMOUS.


My own personal sauce/knowledge is a conversation with a NWC JAG lawyer teacher re Chanology and ANONYMOUS. In which I was told that NWC has been teaching a class ON the hive, papers were being does it work, now to subvert/control/end…the JAG was fascinated…it was quite the conversation. I did not get the sauce on the EXACT time the class began, but it was prior to Chanology. Chanology only sparked more study due to its effectiveness. The one thing that was CLEAR from that conversation is that their primary goal was to figure out how to CONTROL it.


YOU don't have to believe me…but I'm sitting here these past two years literally WATCHING a replacement population being installed into one of the most effective (and to the government, terrifying) crowd sourced intelligence gathering operations ever. The population replacement operation is complete…and after I "refound" JOAB today I wondered how the MIRROR was working on the "other side" and to my surprise I found the exact same thing as I found here.


Mind blown.