Anonymous ID: 212014 Dec. 17, 2018, 11:47 a.m. No.4349260   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9350 >>9429 >>9546 >>9805 >>9886

Comey Not Cooperating in Second Closed-Door Testimony


Surprise surprise, James Comey did not provide a satisfactory testimony in his second closed-door interview with the House Oversight Committee on Monday.


Comey testified in his second closed-door interview on Capitol Hill Monday as part of a joint investigation with the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee into the handling of the Clinton email investigation and his involvement in FISAGate.


Fox News’ Caroline McKee reported Monday that Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH) was not happy with Comey’s second closed-door interview.


Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) spoke with FOX and Friends on Monday morning before the hearing.

Jordan says he will ask Comey about his memos on President Trump.


Congressman Mark Meadows said he “can’t imagine how the director of the FBI did not know the connection between Fusion GPS, Perkins Coie, and the DNC, as it related to the infamous dossier.”


House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte waited until the 11th hour to subpoena fired FBI Director Comey and former AG Loretta Lynch.


Bravo, Republicans.


James Comey was defiant in his first closed-door interview with GOP lawmakers and said he “didn’t remember” 71 times, “didn’t know” 166 times and said “I don’t recall” 8 times.


This second round of questioning was probably a waste of time and the curtain has closed on the House Republicans.


The Democrats are taking back control of the House on January 3rd which means House Republicans have lost their subpoena power.

Anonymous ID: 212014 Dec. 17, 2018, 11:51 a.m. No.4349292   🗄️.is 🔗kun

DOJ Charges Flynn “Business Associates” with Illegally Lobbying — ONE DAY Before Mike Flynn’s Court Date


On Tuesday morning General Michael Flynn will be sentenced due to his guilty plea to charges of lying to the Deep State in a set-up by Obama FBI officials intent on destroying his career and reputation.

The Deep State case against General Flynn is imploding.


Recent developments this week in the ongoing Mueller witch hunt reveals an organization lacking any morals and steeped in corruption.


The entire Mueller gang is corrupt and should be under investigation. Instead they are running amok investigating the President and anyone near him for any semblance of a crime. They all have conflicts of interest and were huge supporters of Hillary Clinton and even represented her in court.


Mueller’s Spcecial Counsel team of 13 angry Democrats scrubbed Peter Strzok’s phone and then turned it over to the Office of Inspector General investigators AFTER Peter Strzok was fired from the special counsel.


Peter Strzok was fired from the Special Counsel after text messages surfaced showing that he had a strong hatred for Donald Trump and his supporters.


Peter Strzok was reassigned in the summer of 2017 to the FBI’s human resource department after his dismissal from the Mueller witch hunt in July 2017.


His lover Lisa Page reportedly resigned from the FBI in May 2018 – and was removed from Special Counsel on July 15th, 2017. She was fired two weeks before Strzok was fired from the special counsel.


Lisa Page’s phone was scrubbed and not turned over to OIG until September 2018.


The only known 302 report provided by Robert Mueller to Judge Emmet Sullivan last week was a report created on July 19, 2017, six months after the setup of Flynn by FBI agents in the White House in January.


Attorney Sidney Powell argued on Sunday that recent facts revealed that Robert Mueller has destroyed evidence and obstructed justice in the Michael Flynn case.

Anonymous ID: 212014 Dec. 17, 2018, 11:55 a.m. No.4349338   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pedophile Student at the University of Maryland Lured Children Using Snapchat


An alleged pedophile is now in custody who attended the University of Maryland in Baltimore County after law enforcement say that 21-year-old Jake Tyler Patterson used Snapchat to lure underage children and shared child pornography.


The Frederick County Sheriff’s Office says that Jake Tyler Patterson was subjected to an investigation which spanned nearly six months, beginning in August of 2018.


Patterson lived at the 2200 block of Mount Ephraim Road, in Adamstown, Maryland.


The agency says they received numerous tips about Patterson allegedly using the once-popular social media application Snapchat in order to fulfill his perverse desires.


The Federal Bureau of Investigation and police officials from Baltimore County, as well as the University of Maryland (UMBC) all provided the Frederick County Sheriff’s Office with resources amidst the investigation, according to The Baltimore Sun.


Through various court order subpoenas, search warrants, and assistance from the FBI, Jake Tyler Patterson was identified as the suspect.


On Friday, the combined law enforcement agencies raided the University of Maryland in Baltimore County with an arrest warrant for Jake Tyler Patterson on numerous counts including those related to child pornographic materials.


Patterson was arrested without incident, according to the Sheriff's Office, and later confessed to the crimes.


Jake Patterson was then transported to the Frederick County Adult Detention Center without bail, with a bail hearing scheduled for Monday afternoon.


He's being charged with four counts related to soliciting and permitting a child to be the subject of pornographic material, according to an online search of court records.


All four of the offenses took place between July 21st and December 6th, according to official records.


If you or anyone you know has additional information about Jake Tyler Patterson or this case, you're urged to contact the Frederick County Sheriff’s Office at 301-600-1046 where you can remain anonymous.

Anonymous ID: 212014 Dec. 17, 2018, 12:02 p.m. No.4349410   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Elite Universities Hide Information On Funding From Ultraconservative Nation Of Qatar


Qatar gave $1 billion to elite American universities since 2011, according to Department of Education data.

The Qatar Foundation is suing the Texas attorney general to prevent information about Qatari funding from becoming public.

Universities are taking money from Qatar, a nation with a checkered human rights history, as students rally for social justice causes.


The nation of Qatar, a Sharia-law monarchy that has been accused of trying to influence other countries’ governments, gave $1 billion to elite American universities since 2011, according to Department of Education data.


Some universities have refused to discuss where strings are attached to that money. The Qatar Foundation, for example, filed a lawsuit against the Texas attorney general Oct. 12 to hide information about the $225 million Qatar has awarded to Texas A&M University since 2011.


The Qatar Foundation hired the politically connected powerhouse law firm Squire Patton Boggs for the suit, which was filed in response to a researcher’s public information request regarding the foreign funding.


The biggest recipient of Qatar’s educational funding, Georgetown University, repeatedly ignored requests from The Daily Caller News Foundation for basic information about the funding and whether it implicates academic independence.


Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain have accused Qatar of meddling in other nations’ internal affairs as well as funding terrorism. Qatar also wields influence through its media group, Al Jazeera.

Anonymous ID: 212014 Dec. 17, 2018, 12:07 p.m. No.4349468   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9499

Israel developing ‘offensive missiles’ that can reach ‘anywhere’ in the Middle East – Netanyahu


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said that the country is developing “offensive missiles” cable of hitting anywhere across the region. Apart from that, Tel Aviv eyes launching “micro-satellites” into space.


The Prime Minister gave a speech on the country’s advancement in the military and aerospace technologies on Monday, while visiting Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI). The company is actively developing “offensive” missiles, Netanyahu said, as well as weaponry “with special capabilities that no other country has”.


The missiles “can reach anywhere in the area and any target. This is the offensive power of Israel which is very important for us in all sectors,” he stated.


Apart from that, the country seeks to expand its foothold in space through launching “micro satellites,” Netanyahu said, while holding a mock-up of such a device. “Space is a huge sphere that the State of Israel is entering.”


The statement from the Israeli PM comes as the situation in the whole Middle East region remains tense. Over the past year, Israel has repeatedly attacked neighboring Syria, citing the alleged presence of pro-Iran militias and Iranian troops there. Syria, in turn, has repeatedly denounced such attacks as open aggression against the country.


One such attack resulted in the accidental downing of a Russian surveillance plane and the loss of its crew. Moscow squarely pinned the blame for the incident on Israel and its military endeavors in the neighboring country. Russia has since supplied the Syrian government with modern S-300 anti-aircraft systems.

Anonymous ID: 212014 Dec. 17, 2018, 12:10 p.m. No.4349509   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Another Junk Report: Senate Peddles New Crap Sandwich on Russian “Meddling” in 2016 Election — With Extra Slice of Cheese


The Russian government spent around $100,000 in Facebook ads during the 2016 election. The two candidates spent over a billion dollars.


Trump 2020 Campaign Manager weighed in on the 2016 Russian Facebook ads in an interview in November.

Russia only spent $6,000 on Facebook ads IN THE LAST SIX WEEKS BEFORE THE ELECTION!


“You know, six thousand dollars is what they spent over the last six weeks. I was spending that per half second or per millisecond probably. So if you take that over six weeks they were spending .00001 cent per second. So I could get how maybe it would fly under the radar.”


Russia spent $4,600 dollars on Google ads in 2016.

Russia did not exactly bombard the US electorate with propaganda during the 2016 election as the fake news media would like to suggest.

The House Intelligence Committee already released several of theFacebook ads and posts linked to a Russian troll operation during and after the 2016 presidential election.


Democrats and naive Republicans want you to believe these Russian Facebook ads flipped the election to Donald Trump.


But at least half of the ads were pro-Hillary.

And Russia claims half of their paid ads ran after the election and 25% never ran at all.


In November 2017 afternoon, the House Intelligence Committee released a sampling of Facebook ads linked to Russia. One of the ads released was a sponsored post for the Nov. 12 anti-Trump march at Union Square against Trump in New York City after the election.

Anonymous ID: 212014 Dec. 17, 2018, 12:14 p.m. No.4349562   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9596

Netanyahu envisions 'three more Israels'?


Outlining vision for countering Iranian conventional threat, prime minister curiously suggests 'Israels' near Afghanistan, Libya and Yemen.


In a somewhat cryptic remark in an interview hosted by the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) Tuesday, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu raised the imaginary possibility of the establishment of two or three more "Israels" throughout the Middle East and North Africa, which he said would be located in or near present-day Libya, Afghanistan and Yemen.


He made the curious statement in the course of a long reply to a question by the host, AEI Senior Vice President of Foreign and Defense Policy, Danielle Pletka, about the implications of the deal signed with Iran. Netanyahu laid out three things that need to be done – presumably by the US and the West – which he said he had discussed earlier in the day with President Barack Obama.


The first of these, he said, is to "keep Iran's feet to the fire and make sure it doesn't violate the deal."


The second thing, he continued, is to prevent Iran's conventional aggression. "Remember," he said, "Iran is arming Hezbollah, trying to build second front in Golan, supplying Hamas in Gaza and Islamic Jihad with the technology of attack drones, acting in Yemen, trying to undermine Jordan, you name it. Also building an arms industry 50,000-man strong that produces submarines, satellites, precision rocketry advanced weapons."


Iran can pursue this conventional-arms aggression, he warned, if it's not met with countervailing force. And to this end – the US needs to support its allies and "the most important ally, the most important countervailing force for Iran is the state of Israel. Support Israel!"


This was the point at which he laid out the "additional Israels" scenario. "The president and I discussed today an MOU, a memorandum of understanding for American military support for Israel for the next ten years," he said.


At the 33:00 minute mark, he then asked his audience: "Imagine a Middle East without Israel. What do you think would happen in our immediate vicinity? I'm the foreign minister so I have to be diplomatic," he answered. Netanyahu is currently also acting foreign minister.


"I'll leave it to your imagination. Now imagine a Middle East with three Israels: one in Afghanistan, one in Libya, one near Yemen. It'll be a far different situation. The support for Israel that I'm talking about. Well – the United States supports Israel to the tune of 3 billion a year.


"You spent on the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, a trillion and a half. So that's five centuries' worth of support for Israel… We're an ally that doesn't ask for any American troops… We can defend ourselves, we just want to have the tools. So I think the second thing in fighting Iran is getting Israel the tools to defend itself and deter Iran."


The third thing that needs to be done against the Iranian threat, he said, is to bring down its global terror network.

Anonymous ID: 212014 Dec. 17, 2018, 12:16 p.m. No.4349582   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9792 >>9805 >>9886

Jeremy Corbyn puts forward no confidence motion in Theresa May over Brexit deal vote


Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has called for a no confidence vote in Theresa May in the House of Commons, saying the UK is facing a constitutional crisis and the prime minister is the architect.


May could be seen leaving the House of Commons after Corbyn's announcement.

Anonymous ID: 212014 Dec. 17, 2018, 12:18 p.m. No.4349602   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9912

Journalist Shane Dowling has been jailed for exposing paedophile judges and judicial bribery


Australian journalist Shane Dowling has been jailed for publishing articles exposing paedophile judges and judges taking bribes. The exact charge against Mr Dowling is contempt of court because he repeated in court on the 3rd of February 2017 part of an article he had published and also for publishing an article about the contempt proceedings in breach of suppression orders.


Chief Justice Tom Bathurst has been trying to jail Shane Dowling since he sent an email to all the judges of the Supreme Court of NSW and wrote an article in September 2016 titled “Paedophile priest gets 3 months jail for raping 3 boys by NSW Supreme Court’s Justice Hoeben”. (Click here to read) In the email, which was also published in the article, Chief Justice Tom Bathurst was named as a known paedophile and 17 other judicial officers were named as known paedophiles or suspected paedophiles and allegations of judicial bribery were also raised.


Chief Justice Tom Bathurst had the NSW Police raid Mr Dowling’s unit in June 2017 and charge him for sending the email. The charge was withdrawn by the Commonwealth Director of Prosecutions on the 28th March 2018 as it was a blatantly malicious charge.


Mr Dowling raised a number of precedents in his last article which support why he shouldn’t have been found guilty as he was only exercising his right to free speech and political communication. Click here to read the last article: Journalist Shane Dowling to be sentenced to possible jail for criticizing a judge and Registrar Christopher Bradford


There are many articles on this website outlining what happened including the malicious police charge that was eventually withdrawn. Some links are below:

Anonymous ID: 212014 Dec. 17, 2018, 12:29 p.m. No.4349722   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9805 >>9886

Huawei Is Cornerstone of CCP Initiative to Overtake the United States


The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is pushing a goal, under the banner of sovereignty, of eliminating reliance on foreign systems within China and then ensuring Chinese-made systems dominate the global landscape.


In the push to dominate this domain, the CCP has identified core technologies, including satellite GPS, internet infrastructure, and superconductors, with Huawei playing a key role in this agenda.


The Jamestown Foundation’s China Brief noted June 5 that Chinese leader Xi Jinping recently has been promoting this concept as an approach to “technology, the internet, and governance, one that seeks to embed [China’s] concept of ‘cyber sovereignty’ … in the institutions of global internet governance.”


In the past, the CCP’s concept of cybersovereignty often referred to its push to dominate the global internet space, an effort dating to at least 2010, which included a play to gain control of the internet globally through the United Nations in 2015.


As the program has advanced, however, it has broadened to include the foundational technologies that make the internet and global technology systems work, while maintaining the CCP’s spirit of social tyranny and global market domination.


Through the CCP’s “One Belt One Road” initiative, it’s constructing core infrastructure that includes an export of the “China Model” for totalitarian governance.


The Council on Foreign Relations reported in July that “China’s exporting of surveillance goods is a critical component of its ‘Digital Silk Road.'”


It noted that Huawei recently implemented its “Safe Cities” model in Nairobi, Kenya, where it installed 1,800 surveillance cameras as part of the program, and indicated that “although the cameras can help fight crime, they can also be used to monitor activists and protests.”


In addition to Nairobi, the report stated, “Huawei has deployed its systems across 100 cities in approximately 30 countries worldwide. Exports of such technology are being coupled with Chinese government-backed grants that create dependency of the importing country on Chinese-produced gear and incentivize further purchases of such equipment.”

Anonymous ID: 212014 Dec. 17, 2018, 12:30 p.m. No.4349730   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9805 >>9886

Turkish foreign minister mentions first arrests of FETO members in US


ANKARA, December 17. /TASS/. The US Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) started to make arrests of the members of the Fetullahist Terrorist Organization (FETO), an Islamic social movement prohibited in Turkey, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu stated on Monday. The current Turkish government accuses FETO of an attempted coup in July 2016.


"The FBI are carrying out [investigative] activities in 15 states concerning the FETO case. In [the state of] New Jersey, arrests have already begun," the TRT channel quotes the minister.


On Sunday, the Turkish top diplomat stated that the US side is considering the possibility of extraditing FETO leader Fethullah Gulen.


On July 15, 2016, a group of Turkish soldiers and officers attempted to stage a coup d’·tat and overthrow Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. About 250 civilians were killed in clashes in Istanbul and Ankara, over 2,000 were injured. Ankara accuses FETO of staging the coup, with its leader Fethullah Gulen, currently residing in the US, being considered a key suspect in the criminal case.

Anonymous ID: 212014 Dec. 17, 2018, 12:35 p.m. No.4349797   🗄️.is 🔗kun

GOP Sen. Lamar Alexander won't seek reelection


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Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) on Monday announced that he will not run for reelection in 2020.


"I will not be a candidate for re-election to the United States Senate in 2020. The people of Tennessee have been very generous, electing me to serve more combined years as Governor and Senator than anyone else from our state," Alexander said.


Alexander, who has been in the Senate since 2003, said he will serve out the remainder of his term, which runs through the end of 2020.


"I have gotten up every day thinking that I could help make our state and country a little better, and gone to bed most nights thinking that I have. I will continue to serve with that same spirit during the remaining two years of my term," he added.


Alexander, 78, is the first senator up in 2020 to announce that they won't seek reelection. Republicans face a challenging map during the next cycle, where they'll be defending approximately 22 seats, including in states like Colorado and Maine, which Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton won in 2016.


Alexander is also the latest in a string of GOP chairmen from the establishment wing of the party to announce that they will retire during the Trump era: Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) are retiring at the end of the current Congress.


Corker, on Monday, called working with Alexander "one of the highlights" of his work in the Senate.


"As one of the finest statesmen our state has ever seen, Lamar will leave behind a remarkable legacy. I know he will press through the next two years with great vigor, and I look forward to all he will accomplish on behalf of Tennesseans as he completes his service in Washington," Corker said in a statement.


Alexander previously served as chairman of the Senate Republican Conference and is considered to be close to both Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.).


He's also been at the center of some of the biggest fights in the Trump administration because of his position as chairman of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee.


He was part of a working group of GOP senators, assembled by McConnell, that crafted the Senate GOP's failed ObamaCare replacement bill last year.