Anonymous ID: ef931a Dec. 17, 2018, 12:27 p.m. No.4349699   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9735 >>9756 >>9850

I get it.

We're watching a movie.

Actors… controlled narratives.


But Judge Napolitano REALLY STEAMS ME UP.


He used to tout his friendship with Trump, said he knew him for a long time etc. What kind of friend (and JUDGE!) is so loose and free with his wording bashing Trump??? If he's acting, he's doing a GREAT job!


Seriously. They're all down on Trump for paying off a porn star.


Meanwhile, Hillary sold children and 20% of our Uranium while the Pay-to-Play raked in bazillions to her personal war chest.


WHAT THE HELL. I get it. I get everything. But it doesn't mean this is easy. The hypocricy is mind-numbing. It's TIME for God's Sake. TIME FOR PERP WALKS.

Anonymous ID: ef931a Dec. 17, 2018, 12:48 p.m. No.4349970   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What a sociopath that Comey guy is. He's a Clinton sychophant along with his brother and family - yet the MSM won't dare mention it. Can't wait to hear how many times he said "I don't remember" in today's hearing.


Come on Trump/Q/Wray/Huber/Horowitz… we've got 2 weeks till the Democrats take over Congress. Come on….. stop the evil. It's time.