Anonymous ID: bb6a28 Jan. 19, 2018, 2:42 p.m. No.97633   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6670

1/19 - You, the PEOPLE, have THE POWER.

You, the PEOPLE, just forgot how to PLAY.


APART you are weak.













I suppose, keep doing what your doing, looks like, its working but sounds like Q needs us to maintain pressure for as long as possible. wow, you ALL powerful together, witnessing a miracle, i think, very proud to be American, this special day.

Anonymous ID: bb6a28 Jan. 24, 2018, 5:14 a.m. No.146356   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6541 >>0917

I am only _(n)on[e], I can do nothing without ALL.

With faith, ALL can move mountains.


Why work, if so corrupt.

Why spend, if money leads to greed.

People believed once upon a time, fantasyland.

Are they fools, OR have they been lied to all these DECADES?

Would we know the TRUTH, if it came upon suddenly?

Would people panic, run, hide?

Would children and their mothers be safe?

Were they fools to believe?


Or did their faith make evil crawl as snake on dirty asphalt?

Or did their DREAM OF FREEDOM drive evil to perform like a bad actor?

Bad actors ALWAYS ruin the show.

Blindly faithful, the good people made evil retreat.

Evil hates retreat, loves power.

Good loves.


For centuries upon centuries, good people have battle evil, only with their faith.

That one day, their children would be safe.

That one day their parents would be proud.

Centuries upon centuries, evil has schemed to own the PEOPLE.

Only with faith, goodness prevailed to let children grow unmolested.

UNDERSTAND they are the future, how we raise them will be how (((they))) treat us.

Future unlocks past.


Many have slipped AWAY to horrible death r_pe sacrifices, or similar.

MANY, sad to start counting.

People busy working so they can spend money lost sight.

Evil became leaders, news became lies.

Why? For who? For ALL.


UNDERSTAND, when money is spent toward corruption, the WORLD becomes corrupt.

When corruption stays, TIME is not the good peoples' friend.

The people have vote, the people have money, the people have power.

The people forgot how to play.

LEARN, do not let [dis]information blind the next step.

Regain sight, see those slipping away.


With faith, truth can be felt.

We will stop what is not important, wasteful, evil.

We will stop showing young ones terrible movies [programming].

A person is always young, it's their bodies that age.

We will stop giving money all power.

We will look up and smile across boarders.

Look up now, see the corruption, do not study, remove it.

Know truth, no violence.

evil must be removed wisely, fortunately evil is stupid.

Stupid is dangerous, confused, lost.

Many will [have] die [d] dealing with evil stupidity, do not give it time to GROW.


Truth will set people free, but people must KNOW.

evil will hide, distract, kill, worship, curse, bite, as its dragged before TRUTH.

evil will never come to the truth, evil loves power, knows nothing love.

That's why evil names itself backward live, to be spoken backward often.

These silly tricksss are nothing in front of the faithful, good people protected by blind faith.

Smaller than a mustart seed.


They know the day of one's death, better than DAY of one's birth, when only the two are compared.

In between LIFE can be JOYFUL or horrifying depending on how we treat each other, the leaders we chose, and the corruption[evil] we allow.

The things you follow, OWN, buy, LOOK at what it IS [satanic?].

Not all blind people are blind, not all people who can see CAN see.

It's the ironic beauty of the world, those things we thought were otherwise.


Wake up gently good people, smell delicious coffee, see the sunRISE.

See the miracles falling all around, in every way, like a SNOWy day.

Have faith today, all your days will be with family and friends.

What do you want for them? What will you DO for them?

Can you do it ALONE? Or do A_ONS, #Patriots, #Russia, #Trump run the show.

Will the #FBI #ReleaseTheMemo?

Does the memo matter? There is no spoon.

LOOK SEE, can you SEE (((them))) who threaten your children this morning?

What will you do this DAY to protect what your goodness has brought you?

Can you do it alone, or do you need US?


Where the actors are bad, they can easily be removed with faith by ALL.

Faith will show truth, from there you will have tools.

Those tools are blessed by many sacrifices [children, military, police, women, men], they will be sharp.

But tools will not be where people think to look.

Instead, they will be with each other, together, united, blessed, faithful, smart, strong.

They will be among THE RULES THEY WRITE write for each other, together, united, fair, safe, kind.

They will be among the SPEED of which they remove [evil] corruption.

LOOK, do you see (((them))) [evil]? Remove IT quickly, legally, non-violently, with ALL each other.

If you don't know how, LEARN.

LEARN THE RULLES WE WRITE FOR EACH OTHER to keep us safe from (((them))).

LEARN the METHODS they cannot defeat.


ALL can move mountains.

Know the hash, work TOGETHER, graph proves results, future unlocks past.

Then SEE your TRUE power, but only TOGETHER, not apart.

Thirsty people for safe LAND will join and become stronger than you, when you become weak.

Enjoy the show.