>>4355213 (lb)
Belief in Jesus is required for having belief in God (if you're a Christian).
Read muh posts, the scripture is there.
>>4355251 (lb)
Nice try mossad, you're trying to divide Trump's anti-zionist base.
Here are all the reasons why Trump is not Israel first:
If Trump was Israel first, he would had just let Hillary win, and Israel would get all they want;
He would not allow Q to happen (platform with lack of censorship is the most dangerous thing for Israel);
Q would not point the autists shovels toward the Rothschilds (it automatically poisons general public support for Israel once they connect the dots, and zionists NEVER do anything that might poison general public opinion of Israel, because they NEED IT);
Neocons hate him;
All the zionist gatekeeping alt-media clowns try to dig at him.
The zionist communist MSM wants to kill him and destroy all his supporters.
>>4355313 (lb)
They didn't claimed to have read them, just that they existed. I have those posts buried under more than 20k pics in my files, can't dig them out now, will look into it sometime and try to repost.