Anonymous ID: 5fdf92 Dec. 18, 2018, 10:16 a.m. No.4362420   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2735

Eat a heaping garbage bag of aids invested dicks shills.


Flynn's judge just recused himself, likely for being on the FISA court that spied on Flynn


This is the new Judge.


Judge orders State Dept. to work on recovering emails, suggests Clinton violated policy


Federal Judge Threatens To Hold IRS Commissioner, DOJ Lawyers in Contempt of Court over Lerner


Good luck Mr Mueller


"Judge Sullivan is the judge who held federal prosecutors in contempt, dismissed an unjust indictment against a United States Senator, and publicly excoriated the Department of Justice. He also had the moral conviction, courage and gumption to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the Justice Department and the individual prosecutors."

Anonymous ID: 5fdf92 Dec. 18, 2018, 10:26 a.m. No.4362569   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2686

This is actually a good thing. Remember when Flynn was willing to testify months ago but they didn't want him to?

Flynn knows EVERYTHING. He was in charge of NSA remember? All of Obama's dirty secrets and Hillary's too. He knows it all.

By him pleading guilty he has a chance to testify. By him testifying he can expose absolutely everything.


All you need to remember about Flynn is that they’re snagging him on the SINGLE CHARGE for the “miscommunication” technicality they were able to snag him on for the information WE ALREADY KNOW ABOUT! Between that bullshit “Russia call” and Flynn’s recap to Pence. We already know about this. Flynn resigned after admitting that it was nothing more than a miscommunication but because Pence is a schmuck, he danced around it like the good little establishment monkey he is and didn’t come to Flynn’s defense so “they” could squeeze Flynn out.


Why?! Because as we’ll see, Flynn, Kelly, Wray, Rogers, Sessions (to an extent), etc. ARE THE BIGGEST THREATS. THEY are the beginning of the end. Even Manafort and Awan were threats.


Be glad Flynn pleas to get the ball rolling. He knew he would be indicted. Manafort knew he would be, many more know they WILL be! But like Manafort and Awan, Flynn’s testimony will be explosive and he will also probably leave with a gag when he’s finished testifying, like Manafort did.


THIS Flynn story isn’t important… it’s the TESTIMONY that WILL COME from it, that is important. It’s WHY all of this is happening in the first place and even Pence knows he’s about to look like one giant, lying, backstabbing asshole to Americans. He knows who he works for. Trump does too. It’s why Trump didn’t want him on the ticket and fought it til the very last minute. Only reason Pence was named was because Trump didn’t want the GOP to try to pull any of their tricks at the convention. Trump won the nomination by a lot but the GOP was already trying to start the buzz that they may seek an override. They started that buzz the MINUTE they thought Trump would push back on their NEGOTIATED PICK PENCE, and Trump kept them on their toes, delaying his VP pick announcement, even bringing Chris Christie in late in the game, all for show, to keep the establishment worried.


This is all done on purpose. This kind of act is intentionally done PUBLICLY, so it will go on the records that it WAS DONE and so the MSM will report on it ad nauseum.


It covers asses on purpose and for good reason, like they should be covering their asses. It’s done so no one can claim fault or error and get caught on another bogus “technicality” LATER, like you’re witnessing Flynn’s “single charge” over nothing being used as, right now! Flynn cooperated, like Manafort cooperated, like Awan’s were all too happy cooperating while singing like canaries, just like their Pakistani family friend Huma Abedin willingly sang with her hubby Weiner. Just like Lois Lerner and her deputy, just like Comey will, even like Mueller will when his turn comes last.


They sold out the swamp to save their asses and the best thing about Flynn today is that it’s only ONE DAY CLOSE, just one more box checked, until those we KNOW are guilty of SEVERAL CHARGES, are forced to stand before the American people so JUSTICE can finally prevail and WILL be SERVED

Anonymous ID: 5fdf92 Dec. 18, 2018, 10:32 a.m. No.4362671   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The only actual thing that will ever end of being important about these these indictments/guilty pleas when the history books are written, is what CAME FROM THE EPIC TESTIMONIES, of people like Flynn, indicted on bullshit. No one will ever talk about Flynn’s guilty plea, Manafort’s indictment, even the Awan’s, etc. the way they think it will be talked about, based on how it’s loosely being positioned today. They will only ever talk about what all of this led to.


Remember that completely innocent filmmaker dude who was LITERALLY raided, arrested and charged for his supposed “YouTube video” that “caused” Benghazi? Yeah, that poor guy and poor Flynn. No difference but will soon be vindicated. He knows it. It’s why he pled instead of waiting. He was tired of waiting. He wants it done so he can testify, vindicate himself, wash his hands of it and move on. Just like he’s always known he’d be able to do because HE’S NOT GUILTY, just like the YouTube guy wasn’t guilty either.


See, they tried to tag Flynn with a “legal technicality” to use and exploit him as a pawn, like they did with many people. They did it thinking Comey and eventually Mueller, would just turn a blind eye, like they ALWAYS DID and wrap up another one of “their” messes with a pretty bow again. These ARE their tricks. This type of shit is just an example of the corrupt, DC standard political policy. It’s been tried, tested, practiced, polished and implemented for decades. Only difference is that NOW, there’s no one there willing to clean and wrap up all the messy loose ends for them.


Only people who woke up this morning dreading the news of Flynn’s “guilty plea” were former Obama administration and Hillary. Flynn woke up and walked in there like the GENERAL BOSS, he ALWAYS IS. Remember this.


He(Kushner)“shouldn’t have been charged with anything” but he WAS to FORCE TESTIMONY because THEY were SILENCING Flynn, like they did Manafort. See, when you “cooperate” hand over everything you’ve got and even do things like “offer public testimony, under oath” to things like the “Senate Intel committee” and they reject because YOUR VOLUNTARY OFFER AND WILLING COMPLIANCE doesn’t mesh well with the whole, “you’re guilty of crimes we’re trying to blindly convince the American people you are guilty of” then you being cooperative, compliant, proactive, willing and voluntary, day rant really fit the “narrative” or “agenda” they’re pushing, to “prove” you’re “guilty” in the “court of public opinion”, does it?

Anonymous ID: 5fdf92 Dec. 18, 2018, 10:33 a.m. No.4362699   🗄️.is 🔗kun

They didn’t want Flynn or Manafort to testify. They didn’t want Awan brought in. You’ll see they even tried to help him leave, hence it will prove important later why he was detained at the airport. It wasn’t by accident. It was done so they could show you how “THEY” tried to scoot him off back to Pakistan so he wouldn’t be extradited… or so they assumed. Until a couple months later when “they” watched Pakistan release a family they’ve held captive for a long time, FOR FREE and for NOTHING in exchange. While that release symbolizes MANY THINGS, it also served as a whispered “screw you” to Clinton, Huma/the Abedin family and the Awan family because Pakistan isn’t going to be bulldozed, exploited and blamed by “them” anymore. Especially when they know “they” don’t pull the strings because TRUMP has made that clear.


This is fact, you’re gonna find out exactly who technically got the Awan’s hired before Debbie or any Dems even knew who they were. Awan went to Harvard you know… on the same kind of Bin Talal scholarship Obama somehow got, too… hmmm…


Here’s the deal with Manafort. He’s no different than his old partner Stone, except he doesn’t sell himself out on social media, he just sells himself out to anyone still willing to pay him and keep him relevant, regardless of party ties/affiliations.


Manafort and people like him (lots in DC) care far less about who they work for and with, than they do about the hundreds of thousands they’ll earn from whoever’s looking for their services.


Manafort stepped in his OWN shit and didn’t care about it until he REALIZED he had to. He tried to buddy up to the admin and yes, he was brought on, but ONLY to serve a purpose.


Flynn doesn’t care about people like Manafort really being around DC. Begging for contracts like ambulance chasing lawyers. Alternatively, Manafort would do anything to get people like Flynn to care about him, so that should tell you enough about both.

The only thing that ties these two together is that they both worked for Obama, both worked for Trump and BOTH have a to say about it. The only DIFFERENCE they share in those ties, is that Flynn is doing it so the TRUTH can prevail, even if he had to take it on the chin publicly for a little while and resign/face indictments over it and Manafort is doing it because honestly, it’s just another shady deal he made, like all the shady deals he’s made, selling out people to cover his ass if and when he’s ever needed it, including today.

I know it sucks thinking guilty, shady people like Manafort, Comey, Mueller, Awan, Lerner, etc. won’t be sentenced or served the time they deserve, but if you knew how bad it really was, you’d be willing to sacrifice in exchange for the big names and their networks.


I’m ok with Comey, Mueller, Lerner, etc. don’t get me wrong they’ll pay in many ways, but not as big as we’d expect. Sadly, we still need a little cooperation and help to force the swamp to drain itself.


Another nothing burger. CNN SOURCE…



Anonymous ID: 5fdf92 Dec. 18, 2018, 10:34 a.m. No.4362711   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In late-December 2016, more than a month after Donald Trump had fairly won the general election, and at which time Mike Flynn knew that his position in the administration was going to be National Security Advisor, he was conducting regular business, all of which was deemed legally aboveboard by the FBI at the time regardless. For his "part", Kushner was also authorized on behalf of the President-Elect and the incoming administration to conduct such regular business. An argument that the incoming NSA and other future administration officials, under the advisement of the President Elect and his official transition team, did not have the right to speak via telephone (or discuss conversation considerations ahead of the phone call) to the Russian Ambassador to the US simply wont hold water, and wouldn't even be allowed to be brought before court.


The media's lie that talking to the Russians was illegal or wrong can't stand up, because they would then have to admit that Israel was being helped by Trump officials to a much larger extent in the transition.


Kushner had Flynn calling multiple security council members about ISRAEL. The Media is trying to ignore this. Fox, CNN, MSNBC, Nytimes, all won't touch it or are trying to downplay this.


If the media/Democrats go after Kushner now for ordering Flynn to violate the Logan Act, then Kushner has to be charged with violating the Logan Act for ISRAEL, not for Russia. They can't charge Kushner without implicating Israel now.

Anonymous ID: 5fdf92 Dec. 18, 2018, 10:37 a.m. No.4362749   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2787

As the chief of the executive branch that would be like arresting himself. He would need to be impeached.


The president is the chief law enforcement officer. He cannot be charged with obstruction of justice unless he commits underlying crimes in doing so. For instance, Nixon didn't just obstruct by saying "This whole investigation is a witch hunt. You should go easy on this guy" like Trump did. He bribed officials, lied under oath, threatened witnesses, etc.


Trump saying "You're being unfair to Flynn and we both know this is a witch-hunt" is far from obstruction and even if it were, Comey said he didn't feel obstructed in any way. But lets argue that he did, and he suddenly changes his mind and recants on his testimony under oath…many legal scholars including those of Harvard believe that a president cannot be charged simply with obstruction of justice because that would contradict his ability to issue presidential pardons. There has never been a president charged with obstruction without other associated crimes of which there is zero here.


Everybody in the executive branch works for the president. To arrest him against his will is a coup. Any state or local law enforcement attempting such would be met with gunfire. The only manner in which a president can be removed from office is through impeachment in the US House and a 2/3 vote in the US Senate. Like the other guy told you, read The Constitution.


You forgot about the 450 federal justices that Trump will get to appoint. He's already greenlighted about 100 and they're even more conservative and younger than the ones appointed under Bush. Trump has already done so much damage to the establishment that people aren't even aware of. Like he gave top security clearance to Flynn and the 4 people Flynn hired on day one. Every single one of them has the ability to spy on anyone in congress without oversight. They can read emails and text messages too without warrant. McMaster tried to fire them and couldn't. Those are just the ones we know about too. This is how you drain the swamp. Even if they impeach Trump somehow (which is a fucking crapshoot unless Democrats can find a way to actually gain seats in congress, let alone retain them), there will be a long-lasting Trump-effect for a decade. Trump also has a certain list that nobody in Congress wants released. It would be a shame if the public saw that sexual assault payout list unsealed upon his removal.


He worked for Trump for less than a month. You really think he knows where Trump's dirty laundry is (assuming he has any)? You know what Flynn DOES have though? A long list of crimes committed under the Obama administration of which he was a witness to. He BEGGED to go before congress to testify and was stone-walled. He'll get to testify now. His plea deal clearly states that he must disclose ANY AND ALL crimes of which he's aware of. Now let's play these odds. Who do you think he's more likely to roll on? The man whom he worked under for years, had a falling out with, and publicly tried to testify against in the past? Or the guy he worked under for less than 30 days? Hmm…I'm not liking those odds if I'm Obama. It's likely why he's overseas right now violating the Logan Act on a daily basis and why ZERO prominent Democrats are celebrating the news of Flynn signing a plea deal. They know what's coming. You faggot ass shills don't seem to however.

Anonymous ID: 5fdf92 Dec. 18, 2018, 10:39 a.m. No.4362794   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2825

That's why I think he should be blocked from appointing federal justices. After all, Obama was blocked from appointing a supreme court justice because "it was his last year," Seems reasonable that Trump should not be able to appoint justices when his campaign, and likely himself, are under investigation.


Obama wasn't "blocked". He was outplayed by Republicans who used Democrats' own rules against them. Also it's a long-standing guideline that you don't appoint justices when you don't have a mandate. Obama lost the election. He had no mandate anymore. Trump has this mandate now. Hell if we stripped Obama's presidential powers every time he was being "investigated" by someone, he wouldn't have had the ability to do literally anything since he was the most scandalous president in history.

Obtaining leaked text


Yup. You can thank Flynn for that. They were obtained by one of the guys he gave top security clearance to. Nobody knew the FBI was being investigated for the last 11 months. Not a SINGLE leak about it. They're running things as they should be. We're only hearing about it now because the investigation is over and they're finishing the processing. My guess is that the FBI (and Comey especially) gets BTFO HARD within the next 2 weeks.



It's actually unknown. A president might be able to be indicted. Ken Starr certainly thought so during the Bill Clinton scandal.


In that case, I do hope you're ready for single payer and other progressive policies to be rammed down your throat once the Dems take over.


Dems don't get to just takeover if Trump somehow got impeached lol. They'd have to go through Pence, Paul Ryan, and many other hurdles first. Least of all, they'd have to win an election which judging by their platform (non-existent), their congressional seats (fading faster than any time in history), and the massive debt the DNC is facing, this is simply not possible. Democrats won't see another president for well over a decade, even if they were to impeach Trump today which there is less than 1% chance of that happening.


He's fine



Business as usual

This is completely false. They monitored Flynn's calls with zero oversight, no warrant, and no crime committed. This was before the "Russian Collusion" probe even started. Also, Mueller has powers as part of a special counsel, that few investigators ever see. He is able to subpoena just about anything he wants on a whim. He has zero people above him issuing warrants. You really need to look into how all of this works because you don't seem to have any clue.


Flynn ties with Russia muh

Apply Occam's. Do you REALLY think that a spook of 33 years would intentionally make 5 calls to Russian diplomats in a single day (to ensure he was recorded) and then VOLUNTARILY go speak to the FBI without a lawyer and then proceed to lie to them on purpose knowing damn well they recorded his conversation, and despite that conversation being completely and totally legal in every way? You have to be a total fucking moron to believe that Flynn just made a long series of amateur mistakes after a long-career of applying the very entrapment tactics used against him. If you believe that, then I have a bridge for sale you'd probably be interested in.


He wanted to testify against Obama before Congress and was stone-walled. Now he'll get to. You're about to get BTFO and don't even realize it. I only wish I could be there to see it.