Thanks for playing.
Seriously? Questions on Mattis? It's a fucking movie! You all act like you've never seen a MOVIE before.
>Why is he asking only for $5 billion to build the wall?
High estimate from anti-wallers is 26 billion. For the whole thing. Lunatics who are trying to make it look like a moon shot (ie. building an unnecessary part of the wall on a fucking mountainside, etc.,) have it at 90 billion. 5 gets it fucking moving in the areas that are needed.
PS. El Chapo estimated net worth $14 billion. We will take it and A MERXICAN will pay for the wall. Or part of it anyway.
"There are varying timelines defining the start and the end of this cohort; demographers and researchers typically use birth years starting from the early- to mid-1940s and ending dates of 1960 or 1964."
In other words, look at Wikipedia, you lazy fuck.