Anonymous ID: 3db45a Jan. 2, 2019, 10:22 a.m. No.4566589   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6835



It all depends on "who" you feel is "God". That is why everyone believes in a different item.


For example - To a dog ones God is his master who feeds him

Animals who depend on a person who feeds and shelter them, that person(s) is their God.


Again, any bible verse can be viewed differently.


You stated "..God who judges on earth" well, am I a God because I pass judgement over you and fellow humans? Didn't human Roman rulers do that so way they Gods? I am 100% righteous so does that, as you say, make me a God? Or are you pretending to be playing God by your Self Appointed self interpreting words, and twisting them to your meaning? So one can only live a the life as you, as a perfect clone as you? So you view other humans who do have the same roof over your head, the same bank account, and living 100% exactly you, are evil? Yet what if they have no shelter, home, nor money as you do? You expect they to live and interpret words in the book as you do? How can any human do this if they have no shelter themselves, yet you scream to provide shelter as do as I do? They can't yet your Self Appointed Godship you appointed yourself to be the caretaker, on your own mind you, not granted by God, to past judgement over fellow humans?


So we all see and know you pretend to play the role of a God, and your earthy self appointed throne. Yet you expect people to listen to you? Seriously? Where's your open arms and compassion to listen and help. Screaming repent, repent, repent, while you see people are in need, is that a Godly act of a God like yourself? Where's your compassion and open arms? Oh thats right, you just stay standing preachining, as people die on your feet, and you fail to life a finger or a glance of them needing help at your feet. So you just kick them away to move them from exposing your false prophet endliess worthless speeches, cause isn't not good for business. Or do you just step over them and walk to another street corner and pick up where you were interupted, as you seem to be doing here?


You're blessed in your life, yet instead of helping the less fortune, you dangle your wealth as a preacher does in front of them, yet you listen not to their struggles of survival, nor offer anyone a cup of soup, shelter, etc. Its called selfishness, which is also a sin you fail to think is a sin, when we all see it on the other end of your empty words. So when one self appointed prophet stands tall and endlessly preaches, they fail to see that the viewers of such a preacher are sinners in their eyes from blocks away. Yet the preacher is so into themselves, they fail to view themselves as the needy do who walk upon them. This is all whats wrong today, and their failure to actually help, yet only preach…


One who self preaches with clean cloths, fat stomachs, mansion home, bags of money as they stand are preach, when poor and needy arrive, they are blind with their eyes to see those who need real help. They then are only panhandlers, using the good ones name/theme to increase their wealth, or only accept those who can make the preacher richer in money.

Anonymous ID: 3db45a Jan. 2, 2019, 10:55 a.m. No.4566932   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7075



Self Appointed Preachers act and feel they are taking over all God's roles over his human people. But didn't Roman rulers also act the role as a "God"? They ruled, made laws, preached endlessly they were a God, doing exactly what a God does and say, so they thought they were a God. Yet their closed mind failed to see themselves as those viewing their lies.


One can only endless provide verses as fact, yet it all is up to the reader of any quote by itself. "Run Stop Run" can be viewed many ways, and self appointed preachers will scream and holler everyone is wrong who view it differently. Insert any quote from any book and you get the argument endlessly.


Self Appointed ones in any area, have the need to be noticed, and ones low self esstem makes them feel needed in life. They have no self worth are shouting they need help, and to be noticed in a crowd of people. Like panhandlers, many need to stand out and get the needed attention they so desperately need, because they lack that in ones life. So become noticed in a sea, one must scream and holler the most, or dye their hair lime orange, or orange, and pretend they are the smartest one on the planet on a subject. Yet, when follow humans walk upon individuals like this, one ignores because they show themselves from miles away of being a lunatic. How many people run up to say someone in orange or lime green hair and embrace what they have to say? Only fellow insane ones who are lost in the sea of normalcy. Yet they scream and holler for everyone to dye their hair as they do, or they are sinners.


Understanding ones inner lacking of faith in themselves of 1 of many 100s of shortcomings, or missing that true genuine human caring and emotions from others, they have a need to scream and holler. Yet the silent ones who are caring and understand get the most friends vs the ones that scream and holler the loudest.


Self Appointed ones or one pretending they are the smartest in any subject, or know everything, well they really know little, and someone on the planet will be smarter.


One who continually and endless scream and holler are the very ones who fail to actually listen what anyone has to say. Its them, them, them and then again them. They love to hear themselves talk and scream, yet they are deaf to the actually listen to others, nor look to understand anyone. But how can they when they only scream words? Yet the human circle of talk and listen is broken with these people. They only talk, yet they can not see they never listen to anyone else. Yet to make a flower or human grow using water or love, the circle must be 360 and give and take. Then things flurish and grow with love.


Is it because they are really deaf, or do they not care about anyone but themselves, nor care about anyone else's sitution. Where one can help, they only talk, and refuse to listen.


Self Appointed endless preachers only talk endlessly, and fail to listen. Then when cornered, they have a need to fuel the fire by trowing out quotes, which everyone can interpret differently to each person. So those who love to continually continue the loop of deception by quotes, are playing against God. Remember, Both Good and Evil both know each letter and meaning of every quote/word in the book. Yet one who continually uses it for Evil by forcing one to interpret it as they view it, are not doing it with love in their hearts, but for evil to argue in anger with its fellow man. They expect 1 view - theirs - and everyone else is wrong - regardless.

Anonymous ID: 3db45a Jan. 2, 2019, 11:01 a.m. No.4566995   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7132



Wrong! So dogs are not Gods creatures? How do you know souls do not go into each animals, or do souls only go into humans by God? So Gods creatures have no souls and disposible?


So why do people treat dogs as their family members?


What about claims of reincarnation? Many people believe souls come back in different animals.


Oh how one only talks and screams endlessly, yet they are so blind and deaf.


Circles to them are only talk, talk, talk, yet they fail to complete the circle of life of seeing, feeling, nor hearing what is around them. Yet their brain is locked on only talk, so they continue to opposite of the good book.

Anonymous ID: 3db45a Jan. 2, 2019, 11:57 a.m. No.4567704   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9064



So when did the "Holy Spirit" give you his powers for speak for him? Please provide factual evidence or was it just in a Sleeping Dream Revelation? Surely, as what is written is factual, please provide written appointment of such powers? Or will you take it as offense for daring to ask for provable evidence we all can see?


Thought the "Papal" was the only human who had his powers, so are you the "Papal"?


Quote from you:

"Your dog doesn’t have eternity written in his heart. You do. Do you happen to live like a dog? Eccl 3:11"


So now you do a 180 because I caught you in a non-truth? So now a "Person" who owns a Dog is now a "GOD" correct? So then according to you, humans in fact can be a "GOD", as a animal. Please explain in english - not twistable quotes that Evil can twist away from Gods meaning. You know, Evil knows how to twist any quote to sure its evil purpose - yet how does one know you are for Good or Evil? We have no proof, so you are for Evil, unless you can factually prove otherwise.



Do not need your words to answer questions directed to me. You are Evil and doing Evils work for them, nor did I ask for your baseless claim of being for Good, when all your words only shown you are hiding under the cloak of Good for Evil. So please provide factual evidence you are for Good that can 2nd party verified. So your scripture is the basis, so what is the 2nd independent verification to verify?

Anonymous ID: 3db45a Jan. 2, 2019, 12:11 p.m. No.4567879   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8545 >>9126




Correct - No human is Pure, so all humans have the flaw of being "sinners". Every single human made mistakes as children stepped on a ant, or grass, or flowers, ate anything, so technically, every human being is Evil and a Sinner at numerous points in ones life.


Even Adam and Ever were sinners as humans for not following Gods laws, nor can any human ever not sin. Its only up to the extremes one view it - yet those human self appointed police who condemn everyone for their shortfalls, yet the fail to account for their actions and the animals they eaten, or ants they stepped on, or garbage they did, or lies as a child. They "Convently" block out all their acts against God in ones past, yet they scream and holler at others who have done exactly what they did. Ones who are quick to blame others, do it purely for evil, as they are hiding being LIES of deception. And then knowingly continually doing LIES of decpetion, they extend their Evil against God, so they are no longer pushing God, but Evil. We all see it, yet the brainwashed and evil preachers of quotes continue to push quotes as a defense, when both Good and Evil can twist their meaning to either Good or Evil.


What preachers do by providing quotes is doing it in front of mirrors, where they refuse to look at their minor misdeeds against what is written by reflecting back to when they sinned.


No human nor animal is a sinless God, yet the Evil ones continue to push they are sin-less, at the same time they push their sin's onto others.