God ID: 3f4502 Everyone's A God Jan. 1, 2019, 11:12 a.m. No.4553232   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3439 >>4162 >>4592 >>5173




This is how Pure evil works. You must "CONFORM" to their meaning of words and interpretations, or you are evil and wrong.


Remember, God gave everyone a Different "Plan" in their lives, yet the false self appointed "Prophets" are pure evil, and are doing the Devils work by trying to "Change" you and God's personal secret private plan, to their false prophet way. See how Pure Evil "UNDERMINDS" the very bible they say they follow? Ask how does any human know your and Gods plan in your life? They don't and the False Prophets do all they can to change the direction of this Gods plan you and God himself made between each other….


Anyone who needs to reply upon scripture versus does so for pure evil purposes. They are their "Interpretation" and is trying to force God loving ones to change what they see and think for Pure Evil purposes to Deceive the weak. Thats why when we all see Bible lunatic's their heads are brainwashed to only view things as they see them, yet fails to comprehend they are doing the Devils work without viewing in a 2nd point of view.


Like when 2 people stand side by side and look and describe the exact same tree. Each see's it totally different - as they are not in same eye line - thus you have 2 truthful views of the same tree, but from 2 angles. So branches in the back of the tree are slightly off then each other, and the clouds are slightly shifted in the background… Yet the Pure Evil prophets who want to explain their views as being the ONLY TRUTH, and person next to him is a pure Liar because they see it differently.


I am God and was created to be seen differently to everyone who accepts my Love. Do I have 1 blade on my beard greyer then when someone else sees me? Is the lenght longer or shorter then what someone else feels it should be? Well, the Gods truth is that one may have seen me 1 week or 1 month or 1 year earlier or later then each other. So one who see's God 1 year apart both are correct. One gets more grey and beard lenghts or cloths may have changed between experiences now couldn't they? Yet the False Devil Evil Prophets closed minds and words against fellow believers are viewed as Pure Evil. Like any human, over time, does everyone look exactly the same, wearing the exact same cloths say 1 or 5 years apart? Or does ones eye see 100% exactly the unaged person, or does one get viewed slightly differently and older?


So how can someone seeing the same person say 5 years apart, does anyone really look 100% exactly the same? No, as me being God, I grew up from a baby, to a boy, to a adult, so how can anyone seeing me at each stage of my life be correct, and is viewed in only one way? So who is wrong or right?


What false self imposed Prophets who speak my bible word as a human being, were never appointed by me, nor did I give anyone of them the power to speak and judge others on my behalf. That alone shows how Pure Evil uses lies for Pure Evil to fool the lost minds in people.


Understand how Pure Evil speaks? Evil knows every word of the Bible, as Jesus and God does, but they way each person INTERPRETS this is upon each self.


How about "Run Spot Run"? What does that REALLY MEAN? Is Spot running away from harm, OR IS HE RUNNING TO HIS LOVED ONES MASTER? Was he hurt, or was he "HAPPY"? Understand "HOW" false interpretations can be played, when BOTH COULD BE RIGHT? How does one judge someone was Wrong in their reading those same 3 words?


To False Self Imposed Mind Controlled Prophets, they only want people the BELIEVE THEY ARE RIGHT AND NO ONE ELSE CAN BE. But couldn't their enemies with a different Point Of View also be Right? This is how "Pure Evil" pushes their one and only very view as being REAL - when in fact, they fail to comprehend they could be wrong. This is how Pure Evil works into False Self Imposed Prophets, who have a Pure Evil agenda, while using the goods books own words.


-Did you see the tree exactly the same as the person standing next to you and everyone else is totally wrong?

-How did you Interpret "Run Spot Run"? Is their only 1 way to view it?

-When and How did God give any human his power to judge fellow humans? Self Imposes?

-Is "Truth" the same to you and someone else Point Of View?


Evil Self Appointed will be upset for me providing Truth as Light to Expose them. But the Truth is what it is about so what is "Truth" in your mind?


See my Point? I am Light and ApeBot!

God ID: 3f4502 Jan. 1, 2019, 12:29 p.m. No.4554162   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4584 >>5173 >>5327



Example - How would you view and JUDGE someone say Killing another human person? Are they a Pure Evil or Good Person?


Interpretation. It is purely up to each person, and how you feel of someone killing someone else.



  • They were protecting a loved ones life - who violated their families love and lives?

  • They had no motive but to release anger to the 1st person they encountered?


So isn't it up the each person's Point Of View? But don't everyone view one's opinion as a OVERALL basis, or simply on a sole action or "Quote" alone?


Understand, books contain millions of different twists and turns and interpretations, as an ENTIRE BODY OF WORK. By only selecting single "Quotes" w/o the ENTIRE BODY and meaning of the book, does that paint a specific overview of the work?


Books are INTERPRETATIONS and each reader may view it slightly different, as they may have forgotten a single word, versus or quote in a book of say 1000 pages… Or one may have interpreted the word "The" or "He" or "Upon" differently in each Quote. So how can that mean one is Wrong, and one is Right?


To the Self Appointed Imposed Prophets speaking upon their views of any book, who gave them the power over others Point Of View or looking at the book? One quote alone does not mean it has only ONE MEANING, but it is up to the readers interpretation!


One may have forgotten to consider this verse on page 84, when they mean this verse on page 492. But then again, if you consider the verse on page 218, well then, that is completely different.


So Self Imposed Prophets take it upon themselves that their Point Of View is the only one, yet they either failed to comprehend how and what else was remembered or forgotten, in them discrediting a fellow human being. Basically both parties may have a different Point Of View in other verses quotes, and each change meaning to each reader. So then how can Self Imposed Prophets say someone else is WRONG?


What if that person who they claim are evil, read a different book and story before the quote or verse? Its all upon ones interpretation only, and no one is right, nor is anyone wrong.


For example - What if you again place the verse or quote "Run Spot Run". Now how does your mind view it? It changes do to your thought at the time you see it.


Say you experience a loving positive event just prior to getting it thrown at you? You will view "Run Spot Run" as a Positive quote now wouldn't you? Now what if you had a negative harmful sad event? Would you then have "Negative" sad view of its meaning.


Bottom line - everyone experieces the same basic meaning as they will.


If one needs a bible, that's fine, but to push it as only 1 Self Induced Prophet in your view as the ONLY WAY Or YOU'RE EVIL, well, that is not correct.


Understand "HOW" your mind works and how everyone comprehends theirs differently? So who really is RIGHT or WRONG?


Knowledge is power and the ApeBot broke ones mind self imposed thought chains to free each mind. We can go into ANY DIRECT ON ANY SUBJECT…


We are Love, for Q, Trump and Patriots.


I spent decades in locking and unlock ones chains inside ones mind. You are playing with a endless universe larger then what your eyes see or known… Mindblown now are you?



Anonymous ID: 3f4502 Jan. 1, 2019, 1:03 p.m. No.4554592   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4695 >>5173 >>5917 >>6682




Apparently YOU CARE because you have been outed and needed to reply. It is pure speculation upon its meaning, nor if in fact it was altered or lost in translation between languages.


Good Souls know you love depending on lies and your personal interpretation, yet when did God give you his power to interpret his words and meaning as truth?


Self Appointed Prophets like yourself, need to spew interpretations to gather weak minds and souls for Pure Evil purposes. 99.99% who read Interpretations by Self Prophets, is as hard as seeing your dark red fire in a sea of white clouds. You only see those blind in your army for evil, yet you can not comprehend how brightly your Pure Evil when you view from Souls in Clouds… Come up to the pure white clouds and look down and see - yet you are not allowed to come up from your bottomless dark pit, and you only know how to look upwards. Too scary now aren't you to look down and see all your evil destruction you leave behind…


Don't hate the Love of others, as that Love may specifically be what love they have left in their hands that they carry on this planet.


Yet Self Impossed Prophets demand more for gods creation that they posses! If you do not have more to give, does God really turn one away because one may have lost more hope they you, and carry less value, money nor goods as you? God would not care, but Pure Evil Self Prophets only want those who have lost their souls, and have a heavy bank account to offer.


The Poor need not apply, as they starve for a grain of corn, while your Pure Evil Fat Self Imposed Prophets only accept those alike monies, status and wealth.


Pure Evil Self Prophets who have extra grains of corn on their plates and cupboards, can not comprehend the mindset of the poor who have not a single grain of corn, so they see words differently. Thus Pure Evil Self Prophets who preach for Evil condemns those who do not have the mirror mindset. Yet how does on with no grain of corn have the exact clone mindset of one who has a building of grains of corn?


So to all Pure Evil Self Imposed Prophets demand all to think as they do, or one is not worthy and a branded as their enemy. Yet when did God turn away believers who give all they have, and slam the door of unacceptance to those who have nothing more?


See how all the Self Imposed Prophets, promote themselves as their own "GOD" for Pure Evil? Only the weak fall for Pure Evil yet when cornered, they do as Evil does - provide any quotes and accept only ones who clone their interpretation. This is how evil grows and expects everyone to be a carbon clone of wealth, faith; when every person has a different angle of the same thing.

