Explain "Why" one looking at the exact same tree, standing side by side next to each other, why are they "Different"? So to Self Appointed Pure Evil Prophets who can twist any quote in a Slight Of Hand Parlor Word Game, to their meaning and their meaning alone, how can you judge the person standing along your side be WRONG in their honest interpretation? Are they wrong because only you say they are wrong, when they are speaking truth, BUT JUST HAPPENS, THATS NOT YOUR TRUTH IN WHAT YOU SEE!?
So apparently in all life forms, no 2 things can ever be different. In this type of world where Self Appointed Prophets can only be a exact clone to them be the only correct one ever being created by God.
So to Self Appointed God Prophets, who just happen to appoint themselves as the One and Only God Master of earth, have to be exactly the same. Just like their are no 2 snowflakes the same, to Self Appointed in their head Prophets only accepts those snowflakes who are exact clones of themselves. Yet they do not exist. Yet, as all the different snowflakes that fall, gather in mass, and creates snow storms. They all have the same common basic properities of each other, and they gather as one to form a army of snowflakes for a snowstorm.
Yet Self Appointed Prophets for evil only want to decieve as many snowflakes they can for Pure Evil purposes, as their army only accepts those cloned snowflakes who are Exactly like themselves. Yet they have no army and can be spotted out by the other snowflakes as not being "normal".
Snowflakes are like people and each are slightly different from each other, yet they are all the same inside, and they gather in a huge limitless army who embraces one another. Thus a Snowstorm is then created. Yet that Self Imposed Prophets of a snowflake is off by itself, screaming at all the different snowflakes that they are WRONG ALL THE TIME. So what they are doing? They don't accept any other snowflake who is not like themselves.
See how Pure Evil Self Appointed Prophets work? They only themselves appoint themselves as the only Living God, and the only self appointed God who can true interpret any words as they want inside any book.
Yet they think they are better then everyone else. Having to self appoint themselves as the one and only master on the planet, they God appointed them the leader… Why then are they not the verified leader by the masses they say to be speaking for? Surely the masses would do this to someone, which they didn't, so the Pure Evil ones Self Appoint themselves Lord God to easy their brainwashed minds.
See how "Accepting" the Self Appointed Prophets are to everyone? Only their 1 view of the statement "Run Spot Run" IS AND ITS NO ONE CAN EVER BE RIGHT BESIDE THEM, BECAUSE THEY SELF APPOINT THEMSELVES SUPERIOR TO EVERY OTHER HUMAN AND THE PLANET!
Yeah - we are all Evil since we are not a exact clone. But didn't whoever God created us, want to make each person 100% different and no 2 alike? Imagine a world the Self Appointed Prophets want. A world of 100% the exact same clone robots. Think, talk, speak, act, work, so they only want to stop all Human Creativeness that make humans humans.