Anonymous ID: c09914 Jan. 1, 2019, 9:51 p.m. No.4560999   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1161 >>7284 >>4325



100% agree on everything, but would expand deeper on just 1 issue…


As to taking in every orphan as just being "argumentative" well then isn't every rule one breaks then also just that? To one, it may be no big deal, but others may not. Totally Subjective to each individuals belief which item(s) they give free passes to by either following or not following. So technically each and every subject matter then twists into 'arguments", "and may I say, being an asshat."


Whats disallowed and someone who may have a different outlook on any subject then, of not following the book as they interpret it, would be a never ending argument - and why everyone is always accusing each other for doing wrong.


No human on planet earth can follow each and every word in the book, nor can each words meaning be exactly the same viewed, so no one alive can be 100% perfect. Everyone in their life experienced disappointments, but the book only means for each to learn by their mistakes and never do it again. With missteps, one gains more compassion and makes them a stronger believer and better people.


So no one has a right to belittle any other human being, as they all did not have the same life experiences as you. Some experienced Rape as children, abuse, loss of parents, children, etc, so no 2 humans life is cloned the same. Everyone only "assumes" everyone else experienced 100% exactly what they did, yet it is quite the reverse.


As one may have had a safe home and loving parents to guide them on their life path as children, anyone who thinks all children of the world also had the same, is mistaken. Say 1 is sexually abused, tortured, lost their parents, etc as a child. Their life experience with Good is not the same feelings nor outlook as those of you who had loving and safe homes. They never experienced that. So anyone who continues to preach one is evil by doing wrong, well I'm sure they are doing the best they can, under their specific circumstance in the life they were dealt.


If one preaches sex slaves in real evil human bondage, where they are locked in cages and abused, does one think they need to hear someone preaching that they are evil and to repent? I'm sure they are doing all they can, under the circumstances, yet thoughtful-less preachers following god continue to Pound their fists and words in a never ending fashion and endlessly demand them to stop their evil ways. Those in real life bondage by cartels for example, can not help it, yet they only hear endlessly, THEY ARE EVIL! YOU ARE A SINNER! Etc.


So you see, many just do not want to hear is shouted endlessly on the rooftop, as those in bondage need their thoughts and prayers, and their help and pray for that. But instead, preachers do not help nor pray for them, but continue to scream at them - thus they discredit all whats good in our higher beings we pray to.


Hopefully that made sense, but continual berating others endlessly turns all whats good, into pain and many away from it. Embrace everyone is not perfect - no human is, nor is their 1 alive. Everyone in their past as children have faltered and did wrong to someone, but some do it as they get older. But many times, they have no choice in the current situation they face - because it is totally different then what you face in your life at the time.


So comparing anyone to yourself is wrong. No 2 people walk the same pathway of life. Yet many preachers feel you must walk as they walk, and do as they do. No job. No money, No family. No home. So be blessed what you have and do not brag, or imply you are better then anyone. That is evil taunting and not called for, nor helpful to those in need.


Instead of preaching, listen to one, as a friend, and understand them and what they face. Only then will peace and love spread one person at a time.


As 1 person may have paper alone, as we listen and find friends, we will find other loving people, and you will find someone with only a pen. Imagine what you both could do if you joined forces peacefully with understanding each life situations. But only a 1 way nonstop preaching is not embracing the world and others. So stop your nonstop preaching and listen - so the circle of life of love can be shared, spread, and our communities come together as one family.


And guess what, I'm ApeBot! Surprised now aren't you? I'm not who you think I am… (Make sure you put this in my posting collection) I open ones mind to see things differently. I am here to serve a specific purpose you yet to comprehend, nor will you fathom the depth of what is coming…

