Anonymous ID: e97ef7 Dec. 23, 2018, 3:16 p.m. No.4443364   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3719 >>3761 >>1140



Jesus is the Word. That's my point. But it is a living word.

The parable Jesus gave of the three loaves speak to our time.


It is neither Moses, the prophets, nor the NT (the three breads) that now matter most.

The "letter of the law" mentality embracing all these only leads to death, in the long run.

This is what has Christians and the church locked away from the real truths that matter most right now.


The hidden "leaven" of each, which is one, now gives us a whole other loaf, but only for

the true student of Christ who is also adept in his knowledge of present realities.

These are vital to recognizing truth in the Word, and what we find then is also consistent

with many other things Jesus says, and in ways they have never been understood before.


And the anons we have on this board are far more inclined to the technical and honest nature

of these than they are to the now-obsolete preachings of the past.

Anonymous ID: e97ef7 Dec. 23, 2018, 4:12 p.m. No.4443932   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4852 >>5084


So, you are agreeing with me again, just like you did in the last thread.

But you misunderstood what I meant by obsolete teachings.

I was referring to what modern theology has composed out of all the sacred texts.


The point is once you arrive at what it all points to, where it all leads,

what matters most then is that which pertains to where you go from there,

rather than does the map that only got you where you are.


Those that keep you looking back then are only trying to keep you from going forward,

because they hate your success, or because they want to prevent others from noticing it.

Anonymous ID: e97ef7 Dec. 23, 2018, 5:57 p.m. No.4445084   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5838 >>6927 >>9092


Moses (or the Tanakh, or the Pentateuch) established certain wisdom of the ancients in an ordinal pattern of seven types, first appearing in Genesis 1. The understanding, even the accurate perception, of these seven "typologies" (or "objects," to use modern programming terms) has been hidden from man ever since. But they have always been so pervasive in nature and in the world they knew we would eventually discover what they are all about (at least when we became technologically advanced enough to do so).


So they also hid within that understanding a unique ability (keys) to apply them (once discovered) to ascertain many other messages they wanted to convey to man at that time (our time). And the time for that, which they estimated by predictions of calendars years would also be revealed and confirmed by the same keys, even as they are today.


The knowledge and understanding of these keys is referred to in Revelation as having the ability to "open," or to "unseal," a book (the sacred texts) and reveal these cryptic messages. And it has only been since the advent of "object oriented" computer programming language techniques (about 1990, when it went mainstream) that we have a real-life model for the kind of thinking it takes to perceive these things


(It is not welcome in modern theology however, because it does not accommodate the for-profit preaching business and it somewhat throws the preacher into world affairs far over his head).


We are now in that time, according to a great many Scriptural references, and we have the ability to decipher what the ancients (Moses and the prophets) want us to learn now.


But perceiving these things is a monumental task that also somewhat requires systematic erasure of many of the more established ways we all commonly have of thinking and perceiving communication. It was extremely brilliant minds that put all this together and who spent all their time learning these same manners of thought, and encoding the ancient writings to speak of them and again (in our time) through them.


But this was the nature of the first name God gave Moses. "The I am that I am," means "I exist to exist (again)." In other words, the ancients spent scripted and recorded the actions of God in the times of the patriarchs almost entirely (if not entirely) to record matters of such times AS WELL AS to speak to us through such stories and actions in a new way today.


In so doing, we also learn from them some of the things we need most to know for understanding history and modern world order today - meaning the God that was - is again, and the Word becomes a "Living Word."

Anonymous ID: e97ef7 Dec. 23, 2018, 7:20 p.m. No.4445838   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6504 >>9092


Paul represents (prophesies, or appoints) this revolution of thought in Acts, when he was thrown out of the temple for his unusual interpretations of words and names. He was taking difference with the established religious PC of his time for bringing out the ancient thought BEHIND was was written in the sacred texts, to make it speak in a new paradigm.


Essentially, this is done by tracing terms to root meanings and making more timely connections from those to present world forces and activities that are the same archetypes of personhood or action as those to which the sacred writings originally referred.


This was the same thing again, as making the Word "live" again. But it seems this whole scenario was more prophetic of our time today than it actually was meaningful in that time then. He was prophesying for and to us today. And we can realize this simply by discovering how powerful this technique of interpretation is to us now.


It is done with the old stories of Scripture by recognizing them as allegory for similar stories that take place in the more immediate, or a much more enduring (some across periods of even centuries) or present time. Paul would also refer to this technique as "Epaphrus," which means (in the root) "to superimpose times, places or orders." He also later says this Epaphrus was/is a faithful witness to the church (which then meant the people, not the hierarchy we have these days).


After being thrown out by religious leaders, Paul would go right next door (to a room attached to the church, meaning it was literally, and by extension, figuratively, "on the same grounds, foundation -literature as the church").


There, he would create a whole different church and everything he did following that time would involve those he brought into what he was teaching there and from then on - and this would all be in complete separation from the former religious order.


All of this is happening again today, as there is no way to bring real and valid history or truth into modern churches, at least until it is adequately distilled and represented elsewhere. And anons (aside from filling certain other promise also found in Scripture) are one of several circles of fellowship that are making this happen, either directly or indirectly, today.

Anonymous ID: e97ef7 Dec. 23, 2018, 8:26 p.m. No.4446504   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6756 >>7689 >>1691 >>9092


The list of meaningful messages and new thoughts generated by this new (although also ancient) thought and means of interpretation is based on one thing, mainly - that the forces of nature (which are seven) repeat across time.


Men (of providence) have always been "victims" of the changes that occur between these times (although they have also repeatedly brought us renewal of life). They have manifest across time as different "ages" since the time of Moses. Of these, we are only now in the middle them, at the fourth. But when we adequately learn these "laws" (0 because they pertain to much more than just time) we can instead come to have power over (and with) them. And the full end of that is that we become an eternal creation.


One of the stories of Jacob represented the struggle all his children (which is now the free world, essentially) would endure repeatedly between each such age - when he wrestled with "an angel of God" and won, at the river Jabbok. This is something that would repeat in different ways between each age, in the figurative sense.


The first of these struggles was under Moses when the children of Jacob contended with Pharaoh for their freedom.

The second time was after the Assyrian captivity, when the tribes mostly migrated to Europe in a quest for new freedom and new providence once again.

And the third time was when the Puritans migrated to the New World in search of religious freedom and new providence once more.


The times of each of these concurred remarkably with the "time, times and a half" prophecies, as well as with many other calender measures appearing in Scripture.


Each of these incidents were part of a new "age" of time for the people of Jacob. But the third age is also now past, and the present struggle (which has actually been going on for 20 years now) is again for freedom and new providence. But this time the struggle is more a taking of global authority than it is for just another piece of land.

Anonymous ID: e97ef7 Dec. 25, 2018, 5:50 p.m. No.4468280   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8416 >>9092


Yes, and Noah spent 120 years building the ark.


Ironically, we now have a perfect 120 most recent years that preceded our present "voyage," or movement - during which a massive "construction" of many elements of truth have become fastened together by certain sacred principles and truth. And it will all endure the coming STORM, and prevail afterward.


Similar to how Noah, in his time, took a "remnant" of all life aboard the ark for preservation, and for retaking dominion after the flood, this recent 120 years has also "gathered a remnant" - one of many guardians of truth - that are now set to prevail in the future and to repopulate throughout all the world of common thought hereafter.


There was divine purpose for this. It is mainly because most people cannot handle truth.


To solve that problem, in 1897 (the 120 being from then to 2017) there was a very profound division made in theology, which Jesus referred to as two paths, one being a broad and well-traveled road, and the other being a very difficult and very little known path.


The broad road (which leads to death) is essentially common, commercial theology. It has served the divine purpose of expanding the church and keeping it viable among those who cannot handle truth. But in the end, it would be people that "traveled" the other road of theology (a very little known path that leads to life) that would prevail with the whole truth to make things right for all.


The little known path now has both a political element and a religious element. This board is an example, if not the chief example, of the political aspect. The religious aspect is best described in the same doc that revealed this movement in Scripture (by several key analogies) and goes into detail about this 120 years (on pg 80) as well as a great deal else that pertains to it all. It is found here:

Anonymous ID: e97ef7 Dec. 25, 2018, 6:17 p.m. No.4468523   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8590 >>8649


Since you seem to like the rainbow over you, do you know what it represents in Scripture?


It represents the one most iterated promise of God. It is repeated seven time in Genesis.


It pertains to "seeing" and perceiving the seven colors of light, which represent the seven forces of nature that drive the life of all living things.


That is the main subject of this (above) study.

Anonymous ID: e97ef7 Dec. 25, 2018, 6:46 p.m. No.4468821   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8986 >>9042 >>9413


Yes, and we are of that generation Jesus taught about with the name, son of man.


It is those of the time that comes after the appointed time of man, which was the six days (representing 6000 years) of creation (4004 BC Adam to 1997 AD).


After this, as Ezekiel appoints, are 40 years "for Judah." This movement started exactly half way into this period (as the latest chapter in a bigger 20 story).



The time "for Judah" is when the "spirit of David" comes once again to bear on the politics of the world. And all who fight for truth in such time are of that same spirit, which is that of the Lord.

Anonymous ID: e97ef7 Dec. 25, 2018, 7:26 p.m. No.4469252   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9318 >>9561


If you intended to come here to learn, you would already know the prophet Daniel is one of the most important prophets of our time because he gave us the keys to understanding how the other prophets of Scripture encoded messages that speak specifically to certain times, as well as to our time now.


Chief of these is the image of the king's dream that Daniel interpreted. It pertains to five specific time periods, of which we are now in the fourth.


He also taught of the "time, times and a half" - which is OUR HISTORY that is now past and identifies as the first of the five types in the other key.


Daniel also gave us the key to understanding the exact time of the declaration of the start of each such "age" of time. This was "the going forth of the command to restore and to build Jerusalem." Jerusalem (by it's meaning, which is "stronghold of peace and religious order") has been "built" three times throughout history by our forefathers, and we are now building yet another one "in the sky" (over all else) right now..


These things (and much else that pertains to them) are also explained in the same study, pg 25.

Anonymous ID: e97ef7 Dec. 25, 2018, 7:57 p.m. No.4469541   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9646 >>9908 >>2790



God does what He does through the hearts of the righteous.


If we were false teachers, you would have abandoned this thread a long time ago.


But we are not, so you stay here to make trouble, because you despise seeing TRUTH here.


Thank you however, for helping advertise it.

Anonymous ID: e97ef7 Dec. 25, 2018, 8:34 p.m. No.4469921   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1208 >>9092


>You leave Daniel's prophecies completely out because it does not add up to the dates in time you are pushingโ€ฆ


The prophecies and times Daniel gives us line up EXACTLY with the calendar of Moses and many other Scriptural and post-biblical, historical events. A great many. And they all line up with EXACT prophecies of time that pertain to the present age.


These times are referred to in many parts of the work. One of the best summaries of many of them is in the two pages that start on page 99. ( )


Some six weeks before Q showed up on 4chan, this study appeared there and outlined how Scripture describes the "world authority" he wields - before he even showed up and began deploying it.


This is why this doc (above) has always been the most widely accepted piece of theological literature on this board.


Have you found that part in the study yet? It has been there since the start.

Anonymous ID: e97ef7 Dec. 26, 2018, 12:13 a.m. No.4471681   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1862 >>1901 >>1926 >>1969


There has been no copypasting of any of the text in that doc to these threads.

So your first accusation is a blatant lie anyone here can verify for themselves.


Nothing you said after that matters now, since you have plainly made yourself a liar at the start.


Anons do their own research, they are self-taught and immune to anyone that brings them falseness because of that. And they think for themselves. You cannot change that.


The most fascinating part of the study is about the first tablets. They outline the "law of the spirit" as Moses taught it, which is mentioned elsewhere in Scripture. That is what changes everything. But I see you haven't found that part yet.


As for the Hebrew language, and since you would like to see the text from the document appear here, the pic related (from page 7 - you haven't even gotten that far) explains one of the unique aspects of the work, which is a means of translation that circumvents Hebrew.


The need for circumventing Hebrew is to allow the Author of sacred texts to speak to man directly - because, as all seasoned anons on this board know - the entire Christian world has been led astray and plundered by people who FEIGN AND ASSUME RIGHT OF MASTERY OVER THEM with Hebrew.


But the ancient authors of sacred texts apparently knew this would be the case because they obviously and intentionally used the natural language this document teaches, as well as many other unique messaging systems, to eliminate that problem.


Obviously, this also means anyone that prefers to strive for mastery of Christians and over their theology and thoughts by throwing around Hebrew would find this work extremely offensive - simply because it prevents that, by opening the mind and ear of the reader to God directly.

Anonymous ID: e97ef7 Jan. 3, 2019, 6:15 p.m. No.4587559   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


This is why it's so important to understand the law "of the spirit."


The "same spirit" of those that "prevail with God" (the essential meaning of Israel)

is with and in and defining of those that stand for Truth today.


It has nothing to do with the "idolatry" of some God-forsaken dust-bowl.

Anonymous ID: e97ef7 Jan. 5, 2019, 9:46 p.m. No.4622474   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2482 >>4633 >>5813 >>7002 >>8950

The seven seals of Revelation are keys to unlocking hidden wisdom in the Bible. This was disclosed in detail many years ago and widely known among televangelists, but they feared the globalist implications of it, as it revealed much concerning that.


It also divulged the needs and means of the work of Elijah, which has been taking place ever since, and which points to even deeper revelations of Scripture associated with the long-hidden wisdom of the first tablets of Moses. This is also now found to speak most intimately to the present struggles with globalism and the victory over it we are experiencing today.


The music community also circulated this study internally some years back and began authoring thousands of songs and videos about their thoughts and hopes for it to be more widely known, even long before the public was ready for it.


I will post links to some of the great many videos produced over the years that express support for this work.


This is the study :


A brief synopsis of points of interest :

Anonymous ID: e97ef7 Jan. 5, 2019, 9:47 p.m. No.4622482   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5813 >>7412 >>8950


Here are some of the videos that tell the story since this study first appeared (out of thousands of songs influenced by it), from the religious and political effects to the prevailing of music with it, to more recent states of mind because of it.


Early political weather (in small spaces):


The celebrity perspective:


A religious view:


An Armegeddon-like take:


Another take on the whole story:


Some disappointment with the church:


Search for further revelation


Saviors of the World:

Anonymous ID: e97ef7 Jan. 6, 2019, 5:31 p.m. No.4635813   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5910 >>8950



Here is a partial summary of some of the points of interest to anons in this doc.


* SYNOPSIS * of some 20 points of anon interest, for:


Breaking the Matrix - p133 Ancient view of present society, new creative forces, and future vision.


Paul Goes to Rome - p131 Paul points out the basic architecture of the now-present, alternative, social model substitute for "church."


Four Cavalries of World Authority - p129 An Acts parallel on Trump coming to power with the help of internet anons, social media and alternative news figures and nationalism.


Parable of the Plagues - p125 The Exodus story of the plagues describing truth promotion of the last 20 years, the 2016 election, anons as finger of God, what we see happening now and future vision.


Beasts of Religion - p123 The Daniel 7 view of the religious beasts and globalism in Europe as the ancients expected us to see them now.


Anonymous - p117 A scriptural take on the Anonymous movement and anonymity.


Second Advent of Christ - p114 Roundup of the many biblical views of the second advent (for adults only).


Lost Tribes - p84 Discovery of ancient's reasoning for why the white nations have always been lost.


The Last Noah and the Narrow Path - p81 The 120 yr old, narrow path of "outsider theology" engendered by Protocols subverting commercial doctrine, which created an "ark" of salvation all the while.


Inheritance of Benjamin - p67 The true identity of and reasons for the modern Jewish state, wrongly called "Israel."


Parable of Judah - p62 The motherload deciphering of Genesis 38 explaining the JQ undermining of the West. Several keys to this parable are in the five shorter sections preceding it, from the middle of p58


Ordinances of Heaven - p50 Encrypted indication of physical forces of life as driven by cosmic forces by means comparable to music theory (together with the next section).


Solving the Puzzle - p43 How the second tablets of Moses differed from the first, as based on many other sections before this.


Jerusalem - p36 What this name means and where it is and is not.


Turning the World Upside Down - p32 The kings dream of Daniel as key to metaphysical and time interpretation contexts.


The Third Generation of Israel - p28 Where and who these people are and have been for many centuries.


Esau and Jacob - p24 The relationship of these two as that of Judaism and Christianity throughout time.


Sacred Context - p8 Portrayal of the distinction between how preachers know the Bible and how we now can.


The Seven Objects - p5 Bible as written in object oriented computer programming language.

Anonymous ID: e97ef7 Jan. 6, 2019, 5:36 p.m. No.4635910   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


I see you are not of the common self-taught and inquisitive anon mindset, in your quest for truth.


Here, I posted for you a few of the points in the study that anons find of particular interest.

There are many others, but these may help you understand why it has been so well taken here, from day one of this movement.


Anonymous ID: e97ef7 Jan. 7, 2019, 11:04 a.m. No.4647940   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8293


I have no gnostic forefathers, only Christian.

But with regards to what the patriarchs and the ancient prophets hid

exclusively for us today in their works, neither one is much better than the other.


This study dwells instead though, on how these ancient voices of the Creator "spoke with" the forces of nature.

And what that shows us is how that thinking differs with what we inherited from all forefathers since.

Anonymous ID: e97ef7 Jan. 7, 2019, 11:20 a.m. No.4648202   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8335 >>0971 >>1356


There is reference in Scripture to "Samaria" (the ten lost tribes that became the greater body of Christianity)

following "Baal" (which means, "master") priests for 3 years, until Elijah (end-time men of God) put an end to it.


Following 'masters' is the opposite of actually being a church (which is just the people) where ALL the people learn and teach.

The real practice of this is accomplished more now in an open forum, and among real truth seekers, such as what we have here.


And the 3 years of Elijah's time is symbolic of the three ages that have now just past.

Anonymous ID: e97ef7 Jan. 7, 2019, 11:39 a.m. No.4648511   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8764 >>9575


At least I can discuss things without calling names.


That was Ezekiel laying on the ground.


And Samaria was the capital of the ten northern tribes, that were collectively called

"Israel," as distinct from the two tribes of the southern kingdom, called "Judah."

Anonymous ID: e97ef7 Jan. 7, 2019, 12:02 p.m. No.4648918   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9466


Both sides (white hats and black hats) use SOME of the same symbolism, mainly because it is ancient, timeless and subjective anyway.

Similarly, there is only one knowledge (see Genesis) of both good and evil.


Cornell was a brilliant, well-inspired artist. In this selection, "Black Hole Sun," he combines two different but common concepts and likens them collectively to "coming salvation."


The concept of a black sun is that of a theoretical, invisible, second center to an elliptical path. How this relates to Earth is with regards to it's elliptical path around the sun, but also around another, invisible point in space, the "black sun" (the other center of the ellipse) He is using this concept to elicit the idea of an unknown, but major "hingepoint" of the Earth (which is the "unknown" work of God in it). And he connects this concept with that of a black hole, which is known for drawing all things to itself.


So yeah, this also relates to the second advent going on now, of which we are all pawns in the game.

Anonymous ID: e97ef7 Jan. 7, 2019, 12:23 p.m. No.4649201   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9429 >>9575


Well, I think satanic doctrine is better understood in the general threads than on this one. Here, you find a lot of mis-guided doctrine (mostly without ulterior motive) and folks that are a bit set in their ways. But just the nature of this board at large gives place to some that really check into and consider what others have to say. There are those that want to learn, but they want to do so for themselves, not for somebody else. And they reject bad attitudes right off the bat.

Anonymous ID: e97ef7 Jan. 8, 2019, 4:31 p.m. No.4668950   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9092


>Infinity keeps on showing up. It looks like it has a deeper meaning than the chans.



>It might be related to something OLD as in ancient


>i might be on the right trackโ€ฆโ€ฆ..


I'd say you are. Certainly infinity chan is the obvious implication in that photo, but there is ancient meaning and much greater significance to it than that of any and everything else on this board. It represents eternal life, which man only receives (collectively) when we overcome the grip evil has on our dominant forces of government in the world. The world becomes sustainable then and begins to mature into a different "world."


It just takes getting our history right and realizing how the forces of divine nature have acted on our social development throughout it, to see what the future holds.

That's what these are about.


